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Knowledgeandskills's Shop

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Welcome to Knowledge and Skills a dynamic partnership with lots of experience in designing and delivering employability skills, careers education and work experience. Our shop includes resources in these categories: Careers education for young adults: with modern magazine style images. Careers education for 11-14+ learners: these are the ones with the dogs! Work experience support: projects and guides for self-directed learning. Level 1 maths: popular topics featuring our elephant friends!




Welcome to Knowledge and Skills a dynamic partnership with lots of experience in designing and delivering employability skills, careers education and work experience. Our shop includes resources in these categories: Careers education for young adults: with modern magazine style images. Careers education for 11-14+ learners: these are the ones with the dogs! Work experience support: projects and guides for self-directed learning. Level 1 maths: popular topics featuring our elephant friends!
Have you got what it takes?  Develop your enterprise skills

Have you got what it takes? Develop your enterprise skills

“Have you got what it takes?” is a classroom topic that introduces students to discussion about enterprise skills or what it means to be enterprising. It will help them to explore why being enterprising is not just about entrepreneurship or running a business, although people with these skills are often entrepreneurial as well. Being enterprising also means being creative and managing risk, which are useful skills in many roles. Students will think about how they can develop their own skills in this area through other activities that they may be involved in. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.
Can you communicate well?

Can you communicate well?

“Can you communicate well” is a self-contained classroom topic about two vital aspects of communication: speaking and listening. There are 2 parts to communication: What we send ... and what is received (seen or heard). It is vital that students understand that developing effective speaking and listening are skills will not only get their point across but help them to learn to be good negotiators, a highly valued quality in many job roles. The activities in this topic include some role play involving selective listening and interpreting body language while we speak or listen to others. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.
Too much information? Understand and use LMI (Labour Market Information) in your career search

Too much information? Understand and use LMI (Labour Market Information) in your career search

“Too much information?” is a self-contained classroom topic about finding and using LMI (Labour Market Information). Understanding LMI is vital to informed decision making about careers. This topic will help students to make informed and realistic choices for their future by drawing on all available sources of knowledge and evaluating how useful they are. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 3 and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes engaging and high quality images to add visual appeal.
Are you environmentally friendly? How to develop sustainable businesses

Are you environmentally friendly? How to develop sustainable businesses

“Are you environmentally friendly” is a self-contained classroom topic about the use of resources. All organisations have an obligation to deliver goods and services at the best value for the consumer but they also need to consider how to use finite resources and minimise the damage they do to the environment. In this topic students will think about their own school or college environmental policies and research the environmental policies of other organisations that make items they use every day. This topic requires internet access for a small scale research activity. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.
It's my business: Explore different types of business

It's my business: Explore different types of business

“It’s my business” is a self-contained classroom topic that introduces students to different types of business and helps then to understand the differences between public and private sector companies, charities and sole traders. They will explore some key job roles in these businesses and complete an organisational chart, then go on to discuss different working patterns and the advantages of flexible working. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.
It's good to talk! How to have positive conversations

It's good to talk! How to have positive conversations

“It’s good to talk!” is a self-contained classroom topic about how to hold a positive conversation. Effective speaking is a skill that can be applied in any situation but is critically important when your ability to speak well is being measured in a presentation or interview. Being aware of how your tone or body language affects your conversation is necessary to avoid misunderstandings with other people. This topic explores how to develop good conversation skills. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners
Go get that job! Explore your employability skills

Go get that job! Explore your employability skills

This topic covers employability skills as defined by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and employers: communication and literacy, teamwork, problem solving, customer awareness, numeracy and ICT. It includes an attractive presentation to help structure your lesson, instructions and activiy sheets. Students will explore how they can develop and evidence their own employability skills even if they have little or no work experience, and discuss why employers value these skills. This resource includes activities to help students to take stock of their existing skills and plan to develop future skills through all their activities including academic learning, hobbies and social time. They will also learn to understand the difference between skills and tasks and explore the concept of transferable skills. This topic will help students who are new to job applications or CVs to think about how to describe their skills and aptitudes to a potential employer.
Tampering with technology: Stay safe with technology at work

Tampering with technology: Stay safe with technology at work

“Tampering with technology” is a self-contained classroom topic that encourages debate on using computers and electronic communication at work safely. Many people are unaware of the legal risks they take by misusing their own or their employer’s e mail or computer network for an inappropriate purpose. In this topic students will develop an understanding of some of the main dangers in misusing computers at work including unintentional misuse. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.
The power of the paper round: The value of work-related learning and experience

The power of the paper round: The value of work-related learning and experience

“The power of the paper round” is a self-contained classroom topic about how to maximise the value of wider work-related learning experience to provide evidence of employability skills. Students may not think that they have much work experience, but many activities contribute to learning for and about work. This topic will help them to make the link between their wider experience and the skills that are valued by employers. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.
Change happens: Plan for change

