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All About The Number Worksheet (blank, 11-99)
This all about the number worksheet (suitable for numbers 11 to 99) gives children the space to read and write the number, decide whether it is odd or even, find the number on the hundreds square, find one less/more and ten less/more, find what two numbers add together to make the whole, colour in the base ten to show the number, identify how many tens and ones and write it in the extended form.

All About The Number Worksheets (1-10)
These all about the number worksheets (for numbers 1 to 10) give children the space to read and write the number, decide whether it is odd or even, find one less and one more, colour that amount of stars, find the number on a number line and hundreds square, draw dots on a tens frame and find two numbers that add together to make the whole.

All About The Number Worksheet (blank, suitable for numbers up to 10)
This all about the number worksheet gives children the opportunity to read and write the number, decide whether it is odd or even, find one less and one more, colour that amount of stars, find the number on a number line and hundreds square, put dots onto a tens frame and see what two numbers added together makes the whole.

Inside Out Feelings Scale
This Inside Out Feelings Scale displays 4 zones of emotions (green, blue, yellow and red) and different activities and strategies children could try to help them to feel better.

5-4-3-2-1 Senses Grounding Tool Worksheet (Writing/Drawing)
This 5-4-3-2-1 Senses Grounding Tool Worksheet gives children the space to write or draw 5 things they can see, 4 things they can touch, 3 things they can hear, 2 things they can smell and 1 thing they can taste in the environment as a way to help bring the child back to the present moment and bring a level of calmness.

Breathing Exercises Poster
This breathing exercises poster gives children different examples of ways they can control and slow their breathing down when they are feeling angry, worried or upset.

Calming Tools Poster
This calming tools poster outlines different strategies and activities children could do when their emotions are heightened. Examples of strategies include breathing activites, muscle relaxation and sensory tools.

‘How are you feeling?’ Inside Out Worksheet
This worksheet gives children the space to communicate their feelings to the adults around them. The worksheet links to the Disney movie Inside Out by including their characters as emotions the children might be feeling. There is space on the worksheet for the children to explain why they are feeling a certain way and an optional tick box to indicate whether they want to discuss this further with an adult.

Emoji Feelings Chart
This emoji feelings chart is great for helping children to recognise how they are feeling by indicating an emoji which best represents their emotions and then giving it a label.