Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.
Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.
Multiple Regression Model Building is a lecture which is covered within the Statistic or Basic Business Statistic module by business and economics students.
This lecture discusses multiple regression models with two independent variables. Moreover, this lecture considers regression models that contain more than two independent variables. Also lecture discusses model-building concepts that will help to develop the best model when confronted with a set of data that has many independent variables, such as the data to be collected at WSTA-TV. These concepts include quadratic independent variables, transformations of the dependent or independent variables, stepwise regression, and best-subsets regression.
Learning objectives:
To use quadratic terms in a regression model
To use transformed variables in a regression model
To measure the correlation among the independent variables
To build a regression model using either the stepwise or best-subsets approach
To avoid the pitfalls involved in developing a multiple regression model
In this lecture we discussed:
The quadratic regression model
Using transformations in regression models
- The multiplicative model
- The exponential model
Model building
- Stepwise regression
- Best subsets
The pitfalls & ethical considerations in multiple regression
In this File you will find:
Multiple Regression Model Building Lecture Power Point Presentation
Test Bank for Multiple Regression Model Building with 96 Questions with all answers to them
39 Exercises for Multiple Regression Model Building seminar or lecture
Plus reading resource on Multiple Regression Model Building in order to enhance you overall knowledge about the topic.
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All resources are compressed in zip file.
You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing: One-Sample Tests is a lecture which is covered within the Statistic or Basic Business Statistic module by business and economics students.
In this lecture, you will learn several applications of hypothesis testing. You will learn how to make inferences about a population parameter by analyzing differences between the results observed, the sample statistic, and many more.
Learning objectives:
The basic principles of hypothesis testing
How to use hypothesis testing to test a mean or proportion
The assumptions of each hypothesis-testing procedure, how to evaluate them, and the consequences if they are seriously violated
Pitfalls & ethical issues involved in hypothesis testing
How to avoid the pitfalls involved in hypothesis testing
In this File you will find:
Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing: One-Sample Tests Lecture Power Point Presentation
Test Bank for Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing: One-Sample Tests with 181 Questions with answers
78 Exercises for Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing: One-Sample Tests
Plus reading resource on Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing: One-Sample Tests in order to enhance you overall knowledge about the topic.
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All resources are compressed in zip file.
Creating and Managing Teams is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department.
Few trends have influenced how work gets done in organizations as much as the use of work teams. Organizations are increasingly structuring work around teams rather than individuals. Managers need to understand what influences team performance and satisfaction. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture.
Learning Objectives of this lecture are:
Define groups and the stages of group development.
Describe the major components that determine group performance and satisfaction.
Define teams and describe best practices influencing team performance.
• Know how to maximize outcomes through effective negotiating.
• Develop your skill at coaching team members.
Discuss contemporary issues in managing teams.
In this file you will find:
Creating and Managing Teams Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Lecture Note Guide
1 Test Bank with 130 different questions with full answer description and explanation
8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
4 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them
1 Interesting Case Study with all answers to case study questions
1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 Folder with relevant useful pictures
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All resources are compressed in Zip File.
Collaboration and Business Etiquette is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module.
This lecture continues the exploration of interpersonal communication with discussions of teamwork, virtual teams, collaborative communication, meetings, and business etiquette.
Learning Objectives:
List the advantages and disadvantages of working in teams, describe the characteristics of effective teams, explain how teams evolve, and offer advice on working in virtual teams.
Offer guidelines for collaborative communication, identify major collaboration technologies, and explain how to give constructive feedback.
List the key steps needed to ensure productive team meetings.
Explain the importance of business etiquette, and identify five areas in which good etiquette is essential.
In this file you will find:
1 Collaboration and Business Etiquette Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation
1 Folder with relevant pictures
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Layout and Flow is one of the topic which is covered during Operations Management lectures and seminars in order to enhance students knowledge.
Key Covered Questions:
- What is layout?
- What are the basic layout types used in operations?
