All resources
These Theme looks great on Bulletin Boards! and also as word wall headers!
You can create Your Own !
Includes 7 Files With Fun Images
Baseball Cliparts PNG Format
Balls Bats Gloves in different Colors
Capital Letters PNG Format
Complete Alphabet PNG Format
Numbers o to 20 PNG Format
Welcome Banner PNG and PDF Format
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - cvc words - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves
This product contains
- Alphabet mask 26 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask 32 pages
- Shapes mask 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
CVC Words Mask 22 pages
the word families include:
Short a
- ad
- ag
- am
- an
- ap
- at
short e
- ed
- eg
- en
- et
short i
- ig
- in
- ip
- it
short o
- ob
- og
- op
- ot
Short u
- ub
- ug
- um
- un
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - syllables - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves.
Each mask contains
- Alphabet mask ( Alfabeto ) 29 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask ( Números ) 32 pages
- Shapes mask ( Figuras geométricas ) 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
- circulo - cuadrado - triángulo - rectángulo - ovalo - rombo - diamante - hexágono - trapecio - estrella - corazón
- Syllables mask ( Silabas ) 24 pages
- ba - be - bi - bo - bu
- ca - ce - ci - co - cu
- cha - che - chi - cho - chu
- da - de - di - do - du
- fa - fe - fi - fo - fu
- ga - ge - gi - go - gu
- ha - he - hi - ho - hu
- ja - je - ji - jo - ju
- ka - ke - ki - ko - ku
- la - le - li - lo - lu
- lla - lle - lli - llo - llu
- ma - me - mi - mo - mu
- na - ne - ni - no - nu
- ña - ñe - ñi - ño - ñu
- pa - pe - pi - po - pu
- que - qui
- ra - re - ri - ro - ru
- sa - se - si - so - su
- ta - te - ti - to - tu
- va - ve - vi - vo - vu
- wa - we - wi - wo - wu
- xa - xe - xi - xo - xu
- ya - ye - yi - yo - yu
- za - ze - zi - zo - zu
Spanish Preschool Alphabet Crowns
These Fun Alphabet Crowns are great when teaching the alphabet and beginning sounds of the letters
Only 1 sheet of paper per child!
SIMPLE instructions
1. One zig zag line cut
2. fold
3. glue
And you will have a perfect Crown.
Aa - abeja - araña - anillo - avión
Bb - ballena - bola - bote - bebé
Cc - caballo - cama - canguro - caracol
Ch - chocolate - choza - chupo - chivo
Dd - delfín - dados - dinosaurio - diente
Ee - erizo - espejo - elefante - estrella
Ff - foca - fresa - flor - fantasma
Gg - gorila - gallina - guitarra - gato
Hh - helado - hormiga - hacha - hipopótamo
Ii - iguana - iglesia - indio - iglú
Jj - jirafa - jabón - jamón - jaula
Kk - karate - koala - kayak - kiwi
Ll - limón - león - luna - lámpara
LL - llorar - llave - lluvia - llama
Mm - mano - mariposa - manzana - mono
Nn - naranja - nube - nariz - nido
Ññ - ñoquis - ñame - Ñoño - ñandú
Oo - oveja - oreja - ojo - oso
Pp - perro - paraguas - pulpo - pato
Qq - quimica - querubín - queso - quince
Rr - rinoceronte - robot - rey - reloj
Ss - sapo - serpiente - sol - silla
Tt - tortuga - tambor - tiburón - tomate
Uu - uvas - unicornio - urraca - uña
Vv - ventana - vaca - vestido - volcán
Ww - Washington - wafles - Winnie Pooh - Wendy
Xx - xilófono - rayos X
Yy - yogurt - yate - yema - yoyo
Zz - zoológico - zapatos - zanahoria - zorro
y una corona extra con todas las letras del alfabeto
Have fun with First Grade Props !!
This product contains 25 color and 24 black and white props PNG and PDF format
Numbers Crowns 1 - 20
These Fun Number Crowns are great for your Kids
Only 1 sheet of paper per child!
SIMPLE instructions
1. One zig zag line cut
2. fold
3. glue
And you will have a perfect Crown.
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - syllables - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves.
