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KS3 French - Oral ping-pong translation: tv programmes and frequency in the present tense

KS3 French - Oral ping-pong translation: tv programmes and frequency in the present tense

INSTRUCTIONS - The students work in pairs. They have a sheet with two sets of English sentences to translate into French, but Partner A has the French translation of first set, whereas Partner B has the translation of second set. It is called 'Oral ping-pong translation' because they do it orally, Partner A challenging Partner B with a sentence and showing the correct answer to provide them with feedback and to award points (3 for perfect sentence, 2 for one mistake only, 1 if there are mistakes but at least the verb is correctly formed). I give them a time limit (10 minutes); when the time is up the person with the higher score wins. Best to have people of similar ability in each pair. As a follow-up, students to make a note of the most serious mistakes they made in their books so that I have an idea of what their problem areas are. Differentiation opportunities are obvious: different sets of sheets for groups of different ability
KS3-4 French : Narrow reading texts and tasks on pollution

KS3-4 French : Narrow reading texts and tasks on pollution

A set of six narrow reading texts and relative tasks on the theme of pollution. This resource would be used at the beginning of an instructional sequence on talking about issues in one’s town/region. Lots of recycling of the same key patterns. Ideal for homework, cover work but can also be used for consolidation, as a pre-listening activity or before engaging the students in a basic writing task