- What type of layout should an operation choose?
These are following learning outcomes in which you will be able:
- to understand the layout.
- to understand basic layout types.
- to understand types of layout chosen by the operation.
In this File you will find:
- 1 Layout and Flow Lecture Power Point Presentation
- 1 Seminar Plan
- 2 Seminar Exercises
- 3 Case Studies
All covered materials are taught for bachelor level students Level 5.
Please write your comments once you purchase this lesson in order to have some suggestions for further improvements of teaching materials.
Reward Management and Strategies is one of the topic which is covered during Human Resource Management Module lectures and seminars in order to enhance students’ knowledge.
Key Covered Questions:
1.Why do we need Reward Management?
2.The Reward System and Total Reward
3.Legal Issues in Rewarding employees
4.Reward Policies
5.Equity theory and Exchange Scenarios
6.Agency Theory
7.Tournament Theory
In this File you will find:
1 Reward Management and Strategies Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Seminar Plan with 6 different activities
4 Case Studies
4 Reading files for Lecturer
All covered materials are taught for bachelor level students Level 5.
Please write your comments once you purchase this lesson in order to have some suggestions for further improvements of teaching materials.
Unconstrained Optimization is one of the topic which is covered during Mathematics lectures and seminars in order to enhance students knowledge.
During this Lecture and Seminar we are covering following subtopics (Agenda):
•Intervals of increase and decrease
•Concavity and convexity
•Critical and stationary points
•Optimization of economic functions
In this File you will find:
- 1 Unconstrained Optimization Lecture Power Point Presentation 28 Slides
- 1 Seminar Plan
- 19 Seminar Activities with full answer list for students
All covered materials are taught for bachelor level students Level 3.
Please write your comments once you purchase this lesson in order to have some suggestions for further improvements of teaching materials.
Univariable Functions is a topic which is covered during Mathematics Module.
Agenda of Lecture:
- Modeling
- Sets
- Properties of univariable functions
- Applications of univariable functions
In this File you will find:
- 1 Univariable Functions Lecture Power Point Presentation
- 1 Univariable Functions Seminar plan
- 23 Activities/Exercise on Univariable Functions with full answers for those exercises
All teaching materials are used for Bachelor Level Students.
Copyrights in Information Age is a lecture which is covered during Internet Law Module.
This lecture is covered with bachelor level 5 student!
In this file you will find:
1 Copyrights in Information Age Lecture Power point presentation (77 slides)
Lecture Outline:
• Subsistence of intellectual property rights
• Concepts of Copyrights and related rights
• International law framework of Copyrights
• Legal practice for the intellectual property law in internet
• Protection of intellectual property objects in internet
4 Interesting Case Studies for Seminar/Tutorial
1 File with recommended reading materials
All materials are prepared by professional Law Lecturer and covered during Internet Law Module with level 5 bachelor degree students!
Digital Regulation - Internet Law Whole Lesson
Information Society and Value of Networks - Internet Law Whole Lesson
Electronic Contracting is a lecture which is covered during Internet Law Module.
This lecture is covered with bachelor level 5 student!
In this file you will find:
1 Electronic Contracting - Internet Law Lecture Power Point Presentation
7 Interesting Case Studies for Seminar/Tutorial
3 Interesting Video Clips for Lecture/Seminar
1 File with recommended reading materials
All materials are prepared by professional Law Lecturer and covered during Internet Law Module with level 5 bachelor degree students!
You may also like:
Domain Names and Trademarks - Internet Law Whole Lesson
Copyrights in Information Age - Internet Law Whole Lesson
Digital Regulation - Internet Law Whole Lesson
Information Society and Value of Networks - Internet Law Whole Lesson
Digital Regulation is a lecture which is covered during Internet Law Module.
This lecture is covered with bachelor level 5 student!