Change happens: Plan for change

“Change happens” is a self-contained classroom topic which helps students to embrace change and the new opportunities it can bring. Our plans rarely come to fruition as we expect them to. The key to success in learning and career planning is to understand that it is a process. Students will gain confidence from understanding that they do not need to have everything worked out to start planning for the future and keeping their plans flexible can be an advantage. This topic uses fictional case studies and activities focusing on the three C’s: Choice, Chance and Change. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 3 and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes engaging and high quality images to add visual appeal.
Which cap fits: Understand yourself

Which cap fits: Understand yourself

“Which cap fits?” is a self-contained classroom topic that explores four personal values – being liked, admired, respected and trusted. Students will consider what these values mean to them and which they would like to inspire in others. They will also reflect on whether there could be any negative aspects to these values, for example does respect always mean you are liked? This topic will encourage reflection about how values can affect our behaviour and choices. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.
Reach for the stars: Understand enterprise skills

Reach for the stars: Understand enterprise skills

“Reach for the stars” is a classroom topic about enterprise skills. This topic will help students to understand that enterprise skills cover everything from becoming a top entrepreneur to showing initiative and enterprise in everyday life. Students will learn in a light hearted way about the idea of being enterprising as a skill they might like to develop and reflect on how this could help them in a future career. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 3 and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes engaging and high quality images to add visual appeal.
Legal eagles: How employment law affects you

Legal eagles: How employment law affects you

“Legal eagles” is a self-contained classroom topic that helps students to be aware of the most important legal regulations that apply to young people at work including permitted hours and types of employment. It will start to embed these ideas in younger students before they go on actual work experience, and will help to promote learning about rights at work. Students will also consider what happens to children who are exploited as cheap labour and why laws are needed to prevent this happening. This topic includes a small scale research task for which internet access is needed (other activities to not require internet access). This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 3 and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes engaging and high quality images to add visual appeal.
Mirror Mirror! Understand how you learn best

Mirror Mirror! Understand how you learn best

“Mirror Mirror!” is a self-contained classroom topic that encourages students to think about learning as a lifelong process. It encourages them to reflect on their learning to date and key transition points that they have already faced. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 3 and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Students will consider how we all learn in different ways in different situations, drawing on a range of learning skills. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes engaging and high quality images to add visual appeal.
Know your data rights: Your right to data protection

Know your data rights: Your right to data protection

“Know your data rights” is a self-contained classroom topic that introduces students to the safe handling of personal data. Many people may need to hold some personal data about us, for example, a school or college, doctor, hospital, employer etc. We may also have access to other people’s personal data in the future through work or a social activity so it is important to know some fundamental aspects of how to handle it correctly and legally. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.
Manage your money: Explore funding for your learning

Manage your money: Explore funding for your learning

“Manage your money” is a classroom topic that asks students to consider where their money comes from now and where it goes. They will then look in more depth at financial planning for one crucial option in their lives – going on to university. They will carry out a basic cost exercise associated with being a full time student and reflect on how they would prepare for this. This topic will help students to understand the necessity for making a financial plan to achieve their goals. This topic includes one small scale research activity for which internet access is required (other activities do not require internet access). This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.
Question time: Answer common interview questions

Question time: Answer common interview questions

“Question time” is a self-contained classroom topic that introduces students to some of the most commonly used interview questions and why they are used. Preparing and practising answers to common interview questions will help students to prepare for any interview situation. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.
Stand out from the crowd: Be successful in group interviews

Stand out from the crowd: Be successful in group interviews

“Stand out from the crowd” is a self-contained classroom topic that helps students to understand and prepare for a group interview situation. As well as carrying out one to one interviews, some employers like to carry out a group interview, or set problems for a group to solve together. This is so that they can assess teamwork and potential leadership qualities. This topic will help students to identify good and bad group behaviours and visualise how they might be assessed as part of a group. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.
You've got mail!  Use email effectively at work

You've got mail! Use email effectively at work

“You’ve got mail” is a classroom topic about the importance of using email properly at work to avoid problems and pitfalls in your communication with others. It also covers email culture at work and how this differs from communications sent to friends, often referred to as “email etiquette”. Businesses often formalise these rules of good practice in an email usage policy so students should be aware of these basic principles. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.
What you know or who you know? Explore your network

What you know or who you know? Explore your network

“What you know or who you know” is a self-contained classroom topic that encourages students to consider who is in their personal network and how these people could help them in their career search and planning. This topic will encourage students to broaden their search for careers advice and guidance by using informal as well as formal sources of information and to evaluate the usefulness of the information. This topic supports the learning outcomes in the Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) framework for career and work-related learning at Key Stage 4 but can be used with a range of groups depending on their needs and abilities, and provides good evidence of lesson planning. Two files are included with this topic. The first file is a lesson plan, worksheets and suggested running order for the activities. The lesson plan also includes differentiated learning goals, reflective questions and a “before and after” review of learning relating to this topic. The second file is a slide show presentation which can be used with a whiteboard or pc/laptop and projector, to add structure to the lesson for students. The slideshow has the same running order as the lesson plan, and includes modern and striking imagery to appeal to young adult learners.