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A poster to put up to remind students to use FACKTS for their maps.
Class Poster - Teacher Value
This poster was what my students said they wanted from a teacher.
Map Skills
This is a great resource for getting students to practice applying FACKTS to maps. It includes instructions and a blank map to complete the activity. There is also a teacher example of what a completed map should look like.
Measurement Research Task
This is a very good adaptable task where it can be used to complete at home, in class or split between both. It gets students to practice their measurement skills by using a ruler and finding perimeters. There is an example sheet included as well as the worksheet needed to find the information and a printout for the poster part.
Fraction worksheets
These are three worksheets that focus on finding the fraction of a whole number, adding fractions and subtracting fraction. It gives a description and example at the top on how to do it so not you hardly need to front load before using these.
Similes and Metaphors
This is a 2 page worksheet that gets students to practice using metaphors and similes so that they can remember what each is.
Comparing and Contrasting
This is a reading worksheet that focuses on comparing and contrasting. There are 3 pages worth of activities to do that includes reading text and explaining answers in their own words.
Student Led P.E
This is a lesson where students plan their own P.E lesson. It gets them to come up with a warm-up, game and cool down. This lesson is great as it can help you plan out a whole terms worth of P.E using these student led lessons.
Team Building Activity
This slideshow includes a few different brain teasers that students have to solve in teams. It then has a task for students to create their own brain teasers.
First week back - Writing
This is a great task for students to complete in their first week back at school after a term break. It gets them to practice using good language in their work.
New Zealand Worksheets
There are 4 different worksheets/activities based around the geography of New Zealand. There are also teacher copies for the worksheets that require precise answers.
Paragraph Writing
This task includes several instructions for completing a paragraph. These instructions can be used by the students to peer mark the completed paragraph.
Flamenco Dance Assessment
This is a Flamenco based dance assessment best suited to year 8/9/10. It comes with instructions, a marking schedule and also a few activites/worksheets. This assessment is best used as a half term unit but can be extended if desired. The assessment is based around choreography but includes questions that need to be answered and handed in with the finalised dance.
NZ Government Timeline
This is a cut and paste timeline activity that is a summary of what has happened within the NZ government.
Dance Research Assessment
This is a full assessement for year 8/9/10 that includes a marking schedule, an information sheet and a teacher information page. Ideally this assessment is for half of a term but can be extended to fit a whole term if needed.
First day activity
This is a great activity for the first few days of school. It is also a great writing sample to figure out where your students are at.
Fun literacy activity
This activity gets students to listen to a story read out by the teacher and colour in their picture accordingly. After it gets them to have a go at wrtiting their own story and creating a colouring in page to go along with it. There is also a marking schedule attached so students know when they have completed the task well. This is best used over a week so students can edit their writing and drawings.
Reading - event analysis
This is a good task to get students analysing an event. It could also be used in history or social studies.
Class Points Poster
This is a great poster to use to encourage students to do well with a simple points system.
Classroom Poster
This is a great poster to display in your classroom if you are having trouble with students not remembering instructions.