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Paul Smith (Teacher of French & German KS3 - 5)

Average Rating3.79
(based on 48 reviews)

In amongst the madness that is modern-day teaching, I still find time (somehow) and enjoy creating my own resources, from Key Stage 3 worksheets and PowerPoint presentations to Key Stage 5 model A-Level French & German essays, and everything in between. PLEASE leave an honest review if you purchase any of my resources! Thanks, Paul




In amongst the madness that is modern-day teaching, I still find time (somehow) and enjoy creating my own resources, from Key Stage 3 worksheets and PowerPoint presentations to Key Stage 5 model A-Level French & German essays, and everything in between. PLEASE leave an honest review if you purchase any of my resources! Thanks, Paul
Les autres œuvres du réalisateur Mathieu Kassovitz

Les autres œuvres du réalisateur Mathieu Kassovitz

A research activity in which pupils use the internet or their smartphones using school WIFI to research the other films, apart from La Haine, directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and complete the grid. This enables pupils to establish common themes and includes links to 3 of Kassovitz's short films, and can lead to subsequent target language discussion in which pupils offer opinions.
GCSE German - Gesundheit Du bist was du isst

GCSE German - Gesundheit Du bist was du isst

A reading comprehension worksheet with a model text and 2 comprehension tasks, including a "richtig, falsch, nicht im Text" task and a vocabulary identification task. The text provides a useful model for pupils preparing a response as part of a GCSE writing or speaking task.
AS FRENCH - Quels sont les aspects positifs et négatifs d’être une célébrité MODEL ESSAY

AS FRENCH - Quels sont les aspects positifs et négatifs d’être une célébrité MODEL ESSAY

Model essay in response to AQA FREN1 past paper question from the January 2013 paper: "A votre avis, quels sont les aspects positifs et négatifs d’être une célébrité?" As many of my students continue to translate their root ideas that they have in English literally word for word, we looked at how to "keep it simple", i.e. using vocabulary and structures that were within the realms of their knowledge. This essay can serve as a useful model, and can be used to ask pupils to identify grammatical structures they recognise. Another useful exercise is to ask pupils to read through the essay and to tick every relevant point made in relation to the title.
La Haine - A2 Exemplar Speaking Exam Questions

La Haine - A2 Exemplar Speaking Exam Questions

A booklet of approx. 40 questions suitable for the French A2 speaking exam on various aspects of the film La Haine. Pupils can annotate the pages and add/build their ideas they acquire throughout the teaching of the Guided Study Option. I have reviewed and lowered the price following feedback. The questions we set have been thoroughly successful and our centre attained 100% A*-C in the A2 speaking exams in the last two years these questions have been used as a basis for discussion. A small number of the questions are intentionally similar to suit candidates of varying ability.
GCSE FRENCH Health / Healthy Living CAW Controlled Assessment Writing / Speaking Preparation Booklet

GCSE FRENCH Health / Healthy Living CAW Controlled Assessment Writing / Speaking Preparation Booklet

This is a very thorough resource that will enable pupils to prepare fully for either a GCSE Writing or Speaking assessment on the topic of Healthy Living. This includes wide-ranging reading comprehension tasks, verb manipulation tasks and model texts on following aspects: - Past & current eating habits (Present, Imperfect) - Past & current exercise habits (Present, Imperfect, Perfect) - Comparisons between past & current habits (Connectives & Present, Imperfect) - Advice for leading a healthy lifestyle (Modals in Present and Conditional) - Things which are harmful for your health (Cigarettes, Alcohol, Drugs - Expressing Opinions) - Leading a healthy life in the future (Future & Near Future Tenses) - What you would do for your health if you were rich/lived abroad (Conditional & si clauses) All exercises have supporting colourful & easy-to-understand verb-tense summaries.
A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine essay: Analysez les aspects qui expliquent pourquoi La Haine reste pertinent

A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine essay: Analysez les aspects qui expliquent pourquoi La Haine reste pertinent

This 545-word essay is a strong model in response to the French A-Level AQA Paper 2 November 2020 question “Analysez les aspects du film qui expliquent pourquoi La Haine reste pertinent en 2020.” It includes a list of 7 possible points/ideas in English that pupils could use to base paragraphs in their main body on. It is useful to exploit in detail in conjunction with my La Haine essay writing framework to draw out key structural expressions and also to delve into the use of synonyms to avoid repetition.
AS GERMAN - Warum gibt es oft Konflikte zwischen den Generationen? MODEL ESSAY

AS GERMAN - Warum gibt es oft Konflikte zwischen den Generationen? MODEL ESSAY

A model response I wrote for my AS German group in response to the Jan 2012 AQA GERM1 Q12 writing question "Warum gibt es oft Konflikte zwischen den Generationen? Wie kann man solche Konflikte lösen?". I asked pupils to read this firstly and look up and annotate any unknown vocabulary, before ticking separate points which were relevant to either part of the essay title. This enabled pupils to see the number of points being made relevant to title. Then I asked them to look at the various grammatical structures I used and you may wish to go as far as getting the AS German grammar spec and ticking off what is covered in essay.
GCSE or AS FRENCH: Adjectives

