Math for early childhood

Year 1 Position and Direction Weekly Plan
A weekly plan for position and direction suitable for year 1. Follows block 3 of the white rose maths scheme.

Sharing equally
Worksheets on sharing equally as an introduction to division. Lower and Higher ability with higher ability having questions with a remainder. Questions are about sharing biscuits on plates. Can be done practically before completing the worksheets.

Representing numbers to 20
Differentiated worksheets to help children understand different representations to numbers to 20 and 50.

Counting forwards and backwards to 50
Differentiated counting forwards and backwards to 50 worksheets.

3D shapes Odd One Out
Worksheet for children to find the odd one out in a line of 3D shapes. Good for reasoning.

Finding half of an amount
Differentiated worksheets for children to count how many items there are and find half.

Counting to 10
Worksheet of counting share bears to 10 works best by using concrete objects as well as the pictures.

Year 1 Time Planning
Two weeks planning for the topic of time to match the whote rose objectives for year 1.

Using the bar model to find the difference
Introducing children to finding the difference between two numbers using the bar model to help children see the numbers and problems visually.

Number Bonds to 20 Bar Modelling
Bar modelling worksheet to help children visualise the number bonds to 20. It really helped my class!

Year 1 Summer Block 2 Fractions 2 week plan
White Rose planning. Two weeks of planning on finding half and quarter of shapes and amounts.

Ordering numbers to 50
Differentiated ordering numbers to 50 worksheets with a class dojo theme. Children to order amounts of class dojos from who have the least to most.