This set of worksheets have been designed to be used as short activities. They could be used when a cover lesson needs to be quickly organised or could be used when students cannot complete practical activities with the remainder of the class.
The worksheets set are all either single or double pages so can be printed quickly. Each new worksheet or handout has space for the student to write their name.
Sheets included in this resource are
1- General Woodworking Find-A-Word
2- General Woodworkshop WHS
3- Hand Tool Identification Quiz
4- Woodworking Battle ship Game
5- Woodworking Powertools Find-A-Word
6- Woodworking Safety Terms Find-A-Word
7- Workshop Safety
Check the other woodwork resources available in the store. This is one of a number of resources available for woodworking classes.
If you are looking for printable Food Technology safety tests for your class, this set of safety tests should work for you. These classroom activities are a little different from the Food Technology sets 1 and 2. They have been designed to provide testing opportunities for students’ knowledge of safety-related information specific to Food classes.
How to use this resource
The safety tests within this teaching resource have been designed as a paper based safety testing resource. They can be used as an alternative to online safety testing when paper records of students work is preferred or more convenient.
They could be used as a pre-test prior to instruction being given so as to test current knowledge.
The teacher may choose to use these to test or reinforce knowledge after safety instructions and demonstrations have been given.
Use the tests as an additional activity when the regular classroom teacher is absent and practical lessons can not continue.
Each test or quiz includes an answer sheet.
This resource currently contains safety tests for the following food related equipment.
Food Technology General Safety
Gas Oven
Microwave Oven
Gas Cooktop
Electric Cooktop
Food Allergies
Kitchen Knife Safety
-----Sample solutions are also included with each test-----
Each test has been formatted to allow for quick printing of individual lessons and each allows for students to write their name and the date the activity was completed.
Additional tests will be added periodically.
The safety tests included in this resource are designed to be used as an alternative to digital safety tests which are not always possible due to issues such as Internet unavailability or other issues. They could be used for a revision activity, as a way of providing a written test for students following instruction or as an extra activity to provide to students when scheduled practical lessons are not possible.
Each of the tests have between 10 and 12 questions which are a mixture of true/false or multiple choice questions.
This resource contains safety tests for the following woodwork tools and equipment.
General Woodwork Safety
Disc Sander
Drill Press
Wood Turning Lathe
Cordless Drill
General Woodwork Safety (SOLUTION)
Disc Sander (SOLUTION)
Drill Press (SOLUTION)
Wood Turning Lathe (SOLUTION)
Cordless Drill (SOLUTION)
Each test has been formatted to allow for quick printing of individual lessons and each allows for students to write their name and the date the activity was completed.
Answer sheets are included for each of the 5 tests.
Woodwork lessons for busy teachers - Set 3 - Materials.
This set of worksheets have been designed to be used as short activities. They could be used when a cover lesson needs to be quickly organised or could be used when students cannot complete practical activities with the remainder of the class.
The worksheets set are all single pages so can be printed quickly. Each new worksheet or handout has space for the student to write their name and space has been provided to insert your school logo is desired.
Sheets contained in this resource are:
1 - Timber Species Find-A-Word (V1) - Find-A-Word - 10 - 15 min
2 - Timber Species Find-A-Word (V2) - Find-A-Word - 10 - 15 min
3 - Where does that timber come from? - Research activity - 10 -15 min
4 - Timber Species Find-A-Word (Life Skills) - Find-A-Word 10 min
5 - Classification of Timber Research/Reading comprehension 25 - 30 min
6 - Timber Species Find-A-Word (V1) - (SOLUTION)
7 - Timber Species Find-A-Word (V2) - (SOLUTION)
8 - Where does that timber come from? - (SOLUTION)
9 - Timber Species Find-A-Word (Life Skills) - (SOLUTION)
Looking for something to leave for a casual or relief teacher for your Textiles or Technology Mandatory class? Or maybe something to use as a quick filler activity?
This set of Textiles Technology worksheets based on textiles equipment is the second of a series of Textiles resources designed to be used in a situation where a quick lesson is needed in a situation where a cover lesson is needed. They have been designed to be used as short activities when students cannot complete practical activities with the remainder of the class due to the absence of the regular teacher or unavailability of the practical workroom.
What will I get in this set?
This set of resources included a variety of activities and sample solutions for each.