GCSE or AS FRENCH: Adjectives

A self-made PowerPoint on adjectives and adjectival agreements. Includes regular and irregular adjectives, as well as various adjectival patterns and adjectives which change meaning depending on whether they come before and after the noun. Includes examples of each as well as exercises on certain slides. Slides also make a useful handout for pupils. The accompanying word document is a list of useful adjectives to describe personality which can be used as an extension to PowerPoint in getting pupils to agree adjectives to describe someone in their family or a friend.
A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Le contexte général, social, cinématographique et biographique (3 lessons)

A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Le contexte général, social, cinématographique et biographique (3 lessons)

A 31-slide PowerPoint which includes at least 3 lessons worth of materials and activities enabling pupils to build a greater knowledge of the general, social, cinematographic and biographical contexts of the film La Haine by Mathieu Kassovitz. Activities include timed gap-fill tasks, reading comprehension tasks, grammar tasks, speaking tasks, research-based 70-word reading summary tasks and translation tasks.
A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Le scénario et les événements importants  (1 lesson PPoint & handout)

A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Le scénario et les événements importants (1 lesson PPoint & handout)

A PowerPoint and supporting Word document which will provide at least one lesson aimed at improving student's knowledge of the plot and order of events in La Haine, which is so often rusty even after viewing the film for the first few times. Tasks include matching summaries of key events to clips from the film, ordering events that take place in the film and writing a short summary against the clock to present verbally in pairs/to class. Key/tricky vocabulary in the summaries have also been highlighted, and pupils can be encouraged to use the context of what they have already understood and asked to build an understanding of these expressions.
A-LEVEL FRENCH Kiffe Kiffe Demain - KKD présente une image optimiste de la vie en banlieue (ESSAY)

A-LEVEL FRENCH Kiffe Kiffe Demain - KKD présente une image optimiste de la vie en banlieue (ESSAY)

This is an extensive 1043-word model response to the A-level French Paper 2 question on Kiffe Kiffe Demain « Ce livre présente surtout une image optimiste de la vie en banlieue parisienne. » Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec ce jugement ? The document also contains activities aimed at exploiting the model essay, including a phrase finder task for useful generic essay structures, a match-up synonym task of words/expressions found in the essay, a French > English translation task and a summary task which will require students to summarise what they understand from each of the paragraphs in the main body of the essay in English following the point, evidence and personal evaluation rationale in terms of structure. This template then serves as a basis for students to commence their own plan to attempt the same essay question.
Mes dernières vacances - Le voyage

Mes dernières vacances - Le voyage

Pupils to recognise whether phrases in grid are positive or negative. They can then read model text and complete vocabulary finder and reading comprehension tasks before writing their own using the model for inspiration. This is a useful resource for preparing pupils for GCSE writing or speaking tasks.
Mes loisirs autrefois et maintenant

Mes loisirs autrefois et maintenant

A reading comprehension task and some Imperfect tense verb gap-fill/manipulation and translation tasks in a nice concise resource on previous and current hobbies. Pupils can be encouraged to adapt paragraphs to create their own.
AS GERMAN GERM1 Kino Model Essay Writing Question Das Kino ist tot

AS GERMAN GERM1 Kino Model Essay Writing Question Das Kino ist tot

A model response to the AQA AS GERM1 Essay Writing Question: "Das Kino ist tot. Ein Kinobesuch ist teuer, die Auswahl der Filme ist schlecht und ich hasse die Werbung vor den Filmen. Ich sitze lieber bequem auf dem Sofa und sehe mir DVDs an. Wie reagieren Sie auf diese Meinung?" This can be utilised in a variety of ways; I usually get pupils to look at this alongside an AS writing marks scheme, extract key ideas, generic essay expressions and to list grammatical structures used. It is also a useful model for pupils to adapt when writing their own!
AS FRENCH - FREN1 L'avenir du cinéma MODEL ESSAY

AS FRENCH - FREN1 L'avenir du cinéma MODEL ESSAY

A self-penned AS model essay on the AQA essay question: « Le cinéma traditionnel est en voie de disparition à cause des DVD et le téléchargement en ligne. Grâce à Internet et aux DVD, il est de moins en moins nécessaire d’aller au cinéma pour voir un bon film» Les DVD et les films qu’on peut télécharger sur Internet, vont-ils remplacer le cinéma traditionnel ? Quel est l’avenir du cinéma ? Alongside it's use as a good model, pupils can also access this for key language, ideas, essay writing phrases.
GCSE German - Talking About School Uniform

GCSE German - Talking About School Uniform

A useful reading comprehension worksheet which includes a GCSE-level paragraph on school uniform and three exercises, including vocabulary finder, reading comprehension questions in English and a grammar identification task. Also serves as a good model for written work.