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Marie's Teaching Resources

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Hi! I'm Marie. From experience as a primary teacher, I enjoy creating sets of teaching resources (often with my own illustrations!) for introducing and teaching school topics, and with practical activities. Hope you find something useful. Happy teaching! :)




Hi! I'm Marie. From experience as a primary teacher, I enjoy creating sets of teaching resources (often with my own illustrations!) for introducing and teaching school topics, and with practical activities. Hope you find something useful. Happy teaching! :)
Going To The Seaside –  PowerPoint

Going To The Seaside – PowerPoint

Based on the ‘Going to the Seaside’ scheme of work, the PowerPoint is divided into 5 parts: Most popular seaside places in the UK includes map of the UK with different seaside resorts; information about 10 seaside places Why do people like going to the seaside? includes pictures of different seaside landscapes; information; pictures of different activities on the beach and on/in the sea Seaside Features includes pictures of different human and physical seaside features; recognise which ones are human or physical features; identify famous seaside landmarks Seaside holidays in the past includes pictures and text from Victorian times to 1990s; time line with pictures Seaside holidays abroad includes text and pictures; map of the world – recognise most popular destinations; information about Benidorm (Spain), Rhodes (Greece), Cocoa Beach (Florida), Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt), Tenerife (Canary Islands) and Antalya (Turkey); compare different seaside holidays at home and abroad I have also created worksheets as follow up activities. Please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. Hope that you like and find them useful. If you have any comments or recommendations to make, please do not hesitate to do so. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Going To The Seaside -  Worksheets

Going To The Seaside - Worksheets

Set of worksheets based on the ‘Going to the Seaside’ scheme of work Most popular seaside places in the UK – 2 activities • Draw arrows to show where the places are on the map • Complete a tally chart to find out which place is the most favourite Seaside Features – 3 activities • Use key words to label picture of the seaside • Cut and paste – sort pictures into human and physical features • Label pictures of seaside landmarks in the UK Seaside holidays in the past – 4 activities • Now and Then Time Line – label pictures with correct dates, and explain why the picture is about the past • Now and Then – cut and paste – sort pictures into Today and Long Ago • Write a comparison between seaside holidays today and long ago • Write about gong to the seaside in Victorian times Seaside holidays abroad – 3 activities • Label pictures of different seaside places on the map of the world • Write a comparison between 2 seaside resorts (Blackpool and Benidorm) • Complete a holiday brochure Keeping safe from the sun Keeping safe in the water Write a postcard 4 illustrated Word Mats with vocabulary, verbs, adjectives and time connectives - includes Seaside Features and Activities, and Victorian Times For more useful resources, please check my Going To The Seaside PowerPoint in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. Hope that you like and find them useful. If you have any comments or recommendations to make, please do not hesitate to do so. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Under The Sea Animals Fact Sheets

Under The Sea Animals Fact Sheets

A lot of useful information about different groups of most common aquatic animals – includes fish, mammal, reptile, crustacean, mollusc, echinoderm, coelenterate, worm and sponge. A5 fact sheets (once folded back to back) for a Reading Corner, Topic Board, Writing Corner, Science Resources – or alternatively used as A4 posters. For additional resources based on animals from Under the Sea, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Going To The Seaside - Bingo

Going To The Seaside - Bingo

A Bingo game that will encourage a lot of discussions as you play :) Enables to identify and match different seaside features as well as reinforce which ones are physical features or human features. Children can check their boards - answer sheets included. As a follow up, I have included a cut and paste activity sorting pictures into human and physical features For more useful seaside activities, please check my set of worksheets and PowerPoint in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Amazon Rainforest Animals- Fact Sheets

Amazon Rainforest Animals- Fact Sheets

A lot of useful information about different groups of most common animals from the Amazon Rainforest – includes mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians and insects. A5 fact sheets (once folded back to back) for a Reading Corner, Topic Board, Writing Corner, Science Resources – or alternatively used as A4 posters. For additional resources based on animals from the Amazon rainforest, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Amazon Rainforest Worksheets

