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I am an A Level tutor who teaches Film Studies A Level & G.C.S.E., Sociology A Level, E.P.Q., English Language G.C.S.E. *PLEASE REVIEW* I complete schemes of work for each of my courses and aim to upload as many resources as I can in the near future. If you like my work and would like to request a resource, please let me know and I will produce what you need. I produce video resources here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC31WbZO2OQW3Ul108I0QUmw




I am an A Level tutor who teaches Film Studies A Level & G.C.S.E., Sociology A Level, E.P.Q., English Language G.C.S.E. *PLEASE REVIEW* I complete schemes of work for each of my courses and aim to upload as many resources as I can in the near future. If you like my work and would like to request a resource, please let me know and I will produce what you need. I produce video resources here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC31WbZO2OQW3Ul108I0QUmw
AQA Sociology PAPER 3 - Crime & Deviance Crime and Globalisation AND Green Crime

AQA Sociology PAPER 3 - Crime & Deviance Crime and Globalisation AND Green Crime

This pack contains a 30-slide PowerPoint presentation and accompanying 21-page student-booklet that covers the following: ** Starter task** Following a short reading task, student to answer questions about The Conventions of International Law Crime and Globalisation: re-cap 'Globalisaiton' 'How May Globalisation Change Crime'? task Castells 'forms of crime': Arms trafficking Sex Tourism Trafficking in Body Parts Cyber Crimes Green Crimes The Drug Trade international Tourism Smuggling Crime - supply and demand led: third world nations and the appeal of crime Risk Consciousness Ian Taylor and Left Realism Gobalisation changes patterns of crime 'Case Study: Bangladesh Factory Collapse [2013] Reading and comprehension task: Cimes of Globalisation, Rothe & Friedrichs Patterns of Criminal Organisation Winlow: Bouncers; Globalisation and de-industrialisation Hobbs and Dunnigham: GLOCAL systems Glenny: McMafia Case study: Oligarchs (reading, video task) Green Crime Examples of Green Crime - task Traditional Criminology Green Criminology Zemiology TWO Views of Harms Anthropocentric view Ecocentric view Green Crimes Primary Green Crimes Secondary Green Crimes Evaluation of Green Crimes


AQA SOCIOLOGY – PAPER 3 CRIME & DEVIANCE – GENDER AND CRIME [TWO LESSONS] This pack contains TWO lessons that cover CRIME & DEVIANCE: GENDER Each lesson comes with accompanying student booklet that can be filled in during the lesson as you teach Lesson 1 is a 33-slide PowerPoint that covers: Starter Task - Gender and Crime Students given time to discuss and feedback their intial views of Crime and gender Starting points - general differences between men, women and their realtionship with crime Gender Patterns in Crime [general statistics] Do Women Commit Less Crime? Chivalry test Evidence for the Chivalry Thesis Evidence against the Chivalry Thesis Self-report questionnaire - example and task/activity Bias Against Women Feminist Rejection of Chivalry Thesis Issue developed and discussed with students Quotes and views of prominent men in positions of power are provided to inspire discussion amongst students Explaining Female Crime Sex Role Theory Patriarchal Control Theory Control at home Control at Work Control in Public Liberation Theory Carlen: Class and Gender Deals The Class Deal The Gender Deal Evaluation of arguements covered in this PowerPoint Lesson 2 is a 24-slide PowerPoint presentation that covers: Liberation Thesis Alder [75] Development of Alder's ideas Case Study: Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos Critiques of Liberation Thesis Women and Violent Crime Hand and Dodd Rise of arrests for female violence ‘Widening the net’ Rise of Ladettes Self Fulfilling Prophecy Gender and Victimisation Key statistics: Homicide Victims, Victims of Violence Why do Women Commit Crime? Student discussion Hegemonic Masculinity Subordinated Masculinities Messerschmidt: White middle class man White working class men Black working class men Critiques of Messerschmidt Winlow: Postmodernity, Masculinity and Crime Globalisation and DeIndustrialisation Topic Summary Consolidation / assessment quiz Questions and answers provided
Sociology Paper 3 - Crime and Deviance - Subcultural Theories of Crime and Deviance (AQA}

Sociology Paper 3 - Crime and Deviance - Subcultural Theories of Crime and Deviance (AQA}