Sewing Machine Matching Activity (Sample Solution Included)
Electric Iron Operation (Sample Solution Included)
Textiles Equipment Find-A-Word 1 (Sample Solution Included)
Textiles Equipment Find-A-Word 2 (Sample Solution Included)
Textiles Equipment Cross Word (Sample Solution Included)
Textiles Equipment and tools (Sample Solution Included)
The Sewing Machine (Sample Solution Included)
This teaching resource has been developed for students studying Technical drawing or graphics lessons. It consists of a range of drawings which can be provided to students at a variety of levels at the teachers discretion. They could be used in Stage 5 Graphics or stage 4 Technology Mandatory. The resource includes engineering objects that provide opportunities for students to extend their knowledge and skills in rendering practice. Some drawings will require some teacher instruction and guidance prior to students attempting the drawings. Many of the drawings can be used as cover lessons when the usual teacher is not available for the class. Sheets included in this resource are listed below.
Glossary of terms
Practice 1
Cylinders and cones
Cube 1
Cube 2
Brick and stone work
C Clamp
Sliding block
Engine mount
Pipe support
Shaft bracket
VW Beetle
Rendering a car
House 1
House 2
House 3
This set of worksheets have been designed to be used as short activities. They could be used when a cover lesson needs to be quickly organised or could be used when students cannot complete practical activities with the remainder of the class.
The worksheets set are all either single or double pages so can be printed quickly. Each new worksheet or handout has space for the student to write their name.
Sheets included in this resource are:-
Food Technology Terms Matching Activity (Solution included)
Food Technology Battleship group activity
Functions of Food in the Body activity (Solution included)
The 6 Food Nutrients activity
Food Technology Terms Cross Word Puzzle (Solution included)
The resources contained within this booklet have been designed for use in the classroom to assist in presenting meaningful activities in the subject of Metalwork or Metal engineering. They have been formatted to allow for quick printing of individual lessons for emergency cover lessons when practical work cannot be completed due to teacher absence, unexpected unavailability of the workshop etc.
Each worksheet has been formatted to allow for students to write their name and the date the lesson was given.
Included in this resource
Metalwork Multiple Choice Quiz
Metalwork Multiple Choice Quiz (SOLUTION)
Metalwork Battleship group activity
General Metalwork Find-A-Word
General Metalwork Find-A-Word (SOLUTION)
Hand Tools for Cutting Sheet Metal
General Metalwork True/False Quiz
General Metalwork True/False Quiz (SOLUTION)
Workshop Cleanliness - Good House Keeping
Workshop Cleanliness - Good House Keeping (SOLUTION)
If you are looking for printable safety tests for your class, this set of safety tests should work for you. These classroom activities are a little different from sets 1 and 2. They have been designed to provide testing opportunities for students’ knowledge of safety-related information specific to various machines or tools used in Metalworking classes.
How to use this resource
The safety tests within this teaching resource have been designed as a paper based safety testing resource. They can be used as an alternative to online safety testing when paper records of students work is preferred or more convenient.
They could be used as a pre-test prior to instruction being given so as to test current knowledge.
The teacher may choose to use these to test or reinforce knowledge after safety instructions and demonstrations have been given.
Use the tests as an additional activity when the regular classroom teacher is absent and practical lessons can not continue.
Each test or quiz includes an answer sheet.
This resource contains safety tests for the following woodwork tools and equipment.
General Metalwork Safety
Metalwork Hand Tools Safety
Drill Press
Cordless Drill
Spot welder
Angle Grinder (added 19.2.23)
Metalwork Lathe (added 19.2.23)
General Metalwork Safety (SOLUTION)
Metalwork Hand Tools Safety (SOLUTION)
Drill Press (SOLUTION)
Cordless Drill (SOLUTION)
Spot welder (SOLUTION)
Angle Grinder (SOLUTION)
Metalwork Lathe (SOLUTION)
Each test has been formatted to allow for quick printing of individual lessons and each allows for students to write their name and the date the activity was completed.
Answer sheets are included for each of the 5 tests.
Additional tests will be added periodically.
This teaching resource has been developed for students studying Technical drawing or graphics lessons. It consists of a range of drawings which can be provided to students at a variety of levels at the teachers discretion.
The resource includes engineering objects that provide opportunities for students to extend their knowledge and skills in Oblique drawing practice.
Some drawings will require some teacher instruction and guidance prior to students attempting the drawings.
Many of the drawings can be used as cover lessons when the usual teacher is not available for the class.
Sheets included in this resource are listed below.
Glossary of terms
Corner stop
C Clamp
Double step
Step Block 1 (sample solution)
War Memorial Arches (sample solution)
Screen Wall Block (sample solution)
Various Exercises
This group of worksheets is for students completing study in technical drawing or graphics. The set consists of 3 activities which students can work through to develop skills and understanding of 1, 2 and 3 point perspective drawings.
