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Year 5 science Properties and changes of materials - powerpoints, worksheets and planning
A set of resources for the new science curriculum. It contains:
1a. INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC - LO: To find out what the children already know about materials.
WORKSHEET: A sheet for the children to record what they already know and what they would like to find out about materials.
1b. MATERIAL PROPERTIES - LO: To compare and group everyday materials together
POWERPOINT: A look at 12 different properties of materials, with examples of the materials with those properties. It can also be printed out for display.
WORKSHEET 1: Material properties worksheet
2. DISSOLVING - LO: To know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution
POWERPOINT: Explains the meaning of dissolve and gives examples of different materials that can be dissolved.
3. SEPARATING A MIXTURE - LO: To use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated.
POWERPOINT: Looks at different mixtures and how they can be separated, including sieving, filtering and evaporating.
4. USES OF EVERYDAY MATERIALS - LO: give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials
POWERPOINT: Asks the children to study objects to see what properties different materials have. Asks questions about which properties and materials would be best for making certain objects.
5 & 6. REVERSIBLE AND IRREVERSIBLE OBJECTS - LO: look at dissolving, mixing and changes of state, and reversible and irreversible changes.
POWERPOINT: Explains the meaning of reversible and irreversible changes, giving examples of each. Ends with a quiz where the children have to decide what changes have taken place to certain materials.
7. MATERIALS QUIZ: Recap of all the learning objectives.
WORKSHEET : Sheet for recording quiz answers
WORKSHEET : Sheet for recording what they have learnt
A-Z lettering, with a picture background
A4 Properties and changes of materials title
Materials banner/lettering to cut out
Materials topic booklet front cover - with space for children to draw their own design.
Vocabulary PowerPoint - can be used as a show and printed out for display.
Photo cards - 12 objects made from different materials
Investigation and recording sheets - A folder of blank tables, graphs and planning and recording sheets
Year 5 Materials medium term planning: An outline of the activities and learning objectives with websites and ideas. It can be added to and amended for your own use.
Year 3 science - Animals including humans worksheets, powerpoints, planning and display
A set of resources looking at how animals need the right types and amount of nutrition; and how humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
Year 5 science - Forces - powerpoints, worksheets, planning & investigation sheets
A set of resources for the new science curriculum, looking at different aspects of forces such as air resistance, water resistance, friction, gravity and mechanisms. It contains:
1. INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC - LO: To find out what the children already know about forces
POWERPOINT: A recap of previous learning from Year 3.
WORKSHEET: A sheet for the children to record what they already know about forces.
2. FALLING TO EARTH - LO: Explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object
POWERPOINT: A look at gravity and explanations of weight, newtons, and how forces can balance objects to keep them from falling.
WORKSHEET 1: Force meter recording sheet
WORKSHEET 2: Falling objects and gravity recording sheet
3. FRICTION - LO: Identify the effects of friction that act between moving surfaces
POWERPOINT: Explains what friction is, when it happens and how useful it can be in daily life.
WORKSHEET: Friction recording sheet
4. WATER RESISTANCE - LO: Identify the effects of water resistance that act between moving surfaces
POWERPOINT: Explains what water resistance is and what effects it can have. Looks at different shapes and how high or low the water resistance would be for each.
WORKSHEET: Water resistance recording sheet
5. AIR RESISTANCE - LO: Identify the effects of air resistance that act between moving surfaces
POWERPOINT: Explains air resistance and how it can slow different objects down. Looks at ways in which it can be useful and situations where it is important.
WORKSHEET 1: Air resistance activity
WORKSHEET 2: Weight in water and air recording sheet
6. LEVERS, PULLEYS AND GEARS - LO: Recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.
POWERPOINT: Looks at and explains each mechanism in turn, giving examples of each and how forces are altered by them.
POWERPOINT 1: A recap of all the learning covered in the topic
WORKSHEET 1: Sheet for recording what they have learnt
WORKSHEET 2: A quiz answer sheet, can be used for assessment.