In this file you will find:
1 Digital Regulation - Internet Law Lecture Power point presentation (12 slides)
Lecture Outline
Regulabilityof digital environment and challenges of regulation of cyberspace
Concepts of internet regulation and scholarly positions
Network communitarianism
Private regulators in cyberspace
National and supranational regulation
5 Interesting Case Studies for Seminar/Tutorial
1 File with recommended reading materials
All materials are prepared by professional Law Lecturer and covered during Internet Law Module with level 5 bachelor degree students!
You may also like Information Society and Value of Networks - Internet Law Lecture
Social Networking and Antisocial Conduct is a lecture which is covered during Internet Law Module.
This lecture is covered with bachelor level 5 student!
In this file you will find:
1 Social Networking and Antisocial Conduct - Internet Law Lecture Power Point Presentation
Lecture Outline:
The nature of legal definition of defamation
Specific ways in which the Internet provider provides a forum for defamation rules to the Internet
The differing approaches to defamation claims adopted by the United Kingdom and the United States
The problems relating to successfully prosecuting such a claim and analysis of current levels of damages available
The potential liability of ISP and other intermediaries.
8 Interesting Case Studies for Seminar/Tutorial
1 File with recommended reading materials
All materials are prepared by professional Law Lecturer and covered during Internet Law Module with level 5 bachelor degree students!
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Internet Defamation - Internet Law
Data Protection - Internet Law
Electronic Contracting - Internet Law
Domain Names and Trademarks - Internet Law
Copyrights in Information Age - Internet Law
Digital Regulation - Internet Law
Human Resource Management Audit is one of the topic which is covered during Human Resource Management Module lectures and seminars in order to enhance students’ knowledge.
Key Covered Questions:
1.Development of HRM. Why to manage Human Resources?
2.Functions included in HRM process
3.Horizontal and Vertical Fit of HRM
4.Contemporary issues in people management
5.The role of HR in Company’s strategy
6.HR Audit Cycle
7.HR Audit’s importance
8.What should you be concerned about?
In this File you will find:
1 Human Resource Management Audit Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Seminar Plan
1 Seminar Exercises
1 Case Study
2 related Video clips
2 files for reading
All covered materials are taught for bachelor level students Level 5.
Please write your comments once you purchase this lesson in order to have some suggestions for further improvements of teaching materials.
Michael Porter’s Diamond Model is a model which we covering during different strategic modules. This model is covered in International Marketing module with level 5 and 6 students. This model helps us to explain why some industries/companies in specific nations have competitive advantage, while others don`t.
In this file you will find:
1 Porter’s Diamond Model Power Point presentation with all explanations and examples
2 different files with deep explanation of model with examples, for teacher as well as student reading
Developing and Delivering Business Presentations is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module.
This lecture shows students how to adapt the three-step process to business presentations. It includes sections on creating effective visuals and handouts, overcoming anxiety, handling questions, embracing the backchannel, giving presentations online, and giving team presentations.
Learning Objectives:
Highlight the importance of presentations in your business career, and explain how to adapt the planning step of the three-step process to presentations.
Describe the tasks involved in developing a presentation.
Describe the six major design and writing tasks required to enhance your presentation with effective visuals.
Outline four major tasks involved in completing a presentation.
Describe four important aspects of delivering a presentation in today’s social media environment.
In this file you will find:
1 Developing and Delivering Business Presentations Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation
1 Folder with relevant pictures
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Evaluation and Selection of Countries for Operations is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students.
The country evaluation and selection process determines the geographical opportunities firms choose to pursue. This lecture first discusses the challenges of marketing and production site location. It goes on to carefully examine the process by describing the choice and weighting of variables used for opportunity and risk analysis as well as the inherent problems associated with data collection and analysis. The lecture then introduces the use of grids and matrices for country comparison purposes, discusses resource allocation possibilities, and concludes by noting the different factors considered as part of start-up, acquisition, and expansion decisions.