Amazon Rainforest Worksheets

Set of worksheets to learn about the Amazon rainforest including text for reading activities. • What is the Amazon rainforest? - to know how to describe the Amazon rainforest : text followed by questions • A Map of south America – to know the names of seas and oceans around south America and most well known features: label names • Where is the Amazon Rainforest? – to know where the Amazon rainforest is situated among other areas : colour areas • War and Wet – to know about climate and how it affects the environment how seasons affect the environment and animals: text followed by questions • Parts of the rainforest – to know that each forest layer is different: text • Where the animals live – to name the different layers of the rainforest; name types of animals the live in each layer: use word bank • Exceptional Explorer! – text about English naturalist Henry Bates • Exploring the Amazon – to know which type of clothes and shoes are best when walking through the rainforest: text, illustrate suitable clothing • What do you know about the Amazon? – use word bank For more useful activities and resources about animals from the Amazon rainforest, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. Hope that you like and find them useful. If you have any comments or recommendations to make, please do not hesitate to do so. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Animals from Africa  Bundle

Animals from Africa Bundle

3 Resources
Animals from Africa - Worksheets Set of worksheets to learn about Africa, the African savannah and different groups of most popular African animals. African Savannah Animals - Animal Classification This is a great activity for children to learn how animals are grouped into different categories. Includes teaching suggestions, activity set (pictures and labels), instructions, worksheets, posters and answer sheets. Animals from Africa - Word Mats Useful word mats with names of African animals from the Savannah, classification groups and features, verbs and adjectives For additional resources based on African Savannah Animals, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources.
Minibeasts Worksheets

Minibeasts Worksheets

Set of worksheets to learn about minibeasts, their body parts, their features and habitats (minibeasts hunt), life cycle of a butterfly, butterflies colours and patterns (camouflage). Activities include reading and answering questions, labelling, highlighting answers in different colours, completing a table, using word banks to complete sentences, sorting cut and paste, and illustrating. For more useful activities, please check other Minibeasts resources in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Goldilocks - Story & Comprehension

Goldilocks - Story & Comprehension

Printable story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears with comprehension worksheets for assessing understanding, and origin of the story. Activities include reading and answering questions, creative writing, and comparing different versions to write a book review. Set includes: • Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears – text • Comprehension - text, questions, write a different ending • Story Sequence – blank sheet for writing • Origins of the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears – text • Book Review – compare 2 versions of the same story and record preferences For additional resources based on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Space / Famous Astronauts Fact Sheets & Worksheets

Space / Famous Astronauts Fact Sheets & Worksheets

Fact sheets and worksheets to learn about what it’s like to be an astronaut. The set includes fact sheets about famous astronauts and cosmonauts, male and female, including brief biographies, and text about how to become an astronaut and what work they do during space missions. Can also be used for a reading corner or as topic posters. Worksheets include: • Questionnaire: use fact sheets to find answers • Famous People Time Line/ cut and paste: match each photo with its caption and date, and put them in chronological order to create a time line. • Look on the internet for information about Tim Peake to complete the fact sheet template • Job Description: find answers in ‘Becoming An Astronaut’ and ‘An astronaut’s Work’ ( text included) to complete a job description for an astronaut • Interview An Astronaut: use an astronaut’s fact sheet to write questions and answers For more useful Space activities and resources, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. Thanks for looking :)
Space / Walking On The Moon Worksheets

Space / Walking On The Moon Worksheets

Fact sheets and worksheets to learn about what it’s like to go on the Moon. The set includes information about the Moon, about the first astronauts who walked on the Moon, including newspaper front page article written in 1969, description and labelled parts of a space suit, and description on how gravity affects walking on the Moon Worksheets include: • 2 Questionnaires: use fact sheets to find answers and label pictures • Label the different features of a newspaper report (use word bank) • Use template to complete a Newspaper Report based on the Moon landing • Follow instructions to find out how much you weigh in Newtons on Earth and on the Moon For more useful Space activities and resources, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. Thanks for looking :)
Space / Our Solar System Word Mats