A-Z lettering, with a picture background
A4 Forces title
Forces topic booklet front cover - with space for children to draw their own forces design.
Vocabulary powerpoint - can be used as a show and printed out for display.
Writing sheet
Investigation and recording sheets - A folder of blank tables, graphs and planning and recording sheets
Year 5 Forces medium term planning: An outline of the activities and learning objectives with websites and ideas. It can be added to and amended for your own use
Year 5 Science Earth and Space - powerpoints, worksheets, activities and display pack
A pack of resources following the new curriculum objectives.
1. INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC - LO:To find out what the children already know about Earth and Space.
Powerpoint: questions about the Earth, Moon, Planets and Sun.
Worksheet: for the children to write down what they know and what they would like to find out.
2. SPHERICAL OR FLAT - LO: Describe the Sun, Earth, and Moon as approximately spherical bodies.
Powerpoint: Introduces what people thought about the Earth a long time ago, and whether it is flat or spherical.
Worksheet: The children have to argue for or against the Earth being spherical.
3. THE EARTH AND SUN - LO: Use the idea of the Earth's rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement across the sky.
Powerpoint: looks closely at the Earth and Sun and explains the movement of the Earth in relation to the Sun
Worksheets: The children have to write an explanation about night and day, and a recording shadows worksheet.
4. THE SOLAR SYSTEM - LO: Describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the Sun in the solar system.
Powerpoint: Looks at the Earth, Sun, and planets in the solar system. It also looks into where the solar system is, and what other things may be found in it (eg asteroids and comets).
Worksheet: a word document containing images of the planets and the moon to resize and make models.
Powerpoint: looks at the planets in more detail.
6. THE MOON - LO: Describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth.
Powerpoint: looks at the size of the Moon, its distance from Earth, and how it orbits the Earth. It asks why the moon seems to change shape, and explains the phases of the Moon. It also looks at other planets with moons.
Worksheet: A recording sheet to observe the moon over a 30 day period.
Powerpoint: asking questions to recap learning.
Worksheet: for the children to record their answers.
8. Earth and Space quiz in Powerpoint - to end the topic.
Banner for display 'Earth and Space' - prints onto 3 A4 pages
A4 title plus A-Z lettering, with a space background
Topic cover - 4 different versions
Vocabulary cards - with images and explanations
Writing sheets x 4 decorated with Earth / the solar system
Year 5 Earth and Space medium term planning: An outline of the activities and learning objectives with websites and ideas. It can be adapted.
Year 1 Science - Plants topic pack
This set of resources includes planning, worksheets and powerpoints. The powerpoint lessons cover the following objectives:
identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees
identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.
SPaG Year 2 Spelling: Common Exception words
Spelling resources to teach the statutory requirements in Appendix 1 of the English curriculum:
POWERPOINT RESOURCES: The following PowerPoint lessons contain groups of words with similar spellings. Each grapheme-phoneme correspondence that is new to the children (depending upon phonics programme used) is introduced and explained. The children then are given opportunities to read and then write the words.
CEW 1 – door poor floor
CEW 2 – find kind mind etc
CEW 3 – most only both etc
CEW 4 – after fast last
CEW 5 – every, everybody, even
CEW 6 –great break steak
CEW 7 –move prove improve
CEW 8 – sure sugar
CEW 9 - who whole
CEW 10 - any many
CEW 11 - could would should
The following PowerPoint lessons contain individual common exception words. There are examples of different strategies the children can use for remembering how to spell the words, such as using mnemonics, saying the word as it is spelt, using the look write cover check method and highlighting the tricky part. Each strategy is demonstrated visually.
