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Miss Hoggard's Shop

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I’m currently a Year 1 teacher with previous experience with in EYFS. I’m passionate at making fun and resources to use in engaging activities.

I’m currently a Year 1 teacher with previous experience with in EYFS. I’m passionate at making fun and resources to use in engaging activities.
Place Value to 50 Activities

Place Value to 50 Activities

Three different place value to 50 activities: Missing number tracks to 50. To consolidate counting forward and backwards to 50. Children can write on the number tracks or use number cards to fill the gaps. Drawing numbers to 50 on a tens frame. Children to practise using tens frames to draw and represent numbers to 50. Helps children practise counting in 10s when representing numbers. Number Representation Mat to 50. Consolidates understanding of numbers to 50, including partioning, representing their number and finding one more and one less.
Key Stage 1 Science Club Session Plan

Key Stage 1 Science Club Session Plan

An overview document for 4 KS1 Science Club sessions. The sessions include supporting children develop their: problem solving skills creativity working scientifically skills resilence recaps their knowledge of everyday materials. This overview also includes a resource list to support with preparing and organsing each session.
Counting in 10s Activity

Counting in 10s Activity

Counting in 10s Activity Includes: -counting in 10s number line -missing number strips (forwards and backwards) -counting in 10s on a 100 square I cut missing numbers into strips and wrote missing numbers on bottle tops for children to use to finish the sequence.
Year 1 Writing Toolkit

Year 1 Writing Toolkit

A display that can be used as a reminder of year 1 grammar. Grammar cards include: finger spaces full stops capital letters exclamation mark question mark singular/plural prefix: un suffix: ing, ed, er noun verb adjective
Story Stones Characters & Animals

Story Stones Characters & Animals

An assorted mix of story stones with different characters and animals on to aid creative writing activities and imaginative play. Characters include: a farmer a wizard a footballer a vet a mermaid Animals include: a frog an elephant a hedgehog a penguin
Place Value 1 -10 Activity

Place Value 1 -10 Activity

A place value activity that consolidates numbers 1 to 10. Numbers are displayed on log slices as a numeral, word, subitising image and on a tens frame. This can be used as an activity or as part of a display.
Classroom Labels

Classroom Labels

Colourful labels that can be used in the classroom. Can be printed and written on. I have used these as name cards for my class.
Place Value 10-20 Mat

Place Value 10-20 Mat

Place Value Mat 10-20 This resource encourages children to consolidate their place value knowledge of numbers between 10 and 20. Children choose a number find one more and one less than their number write their number as a word place their number on a number line make their number using resources (base 10) draw their number and a tens frame separate their number into 10s and 1s
Counting in 5s Tuff Tray Activity

Counting in 5s Tuff Tray Activity

Counting in 5s Tuff Tray Activity Includes: -counting in 5s number line -missing number strips (forwards and backwards) -counting in 5s on a 100 square (1-60 shown) I cut missing numbers into strips and wrote missing numbers on bottle tops for children to use to finish the sequence.