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Dr. M Nicklin's Shop

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The resources included here are designed to be stimulating, challenging and adequately differentiated. Time is precious to a teacher, and these 'oven ready lessons' include everything you need at a cost effective price. The resources included are perfect for subject specialists and non-specialists alike, and are produced through a modern/professional use of PowerPoint which utilises graphics, animation and timers (etc.) to promote maximum progress during lessons.




The resources included here are designed to be stimulating, challenging and adequately differentiated. Time is precious to a teacher, and these 'oven ready lessons' include everything you need at a cost effective price. The resources included are perfect for subject specialists and non-specialists alike, and are produced through a modern/professional use of PowerPoint which utilises graphics, animation and timers (etc.) to promote maximum progress during lessons.
Bacteria and enzymes in digestion - complete lesson (KS3)

Bacteria and enzymes in digestion - complete lesson (KS3)

A full differentiated lesson based on the Activate 2 SOW. Answers to all tasks included. Simple GCSE question included as a 'super stretch'. Research activity taken from another TES author. If you like this resource please visit my shop for more: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/matt_nick1in
Gene expression (lac operon) - Complete lesson (A2)

Gene expression (lac operon) - Complete lesson (A2)

A full lesson based on the OCR-A SOW and delivered to an A2 class. The lesson covers the organisation of genes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, transcription factors and the lac operon. The activity is taken (and corrected) from another TES author. Regulation at the post transcriptional and post-transnational levels is covered in a following lesson. If you like this resource please visit my shop for more: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/matt_nick1in
Control of blood glucose - complete lesson (A2)

Control of blood glucose - complete lesson (A2)

A full differentiated lesson based on the OCR-A SOW and delivered to an A2 class. The lesson covers eating and exercise and their effects on blood glucose, the pancreas, islet of Langerhans and the effects of insulin and glucagon. Student understanding is assessed by a differentiated question grid challenge (answers included). The lesson then progresses to cover negative feedback, and the depolarisation of beta cells with a simple reorder task for AFL afterwards (answers included). A PP question is included for further application of knowledge/AFL (answers included). The plenary is based on student reflection upon their progress against the learning objectives. Timers are included to promote pace.
Energy and the environment - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

Energy and the environment - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

A full differentiated lesson based on the new AQA (P3.4) SOW. The lesson covers issues with fossil fuels, the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy and outlines the Chernobyl disaster (mainly to incite interest). A differentiated question grid is used to apply learning and to conduct AFL (answers included). The lesson then covers the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy resources prior to a GCSE PP question (answers included) facilitating further application of knowledge and AFL. The plenary involves students reflecting upon their progress against the learning objectives.
Developing drugs- complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

Developing drugs- complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

A full differentiated lesson based on the new AQA (B6.4) SOW. The lesson covers the features of a 'good drug', preclinical trials, clinical trials, double blind trials, and publishing results. The concept of 'placebo' is discussed at several stages. Learning is applied/assessed at 4 stages, a match up activity, differentiated question grid, past paper question and plenary quiz. All the answers are included through animation and timers are used to promote pace. There is also an opportunity for class debate during the summary of answers at the differentiated question grid stage.
OCRA2 - PAG 3.3

OCRA2 - PAG 3.3

Slides to introduce PAG 3.3, guidelines on what the students need to complete, an experimental approach to suggest to the students and an example data set to use as a back-up. The suggested experiment included should be practical to most school/college sites.
Discovering drugs - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

Discovering drugs - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

A full lesson based on the new AQA sow (B6.3). Literacy exercise taken from another TES author. The lesson uses thalidomide within the starter to incite interest. It then goes on to cover drugs from plants and microorganisms, the discovery of penicillin and medicines of the future. All answers included in the slides and timers are used to promote pace. If you like this free resource, visit my shop for more comprehensive lessons: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/matt_nick1in
Resistance, magnets and electromagnets - revision lesson (KS3)

Resistance, magnets and electromagnets - revision lesson (KS3)

A full revision lesson based on the Activate 2 (P1.5-1.8). Starter and practical exercise taken from other TES authors. Lesson covers calculating resistance, PD and current (triangle method), permanent and temporary magnets (including electromagnets). Answers to each exercise are incorporated through animation. Use as a follow on lesson from another free revision resource found in my shop (circuits, current and potential difference revision). Alternatively you could chop and stitch these together into a single lesson. If you like this resource please visit my shop for more: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/matt_nick1in
Antibiotics and pain killers - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

Antibiotics and pain killers - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

A complete lesson based on the new AQA (B6.2) SOW. The lesson is well animated and is particularly accommodating to visual learners. The lesson covers painkillers to treat symptoms, disinfectants and antiseptics for outer surfaces, and antibiotics for bacterial infections. Student learning is applied through a differentiated question grid challenge. Antibiotics and their ineffectiveness against viruses is discussed alongside the generation of antibiotic resistance. The images of MRSA infections can be removed as these can be too much for some students - mine love them. There is then a PP question to complete ahead of the plenary which is based upon students reflecting upon their progress against the LOs. Answers to all questions/writing tasks are included through animation and timers are incorporated to promote pace.
Vaccination - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