CEW Spelling strategies PEOPLE
CEW Spelling strategies BEAUTIFUL
CEW Spelling strategies AGAIN
CEW Spelling strategies BECAUSE
CEW Spelling strategies BUSY
CEW Spelling strategies CHRISTMAS
CEW Spelling strategies CLOTHES
CEW Spelling strategies EYE
CEW Spelling strategies HALF
CEW Spelling strategies HOUR
CEW Spelling strategies MR & MRS
CEW Spelling strategies PARENTS
CEW Spelling strategies PRETTY
CEW Spelling strategies WATER
Spelling activity sheets - A variety of pdf sheets that can be used for different spelling activities. They include:
Acrostic poems
Bubble words
Colourful words
Cut out words
Look write cover check spelling sheet
Rainbow spellings
Shape words
Silly Sentences
Spelling with both hands
Stories with spellings
Word search with spellings
Words in words
Writing a poem
Writing fun
Y2 Spelling Appendix planning - Common Exception Words: An adaptable outline plan
Word List - With relevant words
Year 1 Science - Everyday materials topic pack - powerpoints, worksheets activities and display
A set of IWB teaching lessons, worksheets, activities and display resources. It has been made following the curriculum 2014 objectives.
Year 2 Science - Animals including humans - powerpoints, planning, worksheets & display pack
A set of resources to teach about how animals have offspring which grow into adults; the basic needs of animals and the importance of exercise and healthy eating.
Year 1 Science - Variety of common animals - Animals including humans topic pack
A set of wpowerpoints and printable activities to teach children how to identify and name a variety of animals, describe and compare their structures and identify animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: Prefixes dis mis in re sub inter super anti auto
Resources to teach how most prefixes can be added to words without any change to the spelling of the root word, except for the prefix in.
POWERPOINTS: Each powerpoint introduces the prefix and gives a definition of its meaning and how it can change the meaning of words. Examples of words with and without each prefix are shown.
The last powerpoint looks at the meaning of all the different prefixes.
Prefix recap
Cards - words to add dis
Change the paragraph to the opposite meaning
Dis word definitions
Jigsaw cards – dis
Un and dis matching word and definition cards
Dis- wordsearch
Un- wordsearch
MIS - wordsearch
IN IL IM IR jigsaw cards
MIS DIS RE and UN Word wheel
INTER worksheet
AUTO prefix worksheet
Although every effort has been made to check wordsearches for unintentional inappropriate words, it is recommended that teachers double check them before giving to children.
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
Year 2 Science - Living things resource pack - powerpoints, planning, display and worksheets
A pack of resources following the new science curriculum.
Year 3 science - Plants - powerpoints, worksheets, planning & display
A set of resources looking at the functions of different parts of flowering plants (roots, stem, trunk, leaves and flowers); the requirements of plants for life and growth, and the part that flowers play in the life cycle of a plant.
Year 2 Science - Plants topic - powerpoints, planning, worksheets & display pack
A set of resources following the new science curriculum.
SPaG Year 5 & 6 Spelling: Homophones and other confusing words
Resources to teach the guidelines for spelling homophones and other words that are often confused.
Each Powerpoint gives definitions/explanations of each homophone, then ends with an activity for the children to work out which homophone is appropriate in different sentences.
Homophones - nouns and verbs: advice advise, device devise, licence license and practice practise.
Homophones 1: aisle isle, aloud allowed, affect effect, altar alter, ascent assent, bridal, bridle, cereal serial, complement compliment
Homophones 2: descent dissent, desert dessert, draft draught, farther father, guessed guest, heard herd, led, lead morning, mourning
Homophones 3: past passed, precede proceed, principal principle, profit prophet, stationary stationery, steal steel, wary weary, who's whose
Look Write Cover Check x 7: For spelling practice, containing the words in the above PowerPoints
Worksheets x 7: To write definitions of the homophones and think of ways to remember how to spell them.
Definition and word cards x 3: Three sets of homophones and corresponding definitions for matching games etc.
SPaG Year 5 & 6 Spelling: Word list resouces
A set of resources to teach the spellings of words in the years 5 and 6 word list.
All about words: Introduces the history of the English spelling system and why some words are difficult to spell.
Spelling strategies: Looks at different ways to learn spellings for children to use.
The words are organised into 12 different categories, according to how they are spelt. Each category contains between 7 and 9 words so that they can also be used for spelling tests.
