We are united as Physical Education teachers that our profession is STRONG! We are the place to be in the school to develop our students holistically. We teach to improve our students physical, cognitive and affective domains. WE ARE A BIG DEAL!!!
Physical education encourages physical activity for life, provides an outlet for creativity and self-expression, develops cooperation and teamwork, builds self-confidence, provides opportunities for personal goal-setting, increases personal fitness and motor skill development, helps reduce stress & anxiety, strengthens relationships with others and boosts academic learning!
This poster was developed as a FUN and ATTRACTIVE physical education ENTRY VISUAL that gets straight to the point. This poster was designed in 4 colors to be placed on or above a gym door to let others know (in a fun way) that we are PROUD of who we are and PROUD of what we teach!
PHYSICAL LITERACY can be defined as is the ability to move your body confidently during physical activity, make healthy lifestyle choices and perform a variety of skills at school, home and in the community. The basic foundation of physical literacy suggests that just as learning the alphabet is essential for learning to read, the development of essential movement and sport skills is fundamental for performance in physical activities/games/dance and a catalyst for an active lifestyle at school, at home and in the community .
Physically literate individuals are able to demonstrate their movement vocabulary in a number of diverse environments. The displayed “Movement Environments for Physical Literacy” poster provides a “student friendly” depiction of the 4 main environments that students would likely be physically active in at school, home or in their community. The graphics in the poster are “kid friendly” and help to draw your students’ eyes to the information presented.
This colorful Physical Literacy PE poster serves as a modern visual displaying the process from the Physical Literacy concept in a kid friendly, easy to comprehend printable. The posters come in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily PE lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all PE age groups
This contemporary Word Art poster has been created as an “attention grabber” for your students, teachers, administrators and parents to recognize that your gym is the “place to be”. This PE Word Art poster is titled “Reach New Heights” and it depicts a girl moving in for a “Slam Dunk” with words reinforcing that quality PE brings our students to new levels! The package includes 4 different color backgrounds to match your school or gym.
The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade
This contemporary Word Art poster has been created as an “attention grabber” for your students, teachers, administrators and parents to recognize that your gym is the “place to be”. This PE Word Art poster is titled “Play On” and it depicts a boy and girl starting a game of basketball while exclaiming with passion, that it’s time to PLAY! The package includes 4 different color backgrounds to match your school or gym.
The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade
This contemporary Word Art poster has been created as an “attention grabber” for your students, teachers, administrators and parents to recognize that your gym is the “place to be”. This PE Word Art poster is titled “Hang in There” and it depicts a boy performing a “Flexed Arm Hang” with words reinforcing that, during PE class, you should never give up! The package includes 4 different color backgrounds to match your school or gym.
The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade
This contemporary Word Art poster has been created as an “attention grabber” for your students, teachers, administrators and parents to recognize that your gym is the “place to be”. This PE Word Art poster is titled “Jump for Joy” and it depicts a girl jumping rope with words exclaiming how excited she is to be doing what she loves to do in her PE class! The package includes 4 different color backgrounds to match your school or gym.
The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade
This contemporary Word Art poster has been created as an “attention grabber” for your students, teachers, administrators and parents to recognize that your gym is the “place to be”. This PE Word Art poster is titled “Catch the Fever” and it depicts a boy catching a baseball in his glove while exclaiming with passion, that he has the fever to PLAY BALL! The package includes 4 different color backgrounds to match your school or gym.
The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade
This contemporary Word Art poster has been created as an “attention grabber” for your students, teachers, administrators and parents to recognize that your gym is the “place to be”. This PE Word Art poster is titled “Pull together” and depicts a team of kids pulling a Tug-O-War Rope, showing how they work together for a common goal. The package includes 4 different color backgrounds to match your school or gym.
The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade
This contemporary Word Art poster has been created as an “attention grabber” for your students, teachers, administrators and parents to recognize that your gym is the “place to be”. This PE Word Art poster is titled “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” and it depicts a boy whistling exclaiming how happy he is to be in a “care free moment” during his PE class! The package includes 4 different color backgrounds to match your school or gym.
The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade
This contemporary Word Art poster has been created as an “attention grabber” for your students, teachers, administrators and parents to recognize that your gym is the “place to be”. This PE Word Art poster is titled “Break Dance” and it depicts a boy “break dancing” and exclaiming with passion that it is time to “get down”! The package includes 4 different color backgrounds to match your school or gym.
The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade
0-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 BLASTOFF?
