Scaffolded interactive worksheet that provides positive feedback as students answer questions successfully.
Saved in web page .html format with alternative link for compatibility / shareability.
Interactive downloadable web page. Buttons allow students to check their own progress. A good starter before moving on to multiplication using the grid method.
Saved in web page .html format with alternative link for compatibility / shareability.
Interactive worksheet allowing students to practise division of integers. Colour-coded scaffolding gives students feedback / guidance on progress as they work.
Saved in web page .html format with alternative link for compatibility / shareability.
Interactive worksheet containing unlimited questions for student to practise grid method multiplication and self-assess.
Saved in web page .html format with alternative link for compatibility / shareability.
Interactive worksheet with unlimited questions. Button for checking answers / self assessment.
Single digit multiplication is an important first step when learning multiplication using the grid method.
Saved in web page .html format with alternative link for compatibility / shareability.