Clap the words, count the beats and solve the simple sums!
Musical Maths explores the relationship between syllables and rhythm.
These simple but effective activities can also be used to develop pre-skills in algebra and music notation at the same time!
Ideal for:
Music centres
Early finishers
Addition worksheet
Subtraction worksheet
Multiplication worksheet
Clap the words, count the beats and solve the simple sums!
Musical Maths explores the relationship between syllables and rhythm.
These simple but effective activities can also be used to develop pre-skills in algebra and music notation at the same time!
Ideal for:
Music centres
Early finishers
Addition worksheet
Subtraction worksheet
Multiplication worksheet
3 Pages
These Kodaly-inspired Picture Rhythm cards are a great way to introduce rhythmic notation. Each card has graphic notation on one side and stick notation on the other. Perfect for Valentine’s Day! Also ideal for older beginners as an introduction to standard notation.
Picture rhythm Cards – “Roses Are Red”
Teacher’s Notes
6 pages
These Kodaly-inspired Picture Rhythm cards are a great way to introduce rhythmic notation. Each card has graphic notation on one side and stick notation on the other. Perfect for Valentine’s Day! Also ideal for older beginners as an introduction to standard notation.
Picture rhythm Cards - “Valentine”
Teacher’s Notes
6 pages
CAROLS AND SONGS FOR CHRISTMAS is full of easy Christmas favourites for your seasonal celebrations!
*Each Song includes: *
a simple piano score with melody
a piano score only
a melody chords score for voice and guitar
lyrics sheets
simple backing track of the piano score
These resources can be used to teach the carols and songs before performing with other accompaniments or tracks - they can also be used for performances themselves!
SONGS FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN are a set of simple songs to well-known tunes, and are intended to be sung unaccompanied.
Each song has an introduction which indicates the starting note and tempo, with the starting note clearly marked.
The backing tracks are played on piano for you to learn.
Also included are Teacher’s notes for guidance on how to teach and perform these cute little Christmas songs.
Away In A Manger
Deck The Halls
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Good King Wenceslas
Silent Night
Jingle Bells
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
When Santa Got Stuck Up The ChImney
A Christmas Card
Christmas Pudding
Five Big Presents
One Two Three Santas
Ten Christmas Crackers
No time? No problem! Quick and easy music ideas,activities and resources for the busy classroom.
Listening activity with audio file
Pitch pics and picture rhythm cards to develop pitch and rhythm skills
Simple 4-note graphic pitchline scores for performing and composing with tuned and untuned percussion
Snowflake sums using notation
Word Rhythm worksheet to explore the link between syllables and rhythms
Teacher’s Notes
Graphic scores are a great way to get your students composing.
Sounds are represented by colours and shapes, and are organised into simple sequences which can then be performed on percussion instruments.
Blank scores
Colour and shape cards
Teacher’s Notes
5 pages
Get your students creating and performing their own rhythmic scores using word rhythms and simple notation.
A great introduction to composing!
Ideal for your Halloween Topic!
Blank scores
Picture rhythm cards
Rhythmic notation cards
Teachers Notes
5 Pages
Introduce the musical element of PITCH with this colourful visual resource. An ideal way to develop an understanding of the concept of HIGH and LOW sound in music,PITCH PICS are a great introduction to reading music.
Graded Pitch Pics Cards
Teacher’s Notes
11 pages
Develop understanding of pitch with these easy-to-follow graphic scores - can be used with chimebars and other tuned and untuned percussion to perform and compose simple 3-note melodies.
Graded Pitch Lines Cards
Teacher’s Notes
9 pages
This simple 3-note arrangement for recorders uses a well-known melody from The New World Symphony by Anton Dvorak.
Easy to follow score features ALPHA notation - the note letters are displayed on the note - so everyone can follow. The fingering chart is a handy reference guide for you and your students. And the backing tracks feature simple accompaniments with and without the recorder parts, and at slow and fast speeds for practice and performance.
The pack also includes simple scores for piano accompaniment - ideal for learners and teachers alike!
And when you’re done, learn more about the composer with a comprehension activity.
For beginners of all ages.
Alpha score
Recorder Fingering reference charts
Audio tracks
Piano scores (with and without recorder part)
7 pages/2 audio files
Introduce the musical element of PITCH in an easy-to-follow visual way with these fun graphic scores.
High/Low graphic scores
High Middle Low graphic scores
Teacher’s Notes
11 pages
Get your students creating and performing their own rhythmic scores using word rhythms and simple notation.
A great introduction to composing!
Ideal for your Autumn Topic too!
Blank scores
Picture rhythm cards
Rhythmic notation cards
Teachers Notes
5 Pages
Develop rhythm reading skills with these colourful picture rhythm scores. Word rhythms and picture cues lead to understanding how rhythmic notation works.
5 Graded graphic scores
Teacher’s Notes
6 Pages
Develop rhythm reading skills with these colourful picture rhythm scores. Word rhythms and picture cues lead to understanding how rhythmic notation works.
5 graded rhythmic scores
Teacher’s Notes
5 pages
Have some Spooky fun with these Picture Rhythm Cards – a great way to introduce rhythmic notation. Each card has graphic notation on one side and stick notation on the other. Perfect for your Halloween Topic! Also ideal for older beginners as an introduction to standard notation.
4 Picture Rhythm Cards
Teacher’s Notes
7 pages
Have some Spooky fun with these Picture Rhythm Cards – a great way to introduce rhythmic notation. Each card has graphic notation on one side and stick notation on the other. Perfect for your Halloween Topic! Also ideal for older beginners as an introduction to standard notation.
4 Picture Rhythm Cards
Teacher’s Notes
7 pages
Celebrate Thanksgiving with these Picture Rhythm Cards - a great way to introduce rhythmic notation. Each card has graphic notation on one side and stick notation on the other. Also ideal for older beginners as an introduction to standard notation.
4 Picture Rhythm Cards
Teacher’s Notes
7 pages