An engaging scheme of work that lasts a half term which includes a diverse range of lesson activities. I have also included an optional set of lessons that links to the movie Avatar if you have the facilities to play the movie.
Lesson outlines
Location and features
Layers of the rainforest
Rainforest resources
Pressures on tribes
Rainforest adaptations
Malaysia case study
Managing rainforests (AQA textbook required)
Avatar based lessons
If you need any further KS3 or GCSE SOW please do check out my page for 5* rated resources.
All lessons have diverse pedagogical techniques and activities. These include: Do it Now tasks, video tasks, independent work, group work, quizzes, maths skills, leaflet creation. There are key links to the GCSE specification - skills, fossil fuel case study, hot deserts and adaptations.
There is also a short written assessment included as part of the scheme of work.
Lesson 1: Countries
Lesson 2: Climate of the Middle East
Lesson 3 Adaptations
Lesson 4 Population distribution
Lesson 5: Oil
Lesson 6: How has the UAE developed?
Lesson 7: Why is Yemen so poor?
Lesson 8 Conflict in the Middle East
Lesson 9: Assessment
An engaging and diverse set of resources that explore the content of the AQA challenge of natural hazards unit in paper one. There are numerous pedagogical tasks to help students to retain, recap and apply their knowledge. These have helped me to regularly get positive progress 8 figures. I have the resources for all of the AQA GCSE with 5 star ratings, so please do have a look.
Tectonic Hazards
Earth’s structure and plates
Plate boundaries - types and hazards
Effects of earthquakes contrasting case studies: you have a choice of three case studies to use here - Nepal, Chile, L’Aquila
Why do people live on plate boundaries? Homework task
Predict, plan, prepare
A revision board game
Weather Hazards
Global circulation patters
Tropical storms
Typhoon Haiyan case study
UK extreme weather
UK extreme weather case study: homework task
UK extreme weather application and map skills
Climate change
Natural causes of climate change
Human causes of climate change
Managing climate change: homework task
Adpating to climate change
Revision lesson
Revision lesson
Extra: Haiyan mapping lesson (not required for the GCSE)
Extra: tropical storms extra lesson (not required for the GCSE)
This is a full scheme of work for the ‘Resource Management’ unit. After this unit, teachers/students have a choice of specialising in Food/Water/Energy for questions 4/5/6. I have included my SOW lessons for Energy at no extra cost in case this is useful.
Lessons include starters, a range of learning exercises supported with exam application, as well as learning checks.
Resource management lessons.
Lesson 1+2 Essential resources
Lesson 3 UK demanded for food
Lesson 4 UK demand for water
Lesson 5 Water pollution
Lesson 6 UK energy
Lesson 7 Energy debate
Lesson 8 Exam practice
Energy lessons:
Lesson 1 Energy insecurity
Lesson 2 Impacts of energy insecurity
Lesson 3 Strategies to increase energy production
Lesson 4 Fossil fuel case study
Lesson 5 Sustainable energy use
Lesson 6 Micro hydro scheme: Chambamontera
A full and engaging scheme of work for The Challenge of Natural Hazards GCSE.
12 lessons in total that include a variety of pedagogical tasks including videos, exam practice and interleaving of knowledge.
Supported by the Oxford Press textbook
Please check my other page for further 5* rated full schemes of work for the GCSE course.
Lesson breakdown:
Small scale ecosystems
Changes to ecosystems
Global ecosystems
Location and climate of rain forests
5.+6. Case study: Malaysia rain forest (2 lessons)
Managing rainforests
Hot deserts
Opportunities in hot deserts
Challenges to development in hot deserts
Causes of desertification
Exams skills
A complete scheme of work for GCSE AQA Citizenship. Lessons include interleaving, key terms, exam skills and numerous learning activities.
Please check my page for all other units of work for Citizenship.
Lesson outline:
Principles and Values
British Values
British Identity
Identity and Migration
Identity and Multiculturalism
Media and Free Press
Free Press
Free Press and Censorship
International Organisations
International Disputes
NGOs Responses to Humanitarian Issues
Making a Difference to Society
Issues of Voter Turn Out
MPs and How to Make a Difference
Assessment/Peer marking
An engaging, in-depth full scheme of work of 30 lessons. It includes a variety of learning tasks, videos, exam practice and interleaving of knowledge. Exemplar uploaded so that you can preview the type of content.
Supported by Oxford Press textbook.
Breakdown of lessons
What is development?
Limitations of development measures
Development and population
Differences in development
Consequences of development: inequality
Consequences of development: migration
The development gap
Reducing the development gap: aid
Reducing the development gap: intermediate technology
Reducing the development gap: free and fair trade (2 lessons)
Reducing the development gap: debt relief and micro finance
Reducing the development gap: Tourism in Jamaica case study
Exam technique
Exploring Nigeria (2 lessons)
Nigeria: political and global links
Nigeria: TNCs
Nigeria: TNC environmental impact
Aid and quality of life
UK: Changing UK economy
UK: Post industrial economy
UK: Science parks
UK: Environmental impact of industry
UK:Changing rural landscapes
UK: Transport improvements
UK: North-south divide
UK: Links to wider world
A full and engaging scheme of work for Urban Issues and Challenges.
