Lancashire Professional Development Service helps educational settings like schools and academies to realise the full potential of their children and young people, by providing professional training, bespoke consultancies and inspiring resources. All of our curriculum resources are designed by highly experienced teaching and learning consultants.
Lancashire Professional Development Service helps educational settings like schools and academies to realise the full potential of their children and young people, by providing professional training, bespoke consultancies and inspiring resources. All of our curriculum resources are designed by highly experienced teaching and learning consultants.
Year 5 Autumn 2 English Planning Unit : Food, Glorious Food!
This half term block, based around a theme of Food Glorious Food, consists of three English units:
Stories with historical settings
Film and play scripts
Classic narrative poetry
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside a broad theme of food e.g. Geography work on food from around the world; Design and Technology work on a variety of cooking techniques; Science work on materials reversible and irreversible changes. The unit ‘Stories with historical settings’ is included to address the National Curriculum requirement to read and discuss an increasing wide range of fiction. The classic poetry and playscripts units are part of the recommendation for children in Y5/Y6 to learn a wider range of poetry by heart and prepare poems and plays to read aloud and to perform.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 5 Summer 2 English Planning Unit : Faster, Higher, Stronger
This half term block, based around the theme of Faster, Higher, Stronger, consists of three English units:
Non Fiction –a non-chronological report about an aspect of the Olympics
Poems with figurative language
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside a History unit on the origins of the Olympics in Ancient Greece. Links can also be made to human life cycles in Science, athletics in Physical Education and summer term sports events. A non-chronological report can be based upon historical Olympic events, upcoming Olympics, Paralympics, Olympic sports or Olympic athletes. Poetry using figurative language, can follow the same theme, and be composed on a famous Olympian or an Olympic object.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 2 Spring 2 English Planning Unit : The Farm Shop
This half term block, based around The Farm Shop, consists of three English units:
Stories with familiar settings
Poetry - riddles
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside science and design and technology. Stories with familiar settings can be themed around the farm, linking to science work on plants, growth and nutrition. It can also be linked to the designing of an eatwell plate in design and technology. The Riddles unit can
further support this work on food, based around farm shop produce. It is suggested that work from the Persuasion unit is linked to a variety of real-life farms, farm shops and other family days out in your local area.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 3 Spring 1 English Planning Unit : Rock and Roll!
This half term block, based around a theme of Rock and Roll, consists of three English units:
Story as a theme
Poems on a theme
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside science, history and geography work linked to rocks and soils, the Stone Age and earthquakes and volcanoes. Stories or a class novel can be examined linked to the theme of the Stone Age. Earthquakes and volcanoes are suggested as the topic focus for the discussion unit but the unit could be easily adapted to support a different context if desired.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 4 Spring 1 English Planning Unit : The Art of Food
This half term block, based around a theme of The Art of Food, consists of two English units:
Stories with issues and dilemmas
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside science, art and design technology linking to the context of food, but could easily be adapted to support different themes if desired. The unit on persuasion could be linked to work surrounding healthy eating, or to promote specific products. Short stories or a novel with an issue or dilemma may also link to this context, but it is not essential.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 2 Summer 2 English Planning Unit : Buckets and Spades
This half term block, based around a theme of Buckets and Spades, consists of three English units:
Story as a theme
Explanation texts
Poems on a theme
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside a Science units based on materials where children investigate suitable properties for making buckets, hats and helmets, trampolines and sandcastles, and could provide a focus for writing explanation texts to explore why and how materials are suitable, or not. Poems could be linked to a history context of seaside holidays in the past, where children include details about objects or ideas such as ice cream, the promenade or souvenirs.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 6 Summer 1 English Planning Unit : Oh! I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside
This half term block, based around a theme of Oh! I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside, consists of three English units:
Narrative – A story told in flashback
Non Fiction – Discussion and Debate – A discursive essay and a formal debate
Poetry – Classic Narrative Poetry
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside a History unit on the origin of holidays in Britain, an Art and Design unit based on artists and art work which have been inspired by the sea (possibly linked to the Titanic’s voyage) and a Science unit on electricity – circuits (possibly designing an emergency lighting system for the Titanic/lifeboats). A debate can be based upon any focus, either linked to the theme or other relevant contexts, depending upon the curriculum focus.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 6 Summer 2 English Planning Unit : Oh! I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside 2
