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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Sociology : Origin, meaning and  Development

Sociology : Origin, meaning and Development

The resource is made for AS/AL Sociology. It explains the origins and development of Sociology. It shows the growth, nature of the subject as an academic discipline and it development over the centuries.It explains the roles and the founding fathers of the subject and its importance as an area of study.
George Herbert Mead's social self theory

George Herbert Mead's social self theory

This resource is prepared social self theory, proposed by George Herbert Mead, argues that an individual’s perceptions of self derive from interactions with others. It explains the view of Mead on I and me…the role of play, game and language in self development and perceptions.
Stratification: Open and Close Society

Stratification: Open and Close Society

This resource is prepared for IGCSE Sociology on : Sociological Perspective. It explains the meaning of open and close society.It shows the differences in the two concepts and it features.
Theories of Mass   Media: the four different theories used in mass media

Theories of Mass Media: the four different theories used in mass media

This resource is Prepared for Sociology IGCSE and AS, on mass media .It explains the four different theories used in mass media Factors that influence gate keeping theory Explains Receptiveness and Alertness Factors that influence gate keeping.It looks at other issues in mass media,such as Mass Media and the evolution of technology.
Moral Panic in  Mass Media

Moral Panic in Mass Media

The resource explains Moral Panic in mass media It shows the meaning examples of moral panic and why mass media create moral panic.The resource explains Stanley Cohen Moral Panic and Folk Devil concepts.The resource explains Hypodermic Syringe theory of media and how it creates panic.
Theory and Methods: Issues and debates in Sociological research.

Theory and Methods: Issues and debates in Sociological research.

The research explains debates in sociology, a key one being that between positivist and interpretivist theorists, it explains mixed research methods and qualitative, quantitative, interpretative, positivism. it explains data, secondary research , primary research collecting and analysing sociological data. Prepared for IGCSE ,AS and A/Level Sociology.
Modernization as Development Theory for economic Growth

Modernization as Development Theory for economic Growth

The resource is prepared for AS and A2 Sociology on Modernization Theory.It explains the Role of UN Agencies such as IMF and World Banks as agents of development, using modernization and Neo-liberal theories. The resource shows the post WW 2 O and the new economic order and capitalism as wester ideas and how it can help the developing nation to achieve economic growth.
Understanding the Concept in Kingship

Understanding the Concept in Kingship

This resource is made for sociology AS and A/Level . it explains concepts in kingship such as matrifocal and patrifocal decent/ residences., and neo-lineal classifications, some other crucial phenomena are also explored under the institution of marriage such as dowry, divorce  and rules of  endogamy  and exogamy  in marriage are explain in this resource. polygny and polyandry etc are explained.
Functionalist Perspective on Education

Functionalist Perspective on Education

The resource explains the functionalist, interactionist and Marxist perspectives on education.It explains the manifest and latent functions of education and other functions of education.Prepared for AS / A/Level Sociology
Mahatma Gandhi , his non violence campaign and the independence of India

Mahatma Gandhi , his non violence campaign and the independence of India

This resource explains how Gandhi achieved the Independence of India , using non-violence campaign. The resource shows how he secured the independence of India through his non- violent resistance. The resource shows his effort and strategies he used from his earliest periods and his political participation in India. It covers his philosophy, morality and views on religion and how it shaped his personality and self rule.
Social Inequality  Meaning , Types  and Causes of Inequality

Social Inequality Meaning , Types and Causes of Inequality

The resource is prepared for Sociology Year 10 and 11. The resource explains the meaning of inequality. It demonstrate that their three types of Social Inequality. It uses examples to show how inequality affects society.The lesson explains different theories used in explaining inequality.