19 Lessons in total that include a variety of tasks, videos, exam practice and interleaving of knowledge. Exemplar lesson uploaded to give you an idea of content.
Check my page for other geography schemes of work.
Lesson breakdown:
An urban world
Why do cities grow (2 lessons)
Rio: introduction
Rio: social challenges
Rio: economic challenges
Rio: environmental challenges
Rio: favelas
Rio: favela development
UK: urban areas
Bristol: location and importance
Bristol: social and economic opportunities
Bristol: environmental challenges
Bristol: dereliction and urban sprawl
Bristol: new housing
Bristol: regeneration
Bristol: creating a clean environment
Bristol: social inequalities
Freiburg: urban sustainability
This is a full, engaging scheme of work that explores English structures and techniques, linking to the novel Coraline.
It helps students to develop the skills needed for literature analysis carefully through varied pedagogical activities and application tasks.
All lessons have recall and interleaving based ‘Do it Now’ tasks.
Although there are 11 lessons, often this will take more time that this, getting close to a whole term when combined with the time for reading the book.
Introduction lesson: used for Year 7 as an introduction to English.
Lesson 1: The Garden: examining how techniques are used to describe the garden. A PEE paragraph with peer marking assesses understanding.
Lesson 2: The parents: evaluation based activity after reading part of the book. As students are reading, there is an evidence building activity to complete so that they get in to the habit of looking for useful quotes. There is then a modelled ‘I do, we do, you do’ PEE paragraph task.
Lesson 3: Creating and effect on the reader. Exploring the pathetic fallacy and personification techniques to create an effect. This links to chapter 2. There is then an application through a story writing activity with peer marking.
Lesson 4: Annotating to make comparisons: comparing two cats from literature (Coraline and Alice in Wonderland) by using evidence. Solidification of concepts through their application in a PEE structure with leveled feedback opportunities.
Lesson 5: Descriptions and the effect on the reader. Using quote from the text to explore techniques used to give an effect on the reader of the ‘other mother’.
Lesson 6: Improving vocabulary. Using adverbs and adjectives, what the difference is and application of knowledge. This structures to support the work moving in to further analysis of English techniques.
Lesson 7: Symbolism: what it is and its impact on the reader. This looks at sections of the book to explore the symbolism that is used. Leveled work opportunity.
Lesson 8: Language techniques to convey meaning. Exploring adjectives, similes, metaphors, adverbs, alliteration, verbs. Looking for examples of these and then using them to write a PETAL (Point, Evidence, Technique, Analysis, Link) paragraph with WWW/EBI marking descriptor opportunity.
Lesson 9: The effect of punctuation: exploring quotes and the impact that punctuation has in these quotes. A PETAL and peer marking opportunities as well as a model answer activity with help sheet.
Lesson 10: Anthropomorphism and symbolism: exploring the meaning of the rats in the text.
Lesson 11: Analyising the meaning of non living components. I do/we do/you do annotation of quotes. Help sheet for students to complete a PETAL paragraph with marking and EBI/WWW opportunities
A full scheme of work for the Rights and Responsibilities unit. Includes interleaving, videos and various learning exercises.
Please check my page for other resources.
Lesson outline
Why Laws?
International Law
Rights and Responsibilities
Rights and Responsibilities lesson 2
Rights and Responsibilities lesson 3
Rights and Responsibilities lesson 4
Change in Citizen’s Rights
Trade Unions
Employers Associations
Industrial Action
Dealing with Crime
Youth Sentencing
Universal Human Rights
Universal Human Rights lesson 2
A full scheme of work for the Rights and Responsibilities unit. Includes interleaving, videos and various learning exercises. One lesson is uploaded in addition so you can see it as an exemplar.
Please check my page for all other SOW for the Citizenship units.
Lesson outline:
Citizenship and identity
Monarchy and rule
Local government
Voting and elections
Political parties
Government funding
Democracy and the UK constitution
Key structures and roles
Forming and structuring a government
How others govern themselves
How can people make a difference in society?
Key terms quiz
Here is a set of lessons and student resource booklet to guide teachers and students through this student led unit.
There are five lessons in total that accompany the booklet. Each aims to get students thinking about their project in a very guided, step by step manner to get the best results out of the action.
Active citizenship: This explores the unit, what it entails as well as different methods that can be used to affect change
Impact of social action: looking at previous action and how it affected change
Identifying an issue: this guides students through areas that they may wish to explore as well as looking at primary and secondary research.
Planning: here students are guided through the planning process of what they are going to do to formulate a well thought out action plan
Evaluation: looking at other social action as well as their own to evaluate how effective social action is.
I have the three other units for Citizenship so please do check those out as well. They have been rated 5 stars.
Full scheme of work with lessons and additional wider reading articles for relevant lessons. Includes theory, lesson activities as well as homework tasks. There is also some exam practice and 20 mark framework lesson material as well.