Sheets consist of :-
1 - Glossary of terms
2 - Perspective drawing overview 1
3 - Perspective drawing overview 2
4 - One point perspective room Interior
5 - One point perspective shipping containers (With sample solution)
6 - Rules of perspective drawings
7 - Two Point Cradle Mountain Boat Shed (With sample solution)
This resource has been designed to assist students in developing skills in Technical drawings classes. It consists of activities to develop skills in
measurement and
drawing parallel lines.
The activities can be provided to students to complete with basic instruction form the teacher making them suitable for cover lessons when the usual teacher may not be in class.
12 Pages
Sample solutions are included for relevant activities.
Tasstudent Mailing list
This set of woodwork worksheets based on the production and conversion of timber have been designed to be used as short activities when a cover lesson needs to be quickly organised or could be used when students cannot complete practical activities with the remainder of the class.
The worksheets set are all single pages so can be printed quickly. Each new worksheet or handout has space for the student to write their name and space has been provided to insert your school logo is desired.
Conversion of Timber - Reading comprehension - 15 - 20 min (3 Pages)
Seasoning of Timber - Reading comprehension - 15 - 20 min (3 Pages)
Conversion of Timber - Find-A-Word - 10 - 15 min (1 Page)
Seasoning of Timber - Find-A-Word - 10 - 15 min (1 Page)
Conversion of Timber - Sample solution (1 Page)
Seasoning of Timber - Sample solution (1 Page)
Conversion of Timber - Sample solution (1 Page)
Seasoning of Timber - Sample solution (1 Page)
This resource consists of Orthogonal drawing exercises and activities. No preparation needed and with sample solutions included for most drawing. This teaching resource has been developed for students studying Technical drawing, Engineering drawing or graphics lessons. It consists of a range of drawings which can be provided to students at a variety of levels at the teachers discretion.
The resource includes engineering objects that provide opportunities for students to extend their knowledge and skills in Orthogonal drawing drafting practice. Many of the drawings can also be used as C.A.D drawings at the teachers discretion.
Some drawings will require some teacher instruction and guidance prior to students attempting the drawings.
Teachers may wish to add additional requirements such as asking more advanced students to add a cutting plane or having the students create a 3D image to be rendered.
Many of the drawings can be used as cover lessons when the usual teacher is not available for the class.
Sheets included in this resource are listed below.
Glossary of terms
Block extension 1.0
Block extension 2.0
Block extension 3.0
C Clamp
Corner stop (With Sample Solution)
Double step (With Sample Solution)
Exercises 1.0 (With Sample Solution)
Exercises 2.0 (With Sample Solution)
Exercises 3.0
Metal cover plate (With Sample Solution)
Pipe Support
Sloping block 1.0 (With Sample Solution)
Step block 1.0 (With Sample Solution)
Step block 2.0 (With Sample Solution)
Step block 3.0 (With Sample Solution)
Isometric drawing grid
Isometric tracing grid
This set of Textiles Technology worksheets based on general textiles concepts is the first of a series of Textiles resources designed to be used in a situation where a quick lesson is needed in a situation where a cover lesson is needed. They have been designed to be used as short activities when students cannot complete practical activities with the remainder of the class due to the absence of the regular teacher or unavailability of the practical workroom.
The worksheets can be printed quickly. Each new worksheet or handout has space for the student to write their name and space has been provided to insert your school logo is desired.
What will I get in this set?
This set of resources included a variety of activities and sample solutions for each.
Textiles Technology General Safety (With sample solution)
Textiles Technology Terms Matching Activity (With sample solution)
Textiles Technology Terms Matching Activity (Life Skills)
Fill in the missing word - Textiles (With sample solution)
General Textiles Find-A-Word (V1) (With sample solution)
General Textiles Find-A-Word (V2) (With sample solution)
General Textiles Find-A-Word (Life Skills Version) (With sample solution)
General Textiles Technology Terms Cross Word Puzzle (With sample solution)
About this resource
The resources contained within this booklet have been designed for use in the classroom to assist in covering a topic or outcome. They have been formatted to allow for quick printing of individual lessons for emergency cover lessons when practical work cannot be completed due to teacher absence, unexpected unavailability of the workshop etc.
Each worksheet has been formatted to allow for students to write their name and the date the lesson was given.