Each mask contains
- Alphabet mask ( Alfabeto ) 29 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask ( Números ) 32 pages
- Shapes mask ( Figuras geométricas ) 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
- circulo - cuadrado - triángulo - rectángulo - ovalo - rombo - diamante - hexágono - trapecio - estrella - corazón
- Syllables mask ( Silabas ) 24 pages
- ba - be - bi - bo - bu
- ca - ce - ci - co - cu
- cha - che - chi - cho - chu
- da - de - di - do - du
- fa - fe - fi - fo - fu
- ga - ge - gi - go - gu
- ha - he - hi - ho - hu
- ja - je - ji - jo - ju
- ka - ke - ki - ko - ku
- la - le - li - lo - lu
- lla - lle - lli - llo - llu
- ma - me - mi - mo - mu
- na - ne - ni - no - nu
- ña - ñe - ñi - ño - ñu
- pa - pe - pi - po - pu
- que - qui
- ra - re - ri - ro - ru
- sa - se - si - so - su
- ta - te - ti - to - tu
- va - ve - vi - vo - vu
- wa - we - wi - wo - wu
- xa - xe - xi - xo - xu
- ya - ye - yi - yo - yu
- za - ze - zi - zo - zu
These Cute set of Spanish Bears Alphabet letters and Numbers headers are perfect
for a word wall but could also be used in so many other ways such as your classroom signs
This product contains 83 bears headers
A to Z capital and lowercase letters and question mark
Numbers from 0 to 20 PNG AND PDF Format
This product is great to mesure your kids !!
This product contains
PNG files
1 Big Banner 8"x 55"
1 Banner divided in 2 parts A and B
1 Banner divided in 6 letter size
1 PDF File divided in 6 parts letter size
Spanish Numbers Crowns 1 - 20
These Fun Number Crowns are great for your Kids
Only 1 sheet of paper per child!
SIMPLE instructions
1. One zig zag line cut
2. fold
3. glue
And you will have a perfect Crown.
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - cvc words - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves
This product contains
- Alphabet mask 26 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask 32 pages
- Shapes mask 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
CVC Words Mask 22 pages
the word families include:
Short a
- ad
- ag
- am
- an
- ap
- at
short e
- ed
- eg
- en
- et
short i
- ig
- in
- ip
- it
short o
- ob
- og
- op
- ot
Short u
- ub
- ug
- um
- un
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - syllables - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves.
Each mask contains
- Alphabet mask ( Alfabeto ) 29 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask ( Números ) 32 pages
- Shapes mask ( Figuras geométricas ) 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
- circulo - cuadrado - triángulo - rectángulo - ovalo - rombo - diamante - hexágono - trapecio - estrella - corazón
- Syllables mask ( Silabas ) 24 pages
- ba - be - bi - bo - bu
- ca - ce - ci - co - cu
- cha - che - chi - cho - chu
- da - de - di - do - du
- fa - fe - fi - fo - fu
- ga - ge - gi - go - gu
- ha - he - hi - ho - hu
- ja - je - ji - jo - ju
- ka - ke - ki - ko - ku
- la - le - li - lo - lu
- lla - lle - lli - llo - llu
- ma - me - mi - mo - mu
- na - ne - ni - no - nu
- ña - ñe - ñi - ño - ñu
- pa - pe - pi - po - pu
- que - qui
- ra - re - ri - ro - ru
- sa - se - si - so - su
- ta - te - ti - to - tu
- va - ve - vi - vo - vu
- wa - we - wi - wo - wu
- xa - xe - xi - xo - xu
- ya - ye - yi - yo - yu
- za - ze - zi - zo - zu
Preschool Alphabet Crowns
These Fun Alphabet Crowns are great when teaching the alphabet and beginning sounds of the letters
Only 1 sheet of paper per child!
SIMPLE instructions
1. One zig zag line cut
2. fold
3. glue
And you will have a perfect Crown.