I have also have all GCSE units if you are looking for those.
Lesson 1: Intro
Lesson 2: Megacities
Lesson 3: World cities
Lesson 4+5: Changes in Contemporary Urban Environments
Lesson 6+7: Reasons for change: deindustrialisation
Lesson 8: Reasons for change: decentralisation
Lesson 9: Reasons for change: Urban resurgence
Lesson 10 Urban form
Lesson 11+12: Social and economic issues
Lesson 13: 20 mark planning
Lesson 14: Urban climate
Lesson 15: Urban drainage
Lesson 16: River restoration
Lesson 17: Waste
Lesson 18: Air pollution
Lesson 19: Water pollution and dereliction
Lesson 20: Sustainable urban developments
Lesson 21: Case studies
Additionally in the folder are some mini quizzes using Google Forms and checklists/note reviews.
Three out of the four units of work for the GCSE AQA Citizenship course. The final unit is ‘Active Citizenship’ which is a little more bespoke in the teaching of it hence that needing to be more teacher planned.
Full lessons with various learning activities including videos, comprehension tasks and exam application.
**Politics and Participation: **
Citizenship and identity
Monarchy and rule
Local government
Voting and elections
Political parties
Government funding
Democracy and the UK constitution
Key structures and roles
Forming and structuring a government
How others govern themselves
How can people make a difference in society?
Key terms quiz
Rights and Responsibilities
Why Laws?
International Law
Rights and Responsibilities
Rights and Responsibilities lesson 2
Rights and Responsibilities lesson 3
Rights and Responsibilities lesson 4
Change in Citizen’s Rights
Trade Unions
Employers Associations
Industrial Action
Dealing with Crime
Youth Sentencing
Universal Human Rights
Universal Human Rights lesson
Life in Modern Britain
Principles and Values
British Values
British Identity
Identity and Migration
Identity and Multiculturalism
Media and Free Press
Free Press
Free Press and Censorship
International Organisations
International Disputes
NGOs Responses to Humanitarian Issues
Making a Difference to Society
Issues of Voter Turn Out
MPs and How to Make a Difference
Assessment/Peer marking
In this amazing bundle is all that you need to teach the AQA GCSE in Geography and more. This will save you hundreds of hours of preparation (which is what it took to make). Many reviews are 5 star and I have used and adapted these resources over the years to achieve consistently positive progress figures. Buying this bundle will save you over £20.
Lessons have diverse pedagogical techniques and link to numerous past question applications. Lessons include exam structures for 4, 6 and 9 mark questions, videos, group work, individual focused work, questioning and application.
The units are:
Paper One:
The challenge of natural hazards
The living world
UK Landscapes: River landscapes
UK landscapes: coastal landscapes
Paper Two:
Urban issues and challenges
The changing economic world
Resource management
There are also other materials include.
Case study overview for revision
Learning checklists for revision
Revision booklets for some topics.
Lessons can utilise the textbook pictured. Enjoy!
All you need to teach the GCSE AQA! No planning or knowledge needed, you are good to go with all four units. This will save you hundreds of hours of preparation and work. This helps cover large elements of PSHEE and British values as well as giving stuents another GCSE. This can be taught in 2 years with 4 hours a fortnight.
Lessons have diverse pedagogical activities and styles that include group/independent work, think pair share, questioning, exam application and comprehension.
Some tasks are supported by the AQA Citizenship textbook.
Unit names:
Unit 1: Politics and Participation
Unit 2: Rights and Responsibilities
Unit 3: Life in Modern Britain
Unit 4: Active Citizenship
Unit Lesson Breakdown:
Unit 1: Politics and Participation
Citizenship and identity
Monarchy and rule
Local government
Voting and elections
Political parties
Government funding
Democracy and the UK constitution
Key structures and roles
Forming and structuring a government
How others govern themselves
How can people make a difference in society?
Key terms quiz
Unit 2: Rights and Resonsibilities
Why Laws?
International Law
Rights and Responsibilities
Rights and Responsibilities lesson 2
Rights and Responsibilities lesson 3
Rights and Responsibilities lesson 4
Change in Citizen’s Rights
Trade Unions
Employers Associations
Industrial Action
Dealing with Crime
Youth Sentencing
Universal Human Rights
Universal Human Rights lesson 2
Unit 3 Life in Modern Britain
Principles and Values
British Values
British Identity
Identity and Migration
Identity and Multiculturalism
Media and Free Press
Free Press
Free Press and Censorship
International Organisations
International Disputes
NGOs Responses to Humanitarian Issues
Making a Difference to Society
Issues of Voter Turn Out
MPs and How to Make a Difference
Assessment/Peer marking
Unit 4 Active Citizenship
Active citizenship: This explores the unit, what it entails as well as different methods that can be used to affect change
Impact of social action: looking at previous action and how it affected change
Identifying an issue: this guides students through areas that they may wish to explore as well as looking at primary and secondary research.
Planning: here students are guided through the planning process of what they are going to do to formulate a well thought out action plan
Evaluation: looking at other social action as well as their own to evaluate how effective social action is.