This pack contains a 28-slide PowerPoint presentation and an accompanying 18-page student booklet. The lesson covers: Starter - Strain Theory - RE-CAP [this is an option part of the lesson] Structural vs. Cultural factors Albert Cohen What is a ‘sub culture’ Status Frustration Evaluation of Strain Theory Illegitimate Opportunity Structures Cloward & Ohlin Criminal subcultures Conflict subcultures Retreatist subcultures Case study: The Chicago School Reading / comprehension task terms covered by this task: Cultural transition theory, Differential associated theory, Social disorganisation theory Evaluation / critiques of Illegitimate Opportunity Structures Walter B. Miller - SIX Focal Concerns Each of the six are defined and feed in to a student task: Excitement Smartness Trouble Fatalism Toughness Autonomy Task - watch the music video for '*Ill Manors = Plan B* an d read the lyrics - students are to identify how the song addresses the focal concerns, and expresses the frusrations felt by working class groups, and why this frustration will lead to crime e.g. "Who closed down the community centre, I used to be a member, I used to kill time there, what will I do now till September? Schools out, rules out, get your bl**dy tools out" I found this task to be very useful as it is contemporary, British and speaks to all of the issues raised by Miller et al. ** This task can be cut out of the lesson if not needed. ** David Matza - Delinquency and Drift Mesner & Rosenfeld - Illegitimate Opportunity Structures Short reading/comphrension task on Illegitimate Opportunity Structures Assessment: 4 and 6 mark questions for students to plan and write responses to. Mark scheme / sample answer information provided to help students understand the expected outcomes of these types of questions The booklet contains additional assessment and revision materials


This pack contains a 20 slide PowerPoint and an accompanying 14-page handout/booklet that students complete during the lesson and for consolidation The lesson covers: IDEOLOGIES - Paper 2 - Beliefs in Society Starter: - Define ‘ideology’ -What is the FUNCTION of IDEOLOGIES in society? - How do IDEOLOGIES BENEFIT people/society? - How do IDEOLOGIES HARM people/society? Four functions of Ideology Problems presented by Ideologies Re-cap Marxism Ideology and Marx Ruiling class ideology Reinforces Class Conscioiusness Gramsci - - Hegemony Dual Consciousness Organic Intellectuals Nationalism Define the term, examples included Claims of nationalism Reading and summative task KARL MANNHEIM: IDEOLOGY & UTOPIA PARTIAL or ONE-SIDED WORLDVIEWS ideological Thought vs Utopian Thought Free Flowing Intelligencia Total World View Feminism and Ideology Reading and summative task Summary Slide Assessment is included in the booklet Sample answer/essay included in the booklet Final consolidation and mind-mapping activities also included in the booklet
AQA Sociology - Religion and Social Groups

AQA Sociology - Religion and Social Groups

This pack contains one 20-slide PowerPoint presentation, one booklet (to be completed by students; the booklet also contains several consolidation activities) and a starter task Lesson: Starter/Re-cap/revisiting activity - definitions of religion Age Gender Class Ethnicity For each of the four groups listed above there are 2-3 slides for each. The slides cover key arguments, contain graphs and statistics to support points, key terms are highlighted and theorists are cited. Consolidation activity - students to read one of four articles that cover each of the groups studied in the lesson. Each student annotated, draws out quotes and key arguments and then contributes to a group ‘wiki’ page. The ‘wiki’ page can be created in Teams, or it can be created on paper, shared with the teacher and then scanned in to one comprehensive revision resource.
Sociology Paper 2 - Beliefs: Religious Organisations and New Religious Movements

Sociology Paper 2 - Beliefs: Religious Organisations and New Religious Movements

This pack contains TWO Lesson Lesson1 - Religious Organisation and NRMs - accompanied by a 28 page booklet Lesson 2 - The Growth of NRMs - just the PowerPoint Lesson 2 - The Growth of NRMs is FREE - the lesson is an older version and does not have a booklet. However, the content is great and the lesson is of a high standard. **Lesson 1 covers: Starter / session 1 - ** Students are given an New Religious Movement - they then are to work in small groups to research the NRM in preparation for class presentations. - you are free to adapt and use this task as you see fit. RELIGIOUS ORGANISATIONS ERNST TROELTSCH ‘Sects and Churches’ Richard Neibuhr Denominations and Cults Each type of religious organisation is then explored in more detail: Sects Case study: The People’s Temple Denominations Case study data included in PP Cults NRMS / New Religious Movements World Rejecting World Accomidating World Affirming Evaluation of Wallis’ perspective Stark and Bainbrigde- Cults and Sects Definitions provided for CULT / Sect, and examples Audience Cults Client Cults Cultic Movements - Scientology mini-case study Assessment: The lesson / booklet contain several consolidation and revision activities. There is a 10-mark assessment attached to this PowerPoint/content that teachers can set as an in-class or homework assignment. Lesson 2 - Growth of NRMS covers: Margninality Relative Deprivation Social Change Self-identity The Dynamics of NRMS / How they Grow The Protestant effect Death of the leader Stark / Bainbridge - The Sectarian Cycle Schism Initial Fervour Denominatioanlism Establishment Further Schism Conversionist Sect Adventist Sect Globalisation post-Modernity individuals Consumerism Heelas - New Age & Modernity source of Identity Sense of certainty in a time of anomie
Educational Achievement: GIRLS - quiz

