(Almost) unlimited, NO-PREP, differentiated sets of Maths worksheets. At the click of a button all numbers (and visuals ) are randomized, creating a new worksheet with different numbers .... as many times as you want with answers automatically generated every time. Check out one of the Freebie samplers to see how they work.
(Almost) unlimited, NO-PREP, differentiated sets of Maths worksheets. At the click of a button all numbers (and visuals ) are randomized, creating a new worksheet with different numbers .... as many times as you want with answers automatically generated every time. Check out one of the Freebie samplers to see how they work.
This set of (almost) unlimited Worksheets provides practice with adding and subtracting with 4 digit, 5 digit and a mix of 3,4 & 5 digit numbers with the numbers ready laid out in columns in order to use the standard algorithm.
Why (almost) Unlimited Worksheets ?
There are 6 basic differentiated templates, BUT, at the click of a button all numbers are randomised, and will therefore change every time so you can create as many different worksheets for classwork, homework, review, preparing for assessments, or just simply practice at any time to keep the skill alive throughout the whole year.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
UK National Curriculum
Year 4 Programme of Study
Addition and Subtraction
Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
A fun way to practice adding two numbers at 4 different levels with an (almost) unlimited number of Worksheets.
Practice addition at 4 levels.
Addition up to 10
Addition up to 20
Addition up to 50
Addition up to 100
Addition Squares
There are 4 addition squares on a page. You can set the range of numbers on each one individually, so you could have 4 number squares up to one level, a mix of all 4 levels etc.
Addition Mazes
Students have to follow the path of correct answers to exit the maze.
How many worksheets are there ?
All the numbers in each square are randomized at the click of a button which means you have an (almost) endless set of worksheets that could be used for classwork, homework, revision, end of lesson activity etc.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
An open number line is a very flexible and versatile tool for helping with adding and subtracting within 1000. It provides visual support allowing students to use or develop their knowledge of place value and rounding in an informal setting.
The worksheets are split into 11 levels of differentiation for both Addition and Subtraction. They start with a 3-digit number plus or minus 100 then progress in steps until both numbers are randomly generated 3-digit numbers. At each level you have an (almost) unlimited number of printable worksheets that could be used throughout the year.
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number - 100
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number between 95 and 105
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number between 90 and 110
1st number - 3 digits multiple of 10, 2nd number - 100 +/ - a multiple of 10 between 10 & 50
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number - 100 +/ - a multiple of 10 between 10 and 50
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number - multiple of 100
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number - multiple of 100 +/ - 5
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number - multiple of 100 +/ - 10
1st number - 3 digits multiple of 10, 2nd number - multiple of 100 +/ - a multiple of 10 between 10 & 50
1st number - 3 digits multiple of 10, 2nd number - multiple of 100 +/ - a multiple of 10 between 10 & 50
1st & 2nd numbers both 3 digits
An example of the specific level being worked on is generated at the top of each worksheet at the click of a button. Besides being a memory jogger for students, it could be used to introduce the assignment when projected onto an Interactive whiteboard.
Why (almost) Unlimited Worksheets ?
At the click of a button all numbers are randomized, and will therefore change every time so you can create as many different worksheets for classwork, homework, review, preparing for assessments, or just simply practice at any time to keep the skill alive throughout the whole year.
Your students will never run short of new worksheets to practice with.
Full graphical solutions are provided for all worksheets
This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
This is a no frills set of Worksheets providing an (almost) endless source of practicing column addition and subtraction of 2-Digit numbers, differentiated to help introduce regrouping using the standard algorithm.
Print out as many unique worksheets as you need. Your students will never run short of new worksheets to practice with.
Addition Worksheets
No regrouping
Regrouping once - 2-Digit plus a 1 digit number
Regrouping twice -Two 2-Digit numbers
Adding three 2-Digit numbers
Adding four 2-Digit numbers
Subtraction Worksheets
No regrouping
Regrouping - 2-Digit minus a 1 digit number
Regrouping -Two 2-Digit numbers
A choice of formats
All the sets worksheets listed above come in 2 formats
The questions are laid out ready to work on with the numbers in the vertical format and the answer line ready to fill in.
