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Mike Morley's Shop

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I have been a teacher for 8 years and am currently working in Dubai as a History teacher and Head of Year. I put a lot of effort into creating my premium resources and will not upload them until I am confident the lesson will be graded at least a good if not outstanding. Please contact me if you have any queries, questions or concerns about my resources. Regards




I have been a teacher for 8 years and am currently working in Dubai as a History teacher and Head of Year. I put a lot of effort into creating my premium resources and will not upload them until I am confident the lesson will be graded at least a good if not outstanding. Please contact me if you have any queries, questions or concerns about my resources. Regards
American Civil Rights: Emmett Till.

American Civil Rights: Emmett Till.

Included: PowerPoint with embedded video / instructions / song links & opportunity to learn beyond the classroom. Mystery Sources Peep Sheet (Help envelope to differentiate) Song Lyrics sheet. Sources for Silent debate. 2 source evaluation Homework's to help pupils consolidate learning at home. Lesson Plan to help guide you through the whole lesson. You will also need A3/A1 paper for 'Silent Debate' activity.
American Civil Rights: The Freedom Riders.

American Civil Rights: The Freedom Riders.

The purpose of this lesson is to encourage pupils to reflect upon the progress made by the civil rights movement by 1960. Pupils will inquire into who the freedom riders were and the purpose, aims and possible problems of their movement. Pupils will lead their own learning though the collection of information to then record this information in chronological order on their worksheets to create a time line. All videos, sound clips and random name generator are embedded with further advice upon the structure of the lesson to be found in the description of the presentation. Pupils will complete the lesson though comparing the freedom riders with other nonviolent methods of campaigning so far during the civil rights movement - E.g. Greensboro Sit-ins to then form an overall judgment.
The Growing power of Germany Japan Italy 1930s

The Growing power of Germany Japan Italy 1930s

The focus of this lesson is to build upon the delicate balance of world powers in the 1930’s and fits into the bigger picture of ‘Why had international peace collapsed by 1939’? **Hook: **students are handed hook sheet as they enter to instantly complete focusing around recalling 5 key facts about key terminology which will be used throughout the lesson. Teacher introduces the lessons intention. **Starter: ** students apply their ‘Give me 5’ task applying this to a source of evidence provided with think-pair-share time. Teacher take feedback to then introduce the starter task. Students listen to an introductory sound clip summarising the lessons learning and answer the questions provided on the PP (Audio embedded). Main task 1: Students are provided with a key card of facts to learn and use to complete the relevant section of the Axis Alliance sheet. Students are then to circulate the room and peer teach each other until their sheet is complete – teacher can then check this against the WAGOLL on the interactive Whiteboard. Main Task 2: Students then to assess the country who posed the biggest threat to the LON – students to judge and then summarize on a mini whiteboard to justify their opinion (using sheet to support them). Show consolidation video (embedded) Plenary: Students to apply their acquired knowledge to an exam style question – structure strips are provided for differentiation and a mark scheme to allow students to peer / self assess their answer afterwards as a plenary. **All videos embedded / descriptions and prompts included in the PP description. **
Medicine Through Time: changes in Surgery Over Time.

Medicine Through Time: changes in Surgery Over Time.

All outcomes linked with the new Edexcel History 1-9 scheme. (A01/A02) Pupils receive a card upon entrance to the classroom. (Pain / Infection) Pupils are introduced to the top through studying a picture source of a man screaming in pain: Pupils discuss the problems associated with Surgery. Pupils pair up with pupils who have the same card as them. Using the textbooks pupils summarise how their problem associated with Surgery was overcome. Pupils then mix pair and share to complete the rest of their table. Pupils will the watch a video to consolidate (Embedded / Link provided). Pupils then discus and decide upon the most significant (A02) opposition to developments in anaesthetics and antiseptics before consolidation with an exam style question (WAGOL provided) You will need the new Edexcel GCSE ‘Medicine Through time’ book for this lesson.
Medicine Through Time: Renaissance Change and Continuity.