This colorful “COUNTDOWN TO WELLNESS” poster highlights 10 “Positive Daily Actions” that students can take to increase their overall wellness. The poster utilizes a “Countdown/Blastoff” theme to highlight these important, proactive statements that your students will easily relate to. These actions are easy to understand and the animation will help draw your students eyes to the poster. The inspiration and guidance for this visual came from Steven Joyce @yourpeteacher on Twitter, a physical education teacher from Covington, GA. Additional editing input came from Jodi Sims, a PE teacher form Kentucky.
The poster (in 5 colors) displays 10 Wellness Actions with a background blastoff rocket. Each statement also includes a countdown scale and a kid-friendly, eye-catching graphic.
The posters are in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten to 8th Grade
This colorful “Ways to Praise” Poster highlights 12 positive praise statements that teachers and fellow students can use to acknowledge great behavior, skill acquisition, learning and performance. The statements are brief, yet MOTIVATING! The PDF file includes 4 different header colors to match your school’s gym colors.
The posters are in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade
This colorful “Levels, Pathways and Spatial Awareness” poster identifies 3 Levels, 3 Pathways and 4 Spatial Awareness references that are typically used when teaching skills, activities and games during a typical physical education lesson. The poster includes a corresponding, guiding graphic for each reference that will help your students easily relate. The PDF file includes 4 different header colors to match your school’s gym colors.
The posters are in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This colorful Physical Education Homework Poster (Winter Version) was created to “spark” a conversation with students about the vast ways we as physical educators want them to “MOVE THEIR BODIES” at home and in their community. The examples, in the poster, were used to compliment the SHAPE standards and the graphics are fun for students to look at! The PDF file includes 5 different header colors to match your school’s gym colors or your personal style.
The posters are in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade
This colorful Physical Education Poster displays an Olympic-themed, 4 point grading rubric that can be utilized by teachers during student, PE skill and/or concept assessment. It can also be informative for students during PE skill self-assessment and by their classmates through peer-assessment. The inspiration for this poster came from Krista Winn and April Baugh from Facebook (PE Central) posts of a 4 point rubric they use in their classrooms.
The poster (in 4 colors) displays the 3 Olympic medals as motivation to improve PE assessment scores and provides a descriptor statement and graphical icons to help students easily relate to each score point.
The posters are in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through the 8th Grade
This colorful “I Can” High School PE poster identifies 9 important “I CAN” statements that directly relate to the Shape America; Standard 5, Recognizing the Importance of Physical Activity, National Standards. These statements allow High School Students to directly and personally “connect” with the standard-based outcomes we want them to learn during our daily PE lessons. The statements are brief but POWERFUL! The PDF file includes 6 different header and footer colors to match your gym or classroom.
The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from 9th through 12th Grade
This colorful “I Can” High School PE poster identifies 9 important “I CAN” statements that directly relate to the Shape America; Standard 4, Personal and Social Behavior National Standards. These statements allow students to personally “connect” with the standard-based outcomes we want them to learn during our daily PE lessons. The statements are brief but POWERFUL! The PDF file includes 6 different header and footer colors to match your school colors.
The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from 9th through 12th Grade
This colorful “I Can” High School PE poster identifies 9 important “I CAN” statements that directly relate to the Shape America; Standard 2, Movement Concepts and Strategies, National Standards. These statements allow high school students to personally “connect” with the standard-based outcomes we want them to learn during our daily PE lessons. The statements are brief but POWERFUL! The PDF file includes 6 different header and footer colors to match your school colors.
The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from 9th through 12th Grade
Have you ever needed a “visual” to help reinforce your instruction on how to play Rock-Paper-Scissors? RPS is a great decision making game of wits, speed, dexterity and strategy for students to use to decide small disputes or to settle ties/draws. It is also a FUN game to use for fitness-based games in the gym and activities in the classroom. It also works as a great tool for giving students problem solving skills without repeated, direct teacher intervention.
The poster (in 5 colors) displays the 1. Elements, 2. Throws, and Methods for Winning Rock-Paper-Scissors. The animated pictures serve as a kid-friendly visual that students can easily relate to. The images are clearly labeled and subheadings help differentiate the poster categories.
The posters are in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or classroom for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kin. through the 10th Grade
This contemporary Word Art poster has been created as an “attention grabber” for your students, teachers, administrators and parents to recognize that your gym is the “place to be”. This PE Word Art poster is titled “Breathe and Relax” and it depicts a girl performing a YOGA pose while stating the need to be calm and unwind. The package includes 4 different color backgrounds to match your school or gym.
The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons.
This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade