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Grammar vocab : a game to teach grammar vocab from the National Curriculum
A card game that can be played in small groups or as a whole class. Teams choose to answer a 10, 20 or 30 point question. They are read a definition and have to guess the correct grammatical term. The more points the question is worth, the harder the question. Ideal for plenaries, lesson starters and independent group work. Print and laminate the cards to keep.
SEN - target tracking IEP
This is a blank IEP grid designed to track targets and areas of need over time. By having three consecutive targets on the same sheet, you are better able to check progress. The format allows space to record pupil and parent voice.
Multiplication torture tables - self-checking
Multiplication torture tables. Laminate and fold down the middle. Children have the blank side facing them and 1 or 2 minutes to complete. When the time is up, they open up the card and self-check. Enables a progression in skills from the 2 times table up to multiplying decimals by decimals. 13 cards in total.
Writing Editing Bingo Card
Can be double-sided and laminated to be used throughout the school year. This is a two page guide to show children what we are looking for when we assess their writing at the end of Key Stage Two. It explains and gives examples of each feature. Can be used for children to assess their own writing as they go (points for a line, full house etc) or for peer to peer assessment. Good way of getting children to look back at their writing for features that are considered ‘expected’ in Year Six.
Christmas Grammar Quiz
A ten-question quiz aimed at year five/six. The questions assess apostrophe use, spellings from the five/six spelling list and word classes. The quiz contains Christmassy images and jokes. Ideal for the last week of term.
Christmas quizzes - grammar and maths
Two end of term fun quizzes aimed at year five and six, but suitable for slightly older too. The grammar quiz looks at spelling (from the five/six spelling list), punctuation and word classes. The ten questions are all Christmassy themed with illustrations and Christmas jokes. The maths one is aimed at the same ages and has 10 Christmas-themed questions covering word problems, area, shape etc. Ideal for the end of term. Can be completed in teams or individually.
Christmas Maths Quiz
A maths quiz suitable for Year Five/Six. A variety of Christmassy questions (plus answers!) ideal for the end of term. Although the quiz is on a powerpoint designed for whole class/team use, the questions could be easily printed off for individuals. The ten questions cover a variety of topic areas including shape, area, word problems and algebra.
SEN resources
Four essential SEN resources. An IEP format that allows for tracking of targets across a year; a resource sheet for learning spellings that is particularly suited to students with dyslexia; a word wall to practice learning key vocab and a sheet to practice key phonics.
French colours
Can be used as an assessment or activity to learn about French colours. Children read simple sentences and either colour the pictures to match or write the English translation.
Maths Christmas Quiz 2
A fun end of term Christmassy maths quiz aimed at Y5/6. It covers nets, multiplication, area and other aspects of the Y5/6 curriculum.
Home learning English planning - holiday adverts
This is a two week block of planning on persuasive writing which looks at holiday adverts. It was designed to be used by children at home during lockdown, but would be also appropriate as an end of term block in school. It was created with a mixed age class of year 4/5/6 in mind, but could be easily adapted. There are a couple of links to BBC bitesize clips, but children without access to this can still use the plans. The example text of a holiday advert is included, and no other resources are needed.
Food preparation knowledge organiser
A two-page knowledge organiser to explain the basic health and safety guidance of food preparation and some safe cutting grips to use.
British Architects Knowledge Organiser (two pages)
A two -paged knowledge organiser about Charles Rene Mackintosh, Sir Christopher Wren, Zaha Hadid and Norman Foster. It contains facts about their lives and pictures of their work.
Viking and Anglo Saxon Knowledge Organiser (two pages)
A two-page knowledge organiser for Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. Contains key facts, graphics and a timeline. Aimed at UKS2. Included are a pdf version and a publisher version.
Persuasive writing (adverts) - core text and planning
A two week series of lesson ideas plus the core text needed. This is a simple unit of work, with an easy-to-remember core text which includes examples of many of the features in ‘expected’ year six writing. The simple core text allows less able writers to easily imitate independently at the end of the unit.
SPAG 'only connect' style walls
Five ‘only connect’ style walls. Each contains four groups of four words that are linked by word class or meeting. Suitable for a lesson starter, extension activity or plenary. Answers included. Good for group or partner discussion.
Sewing Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser to teach running stitch, back stitch and whip stitch. The organiser contains diagrams plus instructions.
Piet Mondrian Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser about the Dutch abstract artist Piet Mondrian. It contains facts about his art and examples of his work. Suitable for KS1 or KS2.
Rene Magritte Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser about the Belgian surrealist Rene Magritte. It contains information about his work and examples of his pictures. Aimed at KS1.
Wassily Kandinsky Knowledge Organiser
A knowledge organiser about the Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky, a key member of the Bauhaus movement. The organiser features facts about his art and examples of his work. Suitable for KS1 or LKS2.