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W B Years Notes

W B Years Notes

W. B Yeats Slide Note Biography Lake Isle of Innisfree Wild Swans at Coole The Second Coming September 1913 Easter 1916
IB History Revision Notes

IB History Revision Notes

HistoryNotes. Stalin Korean War The-Cold-War-the-very-beginning Berlin The-Trial-against-Stalin The-Purges. The-Great-Terror Stalin-rise-to-power Stalin-notes Was-the-October-Revolution-a-coup The-Russian-Revolution. Russian-History-the-Years-after-the-October-Coup- The-February-Revolution-1917. Revolution-1905-short-overview. Problems-in-Czarist-Russia Chronology-of-events-1933 The-depression League-of-nations Inter-War-Years-treaties-overview Germany What-caused-the-first-world-war Events-leading-to-WW1 Factors-leading-to-defeat.. Decline-of-ah treaties-1870-to-1913. German-foreign-policies-part2 German-foreign-policies-part-1 German-Unification History-of-Prussia Specify type
Media Studies Module

Media Studies Module

Over 600 slides Media Studies PowerPoints Set What is Mass Media ? Semiotics Camera Angles Media Consumption Creative Media Magazine Media Unit Magazines Broadsheets and Tabloids Reading Advertisements Articles HOW TO WRITE A NEWSPAPER ARTICLE Reading Non-fiction Have we got what it takes to be a journalist The Power of Advertising Analyzing ads - Visual and Diction Advertising Across Platforms Media Bias Music Industry Newsworthiness Who controls the Press?