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Matt_09's Shop

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I am an A Level tutor who teaches Film Studies A Level & G.C.S.E., Sociology A Level, E.P.Q., English Language G.C.S.E. *PLEASE REVIEW* I complete schemes of work for each of my courses and aim to upload as many resources as I can in the near future. If you like my work and would like to request a resource, please let me know and I will produce what you need. I produce video resources here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC31WbZO2OQW3Ul108I0QUmw




I am an A Level tutor who teaches Film Studies A Level & G.C.S.E., Sociology A Level, E.P.Q., English Language G.C.S.E. *PLEASE REVIEW* I complete schemes of work for each of my courses and aim to upload as many resources as I can in the near future. If you like my work and would like to request a resource, please let me know and I will produce what you need. I produce video resources here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC31WbZO2OQW3Ul108I0QUmw
Mogul Mowgli - THREE lesson pack (EDUQAS A Level Film Studies NEW SPEC 2024)

Mogul Mowgli - THREE lesson pack (EDUQAS A Level Film Studies NEW SPEC 2024)

This pack contains THREE lessons. A break down of each session is listed below: (in case you re returnign to this listing: it used tolist FOUR lessons - this was an error by myself that has been corrected) All three lessons are fully animated, thoughtfully designed, engaging, and come with student booklets The pack also includes a ‘screening notes’ handout - teacher’s screening notes whilst watching the film with students. **Lesson 1- Introduction to Mogul Mowgli / production context ** Bio of director Basam Tariq Bio of writer/star Riz Ahmed Ted Talk from Tariz " The Beauty & Diversity of Muslim Life" Defining terms: MOGUL / MOWGLI Produciton context slides - covers studios involved, intent of filmmakers, support from the UK Muslim Film organisation Research task: research Ahmed and Tariq’s inspiration for the film / their reasons for creating the film / their perspectives of representaiton of ethnic minorities in cinema. Lesson 2- Pre-Screning / Context / Post Colonial Theory *** Context covered**: History of Partition British Empire’s role in India Consequence of Partition (At the time and modern) Ghost Trains - phenonemon associated with Partition, and one that is central to the narrative of MM. Trauma Generational Trauma ** POst-Colonial Film Theory; Tony Gilroy** Task: Indiana Jones analysis task - representation of formerly colonised groups in Western media Overview of Post Colonial Theory (See screenshots for level of detail in slides) Albonic Nostaliga vs. Post-Colonial Britain ‘Racial Otherness’ Ideological representation of Muslim people / Muslim way of life in cinema: Task - analysis and student reflection ‘The Muslim Other’ Examples of ‘othering’ across different British media Great interview of Riz Ahmed reacting to the othering of Muslim peoples Lesson 3 - Post Screening response This powerpoint includes all former questions for this module (up to 2022) A history of TOBA-TEK-SINGH Several guided tasks and activities that are designed to draw out student understanding of both NARRATIVE & IDEOLOIGICAL messaging within Mogul Mowgli. Assessment included in this lesson.
Alien - MISE-EN-SCENE (EDUQAS FILM STUDIES - first teaching SEPT 2023)

Alien - MISE-EN-SCENE (EDUQAS FILM STUDIES - first teaching SEPT 2023)

This pack contains a 31-slide PowerPoint Presentaiton and accompanying 29 page student booklet The lesson covers: Starter task: In pairs, students discuss and reflect upon the design aspects of the film, specifically the Nostromo, and the Alien Introduce exemplar question that can be set as assingment Aethetics of Alien Introduce ‘Metal Hurlant’ magazine and its influence on Scott Introduce two main designers and their different design philosophies: Ron Cobb (Ship), H.R. Giger (Alien) Task - what is the function of ‘the monster’ in horror/sci fi films? - example provided, points consolidated Quick Re-cap of context session task Establish the aesthetic of Sci-Fi films in the 1970s and show how Alien broke away from establishes tropes Analysis - The Nostromo Link mise-en-scene of the ship to meaning/contextual issues Detailed analysis of the ship Doors - designed to evoke the Alien’s mouth Analysis H.R. Giger Introduction to him/his style Biomechanical nature of the Alien - “fusion of man and machine” Case study - the Xenomorth - 1 - phallic symbol, 2 - psycho-sexual imagery of the film - linked to meaning and response Analysis - The Derelict ship Vaginal imagery of the film Analysis - The Chestburster scene Link to meaning - fear of feminine power, fear and anxieities surrounding gender roles in society at the time Analysis The Xenomorph - discussion of *Vagina dentata* Reading - article then reflection SUmmary Plenary - Essay question set / essay plan included in PowerPoint/booklet
ALIEN - Production Context - EDUQAS Film Studies A Level FIRST TEACHING 2023 SEPT

