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Ultimate Geography

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High quality lessons and revision resources available to purchase.




High quality lessons and revision resources available to purchase.
Successful Regions (San Francisco) - Geography

Successful Regions (San Francisco) - Geography

Complete lesson covering the reasons for the success of some regions. Focus here is on San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Originally designed for the Edexcel A-level Geography Regenerating Places scheme of work. Lesson includes: Do Now Explanation of cumulative causation Silicon Valley maps and key ideas Main activity - use information cards to annotate the cumulative causation model Identifying some of the problems in San Francisco Plenary - ranking activity
Deltas and Estuaries - Geography

Deltas and Estuaries - Geography

Complete lesson on deltas and estuaries. Designed for KS3 but could be used with KS4 too. Lesson includes: Do Now Recap on physical processes and the lower course Definitions Delta or estuary AfL Diagram draw and label task Extension reading and questions on the Nile Delta Calculating averages exam question using river discharge
Causes of UK flooding - Geography

Causes of UK flooding - Geography

Complete lesson covering the main causes of flooding in the UK. Designed for KS3 but could be used with KS4. Lesson includes: Do Now Label the rivers activity Describe the UK rainfall distribution Worksheets and decision making activity on the main cause and possible solutions (includes differentiated worksheets and a hint sheet) Challenge questions Plenary
Geography Edexcel A GCSE Revision Booklet

Geography Edexcel A GCSE Revision Booklet

These revision booklets contains activities for pupils to complete that cover the whole of Paper 1 (Physical) and Paper 2 (Human). Goes well with the Edexcel Revision Guides that I also sell https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/geography-edexcel-a-gcse-revision-guides-12504527
Weathering - Geography

Weathering - Geography

Complete lesson on weathering. Planned for KS3 but could be used with KS4. Lesson includes: Do Now questions Definition Thinking activity True or false AfL Worksheet summarising all the types of weathering Final AfL activity Exam question plenary
Floodplains and Levees - Geography

Floodplains and Levees - Geography

Complete lesson on floodplains and levees. Designed for KS3 but could be used with KS4. Lesson includes: Do Now Recap on the lower course Video and discussion AfL activity Diagram and labelling activity AfL - spot the floodplain and levee Bonus activities based on Thames floodplain
Urban Rebranding Case Study - Geography

Urban Rebranding Case Study - Geography

Complete lesson covering urban rebranding and a case study (Liverpool). Planned for KS5/A-level. Lesson includes: Do Now Explanation of rebranding and examples Summary of Liverpool’s urban decline 6 key strategies and table for students to complete Summary of the success of the rebranding Plenary - rank and evaluate exercise
Human Reasons for East Africa's Development - Geography

Human Reasons for East Africa's Development - Geography

Complete lesson covering the human factors that have slowed down development in East Africa. Lesson includes: Do Now Keyword definitions Comparison of colonial map of Africa with contemporary map Reading and comprehension questions (longer double-sided reading and shorter option in the slides) AfL check for understanding Ranking the key factors activity (including physical factors from a previous lesson) Scaffolded writing about the most significant factor Plenary
Physical Reasons for East Africa's Development - Geography

Physical Reasons for East Africa's Development - Geography

Complete lesson looking at the physical reasons for low development in East Africa. Lesson includes: Do Now - map labelling activity Summary of East Africa’s low development level Rainfall and soil quality maps with sentences to complete Comprehension questions using printable reading (differentiated sheet also available) AfL to check for understanding Plenary - whole-class evaluation
The Water Cycle - Geography

The Water Cycle - Geography

Complete lesson covering the water cycle. Lesson includes: Do Now keyword activity Quiz to check for understanding Diagram labelling and extension activity True or false AfL Rain droplet story activity Plenary
Climate Graphs - Geography

Climate Graphs - Geography

Complete lesson on climate graphs. Lesson includes: Do Now Explanation of climate graphs Printable worksheet allowing students to complete their own climate graph Comparison of two climate graphs and exam question Plenary
Rostow Model/Modernisation Theory - Geography

Rostow Model/Modernisation Theory - Geography

Complete lesson covering how countries develop over time. Lesson is focused on Rostow’s Modernisation Model of development. Lesson includes: Do Now Keyword match-up Explanation of Rostow’s model of development with printable models AfL to check understanding of each stage South Korea location Annotate the model activity using information about South Korea Challenge activity Plenary
Why is the UK developed/a HIC? - Geography

Why is the UK developed/a HIC? - Geography

Complete lesson covering the key human and physical reasons why the UK is a developed country or HIC. Lesson includes: Do Now Key development indicators for the UK Think, pair, share questions about the UK Card sort or categorising activity using key info cards Whole class AfL activity I do, we do writing tasks Plenary
Geography Edexcel A GCSE Revision Guides

Geography Edexcel A GCSE Revision Guides

This resource contains a revision guide for Paper 1 (Physical) and Paper 2 (Human) Edexcel A GCSE Geography. Each revision guide contains knowledge organisers for each topic, along with a section on the key mathematical skills required and possible 8 mark questions students may encounter. Also, please check out the accompanying student work booklet that they can complete using this revision guide at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/geography-edexcel-a-gcse-revision-booklet-12649728
UK's Terrestrial Ecosystems - Geography

UK's Terrestrial Ecosystems - Geography

Complete lesson covering the 4 main terrestrial ecosystems found in the UK. Lesson includes: Do Now Photos and prompts on each ecosystem Categorise activity - categorise descriptions into each ecosystem Challenge task on threats to each ecosystem Spot the mistakes AfL activity Plenary
Human Geography Case Study Booklet (Edexcel A GCSE Geography)

Human Geography Case Study Booklet (Edexcel A GCSE Geography)

Complete case study booklet (30 pages) for the Human Geography paper in Edexcel A GCSE Geography. Includes detailed case study information on all the relevant case studies in the spec, including: Global Development in India (case study page for each part of the spec) Changing Cities - London and Sao Paulo (case study page for each part of the spec) Energy developed country case study - Germany Energy emerging country case study - China
Physical Geography Case Study Booklet (Edexcel A GCSE Geography)

Physical Geography Case Study Booklet (Edexcel A GCSE Geography)

Complete case study booklet (14 pages) for the Human Geography paper in Edexcel A GCSE Geography. Includes detailed case study information on all the relevant case studies in the spec, including: River Severn Isle of Wight Hurricane Sandy - impacts and responses Typhoon Haiyan - impacts and responses California drought - impacts and responses Namibia drought - impacts and responses Sustainable management of the Amazon Sustainable management of Epping Forest
Distribution of Economic Activity in the UK - Geography

Distribution of Economic Activity in the UK - Geography

Complete lesson covering the distribution of economic activity in the UK. Lesson includes: Do Now Explanation of distribution and what it means 3 printable worksheets covering primary, secondary and tertiary industry with activities to complete (can be differentiated by ability) Plenary
UK Economic Change - Geography

UK Economic Change - Geography

Complete lesson covering economic change in the UK over time, and the reasons for this change. Lesson includes: Do Now Paired graph activity Describe the graph Annotate key explanations onto the graph AfL activity - correct the mistakes Writing summary and plenary