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Language Resources by Nina

Average Rating4.59
(based on 263 reviews)

Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.




Full time teacher since 2003. I specialize in fun readings and worksheets.
Spanish Hobbies Bundle: Los pasatiempos - TOP 5 Resources at 40% off!

Spanish Hobbies Bundle: Los pasatiempos - TOP 5 Resources at 40% off!

5 Resources
This bundle includes MY TOP 5 Resources on hobbies and pastimes at 40% off! Includes 2 Readings, 2 Worksheets and 1 Partner Activity! Reading - Hobbies Script - Hobbies Reading - My Favorite Sports Handout - Hobbies Vocabulary Worksheet on Hobbies: Matching and Short Answer Answer keys included.
Spanish Commands Bundle: Mandatos y Imperativos: 5 Resources @35% 0ff!

Spanish Commands Bundle: Mandatos y Imperativos: 5 Resources @35% 0ff!

5 Resources
This bundle offers my TOP 5 resources on commands at 35% off! It includes 3 Readings, 1 Partner Activity and 1 Worksheet: Spanish Worksheet on all Command forms Spanish Reading ~ Seeing a Doctor (Formal Commands - Ud.) Spanish Reading ~ Giving Friends Advice (Informal commands -tú) Spanish Reading ~ advice columm Spanish Reading ~ Preparing Food (Ud. or Tú Commands) This is a great way for students to see command forms in context. Each of the three readings also includes a reading comprehension section and answer key. Answer keys included.
Spanish Comparatives & Superlatives Bundle: TOP 6 Resources @35% off! (Comparativos)

Spanish Comparatives & Superlatives Bundle: TOP 6 Resources @35% off! (Comparativos)

6 Resources
This bundle includes my TOP 6 Resources on Spanish comparatives at 40% off! It includes: Handout and Worksheet on Comparatives and Superlative Forms Partner Activity on Comparatives Reading: Mis hermanos y yo Reading: Una familia competitiva Worksheet: Comparatives and Superlatives: Irregulars Worksheet: Comparatives and Superlatives Answer keys included.
Spanish Reflexive Verbs Bundle: 5 Resources @35% off! (Verbos Reflexivos)

Spanish Reflexive Verbs Bundle: 5 Resources @35% off! (Verbos Reflexivos)

5 Resources
This bundle includes my Top 5 Resources on Spanish reflexive verbs at 35% off! Bundle Includes: Task Cards Reading: Mi rutina diaria Reading: Daily Routines of 3 People Reading: My morning routine + Worksheet Reading: La rutina diaria de mi madre (3rd person verbs) Level: Present tense only Answer keys included! These products may be used on their own or as a compliment to your unit on reflexive verbs.
Spanish Games Bundle - Juegos en Español - TOP 5 Fun Games @35% off!

Spanish Games Bundle - Juegos en Español - TOP 5 Fun Games @35% off!

5 Resources
This bundle offers TOP 5 short games in Spanish games at 35% off! Great for year end or back to school, sub plans, partner work or review! Each game is about 15-20 minutes in length. Bundle includes: Where am I from? (Hispanic Countries) Verb game board (ser v estar) Trivia Cards on Hispanic Countries Body parts “memory game” Roll and write Game with Regular verbs With answer keys
Todo Sobre Mi: Spanish Readings Bundle all About me: 5 Readings @35% off@

Todo Sobre Mi: Spanish Readings Bundle all About me: 5 Readings @35% off@

5 Resources
This bundle includes 5 readings at 35% off! It is great for beginning students of Spanish to learn how to talk about themselves. Included: Mi horario Mi casa Mi estilo Mi familia Mi mejor amigo Each reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary and a reading comprehension section. Great to get beginner students engaged and talking about themselves in the target language! Includes keys
Spanish Holidays Reading Bundle ~ Los días festivos Lecturas: Top 5 @35% off!

Spanish Holidays Reading Bundle ~ Los días festivos Lecturas: Top 5 @35% off!

4 Resources
This Spanish reading bundle includes My Top 5 major Hispanic holidays throughout the year @35% off! La Navidad La Semana Santa y la Pascua El Cinco de Mayo Carnival El día de los muertos All readings include a full glossary of specialized vocabulary and a reading comprehension section. Great for use throughout the year! Many of the stories are written from the first-person perspective of a young person living in the country.
Spanish Environment Bundle: TOP 6 Resources at 35% off! (medio ambiente)

Spanish Environment Bundle: TOP 6 Resources at 35% off! (medio ambiente)