ALIEN - Production Context - EDUQAS Film Studies A Level FIRST TEACHING 2023 SEPT

This pack addresses the PRODUCTION CONTEXT of Alien, and it contains: TWO POWERPOINT lessons: **POWERPOINT 1 - New Hollywood (31 slides) POWERPOINT 2 - EMERGENCE OF THE BLOCKBUSTER (16 slides) Both PowerPoint are accompanied by a detailed student booklet Both PowerPoints are full of images, are animated and have been designed with student engagement in mind (see screenshots for examples) NEW HOLLYWOOD PowerPoint:** Starter - Vertigo production context starter task (optional) KEY TERMS defined Q&A - Why did the studio system fail? - test student knowledge NEW World = New Hollywood - history of post-war USA, studios failed to resonate with the public NEW HOLLYWOOD How did America change in the 50s/60s? Counterculture Studio productions in the 60s - films that failed to resonate with the boomer generation Rise of New Hollywood Easy Rider - analysis and feedback task [detailed notes included on slides] NARRATIVE CONVENTIONS of New Hollywood What is an ANTI HERO? THEMEATIC & STYLISTIC conventions of New Hollywood Bonnie and Clyde: case study -analysis tasks [detailed notes included on slides] CONSOLIDATION: Short writing task Suggested: further reading/viewing for students POWERPOINT 2 - Blockbuster era STARTER task: re-cap the ways Alien DOES and DOES NOT reflect the New Hollywood of filmmaking RE=CAP@ contextual issues addressed by Alien THE RISE OF THE BLOCKBUSTER Student discussion: view, opinion and thoughts on ‘80s’ cinema Conventions of the Blockbuster task: watch several trailers; students to identify and discuss conventions of the BLOCKBUSTER [detailed noted provided] HIGH CONCEPT cinema Alien: A film between production modes: Assessment: detailed essay planning activity Assessment: Question and essay plan provided
Alien: SOUND - EDUQAS - First teaching 2023

Alien: SOUND - EDUQAS - First teaching 2023

This pack contains ONE PowerPoint presentation and one student booklet This session is largely students led, hence the price The PowerPoint covers: Starter: students discuss their thoughts on the soundtrack/use of sound in Alien [feedback and class discussion] KEY TERMS: task/re-cap Students to make list of ajdectives that describe the sound Short reading activity: define the sound of alien as ‘dread’ Anlaysis scene 1 - The Nostromo {interoir and exterior] screen extracts student group anlaysis class feedback and note taking Anlaysis scene 2 - TheFace Hugger screen extracts student group anlaysis class feedback and note taking Anlaysis scene 3 - The Death of Brett screen extracts student group anlaysis class feedback and note taking Anlaysis scene 4 -Ripley vs. Alien (final escape/chaotic sound) screen extracts student group anlaysis class feedback and note taking Consolidation: Reading (two detailed analyses for students to review/annotate) Guided essay planning activity Optional assessment included
Alien - Cinematography (EDUQAS FILM STUDIES - first teaching SEPT 2023)

Alien - Cinematography (EDUQAS FILM STUDIES - first teaching SEPT 2023)

This pack contains a 22 slide PowerPoint, and an accompanying 16-page student booklet. The lesson covers: Starter - students review the cinematography of Alien - feedback Explain past questions - exemplar question included; this will be returned to at the end of the session ** Style and approach of Scott / how to start the analysis:** Scott wanted a grimy sense of realism Short reading activity - Scott explains how he rejected ‘traditional’ cinematographers in favor of new, unknowns - all to increase the realism of the film ** Analysis Part 1 - The Nostromo (Exterior)** Dicsussion of techniques used, their effect Links to social/political contexts are made Analysis Part 2 - The Nostromo (interior) - workplace of the future Dicsussion of techniques used, their effect Analysis of = The Ship, the sleeping/living quarters Links to social/political contexts are made Analysis Part 3 - The Death of Brett - in-depth /deep dive analysis [this task has been designed to help students develop SKILLS, as well as their knowledge and understanding of Alien) This section will break down each shot of this sequence Screen the extract Students (in groups) analyse the camera Powerpoint then goes through each shot in detail (6 slides of focused analysis) Assessment: Exam question Planning activity (Optional - set assessment)
LA LA LAND Ideological analysis AND Spectator response (EDUQAS FILM studies)

LA LA LAND Ideological analysis AND Spectator response (EDUQAS FILM studies)

