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GCSE French and German resources, including plenty of good old worksheets. SEND resources suitable for young children with autism.




GCSE French and German resources, including plenty of good old worksheets. SEND resources suitable for young children with autism.
French weather present or past task

French weather present or past task

A task for pupils to sort a long list of short French weather sentences into present or past tense. The past tense sentences are all imperfect tense. Each weather is in both tenses and listed together in a pair - you could make this harder by separating the pairs of weathers and jumbling them up more. A good introduction to the imperfect tense for weather, as pupils see the repetition of il faisait and il y avait.
French past tense gap fill on holidays

French past tense gap fill on holidays

A quick activity where pupils have to choose the correct words to complete the gaps in the two short texts. The first text is missing its past participles or imperfect tense, the second is missing a variety of words. Each text has the missing words listed beneath it. Could be extended by asking pupils to create their own text, then removing words for a partner to work out how to fill the gaps.
German wordsearch with food and drink vocab

German wordsearch with food and drink vocab

This wordsearch has a set of food and drink vocab written in English; pupils find the German translations hidden in the wordsearch grid. There are 25 words to search for. This is an Excel spreadsheet, set up so you can print two copies per A4 sheet. Answers are provided on sheet 2.
German relative clauses worksheet

German relative clauses worksheet

A short worksheet with 10 sentences in German for pupils to insert the correct word for “who” or “which”. All possible spellings of “who/which” are shown at the start , in nominative, accusative and dative cases. All 3 cases are covered in the sentences and pupils must decide which case to use each time. Answers are provided on page 2. Two copies of the worksheet fit on one page of A4.
French starter activity about the weather

French starter activity about the weather

A grid suggesting a sentence structure to describe the weather in French in the different seasons, in your part of the country. This version encourages pupils to include adverbs of frequency and connectives to extend their sentences. Could use as a true/false activity, or I went to market -style task.
French recipe for a good teacher

French recipe for a good teacher

An imaginative activity in French: pupils read the recipe for a good teacher (subject knowledge, sense of humour, etc) and then use this as scaffolding to create their own recipes for other things like a good party.
Simple French starter: school subjects

Simple French starter: school subjects

A short French text giving simple information about school subjects. Use as a starter for a quick comprehension Q&A/reading aloud/adapt to different information.
French reading activity with descriptions of foods

French reading activity with descriptions of foods

A set of short descriptions of different foods in French: pupils have to guess what foods they are. Answers are shown - take these away before using the resource! Possible adaptations include providing the answers jumbled to make it easier, or asking pupils to write their own descriptions to extend the task.
French comparative starter task

French comparative starter task

A set of sentences with corresponding pictures to show the use of the comparative in French (plus/moins/aussi ... que). Use as a starter where pupils must adapt the sentences to include their own choice of vocab; could be extended into a listening task where they say if each other's sentence is true/false or possible/impossible.
Arranging to go out: matching and translation

Arranging to go out: matching and translation

A list of 20 short phrases in French with the English jumbled alongside, vocab used in role plays arranging to go out. Pupils match the French to the English. Beneath is a list of 8 short sentences in English for translation into French, using the vocab from the matching task. Useful as a lesson starter or revision task, written or pair work. Answers provided on second page of document.
Camping multi-choice quiz in French

Camping multi-choice quiz in French

A set of 12 pictures/symbols with a choice of three phrases below each, about campsite facilities and making a booking. Would also work as a translation task once pupils have chosen the correct phrase. Could be extended by asking pupils to suggest another alternative for each set of phrases, or to make up their own quiz about hotel/youth hostel accommodation. Answers provided - WARNING: the answers are at the bottom of the page, take care not to print them!
French multi-choice quiz using household items

French multi-choice quiz using household items

Pupils choose from 3 options each time, what they would do if they had no... This quiz is based on household objects, but contains a range of cross-context vocab. Could be a dictionary task, or makes a good team-work quiz. Nice end of term activity, leads into pupils making up their own quiz if you want an extension task.
French translation task about Hallowe'en

French translation task about Hallowe'en

A French worksheet with sentences in French and English about Halloween, with some words missing. Pupils have to translate the sentences correctly, to complete the missing words. Whilst the sentences contain Halloween-specific vocab, the missing words are more common-place. A straight-forward introduction to translation tasks, with opportunity to link with work on word order in particular.
French worksheet about camping

French worksheet about camping

A French worksheet with 3 tasks on the topic of camping/campsites. First is a set of anagrams - mainly things/places to be found on a campsite. Second is an odd-one-out vocab task with more touristy vocab included. Finally pupils are asked to design and label their own campsite, using the vocab from the previous tasks.
French activity using 'on pourrait' + verbs

French activity using 'on pourrait' + verbs

French activity with a set of sentences suggesting an activity that could be done this evening. Pupils choose the correct verb from the list at the side to complete each sentence. Emphasises the use of the infinitive after 'on pourrait'.
Quick French weather activity

Quick French weather activity

A set of cards in French, each giving a simple sentence about the weather in a certain place in France. Locations have been chosen to be evenly spaced around a map of France. I have used these as a class speaking activity, where pupils in the class read from the cards and one pupil must attach or draw a weather symbol onto a map of France for the class to check. Could also be a quick starter - print them out large enough for all to see, stick on a map as a true/false reading for the geographical locations, or ask pupils to draw the weather on their own maps (a simple hexagon works fine).
French vocab matching for youth hostel

French vocab matching for youth hostel

A list of facilities available in a youth hostel: pictures/symbols with the English and space to put the French. The French vocab is provided on a separate sheet for you to use either as answers, or for pupils to cut out and stick on the symbols list. Beware they are in the same order at the moment, so I suggest you ask pupils to cut the French vocab out, then play with it in pairs (guess the English/look up in a dictionary/work with you as a class together), then ask them to stick or copy the French onto the symbols sheet. There are 4 sets of the French vocab on the second page, to save on photocopying.
French vocab list for youth hostel

French vocab list for youth hostel

A list of French vocab about youth hostel accommodation, with first letters provided for the English. Easy to photocopy, with 8 lists on a page of A4. Easily adaptable if you're working on hotel or campsite vocab - or extend this by asking pupils to create their own vocab list for other types of accommodation.
French starter activity on present/perfect/imperfect tenses

French starter activity on present/perfect/imperfect tenses

A quick French activity to show the spelling patterns and differences between present, perfect and imperfect tenses of regular verbs. Jouer is given in all 3 tenses in the first person, then pupils have to complete the spellings for more verbs. Vocab is provided for pupils to create sentences, including some suggestions of a time marker for each tense. Could be used as a speaking task for the whole class or pairs/small groups. Could be a quiet written starter task, or lead into a more detailed piece of writing.