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GCSE ICT Course Booklet ABC of ICT - For US market

GCSE ICT Course Booklet ABC of ICT - For US market

This course booklet contains all of the: - worksheets - chunking/terminology activities for each lesson - homeworks - associated mind map and revision activities - revision activities - literacy activities - differentiated word searches and crosswords I issue each student that I teach with this booklet and we work through it with the associated PowerPoints (these can be supplied upon requested but they have been put together with the assistance of my colleague, so I will not be putting them on for sale). The booklet starts with a specification checklist and a PLC activity for each unit of work. Each lesson starts with the associated chunking/terminology and then features lesson content and an associated home task (past paper of exam-style questions). I work through these one lesson at a time and test the terminology/chunking knowledge in the next lesson (usually a practical or CAB lesson). At the completion of each teaching block, student create their own mind map. At the end of the course are some revision activities and high quality mind maps. This is the complete document for teaching the Edexcel GCSE ICT theory components. This document last my classes for two years.
BBC Micro:bit (Microbit) lessons

BBC Micro:bit (Microbit) lessons

I have been using these lessons challenges with a series of groups and they appear to have been really well received. Like many professionals, I have been trying to get to grips with the Micro:bit and find resources or lessons for my students to have a go at. There are loads around and this is a collection of progressive tasks that I think have been put together in a really coherent way for the teenage mind. Each one is a video tutorial which will guide your students through each step and provide them with the theory behind each decision made in the program. I would love to know your thoughts and I will add more, as and when they arrive. I have used this resource over three lessons... a great filler once the students get to grips with it. This also now includes a Python activity as well as Block Editor challenges. in terms of assessment and monitoring progress... I have been keeping a very simple spreadsheet and inputting when the student has been to show me their finished task - this means that I can open a dialogue with the student and find out what they found easy/difficult with the task, as well as being able to redirect them onto another task or target misconceptions.