Vaccination - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

A full differentiated lesson based on the new AQA (B6.1) SOW. The lesson uses video, animation and think pair and share activities to teach the concepts of vaccination and herd immunity. Student understanding is assessed/applied through the use of a differentiated question grid and past paper questions (answers included). The plenary is based on students reflecting upon their progress against the learning objectives.
Circuits, current and potential difference revision - complete lesson (KS3)

Circuits, current and potential difference revision - complete lesson (KS3)

A full lesson based on the Activate 2 (P2.1) SOW. This is a revision lesson which covers circuits and current, potential difference and series and parallel circuits. Student understanding is checked with 2 planner card activities and learning applied to a simple worksheet task (taken from other TES author). Students can 'stretch' to attempt a GCSE PP question. All answers included. If you like this resource please visit my shop for more: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/matt_nick1in
Human defence responses - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

Human defence responses - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

A full lesson based on the new AQA (B5.7) SOW. The lesson covers the skin, nose and trachea/bronchi as the first line of defence. A differentiated question grid is used to apply knowledge and to conduct AFL (answers included). The lesson then moves onto the white blood cells and their role in phagocytosis, antibody and antitoxin production. Students then apply their knowledge to a PP question (answers included). The plenary is based on students reflecting upon their progress against the learning objectives.
Diseases caused by fungi and protists - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

Diseases caused by fungi and protists - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

A full lesson based on the new AQA (B5.6) SOW. This lesson uses cordyceps fungi to incite interest during the starter. It then focuses on athletes foot and rose black spot - red font is used to indicate where students should take notes. A differentiated question grid is used to apply learning/conduct AFL (answers included). The lesson then covers malaria ahead of a final PP question (answers included). There is then a short quiz based on the lessons content - students can be elected to answer by throwing round a soft toy or whiteboards can be used. A final ‘back up’ plenary involves students reflecting upon their progress against the learning objectives.
Bacterial infections - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

Bacterial infections - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

A full lesson based on the new AQA (B5.5) SOW. The lesson covers salmonella food poisoning, gonorrhoea, and bacterial diseases in plants. Student understanding is checked at various stages with answers included via animation. The two main activities include a differentiated question grid challenge and a PP question (answers also included). Images and video are used to incite student interest. The plenary is based upon students reflecting upon their progress against the learning objectives.
Viral infections - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

Viral infections - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

A full lesson based on the new AQA B5.4 SOW but could be used for others. The lesson covers measles, HIV and tobacco mosaic virus. Students complete a table and various tasks as you progress through the slides focusing on the spread of each disease, the treatment and symptoms. A differentiated question grid is used to apply learning/conduct AFL (answers included). The plenary is based on students reflecting upon their progress against the learning objectives.
Preventing infections - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

Preventing infections - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

A full lesson based on the new AQA (B5.3) SOW but could be used for others. The lesson uses the plague to incite interest (first 2 slides) and then moves onto the work of Ignaz Semmelweis (literacy exercise taken from other TES author). The lesson then briefly discusses other important discoveries and ways to prevent the spread of communicable diseases; hygiene, destroying vectors, vaccination and isolating infected individuals. A differentiated question grid is used to apply student learning. The plenary is based on the students reflecting upon their progress against the learning objectives. If you like this resource please visit my shop for more: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/matt_nick1in
Pressure on solids - complete lesson (KS3)

Pressure on solids - complete lesson (KS3)

This lesson is based on the Activate 2 (P3.5) SOW but can be used for others. Covers pressure in relation to force and weight, calculating pressure and the relationship between area and pressure. A simple practical is included where students investigate the indentation of weights within sand when applied on a different numbers of supports. Ranked questions tailored to this practical are then conducted (answers included). The plenary involves students reflecting upon their progress against the learning objectives. If you like this lesson please visit my shop for other more comprehensive resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/matt_nick1in
Pressure in gases - complete lesson (KS3)

Pressure in gases - complete lesson (KS3)

A full differentiated lesson based on the activate 2 (P3.3) SOW but can be used for others. The lesson covers pressure in gases and the effects of volume and temperature. Student understanding is checked with a differentiated question grid challenge. Atmospheric pressure is introduced ahead on the 'crushing can' demonstration - very easy; a can, water, tongues and bunsen burner is required (youtube for demo). Students then reorder statements to explain their observations. The effect of altitude on gas pressure is then discussed with use of examples. The plenary is an 'articulate' activity where students make logical and scientific speeches making use of key words from the lesson. Those with the most key words used can be given a reward. This lesson includes all answers for self/peer assessment and no additional worksheets are required. The use of animation and the choice of topics to explain each theory were chosen with an emphasis on promoting a love of learning. Timers are included to promote pace.
The heart and blood vessels (revision) - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

The heart and blood vessels (revision) - complete lesson (GCSE 1-9)

A complete, differentiated revision lesson based on the new AQA B4 SOW. The lesson revisits the blood cells, blood vessels, heart structure, coronary heart disease and statins and stents. The worksheet activity is taken from another author on TES. If you like this resource please visit my shop for more: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/matt_nick1in