1 Vocabulary Story 940 How Malingering was Dealt with in WW1
In WW1, fear of going over the top eventuated in malingering. Soldiers
became facile at it, ripping their apparel and such. It was infamous.
An escalation of this behavior caused eminent authorities to get
involved. If a soldier even insinuated he would do it, he was shot.
It was done in a stolid way. Couplets were written in protest.
2 Vocabulary Story 940 How Malingering was Dealt with in WW1
In WW1, fear of going over the top lead to faking injury and illness. Soldiers
became skilled at it, ripping their clothes and such. It was a scandal.
An up tick of this behavior caused leading authorities to get
involved. If a soldier even hinted he would do it, he was shot.
It was done in a unflinching way. Verse were written in protest.
1 Vocabulary Story 939 Rebellion in the Countryside Quashed
In the hinterlands, the dregs of society went into anarchy. It
was prevalent in the North. Capricious elements rebelled.
In the sumptuous halls of Whitehall, they were reproved. Paltry
surrogates were sent to make them grovel.
2 Vocabulary Story 939 Rebellion in the Countryside Quashed
In the countryside, the riff raff of society went into lawlessness. It
was commonplace in the North. Impulsive elements rebelled.
In the grand halls of Whitehall, they were criticized. Small
stand ins were sent to make them beg for mercy.
1 Vocabulary Story 938 Bryant: A New Style Newspaper Publisher
Bryant was a newspaper publisher. He eschewed the sensational and
set up the antithesis, endeavoring to transcribe the truth.
This was a tonic to the NYC news scene and catapulted him to eminence.
People tried to emulated him and patronized his paper The World.
Bryant gloated. His articles about malnutrition in NYC slums won him
2 Vocabulary Story 938 Bryant: A New Style Newspaper Publisher
Bryant was a newspaper publisher. He avoided the sensational and
set up the opposite, trying to write down the truth.
This was a pick-me-up to the NYC news scene and boosted him to fame.
People tried to copy him and read his paper The World.
Bryant bragged. His articles about poor nutrition in NYC slums won him
1 Vocabulary Story 937 The Monitor - An All Metal Warship
The Monitor was an all metal warship, the archetype of a class
of ships to dissuade the South from maritime trade. Dogmatic pundits
said its corrugated construction would cause too much turbulence and
blight its maneuverability. They said the Navy should abjure this technology
and stick with wood and sail.
The inventor, Erikson, said he’d rather use a dromedary.
2 Vocabulary Story 937 The Monitor - An All Metal Warship
The Monitor was an all metal warship, the first of a class
of ships to turn the South away from sea trade. Conventional experts
said its ridged construction would cause too much drag and
ruin its handling. They said the Navy should forget about this technology
and stick with wood and sail.
The inventor, Erikson, said he’d rather use a camel.
1 Vocabulary Story 936 The Kennedy Assassination and Its Aftermath
The JFK assassination caused anxiety in 1963. There was rhetoric and
suppositions about a conspiracy with hidden gunmen in the foliage.
A commission was empowered to corroborate claims. They summonsed witnesses
and looked at the pathetic chattel of Oswald the reputed killer. Their
conclusions were gilded with government approval.
2 Vocabulary Story 936 The Kennedy Assassination and Its Aftermath
The JFK assassination caused nervousness in 1963. There was talk and
theories about a plot with hidden gunmen in the bushes.
A commission was given authority to confirm claims. They called witnesses
and looked at the pathetic possessions of Oswald the supposed killer. Their
conclusions were given the glow of government approval.
1 Vocabulary Story 935 The Now Quiet WW1 Battlefields
The WW1 battlefields which saw the paroxysms of fighting and imbibed
the blood of a generation are now tranquil.
Their heroes; acclaimed and unsung, have diffused back home,
gotten annuities and are gone now.
Their mammoth forts are now defunct, embellished with plaques to
commemorate. France and Germany have reconciled and are now at peace
with each other.
2 Vocabulary Story 935 The Now Quiet WW1 Battlefields
The WW1 battlefields which saw the spasms of fighting and drank
the blood of a generation are now quiet.
Their heroes; recognized and unrecognized, have filtered back home,
gotten pensions and are gone now.
Their huge forts are now obsolete, decorated with plaques to
recall the events. France and Germany have made up and are now at peace
with each other.
1 Vocabulary Story 934 New Style Boxes for Amazon
With the ascent of Amazon, new style corrugated boxes were claimed
to be a panacea to shipping costs and the old packaging was a disservice.
The inventor of the box declaimed its benefits in sonorous tones
and how its disadvantages were a nonentity.
The old companies were civil but literally balked until they could
make the change over to his type of box.
2 Vocabulary Story 934 New Style Boxes for Amazon
With the rise of Amazon, new style ridged boxes were claimed
to be a solution to shipping costs and the old packaging was a hindrance.
The inventor of the box recited its benefits in deep tones
and how its disadvantages were a nothing burger.
The old companies were polite but actually dragged their feet until they could
make the change over to his type of box.