Each category contains a PowerPoint with a page for each word and a range of strategies to help remember the spelling of each. The strategies include:
Looking at the history of the word
Looking at words in the same word family
Looking at spelling rules
Looking at root words and affixes
Using speak and spell
Highlighting unusual spelling
Looking at words within the word
Looking at words with similar spelling patterns
The categories are as follows:
Words with doubles c and m
Words with doubles g, l and p
Words with doubles r, s and t
IE words
Words containing u
Words with affixes 1
Words with affixes 2
Words with unsounded vowels 1
Words with unsounded vowels 2
Words with unsounded vowels 3
Words with unusual Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence 1
Words with unusual Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence 2
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: Word lists
Resources to teach the spellings of the words in the years 3 and 4 word list
INTRODUCTORY POWERPOINT: Spelling strategies: Looks at different ways to learn spellings for children to use
The words are organised into 15 different categories according to how they are spelt. Each category contains between 6 and 9 words so that they can also be used for spelling tests.
Each category contains a PowerPoint with a page for each word and a range of strategies to help remember the spelling of each. The strategies include:
Looking at the history of the word
Looking at words in the same word family
Looking at spelling rules
Looking at root words and affixes
Using speak and spell
Highlighting unusual spelling
Looking at words within the word
Looking at words with similar spelling patterns
The categories are as follows:
Spelling words using phonic knowledge
Words with schwa digraph 1
Words with schwa digraph 2
Words with schwa spelt a
Words with schwa spelt e and i
Words with schwa spelt o and u
Silent letters 1
Silent letters 2
Words with the grapheme ea
Words with the grapheme gh
Words with the letter string ough
Words with the phonemes tch and sh
Words with unusual correspondences 1
Words with unusual correspondences 2
Words with unusual correspondences 3
Words with unusual correspondences 4
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: Homophones and near homophones
POWERPOINTS:Each set gives definitions/explanations of each homophone, then ends with an activity for the children to work out which homophone is appropriate in different sentences. For more difficult or confusing homophones there are additional powerpoints with extra sentence practice.
Introduction to homophones
All Y3 and 4 homophones
Set 1 homophones: accept/except,affect/effect,ball/bawl,berry/bury
Homophones accept and except
Homophones affect and effect
Set 2 homophones
Set 3 homophones
Homophones heel heal and he'll
Homophones here and hear
Set 4 homophones
Set 5 homophones
Homophones who's and whose
Look Write Cover Check x 5: For spelling practice, containing the words in the above PowerPoints
Homophone and definitions cards x 5
Adaptable outline plan
EYFS progress tracker in excel and recording sheets
This progress tracker allows you to monitor the children’s attainment at a glance.
All you need to do is add the details of your children and update the spreadsheet each term with the children’s progress in each area of learning.
There are two versions, one includes a baseline column for on entry assessment.
The tracker automatically collates data in the following areas:
Key person groups
N1 (3 terms)
N2 (3+ terms)
Summer born children
Non - summer born children
AM/PM children
Achievement in relation to attendance
Achievement in relation to language
Allows you to choose two of the above groups and gives a comparison bar chart
Allows you to choose any child and see their progress from term to term
Allows you to choose any child and see the term 3 results of each area of learning in a bar graph. It can also be printed out for parents.
Also included:
Areas of learning: A condensed version for use in the setting
Tracker sheets for each area of learning: Blank sheets to record children’s progress
EYFS Progress Tracker Instructions: Step by step instructions of how to fill in the children’s names, DOBs etc.
You will need Microsoft Excel version 2007 or later to view the tracker. It is very user friendly but it will be helpful if you have previous experience of using Excel.
Year 3 Science topic pack
This set contains resources for the 5 different science topics in Y3. The resources include powerpoint lessons, worksheets, display and outline planning documents.
SPaG Year 2 Spelling Bundle 2: Sounds and spellings bumper pack
A set of 6 individual resources looking at all the spellings of the different phonemes in the Y2 curriculum objectives
It includes IWB/Powerpoint lessons, worksheets, activities and outline plans.