Assistant Headteacher (Leader of Learning Mathematics & Numeracy) at a Secondary School in West Sussex, England.
The resources I have created have all been used personally in my lessons and amended according to their success in my lessons. I hope others find them useful.
Assistant Headteacher (Leader of Learning Mathematics & Numeracy) at a Secondary School in West Sussex, England.
The resources I have created have all been used personally in my lessons and amended according to their success in my lessons. I hope others find them useful.
Here is an Individual Target Tracker sheet I stick into the front of my student's ex. books.
I get my classes to regularly set themselves targets based on my markings and feedback I put in their books.
I then sign off their targets once they have evidence to prove where they have met them.
I reward my classes when they have reached a target they have set themselves.
A 39 page resource of the revision cards/activities I have used with my classes when finishing topics or when revising for exams. Included in the resource are templates for you/your students to create your own revision cards. There are over 10 different revision cards to create/use. I have also provided examples/pictures of cards I have made, and some they have created too! All instructions to create each card are included in the resource.
Read more and see examples here ->
Codebreaker worksheet Here's a codebreaker worksheet I have used with my Year 7 class to get them to practise their addition and subtraction with decimals
This is the first of a series of 'stories' I have written for my students. This story involves some dinosaurs ('trinosaurs') in the shapes of common triangles. The 'trinosaurs' love to work out each others' perimeters and areas but have trouble working out their areas when they don't know their heights - cue 'The Pythagosaurus Rex' - who helps the other 'trinosaurs' work out their missing lengths (heights) using Pythagoras' Theorem. The story includes explaining how to find the perimeter and area of triangles (no trig involved), then explaining Pythagoras' theorem and some questions to attempt (answers at the back of the book).
All pictures hand drawn by me!
I show the story to my students at the start of teaching Pythagoras and get them to read it aloud in class - can be quite fun as it's a change from 'the norm'.
Here is a starter I have used when teaching fractions/fractions of amounts. It involves working out the fraction of the cost of a PS3 various family members will pay towards a present. Could also be used as a plenary.
A powerpoint to explore the magnitude of numbers both positive and negative.
An insight into algebra too. When I did this in class I explored what would happen with different values of a and x. I used this to explore negative numbers and as a starter to moving on to multiplying negatives
This is my fake class 'Twittter' page that I use once I have done a class 'Tweets' plenary.
In the Class 'Tweets' plenary I get my classes to write in a Tweet (140 characters) on post-it notes something they have learnt during the lesson that they did not know previously. The class then stick their post-it notes on the IWB on the way out.
I then type up their 'tweets' on to the powerpoint and show the class at the start of the next lesson to show the class what they learnt in their previous lesson
These are a series of revision lessons I have put together following a literacy exhibition lesson I observed. The idea is that you show the students the 1st slide on each & ask what is implied by the image - what could they be asked to do in a GCSE exam question if they were presented with that image? Following their ideas, there are lots of different questions using the intial image. For more information on how I have used these with my classes see
This is a ppt of lessons for solving algebraic fractions.
Starter involves solving linear equations that involve fractions (and brackets), answers included.
Solving algebraic fractions by 'cross-multiplying' examples are then given for you to go through with your students before they attempt some questions, all answers included.
Another quick starter on adding/subtracting fractions. Then, examples to solve algebraic fractions that deduce a quadratic equation to be solved. Use of a common denominator and then recapping of the methods to solve quadratic equations is necessary and can come out in the teacher's examples included.
Questions then given for students to attempt, all answers given.
Finally, a 'Finish Him' style plenary task for students to attempt after the teacher has started it off for them.
All slides have 'tabs' to refer back to LOs and key words throughout the lesson - can be copied and pasted to any slide/ppt.
Run your very own game of ‘Deal or No Deal’ with this complete set of resources. Included are: a IWB (notebook) file that includes the main game board with amounts to swipe away, just like on the TV show, and your very own Banker’s phone call sound effect. Also, there is a random box generator, questions template and a specific circle theorems game board. I have also included some useful notes for teachers, which includes a link to my blog post providing further information on how to run the game. Your students will love just need to get some boxes (ask your Art/DT department)!
An engaging game looking at the properties of quadrilaterals. The game is based on the popular board game 'Guess Who'. Students pick a playing card from the deck and then, in turn, ask each other questions to try and guess which quadrilateral their partner has. As the game progresses students eliminate (cross off) the quadrilaterals from their board, based on their partner's answers to their questions. The game is won when one student guesses, correctly, their partner's quadrilateral. Playing board and (back-to-back) playing cards included as well as full instructions and suggestions as to how best use the resource.