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Business Ownership

Business Ownership

An 89 slide, detailed PowerPoint presentation on forms of business ownership. This presentation goes into detail about: The public sector The private sector Soletraders Partnerships Limited Companies Not-for-profit organisations This presentation includes a number of editable recap activities (decision tree, guess the question, etc) Colourful, interactive with animations throughout. This presentation took me 3 hours to complete with my students
Protectionism (Economics)

Protectionism (Economics)

A detailed (102 slide) PowerPoint presentation on tariffs, quotas, trade subsidies and other forms of protectionsim. This presentation includes: Colourful slides Videos Activities Links to syllabus A detailed step-by-step instructions on how to draw tariff, quota and trade subsidy diagrams Homework activities Contextualised examples
Franchises / Franchising

Franchises / Franchising

This PowerPoint is a 20 slide resource that containd the following: A colourful title slide with lesson objectives and animations An editable ‘guess the starter’ activity Franchising logo activity McDonalds information video Notes Additional activities This presentation took me 45 minutes to go through with my students
Terms of Trade

Terms of Trade

This colourful and informative resource is fully comprehensive, and includes a number of tasks that test learning that do not require any marking from the teacher. Included: A detailed and colourful title screen, outlining the learning objectives and including an interactive timer and picture animations A ‘guess the question’ starter activity with answers that tests understanding of earlier macroeconomic content A quiz on UK imports and exports Detailed explanation of ‘weighted indexes’ with questions and answer scheme included Past exam question with mark scheme on terms of trade Link to a video reviewing terms of trade and index numbers Detailed explanations of factors affecting terms of trade and Prebisch-Singer hypothesis 8 mark question with mark scheme Homework tasks, including a link to a Teams Quiz with 17 questions on terms of trade. Questions are self-marked when students respond All resources took me 3 lessons to go through
Market Share

Market Share

This presentation includes: A colourful title slide with learning objectives and clickable timer to give students a minute and a half to get down the title Detailed notes providing explanations of markets, market growth, calculation of market share, how market share increases as well as the benefits of high market share 3 mini activities; 1 - Calculating market share, 2 - Which markets are growing and shrinking in size 3 - Which business is the market leader in 4 different industries This lesson took me 30 minutes to go through with my students
Product Lifecycle

Product Lifecycle

Included in this PowerPoint presentation; A colourful title slide outlining the key learning objectives A fun Catchphrase starter activity that my students adore! An introductory slide explaining what the lesson is about An introductory game where students have to recognise brands of drinks currently / previously owned by Coke (this activity links into product lifecycle) A hyperlinked video about the rise and fall of Subway (10 mins in length) Detailed and colourful notes on what the product lifecycle is and what happens at each stage A simple class activity where students have to be creative and think about how to extend the product lifecycle for 4 random products (I get students to either stand up and explain their suggestions / draw them) Colourful gifs and animations are included throughout to ensure full engagement from students This lesson contains 38 slides and took me a full hour to complete with all the activities included
Free, Mixed and Command Economies

Free, Mixed and Command Economies

The PowerPoint attached is an informative presentation that explains the difference between command, mixed and free market economies. Contextualised exams provided throughout. This presentation contains 18 slides and took me 30 minutes to go through
Exam Stress Assembly: The Hidden Superpowers of Orange Paper

Exam Stress Assembly: The Hidden Superpowers of Orange Paper

This assembly has been created to help students with suggested tools to help them during stressful periods, such as exams. Students often don’t engage on advice on coping with exam stress so this assembly has been created to approach it at a different angle and to be as creating, colourful and engaging as possible. GIFs and animations have been used throughout ‘Notes’ have also been included in each slide to give suggested prompts of what to say for each slide The focus of the assembly is the emotional side of learning and how specific emotions affect learning more than others. It also includes some interesting, quirky but quick and simple techniques on managing these emotions. There are 16 slides in total and has been designed to take 15 minutes to go through (the allocated time frame for my assemblies)
Rational Decision Making

Rational Decision Making

This resource is a 17 slide PowerPoint that explains the concept or rational decision making. Included in the presentation: A colourful and informative title slide that outlines the learning objectives An engaging and interactive online ‘vortex’ starter activity. Students need to match which key term links with which of four topics. Activity is self marked and instructions are included Explanations of how rational decision making is a principle of neo-classical economics Contextualised examples of how customers don’t always act rationally (Nudge Theory, Third Decoy, Dopamine, FOMO) Explanation as to why consumers may not act rationally This resource took me 30 minutes to complete
Porter's Five Forces

Porter's Five Forces

This PowerPoint introduces the theory of Porter’s Five Forces Contextualised examples included (including why Apple hasn’t entered the airline example) Each force is explained individually Notes provided throughout PowerPoint is colourful and engaging
Market Structures and Competition

Market Structures and Competition

This lesson can be used either to teach Business students about competition, market structures and how consumers can be affected by anti-competitive practices OR to teach Economics students about the different features of market structures and why competition / a lack of competition affects different stakeholders. Included in this lesson: A colourful and detailed title slide outlining the key learning objectives An income elasticity of demand starter activity suitable for both Business and Economics students (calculation / explain / diagram question). A printable slide of the questions has been provided with a detailed answer key on next slide for peer marking. A detailed and contextualised example of how a lack of competition affects different stakeholders (Epic Games legal battle with Apple over Fortnite) Brainstorming activity on competition A rank in order activity on types of competitive markets Detailed notes on competition, monopolies, oligopolies, monopolistic competition, perfect competition, Game Theory, types of anti-competitive practices such as Cartels, OFT. This presentation contains 37 slides and took me an hour to go through with my students.
Cash Flow Forecast Full Worksheet