Medicine Through Time: Renaissance Change and Continuity.

Pupils define ‘One Second Order Historical Concept’ as a hook. Linked with A02. All outcomes are linked with Assessment Objectives 1 & 2. Pupils will study p49-50 in the textbooks (Photocopied) highlighting in 2 different colours treatment which changed and treatment which stayed the same from the Medieval period. (To extend learning could discuss Syphilis) Slide included to extend learning. Pupils then wok on a card sort to connect sentences together to help explain the changes and continuities in how diseases were prevented. (Pring off slide for card sort). Pupils consolidate with an exam style question from the new scheme linked to A01 & A02. I have included a WAGOL to this question to model an answer. You could ask pupils to peer assess WWW/EBI. Edxecel Pearson Medicine Through Time Text Books will be required for this lesson.
The British Empire: Introduction to Slavery.

The British Empire: Introduction to Slavery.

This lesson introduces the concept of Slavery and through a series of chunked tasks pupils will be able to define a slave and explain the causes of slavery by the end of the lesson. This lesson is perfect for an introduction to the slave experience or would link in nicely with a SOW on the British Empire. All videos are embedded with links also provided. This lesson could be completed without the need for exercise books. Pupils consolidate their learning at the end of the lesson through completing an exam style question which concentrates on pupils developing balanced answers.
The Nazi Soviet Pact.

The Nazi Soviet Pact.

There are a lot of resources included in this pack. The following information is how I have ran the lesson in the past; but please change and adapt the resources to suit your teaching style / pupils. I hope you find them useful. Pass the parcel style starter where pupils work out the lessons topic. I wrap up a bar of chocolate and place a ‘clue card’ on each layer. Alternatively you could give a card to different groups who must act out for the rest of the class to guess their word (Spelling together ‘the Nazi Soviet Pact’) Pupils will visit 5 stations around the classroom to help answer the question ‘Why did Hitler and Stalin sign the Nazi-soviet pact?’ NOTE: You will need additional material for station 4. Station 1: atch video Station 2: Visual Cartoon Source + map of Poland showing how it would be invaded and divided by both countries (simple). (white board pens can be used to label countries / make notes if you laminate the sheets) (visual learners) Station 3: Source table – sources A-F – differentiation: Some easier to understand + read than others) (Again – white board pens can be used to circle / underline key text) (for those who prefer reading) Station 4: touch and feel boxes – Box 1 – contains a clock and a bomb to show that both sides would be bought time but the bomb indicates that war would eventually commence. Box 2: contains a small wooden pole and some grass = Pole-Land = to show that both sides would befit from dividing Poland between them. (Kinaesthetic learners) Station5 : (The Secret station) – A3 information sheet which consolidates everything that happened to lead to the pact being signed with benefits for both sides) This will be revealed half way through the lesson. Pupils can then answer exam style question before peer assessing.
League of Nations: successes in the 1920s

League of Nations: successes in the 1920s

The focus of this lesson is to build upon the Aims of the structure of the LON and fits into the bigger picture of ‘To What Extent Was The League of Nations a Success’? The lesson’s purpose is to introduce the league’s successes in the 1920’s and to judge the most significant through a series of student led (less teacher talk) tasks. **Hook: **students are handed hook sheet as they enter to instantly complete focusing around recalling 5 key facts about the origins of the LON and source evaluation . Teacher introduces the lessons intention. **Starter: ** After watching an introduction video about the League in the 1920s ( embedded into the PP) Students then answer a series of quick fire questions about the views people had of its aims. Main task 1: Student competition task: Teacher to display the success on the board and students to remember as many as they can (timer included) - teacher challenges students to fill out the differentiated proforma to see how many they can remember (prizes for most completed sheet) students then to mix-pair-share to assist each other in completing their sheet. Main Task 2: students are then to arrange their card sort of successes into an arrow of significance and to form a judgment on the most significant success in the bigger picture on their worksheet. Plenary: Students break into small groups who have selected the same ‘most significant success’ they coach each other and then nominate a representative to go ‘Head-To-Head’ with another student with a differing opinion to argue out their opinion. Teacher decided on the most convincing / articulate reasoning and awards points. **All videos embedded / descriptions an prompts included in the PP description. **
Medicine Through Time: The First Nurses.