Space / Our Solar System Word Mats

Useful information/vocabulary for independent writing about Space and the planets in our solar system – can be used for a Reading Corner, Topic Board or alternatively used as A4 posters. The set includes: • A diagram of our solar system showing planets orbiting around our Sun • A table with information about each planet (its size, distance from the Sun, how many hours in a day, how many days in a year, temperature on the surface, number of moons) • 2 posters describing different parts and objects that we see in space For more useful Space activities and resources, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. Thanks for looking :)
Under The Sea Animal Classification Posters

Under The Sea Animal Classification Posters

Set of posters: text about the different groups of aquatic animals including fish, mammal, reptile, crustacean, mollusc, echinoderm, coelenterate, worm and sponge – show on IWB For more useful activities, please check my other Under the Sea resources in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Jack and the Beanstalk - Story Structure & Characters

Jack and the Beanstalk - Story Structure & Characters

Set of worksheets to learn about characters and story structure based on the story of Jack and The Beanstalk. Activities include oral retelling, sequencing events, identifying different parts of the story, describing characters & setting, and creative writing. Set includes: • Tell The Tale – story pictures for sequencing and oral retelling • What Happens Next? –cut and paste pictures and text in the correct sequence • Story Map - complete a map with captions • Story Sequence – blank sheet for writing • Story Structure – list characters, settings, events and resolution • Character Portrait – illustrate and describe one character • Describing Characters – use adjectives word bank • Describing Setting – list adjectives for the castle; describe how it feels walking inside the giant’s castle • Blank sheets for rewriting the story For additional resources based on the story of Jack and The Beanstalk, please check my PowerPoint and Bingo Game. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Jack and the Beanstalk - Story & Comprehension

Jack and the Beanstalk - Story & Comprehension

Printable story of Jack and The Beanstalk and comprehension worksheets for assessing understanding. Activities include reading and answering questions and comparing different versions to write a book review. Set includes: • Story of Jack and The Beanstalk – text • Comprehension - text, questions, write a different ending • True or False - identify which sentences are true or not and rewrite the false sentences so that they are true • Book Review – compare 2 versions of the same story and record preferences For additional resources based on the story of Jack and The Beanstalk please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Little Red Riding Hood– Word Mat

Little Red Riding Hood– Word Mat

A handy word mat for independent writing with sentence starters for each part of the story, verbs and adjectives. Includes blank writing sheets. For additional resources based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Jack and the Beanstalk– Word Mat

Jack and the Beanstalk– Word Mat

A handy word mat for independent writing with sentence starters for each part of the story, verbs and adjectives. Includes blank sheets for story writing. For additional resources based on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources :) For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Amazon Rainforest Animals – Worksheets

Amazon Rainforest Animals – Worksheets

Set of worksheets to learn about the different groups of animals from the Amazon rainforest including text for reading activities. • Animals From The Amazon Rainforest – to know about groups of animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects and spiders) found in the rainforest: text (2 pages) followed by labelling animals and questionnaire • Where Do Animals Look For Food – to know how animals search for food among the different rainforest layers: text followed by questionnaire • Predator or Prey? - to know which animals eat others: circle predator in each pair of animals • Diets – Animals Groups – to know which animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores: complete table • Diets – Animals Groups – easier: circle animals in different colours • What’s For Dinner? Food Chain – to know that animals and plants are part of a food chain and who eats what : label in correct order • An Animal From The Amazon – to describe in details an animal: illustrate and use word bank to label body parts and complete sentences For more useful activities and resources about the Amazon rainforest and its animals, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. Hope that you like and find them useful. If you have any comments or recommendations to make, please do not hesitate to do so. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Animals from the Rainforest -  Bingo

Animals from the Rainforest - Bingo

Based on animals from the Amazon rainforest A Bingo game that will encourage a lot of discussions as you play :) Enables to identify and match different animals with their names, animal groups and diet groups. Children can check their boards - answer sheet for each bingo mat included. For more useful activities, please check my set of worksheets and Animal Classification activities in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources. For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)
Animal Classification Posters

Animal Classification Posters

A set of posters (text) to introduce different groups of animals - mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians, insects and animals which belong to ‘other’ classification groups! This set also comes with worksheets, for this please look for Animal Classification Posters & Worksheets in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources Thanks for looking :)