The questions are presented in the horizontal format so that your students can practice laying out the questions fully in standard algorithm format.
These pages could also be used for practicing addition and subtraction with any other methods that are part of your curriculum.*
This will give you a choice of differentiating from the very start, or setting the level of work for the whole class.
Why (almost) Unlimited Worksheets ?
At the click of a button all numbers are randomized, and will therefore change every time so you can create as many different worksheets for classwork, homework, revision, preparing for assessment, review before moving on to 3-digits, etc.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
You may also like:
Add and subtract 3-Digit numbers with & without regrouping
Add, Subtract 2 and 3-Digit Numbers formal and informal BUNDLE
This Free Preview Download has been set up so you can have a more in depth view of Add & Subtract numbers to 1dp, 2dp & 3dp and try out a limited version of the Dynamic Worksheets and see for yourself the potential of this resource for you and your pupils.
A no frills set of (almost) unlimited differentiated worksheets for practicing addition and subtraction of two decimals numbers to the tenths, hundredths or thousandths using the standard algorithm.
Each worksheet has 12 questions laid out in the vertical format. They are divided into 18 sets:
Sets 1 to 9 - Addition and Subtraction
Units to 1 dp
Units to 2dp
Units to 3dp
Tens to 1dp
Tens to 2dp
Tens to 3dp
Hundreds to 1dp
Hundreds to 2 dp
Hundreds to 3dp
Sets 10 to 12 - Addition of 3 decimal numbers
Units to 1dp
Tens to 2dp
Hundreds to 3dp
Sets 13 to 15 - Addition of 4 decimal numbers
Units to 1dp
Tens to 2dp
Hundreds to 3dp
Sets 16 to 18 - Addition of 2 decimal numbers - find the missing digits
Units to 1dp
Tens to 2dp
Hundreds to 3dp
Why (almost) Unlimited Worksheets ?
At the click of a button all numbers are randomized, and will therefore change every time so you can create as many different worksheets as you need for classwork, homework, review, preparing for assessments, or just simply practice at any time to keep the skill alive throughout the whole year.
No-Prep Worksheets
These are straightforward no-prep worksheets that require no extra work. Simply CLICK-PRINT AND GO. This makes them ideal to have printed and ready for a replacement teacher if needed.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
This Free Preview Download has been set up so you can have a more in depth view of Skip Counting 5, 10 & 100 to 1000 and try out a limited version of the Dynamic Worksheets and see for yourself the potential of this resource for you and your pupils.
These resources have been created with a differentiated approach in mind, so for example, pupils can begin by practicing skip counting with 5 up to 100 then at a suitable pace go all the way up to the Challenge Worksheets that mixes questions with skipping 5, 10 & 100 with sequences that start at any number and go all the way to 1000.
There are** 17 Sets of Worksheets ** (and 17 Teaching Pages) covering this topic
Worksheets + Sequence of numbers starts with a …
Worksheet 1. Skip Counting by 5s to 100 multiples of 5
Worksheet 2. Skip Counting by 5s to 500. multiples of 5
Worksheet 3. Skip Counting by 5s to 1000 multiples of 5
Worksheet 4. Skip Counting by 5s to 100. random starting point
Worksheet 5. Skip Counting by 5s to 500. random starting point
Worksheet 6. Skip Counting by 5s to 1000 random starting point
Worksheet 7. Skip Counting by 10s to 200. multiples of 10
Worksheet 8. Skip Counting by 10s to 500 multiples of 10
Worksheet 9… Skip Counting by 10s to 1000. multiples of 10
Worksheet 10. Skip Counting by 10s to 200. random starting point
Worksheet 11. Skip Counting by 10s to 500. random starting point
Worksheet 12. Skip Counting by 10s to 1000. random starting point
Worksheet 13. Skip Counting by 100s to 1000 multiples of 10
Worksheet 14. Skip Counting by 100s to 1000 random starting point
Challenge 1. Skip Counting by 5s, 10s & 100s to 1000 multiples of 10
Challenge 2. Skip Counting by 5s, 10s & 100s to 1000. random starting point
Challenge 3. Skip Counting by 5s, 10s & 100s to 1000 random starting point and skipping randomised
How many worksheets are in each set ?