Educational Achievement: GIRLS - quiz

This pack contains a 25 question quiz that tests student knowledge of Educational Achievement: Girls The pack contains: QUIZ Answer sheet This quiz is a great Starter Task / Plenary.
Research Methods - End of module consolidation quiz

Research Methods - End of module consolidation quiz

This pack contains a 20-question multiple choice quiz that will test your students knowledge and understanding of RESEARCH METHODS The quiz is perfect for a Starter Task/Plenary when you reach the end of the RESEARCH METHODS module
Introduction: Post-modernism , Social Action Theories

Introduction: Post-modernism , Social Action Theories

This pack contains a 16-slide Power-Point that introduces Post-Modernism and Social Action theories, and an accompanying booklet. The pack also contains a a consolidation test to test student knowledge at the end of the session. The lessons introduces students to: Starter: Re-cap Functionalism, Marxism & Feminism Revisiting Structural Theories - re-cap Define: Social Action Theory - discussed in relation to Structural approaches Social Action Theory Intro to Post Modernism Grand-Narratives - Social Institutions give legitimacy Status Quo/Norms - how they are reinforced and challenged. Plenary Task There are TWO copies of the lesson - one formatted for MAC and one formatted for PC.
Introduction to Feminism

Introduction to Feminism

This pack contains a 16-slide Power-Point that introduces FEMINISM, and an accompanying booklet. The lessons introduces students to: * Definition of Feminism Class discussion: what do students already know? What is their understanding of feminism? Discussion and definition of Patriarchy Feminism as a Structural/Conflict theory Brief history of Feminism - tasks included “Good Wife Guide” Equal Pay Act Contraceptive pill Feminism in the 70s, 80s Women in the media Bechdel Test Plenary: task and discussion There are TWO copies of the lesson - one formatted for MAC and one formatted for PC.
Introduction to Functionalism

Introduction to Functionalism

This pack contains a 16-slide Power-Point that introduces FUNCATIONALISM, and an accompanying booklet. The pack also contains a a consolidation test to test student knowledge at the end of the session. The lessons introduces students to: Introduction to Social Institutions What is a ‘theory’? Definition of ‘structural theories’ Definition of Conflict and Consensus theories Functionalism definition - Structural/Consensus theory Social Cohesion Social Control The Organic Analogy Tasks based around the above topics Consolidation quiz with answers provided. There are TWO copies of the lesson - one formatted for MAC and one formatted for PC.
Theoretical Perspectives: An Introduction to Marxism

Theoretical Perspectives: An Introduction to Marxism

This pack contains a 16-slide Power-Point that introduces MARXISM, and an accompanying booklet. The pack also contains a a consolidation test to test student knowledge at the end of the session. The lessons introduces students to: * Definition of Marxism Marxism as a Conflict/Structural Theory How Marxism differs from Functionalism Tasks that explore the characteristics of the Proletariat / Bourgeois Discussion of the Super-structure Plenary/Consoldiation quiz - handout and responses provided There are TWO copies of the lesson - one formatted for MAC and one formatted for PC.
Research Methods - QUESTIONNAIRES

Research Methods - QUESTIONNAIRES

This pack contains the following: Complete lesson: Starter task (re-cap key terms) What is a Questionnaire? Types of questions: closed/open Strengths of questionnaires Weaknesses of questionnaires Pilot Studies Plenary assessment tasks Booklet Sample response to exam question
Research Methods: OBSERVATIONS

Research Methods: OBSERVATIONS

This pack contains the following: Observations complete lesson covers: Observation starter task Two short ‘observations’ video tasks Discussion re: questionnaires & Interviews vs. Observations Types of Observations (each explored individually) Covert/Overt Non-Participant Participant Strengths of observations Limitations of observations Case Study - Football Hooligans - documentary available on Youtube Tasks for completion following documentary screening Plenary - observation research task - students to research and present a case-study based on one of four existing sociological studies. Handout, documentary links and all resources are included.
Nature vs Nurture - A Level Sociology lesson