This half term block, based around a theme of Oh! I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside, consists of three English units:
Narrative – Novel as a Theme
Non Fiction – Recount: Autobiography
Poetry – Poems on a Theme
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside a Geography unit on revising the name and locations of counties and cities of the United Kingdom; a music unit based on seaside inspired music (this could also be linked to the orchestral music on the Titanic and the cello music linked to Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell) and a Design and Technology unit on structures. An autobiography could be written in role linked to the class novel, theme or other relevant contexts, depending upon the curriculum focus.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 6 Spring 2 English Planning Unit : Super Sleuth
This half term block, based around a theme of Super Sleuth, consists of two English units:
Detective/crime fiction
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside scientific enquiry. Links can be utilised via exploring chromatography and fingerprinting as part of themed work in which the children become ‘experts’ as crime scene investigators. The iterative process in design technology could be explored to create a prototype of a new game e.g. based on ‘Cluedo’.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 3 Autumn 2 English Planning Unit : Healthy Humans
This half term block, based around a theme of Healthy Humans consists of three English units:
Poems with a structure
Persuasion: Letters
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside Science and Design Technology. The fables unit is part of the National Curriculum recommendation for children to appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage, and explore a wide range of traditional tales. Links to healthy eating and diet could be used as cross-curricular contexts for the ‘poems with a structure’ and/or ‘persuasive letters’ units.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 6 Autumn 2 English Planning Unit : Britten’s Got Talent?
This half term block, based around a theme of Britten’s Got Talent, consists of three English units:
Classic fiction
Poetry – Songs and Lyrics
Persuasion: A Formal Review
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside work on Benjamin Britten with a focus on music through the ages. The unit on classic fiction has been chosen to fulfil the National Curriculum aim for children to appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage. The persuasive unit has been included to address the Y5/6 guidance from the National Curriculum for children to read a theatre programme or review. This unit includes opportunities for experiencing a live performance in order to produce their own formal review.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 1 Spring 1 English Planning Unit : Growth and Green Fingers
This half term block, based around a theme of Growth and Green Fingers, consists of three English units:
Classic stories
Traditional rhymes
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside Science units based on researching and growing plants. Instructions could be based around how to grow plants or seeds.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 4 Summer 2 English Planning Unit : Hunted
This half term block, based around a theme of Hunted, consists of three English units:
Narrative – Folk Tales
Non Fiction – Debate
Poem on a theme.
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside a Science focus linked to Living things and their Habitats. Debates can be based upon any focus, either linked to the theme or other relevant contexts, depending upon the curriculum focus.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 3 Summer 1 English Planning Unit : What the Romans Did For Us
This half term block, based around a theme of What the Romans Did for Us, consists of two English units:
Story or novel – film and playscript
Non-chronological reports
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside a history focus linked to Roman influence in Britain. A selected story or a novel could be linked to the cross-curricular theme to support a playscript outcome but the unit can be adapted to support a different context if desired. Non-chronological reports can be based upon any focus, either linked to the theme or other relevant contexts, depending upon the curriculum focus.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
Year 3 Summer 2 English Planning Unit : How does your Garden Grow
This half term block, based around a theme of How Does Your Garden Grow, consists of three English units:
Classic Poetry
Mystery / Adventure / Fantasy Story
Cross curricular links
Although the units will stand alone, they can be planned to run alongside science and art work on plants. The children could produce a fact book about plants in science and complete observational drawings of plants in art. This would link closely with the explanation text unit in English, where the children are creating an explanation poster and/or a short film on how seeds are dispersed.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Skills have been specifically identified for each unit from Key Learning in Writing. The full set of units include all skills for the year group. However, if these units and/or skills are rearranged from the planned order, modifications to the identified grammar skills may be necessary. When planning, consider if the suggested skills are the most appropriate for the class or if different skills are needed based on assessments of children’s outcomes. This may involve the revisiting of skills from previous year groups. Refer to Key Learning in Writing for the year group to ensure full coverage over the year.