Almost unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time which allows you to create new worksheets for extra practice or revision throughout the year or even give groups of pupils in your class different sets of questions.
Answers are automatically generated every time a new worksheet is created.
The Teaching Pages, designed for the Interactive Whiteboard for whole class learning follow the same pattern as the Worksheets, and like the Worksheets the numbers can be randomised at the click of a button which means there are lots of examples you can play with.
To get a more detailed view of these resources and to try out a limited version of the Worksheets / Teaching Page go to PREVIEW: Skip Counting by 5, 10 & 100 to 1000
This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
Percentage Bar Graphs provide visual support to help introduce percentages in an informal way by building on the equivalence of 50%, 25% & 75% and their fractions 1/2, 1/4 & 3/4 plus the knowledge that 10% =1/10 and 1/10th of any multiple of 10 or 100 can easily be found by removing the last zero of the number.
This Free Preview Download has been set up so you can have a more in depth view of Introducing Percentages with Visual Support and try out a limited version of the Dynamic Worksheets and see for yourself the potential of this resource for you and your pupils.
Percentage Bar Graphs provide visual support to help introduce percentages in an informal way by building on the equivalence of 50%, 25% & 75% and their fractions 1/2, 1/4 & 3/4 plus the knowledge that 10% =1/10 and 1/10th of any multiple of 10 or 100 can easily be found by removing the last zero of the number.
From this starting point pupils can then proceed to calculate multiples of 5% or 1% of quantities.
The Worksheets and Teaching Pages are set at 5 levels
10%, 25%, 50%, & 75% of multiples of 100
10%,20%,30% …90%, of multiples of 10
10%,20%,30% …90% of multiples of 100
5%,10%,15% … 95% of multiples of 10
Any percentage of multiples of 100
Answers will always be whole numbers.
The Worksheets are Dynamic and the Teaching Pages Interactive so that at the click of a button the percentages and quantities are randomised providing endless opportunities to practice at each and every level.
To get a more detailed view of these resources and to try out a limited version of the Worksheets go to PREVIEW: Introducing Percentages with Visual Support
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
This Free Preview Download has been set up so you can have a more in depth view of Rounding to the nearest 10, 100 & 1000 and try out a limited version of the Dynamic Worksheets and see for yourself the potential of this resource for you and your pupils.
UK National Curriculum - Year 4 Programne of Study
Number and Place Value
Round any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
Lots of opportunity to practice rounding whole numbers from 10 to 100,000 place value with (almost) unlimited Worksheets plus Digital Teaching Material for whole class teaching .
The resources are divided into two parts:
1. Using Place Value and the Number Line to round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
**Worksheet Sets **
Each page has 4 number lines with 4 numbers to round. The first Number Line is fully labeled with 10 divisions between each multiple of 10, 100 or 1000 providing maximum visual support. But the number of divisions reduces until the 4th Number Line which is minimally labeled, so that students then have to think more about scales and the rounding process.
At each of the 4 levels you have a choice of generating a worksheet with the question being placed in size order from left to right, or randomly placed in relation to the number line.
How Many Worksheets are in each Set ?
(Almost) Unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomized, so you can create as many different worksheets within each set as you want for classwork, homework, revision or to practice with at any time during the year.
Digital Teaching Material with the Number Line
These are designed to help you introduce the content of the worksheets to the whole class on an Interactive Whiteboard, or on a PC or Mac for 1-1 tuition and again you have (almost) unlimited examples to practice with.
2. Rounding using Place Value to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000
There is a Worksheet set for each level plus one with a mix of all the levels.There are 30 questions on each page with an example at the top of the page. At a click of a button all the numbers in the questions and the example change, which means you have again an (almost) unlimited source of worksheets or even examples to go through with your pupils. Your students will never run short of new worksheets to practice with.
