Interchanging Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Revision Mat worksheet which allows for personalised learning/differentiation.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic and allows for both repetition and challenge for pupils.
Worksheets each come with solutions and suggestions for use.
Why not print solutions on the back page and laminate?
Adding and Subtracting basic fractions Revision Mat worksheet which allows for personalised learning/differentiation.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic and allows for both repetition and challenge for pupils.
Worksheets each come with solutions and suggestions for use.
Why not print solutions on the back page and laminate?
Basic multiplication by single digits and powers of 10 Revision Mat worksheet which allows for personalised learning/differentiation.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic and allows for both repetition and challenge for pupils.
Worksheets each come with solutions and suggestions for use.
Why not print solutions on the back page and laminate?
Multiplying and Dividing Negative Numbers Revision Mat worksheet which allows for personalised learning/differentiation.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic and allows for both repetition and challenge for pupils.
Worksheets each come with solutions and suggestions for use.
Why not print solutions on the back page and laminate?
Basic division by single digits and powers of 10 Revision Mat worksheet which allows for personalised learning/differentiation.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic and allows for both repetition and challenge for pupils.
Worksheets each come with solutions and suggestions for use.
Why not print solutions on the back page and laminate?
Three Decimals worksheet which allows for personalised learning/differentiation.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic and allows for both repetition and challenge for pupils.
Worksheets each come with teacher information and solutions.
1. Adding and Subtracting
2. Multiplying
3. Dividing
Two Algebra Revision Mats worksheets which allows for personalised learning/differentiation.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic and allows for both repetition and challenge for pupils.
Worksheets each come with solutions and suggestions for use.
Algebra - Collecting like terms
Algebra - Basic Substitution
Why not print solutions on the back page and laminate?
Three Significant Figures worksheets which allows for personalised learning/differentiation.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic and allows for both repetition and challenge for pupils.
Worksheets each come with solutions.
1. Significant Figures for values greater than 1
2. Significant Figures for values less than 1
3. Significant Figures mystery worksheet
Two Basic Multiplication and Division Revision Mats worksheets which allows for personalised learning/differentiation.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic and allows for both repetition and challenge for pupils.
Worksheets each come with solutions and suggestions for use.
Multiplication - by single digit, and powers of 10
Division - by single digit, and powers of 10
Why not print solutions on the back page and laminate?
Three Decimals Revision Mats worksheets which allows for personalised learning/differentiation.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic and allows for both repetition and challenge for pupils.
Worksheets each come with solutions and suggestions for use.
Ordering, Adding & Subtracting
Rounding and Multiplying
Why not print solutions on the back page, and even laminate?
Negative Numbers Revision Mat worksheets which allows for personalised learning/differentiation.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic and allows for both repetition and challenge for pupils.
Worksheets each come with solutions and suggestions for use.
Adding and Subtracting Negative Numbers
Multiplying and Dividing Negative Numbers
Why not print solutions on the back page and laminate?
Four Matrices Match Up worksheets.
In each worksheet pupils must complete a number of questions to find the solutions on the worksheet. Three solutions will be unused and they can be added together to find a final solution.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic. Also if pupils get the final solution teachers can be happy the topic is understood without the need for marking. Solutions included.
1. Adding and Subtracting
2. Multiplying
3. Calculating Determinants
4. Matrix Equations
Four Fractions Revision Mats worksheets which allows for personalised learning/differentiation.
Can be used as practice or revision of the topic and allows for both repetition and challenge for pupils.
Worksheets each come with solutions and suggestions for use.
Equivalent Fractions
Multiplying basic fractions
Adding and subtracting basic fractions
Interchanging Fractions, Decimals, Percentages
Why not print solutions on the back page and laminate?