Our English Planning Units have all recently been updated to include:
new ideas and approaches for planning through the teaching sequence phases with more detailed guidance on reading and gathering content phases;
updated suggestions of texts, direct links to specific film clips and resources within every unit;
a tighter focus on grammar skills via warm-up sessions and integration within units;
increased emphasis on vocabulary for reading and writing;
further short and longer writing opportunities built into each unit; and
updated outcome suggestions for scaffolded writing whilst highlighting the need for independent writing for assessment purposes.
The aim of these documents was to specify the key learning in reading and writing for each year group and match statements to show progression from Year a into Year b.
The Key Learning statements should help to focus whole class teaching and could be considered as unit objectives. They will enable teachers to plan for mixed age classes by examining the progression and match of statements.
Skills, knowledge, Concepts – what children can do, know and understand.
This document has been updated to support the EYFS Statutory Framework in light of the forthcoming changes to the Early Learning Goals in 2021-2022. The document now includes the Educational Programmes and Early Learning Goals.
The purpose of this publication is to support practitioners in EYFS (nursery and reception) with planning a curriculum to meet the learning needs of the children in their school or setting. The document identifies an overview of the key learning (skills, knowledge and concepts) across all seven areas of learning and development to support learning within the EYFS phase to prepare children for their next stage of education.
Schools can reflect on the key learning outlined in this document and identify those which are appropriate for the needs of their children and, if necessary add additional skills, knowledge and concepts specific to the context of the school or a particular cohort.
As the Early Learning Goals are used to assess a child’s attainment at the end of EYFS, this document will support practitioners in planning and providing a curriculum which goes beyond that which is assessed.
Pupil attainment is dependent upon good quality teaching in the classroom.
This resource focuses on different aspects of teaching and has been produced to help your school identify strengths and areas for development in the drive towards quality first teaching and learning. It focuses on formative assessment practices and aspects of great teaching which will have a positive impact on your pupils’ learning and outcomes. It is designed to be flexible and easy to use by both senior leaders and classroom practitioners to develop practice.
This resource includes an electronic set of plans for parents for English and Literacy from Reception to Year 6.
These newly created exciting ‘Read and Respond’ units will support home learning in English and Literacy. The ‘mini units’, available for Years 1-6 inclusive, provide daily English lesson plans and have been designed for you to send home to parents on a weekly basis. (Reception guidance for Literacy is also included, though in a slightly different format).
All the plans use text extracts freely downloadable from LoveReading4Kids, Oxford Owl or websites with free audio recordings.
Week 2 topics include: Spring Chicken ( R ), Perfect Pets (Y1), Roald Dahl Poetry (Y2), Eggs (Y3), Chocolate (Y4), Deadly Creatures (Y5), Wonder (Y6).
It is suggested that each unit is sent to parents with an accompanying letter as a way of the class teacher personally introducing the unit of work. This will provide the teacher with the opportunity to address any particular sections of the plan, provide supporting materials (e.g. a writing frame) where appropriate and/or make reference to any prior learning. An editable example of how this might look is also included.
New plans will be released on a weekly basis every Thursday after Easter. Please check back for week 3 on Thursday 30th April.
This resource includes an electronic set of plans for parents for English and Literacy from Reception to Year 6.
These newly created exciting ‘Read and Respond’ units will support home learning in English and Literacy. The ‘mini units’, available for Years 1-6 inclusive, provide daily English lesson plans and have been designed for you to send home to parents on a weekly basis. (Reception guidance for Literacy is also included, though in a slightly different format).
All the plans use text extracts freely downloadable from LoveReading4Kids, Oxford Owl or websites with free audio recordings.
Week 4 topics include: Down on the farm ( R ), Bunnies (Y1), Horrid Henry (Y2), Crocodiles (Y3), The Abominables (Y4), Inventions (Y5), Robots Part - Two (Y6).
It is suggested that each unit is sent to parents with an accompanying letter as a way of the class teacher personally introducing the unit of work. This will provide the teacher with the opportunity to address any particular sections of the plan, provide supporting materials (e.g. a writing frame) where appropriate and/or make reference to any prior learning. An editable example of how this might look is also included.
New plans will be released on a weekly basis every Thursday after Easter. Please check back for week 5 on Thursday 14th May.