Medicine Through Time: The First Nurses.

Included: Video Hook (Video embedded and link supplied). Starter Activity, what is the job of a modern Nurse? Case Study One: Florence Nightingale. *Video:* Case Study 2: Mary Seacole. GCSE (AQA New Scheme) Style Question, with Mark Scheme and pupil friends notes on how to answer it supplied. (Peer Assessment Advised). Role Play Plenary. Differentiated Outcomes Supplied. (This lesson appeals to Auditory and Visual Learners the best).
Edexcel GCSE Medicine Through Time Full Scheme of Work.

Edexcel GCSE Medicine Through Time Full Scheme of Work.

A full scheme of work for Edexcel GCSE Medicine Through Time 1250-Present. A Perfect opportunity to use / amend or add to your own scheme of work for this topic. Included: - 27 lessons all categorised into (Ancient Beliefs - Medieval - Renaissance - 19th Century and 20th Century. - Lesson outcomes - Lesson key content / learning focus - Resources -Pedagogical Suggestions - Differentiation - Exam Style Assessment Questions for Each Lesson - Cross-Curricular Links - Homework Ideas - SMSC Questions / Themes in Each Lesson
US Public Support for the Vietnam War (Pearson Edexcel GCSE)

US Public Support for the Vietnam War (Pearson Edexcel GCSE)

The purpose of this lesson is to educate students on the reasons for support of the Vietnam War. The lesson focuses upon measuring public opinion of the War, Hard Hat Riots, Nixon's 'silent majority' among many other reasons supporting the Vietnam war to then apply this knowledge to a utility question. After a fun 'patriotism' starter task students will work to record all acquired knowledge on a fully resourced knowledge builder work sheet. Although not neccessarily required any school textbook could be used to support student learing and progress. All sources of evidence are included and annotated to support students along with videos which are embedded and links provided. There is also a student friendly mark scheme to be used for peer / self assessment of student answers to the assessment question.
The Vietnam War: Was Nixon Right to Expand the War to Cambodia & Laos 1970-71? (Edexcel GCSE)

The Vietnam War: Was Nixon Right to Expand the War to Cambodia & Laos 1970-71? (Edexcel GCSE)

The purpose of this lesson is for students to debate if Nixon was right to keep the invasions of Cambodia and Lao a secret from the US public during his Vietnamisation program. This skill is linked with final 16 mark statement questions found in papers 1 /2 &3. Studentts begin though a starter task of attempting to fill in a blank map completing the names of the countries, the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Gulf of Tonkin and any cities etc. Students are introduced to the invasion of Cambodia through a short video clip of Nixon's televised explanation (embedded). The main task revolves around the teaching and learning strategy of '6 monkeys'. All explained within the resource pack attached . After assessing the impact of this invasion in 1970 students are introduced to the invasion of Laos in 1971 and how the US public reacted to the news of these invasions. Students are to complete a short 4 mark source evaluation activity linked with the Kent State Shooting protest. After these tasks and debates students will be ready to form an overall judgment regarding the initial debate question: Was Nixon right to keep the invasions of Cambodia and Laos a secret from the US population? I have included an extension video showcasing a news report of how currently the US are attempting to get Cambodia to repay for the damages caused during the invasion (video embedded).
League of Nations: Causes of the Abyssinian Crisis 1935.

League of Nations: Causes of the Abyssinian Crisis 1935.

