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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Year 6 Maths SAT's prep materials

Year 6 Maths SAT's prep materials

Attached are a number of resources to try and help in the build up to SAT's. This includes 36 fully planned lessons to run from February half term with planning, slides and worksheets attached that operate on a mastery basis to develop children's reasoning and problem solving. These are for children to pick between based on confidence. The reason for 36 lessons is so that you can also focus on other areas such as angles, graphs and rotation as desired or key target areas within your class. Where lessons are repeated, worksheets are repeated as purely revision. Within the presentation are slides for other lessons as a starting point. Also included are mini-arithmetic tests and problem solving task cards children can work through and a revision mat of key facts.
Primary Geography Assessment Grids

Primary Geography Assessment Grids

Geography assessment grids from Year 1 to 6 that can be used to check children's understanding and use as a progress measure if wished. These are to be used as best fit as there may be some areas they are weaker/ more confident in with the aim being a best fit judgement. I created these as there appears to be a gap in geography assessment at the minute in primary schools since the move to assessment without levels. This enables schools to have something in place for a foundation subject that links well to other curricular areas, as well as showing an assessment system should visitors wish to know how you monitor progress.
Primary History Assessment Grids

Primary History Assessment Grids

History assessment grids from Year 1 to 6 that can be used to check children's understanding and use as a progress measure if wished. These are to be used as best fit as there may be some areas they are weaker/ more confident in with the aim being a best fit judgement. I created these as there appears to be a gap in history assessment at the minute in primary schools since the move to assessment without levels. This enables schools to have something in place for a foundation subject that links well to other curricular areas, as well as showing an assessment system should visitors wish to know how you monitor progress. These were created using the statements from the curriculum, with a particular focus on what they should be able to do at the end of each Key Stage and then working up/ back from that/ making sure children are 'Year 7 ready' at the end of Key Stage Two. There is some overlap in the way grids may be worded but this is because the content they are learning is different and they are beginning to increase knowledge across a range of topics/ apply skills to different topics. I have attached PDF and Word documents as they can then be edited if you wish.
Geography Comparison Study (KS2 Unit of Work)

Geography Comparison Study (KS2 Unit of Work)

A fully resourced unit of work that compares the U.K, Spain and Canada. There are 11 lessons that begin by looking at time zones around the world before focussing on the human and physical geographical features of the U.K, Spain and Canada separately. This then leads to comparing and contrasting two countries together as a class before finishing on the final lesson by comparing and contrasting all three countries together. Also included are Geography assessment grids for each year group that work as best fit assessments.
The Big Book of Fractions

The Big Book of Fractions

The Big Book of Fractions includes a range of fraction topics within it over 95 pages including: What a fraction is Colouring fractions Representing fractions Equivalent fractions including simplifying Comparing fractions Finding fractions of amounts including finding original numbers - Using the bar model Converting between mixed and improper fractions Adding fractions Subtracting fractions Multiplying fractions by whole numbers Multiplying fractions by fractions Dividing fractions by whole numbers Fractions, decimals and percentages equivalence Glossary of what particular terms mean Within this there are help sheets, showing how to do different operations with fractions through the maths and also through showing pictorial representations, generally using the bar model. After the help sheets most topics include practise questions and then questions that challenge children's fluency, reasoning and problem solving abilities. This can be used for a range of things, whether it be just to print the help sheets to encourage children to be independent or to give children a practise activity or activity that requires them to think more deeply.
Primary History and Geography Assessment Grids

Primary History and Geography Assessment Grids

Both assessments are uploaded separately but have been uploaded together for ease where people want both. History and Geography assessment grids from Year 1 to 6 that can be used to check children's understanding and use as a progress measure if wished. These are to be used as best fit as there may be some areas they are weaker/ more confident in with the aim being a best fit judgement. I created these as there appears to be a gap in both history and geography assessment at the minute in primary schools since the move to assessment without levels. This enables schools to have something in place for a foundation subject that links well to other curricular areas, as well as showing an assessment system should visitors wish to know how you monitor progress.
End of Year Quiz (x2)

End of Year Quiz (x2)

Two quizzes for the end of the year that can be used for a bit of fun/ competition between individuals or groups. One quiz is: A multiple choice quiz that children can do in teams as a fun end of year activity looking at various events in 2016-2017. Round One- Sporting events Round Two- Film questions Round Three- Picture Round Round Four- Song Round - Name the artist and name of the song with a point for each (Freedom in this round of selecting a number of songs yourself from 2016-2017 to quiz children on) Round Five- Music Round Round Six- Television Round The second quiz is a multiple choice general knowledge quiz that has 26 questions before finishing with 2 bonus rounds with a point per answer available.
The Big Book of Times Tables

The Big Book of Times Tables

Get 323 pages full of times table related activities and help sheets. Starting with the 2 x tables and working up to the 12 x tables, find: Fact sheets for each times table (including division facts) Pictorial representations A matching activity Loop card activities Bingo games with potential question ideas Times table quizzes A mastery check point of questions Finish off with mixed times tables with loop card games, bingo games with question ideas, mixed quizzes and a mixed mastery check point.
Writing Help Mat

Writing Help Mat

These writing help mats have been made for Year 6 in mind but can easily be used with other children. Simply print out the two pages and laminate them back to back to give children a work mat to help their writing and ensure they are addressing a number of the statements required for end of Key Stage writing assessments. Included are: The spelling word list for Year 5/6 Help for when to use paragraphs Prepositions Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions Modal and passive verbs Cohesive devices Punctuating Speech Some areas of punctuation
Year 5/6 P.E plans