6 Resources
This Spanish bundle includes MY TOP 6 products on the environment at 40% off! It includes the following: Reading - The environment with por and para Worksheet - Geography Reading - Environmental Protection Reading - Amazon rainforest Reading - How to help the Environment (present subjunctive) Level: Intermedate: various tenses Includes answer keys.
Spanish Subjunctive Worksheets Bundle: Top 8 Worksheets @45% off! (subjuntivo)

Spanish Subjunctive Worksheets Bundle: Top 8 Worksheets @45% off! (subjuntivo)

8 Resources
My Top 8 Worksheets on Spanish Present Subjunctive @45% off! Bundle includes: Verbs of Influence WEIRDO uses Verbs of Doubt and Emotion Subjunctive vs. Indicative after Conjunctions Subjunctive with Special Expressions Impersonal Expressions Ojalá and other expressions Opinions and Judgements A great complement to any unit on the present subjunctive! Includes answer keys.
German Cases Bundle: Top 7 Resources @40% off!

German Cases Bundle: Top 7 Resources @40% off!

7 Resources
My Top 7 Resources on German Cases Bundle @40% off! Includes Worksheet: Dative Worksheet: Object Pronouns Task Cards on all cases Worksheet: Genitive Worksheet:Dative Worksheet:Accusative 7.Worksheet: Accusative VS Nominative All resources include answer keys.
German Reading Bundle: Biographies: T0P 10 Germanic People @50% off!

German Reading Bundle: Biographies: T0P 10 Germanic People @50% off!

10 Resources
This file includes my Top 10 best selling German biographies at 50% off ! Angela Merkel Johannes Gutenberg Albert Einstein Martin Luther Brothers Grimm Mozart Hildegard Von Bingen Goethe 9.Anne Frank Johannes Kepler Each biography is written in German and contains a glossary of new English-German vocabulary and 4-6 reading comprehension questions. Level: Intermediate
Spanish Prepositions Bundle: Top 7 Resources at 40% off! (Preposiciones)

Spanish Prepositions Bundle: Top 7 Resources at 40% off! (Preposiciones)

7 Resources
This Spanish Bundle includes my TOP 7 Resources on Spanish prepositions at 40% off! Bundle includes: Spanish Task cards: a,en,de,con,sin,por,para Task Cards: por vs para En la ciudad: a, al, en de Spanish Reading: Dónde están mis cosas? (prepositions of place) Spanish worksheet: prepositions of place Prepositions of place task cards Worksheet: por vs para Answer keys included.
Spanish Reading Bundle: TOP 8 Famous Attractions of Hispanic World at 40% off!

Spanish Reading Bundle: TOP 8 Famous Attractions of Hispanic World at 40% off!

7 Resources
This Spanish reading bundle includes MY TOP 8 Readings on famous hispanic attractions at 40% off! Includes one reading each on: Nazca Lines (Peru) Machu Picchu (Peru) Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) Iguazú Falls (Argentina) Tikal Maya Ruins (Guatemala) Canal de Panamá (Panama) Easter Island (Chile) Amazon Jungle (various) Each reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary, reading comprehension questions and answer keys. Level: Spanish Present and Past Tenses
French Reading Intermediate Bundle: Top 8 Lectures @40% off!

French Reading Intermediate Bundle: Top 8 Lectures @40% off!

8 Resources
TOP 8 Intermediate French Readings at 40% off! Comparatives A wedding ( imparfait / passé composé Daily routines with Reflexive Verbs Summer plans in Future Tense Apartment (Conditional/Subjunctive) On vacation (imperfect) Giving Directions (Commands) Ideal boyfriend (Subjunctive) With comprehension questions and keys.
Spanish Vocabulary Bundle: MY TOP 15  Worksheets at 60% off!

Spanish Vocabulary Bundle: MY TOP 15 Worksheets at 60% off!

15 Resources
This Spanish Bundle includes MY TOP 15 vocabulary based worksheets at 60% off! Includes vocabulary on Hobbies, Food, Family, City, Tener Expressions, Emotions, Body parts, Adjectives, Greetings, Weather, Professions, Day of the Dead Chores , Colors and more to come! These worksheets can be completed in pairs or independently. They include a combination of matching, short answer and conversation based activities. Answer keys included!
Spanish Reading Bundle: Indigenous Cultures: TOP 8  Lecturas @40% off!

Spanish Reading Bundle: Indigenous Cultures: TOP 8 Lecturas @40% off!

7 Resources
This Spanish reading bundle includes my TOP 8 readings on the indigenous cultures of Latin America at 40% off !! Mesoamerica (Maya, Aztec) Tikal and Copán (Mayan Ruins) Machu Picchu (Inca) Traditional clothing: poncho, huipil Chocolate: food of the Americas! Líneas de Nazca Llamas in South American Culture Traditional Food of South America Level: In Present and Past Tenses Includes answer keys.