This pack contains a 21 page PowerPoint presentation and a 14-page student booklet. This lesson has been designed to help students understand the ideological messaging of La La Land, (feminist perspectives), foster debate amongst students, and link to how these elements of the film generate a variety of responses. The lesson covers: Introduction to previous exam questions - students reflection on the questions Explain the ‘ideological approach’ and present alternative ideological approaches to feminism that students could use to analyse the film. Summary of mainstream American cinema’s historic approach to gender representation Task: list the ways LLL could be seen to reinforce patriarchal ideologies Analysis of Mia as a ‘passive’ character - analysis of the live performance scenes Feminist critique of the film (negative / response 1) ACTIVE / PASSIVE responses Re-assess the scenes and try to form a more positive, less critical feminist perspective (all perspectives are supported with academic/external sources) Discuss how to approach the feminist critique of the film / how to generate alternative responses to the film Re-cap - the Male Gaze How can we apply Male Gaze to Mia? Approach to camera, representation of Mia - evaluated and variety of responses discussed. The Epilogue - detailed analysis of the final montage (Mia’s dream) Evaluate the scene from multiple feminist perspectives Students to demonstrate how multiple readings/responses can be taken from the ending: Promotion of patriarchal ideologies via representation of the nuclear family, or a promotion of strong, independent and active women? - both perspectives are explored, students are left to determine which reading they align with. Assessment included. There are several ‘real-life’ responses to film, as well as multiple feminist perspectives contained and addressed within the lesson.
AMY - Documentary Film studies EDUQAS Digital Technologies Specialist Study Area

AMY - Documentary Film studies EDUQAS Digital Technologies Specialist Study Area

This pack contains one 43-slide PowerPoint lesson and a 24 page student booklet. The lesson covers: UPDATE: new resource added to this pack: detailed essay planning guide / detailed breakdown of specific elements of Amy that correspond to developments in digital tech. (AI Generated resources - no price change -if you have already purchsed this lesson you can now download this booklet for free) What is ‘digital technology’ starter? Review of former exam questions Celluloid vs. digital Tasks: how has digital technology impact the viewing, exhibition and distribution of film? (student research task) Discussion in class: How has digital tech changed/impacted the students’ own use of digital media? Article / reading task: Jenkins and ‘Transmedia’; unbundling, convergence, etc. How is this all relevant to documentary? Exploration of documentary in the digital world. Photo-journalistic approach in documentaries Cannon Mark II digital camera Editing - digital non-linear editing and ‘avid’ Analysis of Amy: Scene 1 - Amy is introduced to Heroin by Blake / attempted rehab - detailed notes for students/teacher included in PowerPoint and booklet Assessment included - sample response also included (original response)


This pack contains a 29-slide PowerPoint & accompanying student booklet. The lesson covers both the New Right pespective of education and the Principles of Marketisation. There are also several assessment planning activities and 4,6 and 30 mark assessments included. The lesson covers: What is the New Right? What are the tenants of New Right thinking: neo-liberalism, reduced state control/increased private ownership of insitutions, de-regulations. Comparison beween New Right & Functionalist perspective - potential 4/6 mark answers provided New Right description of the contemporary education system New Right criticims of the current system CONSUMER Choice - definition and students tasks AFFIRMATION OF NATIONAL IDENTITY - definition and student tasks PRINCIPLES OF MARKETISATION defintions and explanations - context provided Defintions AND evaluation tasks for each of the following Principles of Marketisation: Parentocracy Introcution of SATS League Tables OFSTED The National Curriclum EVALUATION TASK Sociological Evalution of the New Right perspective Asssessments: 1 - two 4 mark questions, one six mark question - handout provided. This can be used as a peer-review assessment to ensure students know how to structure and approach 4/6 mark questions. 2 - Plan a 30-mark evaluation task - item, mark scheme included. 3 - 30-mark assessment can be set as a homework/in class assessment if desired.
Alien - Production context detailed guide with examples.

Alien - Production context detailed guide with examples.

This resources is a 9-page booklet that will enable students to plan and write a band 5 analysis of Alien [79]’s PRODUCTION CONTEXT. The handout lays out the key conventions of both the New Hollywood era, and the High Concept/Blockbsuter era of the 1980s. Each convention is explained and examples given. The second half of the booklet provides examples from Alien of ALL RELEVANT conventions from each respective era. This is an ideal revision, re-visiting, consolidation and/or essay planning resource that can modified.
Vertigo - Production context detailed guide with examples.

Vertigo - Production context detailed guide with examples.

This resources is a 9-page booklet that will enable students to plan and write a band 5 analysis of Vertigo’s PRODUCTION CONTEXT. The handout lays out the key conventions of both the Golden Era of Hollywood, and the New Hollywood era. Each convention is explained and examples given. The second half of the booklet provides examples from Vertigo of ALL RELEVANT conventions from each respective era. This is an ideal revision, re-visiting, consolidation and/or essay planning resource that can modified.