Year 5/6 P.E plans

A range of plans for teaching different areas of the P.E curriculum that were used for Years 5 and 6. Includes different drills and how to differentiate activities within each one. May require you to have particular equipment in school which is why I have shared them for free. Youtube is a great added resource for showing professionals play and master different skills or for teaching yourself if you are low on confidence.
Mo Farah Reading Comprehension

Mo Farah Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension based on Mo Farah. Included is a fact file about Mo Farah and three differentiated question sheets with answers included. The fact file can also be used separately to work on Mo Farah or show examples of how people can write bibliographies about a sporting star. Reading questions work on both fact finding and inferring from the information available, enabling children to practise their reading skills as well as learning about Mo's background story.
Remembrance Day activities

Remembrance Day activities

Included are a number of resources that can be used ahead of Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday. Included are: A PowerPoint that looks at how Remembrance Day began and why we 'celebrate' it. It also looks at Remembrance Sunday and why we have the poppy as our symbol. A PowerPoint that introduces World War One, looking at why it started, who was involved and how many people died as a result A reading comprehension based on 'In Flanders Field' with three sets of differentiated questions and answers included A definition activity that gets children to practise using dictionaries whilst defining words from 'In Flanders Field' Instructions and templates for making a poppy A look at the controversy regarding England and Scotland being told by FIFA that they can't wear poppy armbands and three different activity ideas following an introduction to the story - Write a letter to FIFA, class debate or newspaper article regarding the story A sample of a reading comprehension that includes a fact file about Remembrance Day and questions related to this.
Would you Rather

Would you Rather

Perfect for back to school - Use these as a fun activity to get to know the children in your class. Each question gets children thinking and can require them to justify their decision. Questions can include set criteria e.g. cleaning the toilet with your toothbrush and then having to use it. Some are simply silly, fun questions whilst some will offer deep insight into the nature of individuals. Simply print them out, and either laminate them or cut them out and stick them on card. 116 question cards included. Whilst they can be used at the start of the year as a fun way to get to know individuals, they can also be used throughout the year. Have a day a week where one is used, getting children to do a straw poll with hands up and then discussing or getting children to write on a whiteboard and a reason why. They could also record them in a notebook to show their thinking. These can also be taken further by getting children to think of their own, getting them to think about questioning and ensuring that the two topics are related to one another and have a similar level of reward/ punishment with these then becoming discussion points.
Maths Unit of Work (Plans, Slides and Resources) Bundle

Maths Unit of Work (Plans, Slides and Resources) Bundle

7 Resources
Complete set of planning, slides and worksheets for place value x2, the four operations, fractions, algebra, area, perimeter and volume and measurements that provide 69 lessons. This has been written with Year 6 in mind but the resources are easily adaptable for other year groups. The worksheets have written with mastery in mind and so follow the following structure: Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving Worksheet Four - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving (This is a spare worksheet should children finish problem solving on worksheet three) Differentiation is achieved through self-assessment of own abilities to choose which worksheet they do. The worksheets will be clear in which is LA, MA and HA. N.B. This bundle will grow as I add more schemes of work but the price will now stay at £20.
Emergency One Off Cover Lessons (Supply Teacher Aid Kit)

Emergency One Off Cover Lessons (Supply Teacher Aid Kit)

Included are one off lessons/ starter resources that can be used in those times where someone isn't in/ if you're a supply teacher who hasn't been left any planning. These are aimed at Key Stage Two, particularly for 5/6 with more lessons added as it develops.
KS2 Science Planning Overviews

KS2 Science Planning Overviews

A planning overview resource to support the teaching of Science across KS2. Every KS2 topic is included with each planning overview following the same structure: Knowledge children must know - This provides a minimum level of what is expected for children to know by the end of the unit and provides consistency across classes. This also helps ensure progression and cohesion between topics. Ways of knowing they know - Ideas for checking understanding and knowing that children have learnt the minimum level of knowledge. Vocabulary - Key vocabulary across the unit that children will need to understand Other links - Links to other subjects and ideas for investigations for each topic These sheets help start the planning process by making it clear what children should know by the end for staff to then use and link together in a sequence of learning. This then feeds through KS2 as it ensures a minimum level of knowledge that supports progression and cohesion across the science curriculum.
Father day coordinates card activity

Father day coordinates card activity

List of coordinates that when done accurately creates a man with a tie, shirt and jacket on. I am using this myself for children to then colour in and add detail e.g. hair, jacket, tie and then stick on the front of a card that they will write in for fathers day. Can also just be used as an activity for practising coordinates.
World Flags Quiz

World Flags Quiz

A quiz that gets children to try and identify 30 different flags from around the world. A fun geography activity for the end of the year or as a general activity to check knowledge of different flags.
NPQSL Final Submission

NPQSL Final Submission

Attached is my final submission for NPQSL that scored 26/28. Certain sections have been removed for confidentiality but the full assessment itself is there. I’ve uploaded it in the hope it is useful for anyone doing the NPQSL as I know when we were doing it we were disappointed with the lack of free examples to look at.
Transition/ Back to school activities

Transition/ Back to school activities

A number of resources that can be used for class transition days or for the start of a new school year. Activities include: Three quizzes that children can complete in teams Setting targets and getting to know children activity sheet Classroom flag templates where children can design a class flag Rules activity where children decide from rules which are important or unimportant to then create a set of class rules from Getting to know everyone - Ice breaker activity where children have to find others that may have done a particular thing Questions and ideas - What they are looking forward to, any concerns and any questions they may have