Nature vs Nurture - A Level Sociology lesson

This lesson is an introduction to the Nature Vs. Nurture debate and has been designed for the AQA specification. The lessons covers: Gender Socialisation starter quiz **Starter tasks **- questions about nature/nuture. This is designed to foster debate and talking point before we explore the debate in more detail What are genes? Defining: Nature/Nurture Student task to expand upon understanding Arguments in favour of nature: Darwin, Watson Sociological evidence: Feral Children Documentary / video links included - tasks to follow screening of short documentary about feral children [Oxana Malaya] Genetic Evidence: separated twins: The Jim Twins Nature/Nurture ‘evidence’ task Essay question - includes question, item and an essay plan.
Functionalist view of FAMILY & Household

Functionalist view of FAMILY & Household

Functionalist view of Family, complete lesson and handout. The pack covers: Re-cap of Functionalism George Peter Murdock (1949) Stable satisfaction of the sex drive Socialisation of the young Reproduction of the next generation Meeting its members’ economic needs Criticisms of Murdock Parsons’ Functional Family Fit The Nuclear Family** Extended Family Function of the Nuclear and Extended Family TWO BASIC AND IRREDUCTABLE FUNCTIONS The Family as the ‘Peaceful Haven’ Critiques of the Functionalist View
Dark Side of the Family: Domestic Abuse

Dark Side of the Family: Domestic Abuse

This pack covers Dark Side of the Family: Domestic Abuse - Radical Feminist, Materialist perspectives The PowerPoint covers: Definition: domestic violence What do sociologists say? Kathryn Coleman What does Domestic Violence occur? Radical Feminist Explanation Materialist Explanation Plenary - 10 mark assessment This pack also contains: Handout/booklet to accompany the PowerPoint - students use this in class, it contains all info they need Assessment handout


This pack contains a 64-slide PowerPoint presentation and 40 page student booklet The lesson offers comprehensive coverage of CONFLICT THEORIES OF CRIME & DEVIANCE and contains the following: Starter Re-cap of Marxism and the Marxist Structure The Traditional Marxist Perspective of Crime and Deviance Marxist view of Crime Working Class Crime types of crimes committed by the WC Poverty, Utilitarian Crimes, Alienation Crimes of the middle-class Corporate Crimes White Collar Crimes *** Elite Deviance** *** White Collar vs Corporate Crimes** Laws Reflect the needs/values of the Ruling Classes Ideological Functions of the Law Corporate Law - case study: 2007 Corporate Homicide Case Mid-lesson plenary/summary task - 8 questions designed to test students learning so far **Law Enforcement and Punishment ** Benefits Street - viewing and note taking task Evaluation of the Marxist View of Crime **Mid-lesson Consildation Activities: ** Mind-mapping and articles to be read/annotated **Neo-Marxist View of Crime ** Fully Social Theory of Deviance Stuart Hall - Neo-Marxist Views of Crime Moral Panics - tasks, examples and activities New Left Realism Jack Young Flaws in this perspective Crimes of the Powerful Reiman & Leighton; The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get Prison What is White Collar Crime? Occupational Crimes Corporate Crimes The scale and types of Corporate Crime ** Abuse of Trust ** Harold Shipman case study - tasks Case Study: Abuse of trust by the Police ** Invisibility of Corporate Crimes** Reading task / Q*A ** Explanation of Corporate Crimes** Strain Theory summary Differential Association summary Labelling Theory summary Marxism summary Summary of Conflict Theory The booklet is to be filled in by students in the lesson. It contains all of the other resources needed i.e. articles, images, spaces to complete tasks, etc. The PowerPoint is comprehensive but is also broken up in to smaller, managable sections. You are free to chop the PowerPoint up in to several smaller sessions and share with learners if that would suit your approach.
AQA SOCIOLOGY - Introduction to Crime and Deviance

AQA SOCIOLOGY - Introduction to Crime and Deviance

This pack contains a 17 page PowerPoint and accompanying student booklet This PowerPoint offers a basic introduction to the Paper 3 Crime & Deviance paper. The lesson covers: Break down of Paper 3 this looks at question types, structure of the paper, past paper is included in the PowerPoint and booklet Past paper activity can be used to drive a Q&A or a ‘deep dive’ with students discussing potential answers to questions so the teacher can assess pre-existing knowledge Key terms defined: CRIME / DEVIANCE (with examples of each) Discussion of the distinction between Crime and Deviance Student led activity / debate - students are presened with SIX questions and are asked to discuss and feedback - this task could be used to guide a debate between groups of students Consolidation task students to research, define and provide examples for a list of key terms that will be used througout the module Booklet - gapped handout, areas to fill in, space for note, all key information is recorded in the booklet