On both Worksheet Sets Answers are automatically generated every time.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
This FREEBIE, which contains a sample of the resource Divide 2 digit by a 1 digit number. 20+ Worksheets… offers you an insight into the way all the Worksheets function on Jeff’s Notebooks.
It contains the following Worksheet Sets
Set 1: Division of 2 digit numbers without remainders
Generate pages of questions, each with a different divisor 2, 3 or 4
Set 2: Division of 2 digit numbers with remainders
Generate pages of questions each with a different divisor 2, 3 or 4
How many worksheets are there in total ?
Lots and lots … Here you have 6 worksheet templates BUT at the click of a button the 2-digit dividends are randomised, so the questions change every time. This allows you to create new unique worksheets at the same level for extra practice, revision throughout the year or even give groups of students in your class different sets of questions again all at the same level.
Solutions are generated every time you create a new worksheet.
The full set has the following
Set 1: Division of 2 digit numbers without remainders
Generate pages of questions, each with a different divisor from 2 to 9
Set 2: Division of 2 digit numbers with remainders
Generate pages of questions each with a different divisor from 2 to 9
Set 3: Division of 2 digit numbers MIX
Generate pages of questions each page with a mix of divisors from 2 to 9.
One set of questions has no remainders, the other has remainders.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
These Worksheets provide an (almost) unlimited number of practice questions for your students dividing a 2-digit dividend by a 1-digit divisor, either using the standard algorithm or any informal method (such as the short or bus stop) you may teach.
Worksheet Set 1: Division of 2 digit numbers *without remainders *
Generate pages of questions each page with a different divisor from 2 to 9
Worksheet Set 2: Division of 2 digit numbers with remainders.
Generate pages of questions each page with a different divisor from 2 to 9
Worksheet Set 3: Division of 2 digit numbers MIX
Generate pages of questions each page with a mix of divisors from 2 to 9.
One set of questions has no remainders, the other has remainders.
Solutions are generated every time.
(Almost) unlimited number of practice questions?
From the description above, you can see that you have a minimum of 18 different worksheets, if you wanted your students to work on every divisor from 2 to 9 individually or mixed up. However you may want some students to practice more on one than another, or you may also want to give groups of students individualized worksheets but all with the same divisor i.e. different dividends
How ? … by clicking on any randomiser buttons - all the 2 digit dividends will change - and you have a brand new Worksheet. The possibilities now become almost (almost) endless and you will have resources for classwork, homework, revision, regular practice to keep the skill alive throughout the year , and individualize the task to the level you want.
Click-Print-Go !
These are no-prep worksheets, ideal to have ready at a moment’s notice, or prepared for a replacement teacher if needed.
To get a more detailed view of these resources and to try out a limited version of the Worksheets go to Divide 2 digit by a 1 digit number FREEBIE
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
Learn and practice reading Roman numerals and converting between Roman Numerals and numbers.
This Free Preview Download has been set up so you can have a more in depth view of Roman Numerals. Worksheets & Teaching Resource and try out a limited version of the Dynamic Worksheets and see for yourself the potential of this resource for you and your pupils.
These worksheets on division of 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers are open so that your students can practice using the method you have taught them using the (fairly) universal method of presentation to show workings either formally or informally.
This Free Preview Download has been set up so you can have a more in depth view of*** “Divide 3 digit by 1 digit numbers with & without remainders”*** and try out a limited version to see for yourself the potential of this resource for you and your pupils.
It contains the following Worksheet Sets
Set 1: Division of 3-digit numbers without remainders
Generate pages of questions, each with a different divisor 2, 3 or 4
Set 2: Division of 3-digit numbers with remainders
Generate pages of questions each with a different divisor 2, 3 or 4
How many worksheets are there in total ?
Lots and lots … Here you have 6 worksheet templates BUT at the click of a button the 2-digit dividends are randomised, so the questions change every time. This allows you to create new unique worksheets at the same level for extra practice, revision throughout the year or even give groups of students in your class different sets of questions again all at the same level.
Solutions are generated every time you create a new worksheet.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
A bundle of resources to learn and practice reading Roman numerals and converting between Roman Numerals and numbers.