Aa - apple - airplane - ant - alligator
Bb - ball - bee - baby - boat
Cc - camel - cat - car - cow
Dd - dinosaur - dolphin - duck - dice
Ee - egg - elephant - eagle - earth
Ff - flower - fish - fan - frog
Gg - gorilla - goat - guitar - giraffe
Hh - hippo - horse - house - heart
Ii - iguana - igloo - island - indian
Jj - jam - jellyfish - ham - juice
Kk - koala - karate - king - key
Ll - lemon - lion - lamp - leaf
Mm - mouse - mushroom - moon - monkey
Nn - nest - net - nurse - nose
Oo - owl - orange - octopus - onion
Pp - pig - pear - penguin - pencil
Qq - quail - quiet - queen - quilt
Rr - ring - robot - rabbit - rainbow
Ss - seal - sun - snake - star
Tt - tiger - turtle - table - tomato
Uu - uniform - unicorn - umbrella - umpire
Vv - volcano - vase - violin - vest
Ww - wagon - watermelon - whale - window
Xx - Xylophone - X-ray
Yy - yarn - yogurt - yoyo - yolk
Zz - zebra - zoo - zipper - zero
and a Complete A to Z alphabet letter crown
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - cvc words - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves
This product contains
- Alphabet mask 26 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask 32 pages
- Shapes mask 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
CVC Words Mask 22 pages
the word families include:
Short a
- ad
- ag
- am
- an
- ap
- at
short e
- ed
- eg
- en
- et
short i
- ig
- in
- ip
- it
short o
- ob
- og
- op
- ot
Short u
- ub
- ug
- um
- un
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - cvc words - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves
This product contains
- Alphabet mask 26 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask 32 pages
- Shapes mask 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
CVC Words Mask 22 pages
the word families include:
Short a
- ad
- ag
- am
- an
- ap
- at
short e
- ed
- eg
- en
- et
short i
- ig
- in
- ip
- it
short o
- ob
- og
- op
- ot
Short u
- ub
- ug
- um
- un
This is a fun way to review the beginning sounds - syllables - numbers and shapes
Your Kids will love it!!
The mask are black line version so students can color the mask themselves.
Each mask contains
- Alphabet mask ( Alfabeto ) 29 pages
- Numbers 0 to 20 mask ( Números ) 32 pages
- Shapes mask ( Figuras geométricas ) 11 pages
- the shapes include
- circle - square - triangle - rectangle - oval - rhombus - Diamond - hexagon
- trapezoid - star - heart
- circulo - cuadrado - triángulo - rectángulo - ovalo - rombo - diamante - hexágono - trapecio - estrella - corazón
- Syllables mask ( Silabas ) 24 pages
- ba - be - bi - bo - bu
- ca - ce - ci - co - cu
- cha - che - chi - cho - chu
- da - de - di - do - du
- fa - fe - fi - fo - fu
- ga - ge - gi - go - gu
- ha - he - hi - ho - hu
- ja - je - ji - jo - ju
- ka - ke - ki - ko - ku
- la - le - li - lo - lu
- lla - lle - lli - llo - llu
- ma - me - mi - mo - mu
- na - ne - ni - no - nu
- ña - ñe - ñi - ño - ñu
- pa - pe - pi - po - pu
- que - qui
- ra - re - ri - ro - ru
- sa - se - si - so - su
- ta - te - ti - to - tu
- va - ve - vi - vo - vu
- wa - we - wi - wo - wu
- xa - xe - xi - xo - xu
- ya - ye - yi - yo - yu
- za - ze - zi - zo - zu
Create a HANGING MONKEY theme classroom with this Alphabet Monkey Pack!
Have Fun with this quality set containing
-Spanish Alphabet headers ,
Spanish Alphabet letters, Upper and lowercase letters
Spanish Alphabet Banner
Spanish Alphabet posters.
Ready to print PDF Files and PNG files to edit and resize them.
Create a HANGING MONKEY theme classroom with this Calendar Monkey Pack!
Have Fun with this quality set containing
Months of the year Headers and Poster
Last month was… The Month is… Next month will be… Headers
Days of the Week Headers and Poster
Yesterday was… Today is… Tomorrow will be… headers
Calendar numbers 1 to 31
Ready to print PDF Files and PNG files to edit and resize them.
Create a HANGING MONKEY theme classroom with this Calendar Monkey Pack!
Have Fun with this quality set containing
Spanish Months of the year Headers and Poster
El mes pasado fue… Estamos en el mes de … El próximo mes será… Headers
Spanish Days of the Week Headers and Poster
Ayer fue… Hoy es… Mañana será… headers
Calendar numbers 1 to 31
Ready to print PDF Files and PNG files to edit and resize them.
Create a HANGING MONKEY theme classroom with this Alphabet Monkey Pack!
Have Fun with this quality set containing
Alphabet headers ,
Alphabet letters, Upper and lowercase letters
Alphabet Banner
Alphabet posters.
Ready to print PDF Files and PNG files to edit and resize them.