Cash Flow Forecast Full Worksheet

This worksheet tests students understanding of the importance of cash, cash flow forecasts and how to solve cash flow problems. There are five activities included in this resource: Activity 1 - A fill the blanks activity testing students’ understanding of key cash flow terminology Activity 2 - A cash flow forecast with missing values that students will need to calculate Activity 3 - A true or false activity that tests students’ ability to interpret the information from the cash flow forecast they completed for activity 2 Activity 4 - An anagram activity where students have to solve five anagrams of ways businesses can solve cash flow problems. Once solved, they need to briefly explain how each method helps with poor cash flow Activity 5 - A picture round where students look at 9 good and services, and have to decide which four of the nine are likely to experience short-term cash-flow problems. A brief answer is required underneath explaining their reasons for each answer All answers have been provided in depth This can be completed in class / for homework / as a peer marked activity to save you marking! This worksheet took students around 25 minutes to complete
Marketing Mix - Price

Marketing Mix - Price

This resource is a 58 slide PowerPoint presentation that gives a comprehensive overview of pricing strategies. Included in this resource: A colourful title page outlining the learning objectives A fun catchphrase starter activity where students have to guess the name of a business / product from the pictures given [answers included] A critical path analysis recap activity [answers included] An introductory explanation of the importance of pricing products correctly Detailed explanations with examples of market-based, competition-based and cost-based pricing strategies Colourful examples provided throughout Calculation activities [with answers] for the cost-based pricing strategies Colourful gifs and animation are included throughout This lesson took me just over an hour to go through with students.
Average Rate of Return

Average Rate of Return

Included in this lesson: A detailed and colourful title slide, including all learning objectives for this topic A recap starter activity on calculating the payback period (answers included) An explanation slide as to what the lesson is about; providing an overview of the problems of relying solely on the payback period as a method of investment appraisal and why other methods are also needed Explanation of what ARR is A scenario showing how ARR is calculated An evaluation of ARR There are 22 slides in total and it took me around 30 minutes to go through the presentation.
Market Failure (Types of)

Market Failure (Types of)

This lesson introduces the concept of market failure and explains what each of the key types of market failure are (externalities, under-provision of public goods and information assymmetry) Included in this presentation is: A colourful title slide with the key learning objectives A ‘guess the question’ starter activity with answers A step-by-step explanation as to what market failure is Video showing an extreme example of externalities Fill the blanks externality activity Externalities sorting activity with answers Positive externality activity Information gap activity Detailed and colourful notes throughout This presentation is 32 slides in length and took me one hour to go through
Business Location

Business Location

A 20 slide PowerPoint presentation outlining the qualitative and quantitative factors businesses consider when choosing a business location. The PowerPoint is colouful, informative and includes a ‘Tenable’ game show PowerPoint where students have to identify 10 common reasons why businesses fail
Critical Path Analysis

Critical Path Analysis

Included in this resource is a detailed, colourful, engaging and informative presentation on critical path analysis. I have broken this topic down in easy to understand sections as students often find it very challenging. The PowerPoint contains: A detailed and colourful title slide that includes all learning objectives A fill the blanks recap starter activity on ratio analysis / financial statement. All answers are included. An explanation of what project management is and its importance. Contextualised examples of projects applicable to critical path are included **A hyperlink to a great video **of Apple’s new HQ is included. It shows the scale of the project, cost and time taken An activity where students learn the importance of completing activities simultaneously to save time rather than a sequence A step by step breakdown over 10 slides on what a network diagram is, what the values and characters mean, and how to work out EST, LFT, critical path. 5 network diagrams ranging in difficulty all with answers provided Detailed notes and activities on float times Notes on the advantages and disadvantages of critical path as well as how to evaluate the usefulness of critical path analysis as a planning tool A separate supplementary worksheet is included in this resource with all of the activities included in the PowerPoint. These can be printed for students. All answer are in the presentation. Animations have been used throughout to make this as engaging for students as possible The presentation contains 52 slides and took me two and a half hours to go through with students.
Indirect Taxation WORKSHEET

Indirect Taxation WORKSHEET

A worksheet that tests understanding of directly and indirect taxation. There are 4 activities in this worksheet: A fill the blanks activity that tests students understanding of types of direct and indirect taxation and the correct terminology used depending on the tax being discussed An activity where students need to calculate tax per unit, incidence on producers, consumers and government revenue An activity where students need to explain why the incidence on the producer / consumer changes depending on the price elasticity of demand An extension of activity 2 where students are given 4 additional diagrams where they need to complete additional calculations and label the incidence / tax revenue 3 multiple-choice questions on indirect taxation Detailed answers of all* activities are provided in this worksheet This activity took between 20 and 30 minutes for my students to complete
Marketing Objectives

Marketing Objectives

A colourful and engaging resource on Marketing Objectives. Included in this presentation; A colourful and informative title slide outlining learning objectives. This slide includes animations A Catchphrase starter activity where students guess the name of a business or product fro a range of picture clues A recap fill the blanks starter activity that tests what student have learned about marketing so far (PowerPoint slide can be printed for students and answer key included) Explanation of aims, objectives and mission statements Match the mission statement activity Detailed and contextualised notes on marketing strategy, SMART objectives There are 35 slides in total and this lesson took me an hour to complete