Lecture Learning Objectives:
• Grasp company strategies for sequencing the penetration of countries
• See how scanning techniques can help managers both limit geographic alternatives and consider otherwise overlooked areas
• Discern the major opportunity and risk variables a company should consider when deciding whether and where to expand abroad
• Know the methods and problems when collecting and comparing international information
• Understand some simplifying tools for helping to decide where to operate
• Consider how companies allocate emphasis among the countries where they operate
• Comprehend why location decisions do not necessarily compare different countries’ possibilities
• Fathom the conditions that may cause prime business locations to change in the future.
In this file you will find:
1 Evaluation and Selection of Countries for Operations Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations
4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar
6 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 folder with useful pictures
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International Human Resource Management is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students.
Firms the world over agree on the importance of qualified personnel to achieve their foreign growth and operational objectives. Lecture broadly deals with two primary human resource concerns. The management discussion begins with an overview of specific international management qualifications and characteristics; it then explores the advantages of transferring and promoting home country vs. expatriate vs. third-country managers, plus the associated issues of compensation and repatriation. The lecture concludes with an exploration of international labor concerns, including comparative labor relations issues and the role of the MNE in the collective bargaining process.
Lecture Learning Objectives:
• Discuss the importance of human resource management
• Explain the types of expatriates
• Profile the staffing frameworks used by MNEs
• Assess how MNEs select, prepare, compensate, and retain managers
In this file you will find:
International Human Resource Management Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations
5 Interesting Exercises for Seminar
7 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 folder with useful pictures
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Numerical Descriptive Measures is a lecture which is covered within the Statistic or Basic Business Statistic module by business and economics students.
Central tendency is the extent to which the values of a numerical variable group around a typical, or central, value. Variation measures the amount of dispersion, or scattering, away from a central value that the values of a numerical variable show. The shape of a variable is the pattern of the distribution of values from the lowest value to the highest value.
This lecture discusses ways you can compute these numerical descriptive measures as you begin to analyze your data within the DCOVA framework. The lecture also talks about the covariance and the coefficient of correlation, measures that can help show the strength of the association between two numerical variables.
In this lecture you learn to:
To describe the properties of central tendency, variation, and shape in numerical data
To construct and interpret a boxplot
To compute descriptive summary measures for a population
To calculate the covariance and the coefficient of correlation
In this file you will find:
Numerical Descriptive Measures Lecture Power Point Presentation
Test Bank with 168 different related questions with full answer description and explanation
80 Exercises related to the topic with all answers to them
Defining and Collecting Data Reading Resources file in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
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All resources are compressed in zip file.
You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Planning Reports and Proposals is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module.
This lecture investigates the tasks involved in planning longer documents. In this lecture, we also include coverage of conducting the research that is often needed for reports and presentations. Because conventional website content often functions like an informational report, we address the planning stage of website development in this lecture as well.
Learning Objectives:
Adapt the three-step writing process to reports and proposals.
Describe an effective process for conducting business research, explain how to evaluate the credibility of an information source, and identify the five ways to use research results.
Explain the role of secondary research, and describe the two major categories of online research tools.
Explain the role of primary research, and identify the two most common forms of primary research for business communication purposes.
Explain how to plan informational reports and website content.
Identify the three most common ways to organize analytical reports.
Explain how to plan proposals.
In this file you will find:
1 Planning Reports and Proposals Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation
1 Folder with relevant pictures
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Modes of Trading Internationally is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students.
This lecture is devoted to an examination of export and import strategies. Next, the roles of a wide variety of third-party intermediaries are discussed. The lecture concludes with a discussion of the major issues related to export financing, including the use of countertrade as a form of payment mechanism.
Lecture Learning Objectives:
• Explain the idea of exporting and profile its elements
• Explain the idea of importing and profile its elements
• Describe the problems and pitfalls that challenge international traders
• Describe the resources and assistance that helps international traders
• Define the idea of an export plan
• Discuss the practice of countertrade
In this file you will find:
1 Modes of Trading Internationally Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations
4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar
7 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
2 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 folder with useful pictures
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You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH