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Infinitive constructions (à/de/nothing) in French
A straight-forward worksheet on using the infinitive structures followed by either à / de or nothing.
Explanation and practical tasks included
Perfect for Year 12 and Year 13 revisions

AQA Style -Fill in the gaps - Musique francophone - A-level French
French A-Level Gap fill on Francophone music This resource is suitable for A-Level French students following AQA specification.
It also contains answers for teachers.

Studio 3 Rouge - je ferai du shopping ethique
This lesson focuses on ethical shopping based on Studio 3 Rouge - Module 5.
It includes the simple future as its grammatical aspects with some reading and listening/writing tasks.
It also contains an additional listening task based on an authentic recording on the link between fast fashion and the environment.

AQA Style -Fill in the gaps - Cinema francophone - A-level French
French A-Level Gap fill on Francophone music This resource is suitable for A-Level French students following AQA specification.
It also contains answers for teachers.

A-level French: La musique francophone contemporaine (Conti style)
This resource is to practice vocabulary, grammar and knowledge on the topic of "la musique francophone contemporaine for A-level students.
It has different Conti style activities
It contains:
match up the synonyms
translation from English to French/French into English
transforming nouns to verbs to adjectives/pp
indicative or subjunctive structures
fill in the gaps
listening tasks via Lyrictraining
Research questions

AQA Style -Fill in the gaps - Famille - A-level French
French A-Level Gap fill on Family (PACS) This resource is suitable for A-Level French students following AQA specification.
It also contains answers for teachers.

AQA Style -Find the synonym- Famille - A-level French
French A-Level task on finding the synonym on Family (divorce) This resource is suitable for A-Level French students following AQA specification.
It also contains answers for teachers.

A-level French: Les ados, le droit de vote et l'engagement politique (Conti style)
This resource is to practice vocabulary, grammar and knowledge on the topic of voting for A-level students.
It has different Conti style activities
It contains:
vocabulary match up
matching vocabulary to its definition
synonym match up
true or false
research questions

AQA Style -Find the synonym- Cinema - A-level French
French A-Level task on finding the synonym on cinema This resource is suitable for A-Level French students following AQA specification.
It also contains answers for teachers.

A-level French: Manifesations, grèves - à qui le pouvoir? (Conti style)
This resource is to practice vocabulary, grammar and knowledge on the topic of striking for A-level students.
It has different Conti style activities
It contains:
vocabulary match up
a small fill in the gaps
vocabulary completion
changing words from noun to verb to past participle
translating direct and indirect pronouns
research questions

AQA Style -Fill in the gaps - Le bénévolat - A-level French
French A-Level Gap fill on volunteering. This resource is suitable for A-Level French students following AQA specification.
It also contains answers for teachers.

A-level French- Year 13 Topics revision worksheets
With this bundle you will have access to a variety of worksheets based on the 6 topics of A-level French Year 13 (strikes, crimes, etc)
The worksheets are using the Conti style aspects of working through vocab.
They contain some matching up tasks (synonyms, translations,etc), fill-in the gaps tasks (AQA style), research questions etc

AQA Style -Fill in the gaps - La cybersociété - A-level French
French A-Level Gap fill on cybercrime. This resource is suitable for A-Level French students following AQA specification.
It also contains answers for teachers.

AQA Style -Find the synonym- Bénévolat - A-level French
French A-Level task on finding the synonym on volunteering This resource is suitable for A-Level French students following AQA specification.
It also contains answers for teachers.

AQA Style -Find the synonym- Le Patrimoine - A-level French
French A-Level task on finding the synonym on heritage / patrimoine. This resource is suitable for A-Level French students following AQA specification.
It also contains answers for teachers.

Entre les murs: un espace multiculturel
An A-level French resources for studying “Entre les Murs”. This lesson will help students understand the concept of laicitie, respect and multiculturalism portrayed in the film. It also contains some practice on the subjunctive.

This poster PDF illustrates the British Values with them values in French, Spanish and English. An amazing display to have in your classroom.

Entre les murs-Démocratie
Comment le thème de la démocratie et du vivre ensemble sont exploités dans le film de Laurent Cantet?

Kiffe Kiffe demain - L'amour
This resource provides leading activities and questions on the theme of love and its representation in the novel Kiffe Kiffe Demain as well as an essay question.

Studio 2- La télé
This lesson contains various activities based on the topic of “la télévision” for Studio 2 Rouge. Students will learn the relevant vocabulary and the negative “ne+verb+pas” and “ne+verb+jamais”.
You will have links to online starters and pleanary too.