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'AN Inspector Calls' Activity Pack

'AN Inspector Calls' Activity Pack

6 Resources
Contains detailed worksheets on the characters of Mr & Mrs Birling, Sheila and Eric, as well as a range of tasks covering Acts 1 & 2. Tasks are differentiated and also include differentiated learning objectives. Each individual lesson has an assessment grid whereby work can be easily marked by either students themselves, peers or the teacher.
An Inspector Calls - Acts 1 & 2 activity sheets

An Inspector Calls - Acts 1 & 2 activity sheets

Worksheets on acts 1 & 2 of the play. Includes tasks of increasing complexity, examining key events, quotations and character descriptions with some vocabulary work to aid this. Differentiated objectives and glossary included.
Understanding capital letters and sentences

Understanding capital letters and sentences

A colourful resource with clear explanations and examples of how to use capital letters correctly and an explanation of what a sentence is. Activities on the presentation can be done verbally or be written in books and answers are provided on the following slide. A worksheet is provided with differentiated tasks. Learning objectives are included on both resources.
Island Man poem analysis

Island Man poem analysis

4 Resources
A set of detailed worksheets preparing students for the analysis of the poem 'Island Man'. There is also a comparison essay writing frame for students to practise their poetry comparison skills.
GCSE & IGCSE poetry preparation poem 'Blessing'

GCSE & IGCSE poetry preparation poem 'Blessing'

4 Resources
A series of lessons including a wide range of differentiated tasks and activities to support the understanding of the different aspects of poetry, illustrated through the poem 'Blessing' by Imtiaz Dharker. Each individual lesson includes differentiated objectives and tasks with extension activities, answers sheets, homework tasks and cover lessons.
Analysing sound and poetic devices in the poem 'Blessing'

Analysing sound and poetic devices in the poem 'Blessing'

Good for practising the unseen or general poetry analysis in preparation for the GCSE and IGCSE Various tasks to help students understand the impact of sound and poetic devices in the poem. Differentiated objectives and extension task are included. An example of the P.E.E.L structure is also given as a model and colour coded with a sample of how it would look in essay format.
Cover lesson and homework task on poem 'Blessing'

Cover lesson and homework task on poem 'Blessing'

Two cover lesson outlines. These are separated into four tasks each lesson: starter, main, developmental and plenary. Includes a homework research task which can be presented to the class and serves as a speaking and listening activity.
Tone & Structure in the poem 'Blessing'

Tone & Structure in the poem 'Blessing'

Good for practising the unseen or general poetry analysis in preparation for the GCSE and IGCSE Various tasks to help students understand the impact of tone, structure and connotations in the poem. Differentiated objectives and extension task are included. Answer sheet provided for students to self-mark.