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KS3 French - Daily routine and time (sentence builder and consolidation)
A sentence builder to present and drill in the target material through listening and translation as well as a consolidation sheet.
KS4 French - Pool of resources on negatives with lesson plan
Pool of resources on the teaching of negatives in French
Lesson plan can be found here : https://gianfrancoconti.wordpress.com/2016/10/06/based-on-mars-a-sample-instructional-sequence-on-the-french-negatives/
KS4 Spanish - GCSE quickie on adjectives (appearance and personality)
A word builder with word lists and exercises
KS3/4 French - Talking about movies (sentence builder, oral task, translation and narrow reading )
A sentence builder, narrow reading texts on talking about movies, oral drills and a translation task that refers to the material in the sentence builder
KS3 French - Writing mats across three tenses
Writing mats I use to scaffold talking through three tenses with my year 8s
KS3/4 Spanish -Narrow reading,sentence builder, translation and oral task on describing house
Narrow reading with comprehension task, translation and sentence builder, all recycling the same vocabulary
GCSE Spanish revision quickie with SOLUTION (2017) - The Environment
A revision quickie on key language on the environment
KS4 Spanish - Gap-fill on and Vocab builder on new technologies
1. A vocab builder
2. Cloze task : a set of key questions on new technologies (below) and a range of model answers which have been gapped.
¿Crees que las nuevas tecnologías han cambiado el mundo laboral?
¿Cómo ha cambiado la forma de la que comunicas con tus amigos en los últimos años?
¿Cuál es tu modo de comunicación preferido?
¿Crees que pasas demasiado tiempo con el móvil?
¿Podrías vivir sin tu móvil?
¿Cuáles son las ventajas principales de Internet?
¿Cuáles son las desventajas principales de Internet?
2017 KS3 French resources - Food (lstening, speaking, reading and translation)
New pool of resources on food, twelve to be exact
GCSE FRENCH REVISION - Narrow reading on school with pre-reading activity
Five texts recycling key vocabulary + comprehension questions. I use them for listening comprehension, too
Pre-reading activity drumming in vocabulary in narrow reading texts is also included.
KS3 French - Daily routine (pool of resources)
Pool of resources on daily routine
French Holidays - Why I had / didn't have fun (sentence builders and vocab builders)
Aimed at pre-intermediate to Intermediate students
KS3 French - What I like / don't like doing + opinions
A sentence builder with consolidation activities
A find somene who with cards game a la Conti
French beginners - Partitive article and food (sentence builder)
A sentence builder for use with beginners modelling the use of the partitive article with food and drinks.
Two chunk-based vocabulary builders consolidating the material in the sentence builder
GCSE FRENCH - Environmental issues (sentence builder + consolidation)
GCSE FRENCH - Environmntal issues (sentence builder + consolidation)
KS3/KS4 French - Talking about holiday in the past
Sentence builder + vocab building + Pyramid Translation + No Snakes no ladders on talking about holidays and travel
3 NEW GCSE revision quickies (2017) with solution - THE ENVIRONMENT
3 Vocab consolidation sheets designed for homework, cover or independent study with solution sheets (on separate file)
KS3 French - Futur simple (regular verbs)
Two sides of old school drills
French KS3 beginner - Narrow reading on personal information
Ideal for the beginning of a new academic year as it recycles basic info whilst modelling new language within a comprehensible-input environment.
Tags: personal data (age, birthday, siblings, pets. etc.), basic hobbies, basic opinions.