The focus of this lesson is to build upon the failures of the LON and in the 1930s fits into the bigger picture of ‘To What Extent Was The League of Nations a Success’? The lesson’s purpose is to introduce the reasons behind Italy’s invasion of Abyssinia through a series of student led and source evaluation (less teacher talk) tasks. **Hook: **students are handed hook sheet as they enter to instantly complete focusing around recalling 5 key facts about the impact of the Manchurian crisis. Teacher introduces the lessons intention. **Starter: ** After watching an introduction video about the causes and reasons behind the invasion (summary video) (embedded into the PP) Main task 1: Students are tasked with completing their own card sort sheet of reasons all of which can be found in the introduction video. Teach than takes feedback and challenged students to think of the bigger picture and add their own reasons (re-calling previous learning) Students can then be challenged to form a judgment on the most significant reason Italy wished to invade. Main Task 2: Students are to think-pair-share the options open to the L.O.N as a result of Italy’s reasons to invade. There are to be recorded on A1 sheets of paper around the room – students are to circulate the room adding their opinion to each option in regards to: How it would have stopped Mussolini and why it was not done Teacher then draws this all together to form a judgment on why the League did not try and stop Mussolini. Plenary: are supplied with a key source from one of Mussolini’s speeches the day before invasion and are challenged to summarize his reasons for invasion in as little words as possible (reward / prize for students who condenses the most but still gets the meaning across). **All videos embedded / descriptions and prompts included in the PP description. **
The Leaders' of the Second World War (WWII)

The Leaders' of the Second World War (WWII)

Hook starter: As pupils enter the room the presentation will display an autonomously moving spot light to reveal a picture clue about the lesson. Learning Intention and differentiated outcomes (SMSC). Starter: Pupils' will discuss what qualities a good leader should hold before watching a short video clip inquiry into the leading figures of WWII: Churchill Stalin Hitler Roosevelt. Pupils' will then circulate the room studying the individual leaders, their background and specifically their leadership qualities during WWII. In groups pupils then build a silent conversation to debate, discuss, compare and contrast the four leaders. Pupil's then consolidate their views regarding the best leader answering a structured 8 mark exam style question. If time I then ask my pupils to peer assess with WW / EBI. All videos links are provided along with instructions and advice in the description of the presentation. Peep sheet and vocabulary builder have been included for differentiation. Many thanks
The French Revolution: Declaration of the Rights of Man.

The French Revolution: Declaration of the Rights of Man.

hook starter of a spotlight teasing an image of the declaration. Differentiated learning outcomes (SMSC included). Pupils will discuss their human rights, define its meaning and then create their own, 'Teenagers Rights'. Pupils will then learn about 'The Declaration for The Rights of Man' comparing and contrasting modern human rights with that of the French during the Revolution. Pupils will discuss the problems facing France and that of the 3rd Estate and how these problems were rectified by the declaration. Pupils then rank the rights in order of importance before deciding upon the most significant and how it affected France. Videos are embedded or links have been included in the description. Many Thanks.
The Industrial Revolution : Causes & Consequences .

The Industrial Revolution : Causes & Consequences .

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution. Starter activity is quiz quiz trade (explained in the PP) to introduce students to the main causes of the revolution. There is an opportunity to watch an introductory video the the revolution before starting the main task. Main task: students conduct a museum walk around the classroom / corridor categorizing the main causes and consequences of the revolution (Transport / agriculture / population / factories & industry / education). Students then answer a GCSE exam style question before completing peer assessment sheets for the answers(provided).
The Origins and Structure of 'The League of Nations'.

The Origins and Structure of 'The League of Nations'.