You have 4 levels to choose from with number ranges
The Worksheets are dynamic which means that at the click of a button the numbers in the questions are randomised providing an (almost) unending set of questions.
Worksheet 1
Convert Numbers to Roman Numerals at the 4 levels listed above.
Worksheet 2
Convert Roman Numerals to Numbers at the 4 levels listed above.
The Teaching Resources are interactive which means that at the click of a button the numbers in the questions are randomised providing an (almost) unending set of examples.
They are designed as a whole class for use with an Interactive Whiteboard or on a computer for one to one tuition. Ideal for introducing this topic and a preparation for the Worksheets.
Teaching Page 1
Convert Numbers to Roman Numerals at the 4 levels listed above.
Teaching Page 2
Convert Roman Numerals to Numbers at the 4 levels listed above.
To get a more detailed view of these resources and to try out a limited version of a Worksheet go to PREVIEW: Roman Numerals
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
UK National Curriculum.
Year 5 Programme of Study Number.
Number and Place value.
Read Roman numerals to 1000 (M) and recognise years written in Roman numerals.
In this bundle of resources there are 4 worksheets, BUT within each worksheet there are between 6 and 9 buttons each of which opens up a page of 12 questions with a different divisor or set of divisors.
Every time you click a button the dividends in the 12 questions are randomised.
This will give you an almost endless source of worksheets allowing you to choose what is best for your pupils to practice.
WS1: Dividing 3 digits by 1 digit numbers 2 to 9.
Every page of questions is devoted to one divisor from 2 to 9.
All the divisions will produce an exact answer.
WS2: Dividing 3 digits by 1 digit numbers - Mix
On this page each button will produce a page of questions with a mix of divisors: 2,3,4 / 4,5,6 / 5,6,7 / 6,7,8 / 7,8,9 and again all the divisions will produce an exact answer.
WS3: Dividing 3 digits by 1 digit numbers 2 to 9 with Remainder.
Every page of questions is devoted to one divisor from 2 to 9.
All the answers will have a remainder.
WS4: Dividing 3 digits by 1 digit numbers - Mix with Remainder
Each button will produce a page of questions with a mix of divisors: 2,3,4 / 4,5,6 / 5,6,7 / 6,7,8 / 7,8,9 and again All the answers will have a remainder.
Answers can be seen at the click of a button.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
To get a more detailed view of these resources and to try out a limited version of the Worksheets go to
Divide 3 digit by 1 digit numbers with & without remainders FREEBIE
This Free Preview Download has been set up so you can have a more in depth view of Addition & Subtraction to 1000 with Dienes and try out a limited version of the Dynamic Worksheets and see for yourself the potential of this resource for your class.
This set of resources covers addition and subtraction up to 1000 with the visual aid of dienes.
There are 8 sets of worksheets for both addition and subtraction, making 16 in total :
Worksheet 1 a & b. No exchange or regrouping .
Worksheet 2 a & b. Exchange of units (units add up to more than 10)
Worksheet 3 a & b. Exchange of 10s( 10s add up to more than 100)
Worksheet 4 a & b. Exchange of 10s and units, both 10s and units need regrouping.
At each level:
Worksheets a: * both numbers to be added are represented by numbers and dienes, so the dienes are essentially a support tool.
*- Worksheets b: *pupils have to deduce the two numbers to be added from the dienes blocks and then do the sum.
Worksheet 1 a & b No exchange, regrouping or borrowing .
Worksheet 2 a & b. Exchange 10 into ten units
Worksheet 3 a & b Exchange 100 into 10 tens
Worksheet 4 a & b. Exchange 10 into ten units and 100 into 10 tens
At each level:
Worksheets a: the first numbers is represented by a number and dienes, so the dienes are basically a support tool
Worksheets b: pupils have to deduce the first number from the dienes blocks and then do the subtraction.
The questions on each of the worksheets can be randomised at the click of a button, so the one resource can be used any number of times for classwork, revision, homework, assessments etc.
An answer sheet is produced every time.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
To get a more detailed view of these resources and to try out a limited version of one of the Worksheets go to PREVIEW: Addition & Subtraction to 1000 with Dienes