Based on the Food Technology NSW Years 7–10 Syllabus Unit: Food selection and Health
Included in this resource
Find-A-Word (Version 1)
Find-A-Word (Version 1 Solution)
Find-A-Word (Version 2)
Find-A-Word (Version 2 Solution)
Find-A-Word (Version 3 for Life Skills students)
Find-A-Word (Version 3 Solution)
Definition Terms
Crossword Puzzle
Crossword Puzzle Solution
Worksheet descriptions
Activities 1 and 2 are traditional find-a-word containing 15 words taken from the Food Technology Food Selection and Health unit. Both worksheets contain the same words for students to search however, the search tables are different in each. Teachers may chose to use “Find-A-Word 1” and “Find-A-Word 2” in the same lesson but providing each second student with the alternative so as to prevent copying etc.
Activity 3 is a Life Skills version of the activity above. It containing the same 15 words taken from the Food Selection and Health unit, however, the guide is smaller and all the words are either up and down or across the grid making the location of terms easier to find.
Activity 4 requires students to write the definitions for each term in the space provided. Students could be instructed to conduct their own research by using the internet or the teacher may prefer to provide the definition for students to re write.
Activity 5 is a traditional crossword puzzle containing 15 words taken from the Food Selection and Health unit.
This activity includes activities related to Product design and design features in general. Each activity is approximately 15 - 50 minuets in duration and are self paced. They have been formatted to allow for quick printing of individual lessons.
Where to use these activities.
These activities are great for a Design and Technology lesson as an emergency cover lessons when practical work cannot be completed due to teacher absence, unexpected unavailability of the workshop etc. They could also be used for revision work, as a homework task, extension activities or reinforcing prior learning.
Each worksheet has been formatted to allow for students to write their name and the date the lesson was given.
Included in this resource
Product Development - Telephone
Telephone comparison activity
Telephone P.M.I activity
Telephone Venn diagram activity
Design Theory Crossword with 24 words to complete
Design Theory Find-a-word with 30 terms to find
Sample Solution
7. Design Theory Find-a-word** (Solution) **
This activity would suit students studying
National curriculum in England: Design and Technology program of study
NESA NSW Design and Technology stage 5 and stage 6
This set of Agriculture worksheets based on “Plant Production” have been designed to be used as short activities when a cover lesson needs to be quickly organised or could be used when students cannot complete practical activities with the remainder of the class.
The worksheets set are all single pages so can be printed quickly. Each new worksheet or handout has space for the student to write their name and date.
Worksheets included in this resource
Plant Production - Find-A-Word (V1)
Plant Production - Find-A-Word (V2)
Plant Production - Find-A-Word (LS)
Vegetables - Find-A-Word
Agriculture Battleship
Plant Production Work Scramble
Plant Production Cross word (V1)
Plant Production Cross word (V2)
Plant Production - Find-A-Word (V1) (SOLUTION)
Plant Production - Find-A-Word (V2) (SOLUTION)
Plant Production - Find-A-Word (LS) (SOLUTION)
Vegetables - Find-A-Word (SOLUTION)
Plant Production Work Scramble (SOLUTION)
Plant Production Cross word (V1) (SOLUTION)
Plant Production Cross word (V2) (SOLUTION)
This set of worksheets is students completing a graphics or technical drawing units where skills development in freehand drawing is needed. The set of worksheets all come with sample solutions that the teacher can display once students have completed their work or as a way of providing guidance prior to the activity being attempted.
Resources included in this resource (Resources with an * indicate that a sample solution in included)
Glossary of terms
Practice 1 *
Practice 2 *
Practice 3 *
Practice 4 *
Practice 5
Koala Grid *
Mountain bike rider grid *
Isometric drawing grid
Oblique drawing grid
Square drawing grid
Looking for some quick minimal prep printable resources for teaching Metalwork lessons. The resources contained within this booklet have been designed for use in the classroom to assist in presenting meaningful activities in the subject of Metalwork or Metal engineering. They have been formatted to allow for quick printing of individual lessons for emergency cover lessons when practical work cannot be completed due to teacher absence, unexpected unavailability of the workshop etc.
Each worksheet has been formatted to allow for students to write their name and the date the lesson was given.
The set of resources includes 2 case studies on significant steel engineered structures (The SS Great Eastern and the Brooklyn Bridge) and include a set of questions relating to the text. Both case studies include a find a word which could be provided to students after completion of the main activity.
Included in this resource
Metalwork Case Study - SS Great Eastern - 3 Pages
SS Great Eastern Find-A-Word - 1 Page
SS Great Eastern Find-A-Word Solution - 1 Page
Metalwork Case Study - Brooklyn Bridge - 2 Pages
Brooklyn Bridge Missing Word activity - 2 Pages
Brooklyn Bridge Find-A-Word - 1 Page
Brooklyn Bridge Find-A-Word SOLUTION - 1 Page