The focus of this lesson is to build upon the Aims of the ‘Big Three’ and fits into the bigger picture of ‘To What Extent Was The League of Nations a Success’? The lesson’s purpose is to introduce the league and its structure / covenant through a series of student led (less teacher talk) tasks. **Hook: **students are handed hook sheet as they enter to instantly complete focusing around summarising a famous quote from Woodrow Wilson. Teacher introduces the lessons intention. **Starter: ** Students flip over their hook sheet and after watching an introduction video about the League’s aims (2 provided and embedded into the PP) Students then answer a series of quick fire questions. Main task 1: Students engage in a quiz-quiz-trade activity to learn some of the key definitions and structure of the League – students then complete the first part of their activity sheet. All instructions provided in the PP description. Main Task 2: this then leads into deepening students understanding of the purpose of the league. Where students are tasked with finding their partner to main a detail of the League with the correct descriptor. (Rewards to students who successful match up). After feedback students then complete the second half of their sheet / create a piece of ‘Smart Graffiti’ to chart the initial weaknesses of the League. Plenary: Students form a judgment on a sticky note on the most significant initial weakness in the League’s structure and leave their opinion on the interactive board which could be used to form part of the hook for next lessons. **All videos embedded / descriptions an prompts included in the PP description. **
The French Revolution: The Reign of Terror.

The French Revolution: The Reign of Terror.

This lesson should lead on from recently studying the 'Declaration of the Rights of Man'. Hook starter: As pupils enter the room the presentation will display an autonomously moving spot light to reveal a picture clue about the lesson. Learning Intention and differentiated outcomes (SMSC). Starter: Pupils' receive crime cards to which then then decide individually upon the most fitting punishment this will link in later with the lesson when the guillotine and how it was used during the 'Terror' is explained. Pupils can compare justice and crimes fitting the appropriate punishments. Pupils will consolidate with a video regarding how the Revolution became extreme though the September Massacre as a case study. Pupils' then compete in groups to complete a literacy relay regarding the 'Terror' to increase their knowledge of the events which took place and the main forces involved. Peep sheet has been provided here for differentiation. Pupils then watch a BBC Bitesize video to consolidate before answering a structured 8 mark exam style question. If time I then ask my pupils to peer assess with WW / EBI. All videos links are provided along with instructions and advice in the description of the presentation. Many thanks
American Civil rights: Understanding The Jim Crow Laws

American Civil rights: Understanding The Jim Crow Laws

Pupils begin by spotting the difference between a white and a black school during the 1950s. Reverse teaching strategy will be used here to add context as to why this was happening. Pupils are introduced to ‘Plessy V Ferguson’ (Video embedded) and define Separate but equal. (mini white boards could be used for this task) Teacher then introduced what the Jim Crow Laws were - pupils watch a video (embedded) and see how many they can identify. (again mini whiteboards could be used again to identify these a good visual strategy to show pupil progress) Pupils are then challenged to remember as many laws as they can before conducting a snowball fight activity to consolidate this (instructions in the description of presentation) Pupils are then encouraged to rank the laws (worst to least worst) before participating in a mix-pair-share Kagan activity explaining which they personally feel to be the worst law. Pupils will then apply their newly acquired knowledge back to one of the original photographs they were shown at the start of the lesson inferring what they can about the Jim Crow Laws From it.
Empire & Slavery: Abolition Of Slavery.

Empire & Slavery: Abolition Of Slavery.

This lesson is designed to round off and consolidate a SOW on 'Slavery' or 'The British Empire'. Pupils begin by voicing their views on modern day slavery. This is linked with a variety of clips (To use at your discretion) to educate pupils on modern day slavery focused upon child labour / sweatshops. Pupils explain why this is wrong / how this could be stopped. This can then be linked to views on abolishing the Slave Trade in 1807. Pupils will then work in teams in a literacy relay style activity (Explained in Presentation) to answer focused questions on the main individuals involved in helping abolish the slave trade in Britain. The main task is centred around pupils using evidence to support an argument to end slavery which they could pitch to Parliament in 1807. This is evidence I have used in past lessons (See my shop) However, this would not make a difference if you have not used these lessons. I have included stretch and challenge sources for the more able pupils to be critical of and use in their arguments. (Differentiated) I have included further more detailed instructions and additional resources within the presentation itself. All videos have links provided / are embedded within the slide show.