1 Vocabulary Story 933 The French Army Fell Apart Before WW2
The French in 1940 were intimidated by the stentorian speeches
of Hitler. They heeded erudite experts who said the incipient war would
lead to inexorable defeat.
This incapacitated the army. Routine order broke down. Troops had
an untoward appearance and they imbibed wine to forget.
2 Vocabulary Story 933 The French Army Fell apart Before WW2
The French in 1940 were cowed by the loud speeches of Hitler.
They paid attention to learned experts who said the coming war would
lead to certain defeat.
This crippled the army. Daily order broke down. Troops had
a sloppy appearance and they chugged wine to forget.
1 Vocabulary Story 932 A Feeling of Doom in Versailles
The aristocratic denizens of Versailles, right before the French
Revolution, were melancholy. Divergent people covertly visited them
to bolster them up. They all realized how tenuous the
situation was.
They reiterated the list of complaints against them, harping on how unfairly
they were being treated. They quailed at what their fate would be.
2 Vocabulary Story 932 A Feeling of Doom in Versailles
The noble inhabitants of Versailles, right before the French
Revolution, were sad. Various people secretly visited them
to cheer them up. They all realized how shaky the situation was.
They went over the list of complaints against them, complaining about how
unfairly they were being treated. They trembled at what their fate would be.
1 Vocabulary Story 931 Visits to Van Gogh
Van Gogh seemed vacuous, doing menial tasks in an insane asylum.
His art was reproved and laughed at. However; toward the end of his
life, things started to invert.
A new tier of artists braved the hoarfrost to visit him; it was
a harbinger of things to come. For his part, Van Gogh had charisma
and rapport and was garrulous about his ideas about art.
2 Vocabulary Story 931 Visits to Van Gogh
Van Gogh seemed empty headed, doing lowly tasks in an insane asylum.
His art was criticized and laughed at. However; toward the end of his
life, things started to turn around.
A new generation of artists braved the cold to visit him; it was
a sign of things to come. For his part, Van Gogh had charm
and friendliness and was talkative about his ideas about art.
As many computer boxing game have been made, I make mine.
It is a completely set up and watch game.
It is based on authentic punches and the defenses for them.
You create boxers by given them a number and fight other boxers.
The computer also give you the odds you will win and a payout based on it.
As a statistical program, it is of interest. I have included the code it is written with.
1 Vocabulary Story 930 The Old Crazy Artist Spoke
The limpid lily pond is a relic of the taut coy neurotic artist’s
life. His stilted art is systematic of his disordered mind.
He used many irrelevant malapropisms in his advice to young artists,
who thought his early death a calamity.
2 Vocabulary Story 930 The Old Crazy Artist Spoke
The clear lily pond is a left over of the tight shy muddled artist’s
life. His awkward art is a product of his disordered mind.
He used many nonsensical funny word substitutions in his advice to young artists
who thought his early death a tragedy.
1 Vocabulary Story 929 Things Haunting the Greatest Generation
The greatest generation lived with flashbacks of the war, replete
with moments when they were petrified during their stints in the services.
They were discrete about this, keeping anonymity, discriminating who
to tell about their heinous experiences.
When they opened up, they corroborated the vagaries of war; who was killed
and who lived by luck.
2 Vocabulary Story 929 Things Haunting the Greatest Generation
The greatest generation lived with vivid memories of the war, complete
with moments when they were scared stiff during their stays in the services.
They were guarded about this, keeping a low profile, picking who
to tell their horrid experiences.
When they opened up, they confirmed the gamble of war; who was killed
and who lived by luck.
1 Vocabulary Story 928 Our Sad Morality Values
We now have unprecedently pliable morality and legal systems.
There are weak convictions, using slight pretexts to mollycoddle criminals,
absolving them of wrong doing. It is an improvised system, vilifying
good people as a panacea for supposed past wrongs.
At the same time, abortion is rampant and there is talk of euthanizing
the old and infirm.
2 Vocabulary Story 928 Our Sad Morality Values
We now have unheard of flexible morality and legal systems.
There are weak beliefs, using minor excuses to pamper criminals,
forgiving them for wrong doing. It is a made-up-on-the-fly system, condemning
good people as a cure-all for supposed past wrongs.
At the same time, abortion is pervasive and there is talk of ‘mercy killing’
the old and infirm.
1 Vocabulary Story 927 Graceland: Elvis Presley’s House
The gist of a visit to Graceland, Elvis Presley’s home, is he was
a voluble blatant vulgarian. Inanimate objects like his gaudy limos
show this.
It was inexorable that litigants attacked him to try to to claimants
to his stuff. Now Graceland is a museum and his fans come to worship
even the interstices of its sidewalks.
2 Vocabulary Story 927 Graceland: Elvis Presley’s House
The take away of a visit to Graceland, Elvis Presley’s home, is he was
a talkative outright rich crude person. Silent objects like his over showy limos
reveal this.
It was inevitable that suit bringers attacked him to try to lay claim
to his stuff. Now Graceland is a museum and his fans come to worship
even the cracks in its sidewalks.
1 Vocabulary Story 926 The Problems of Youth
It’s an inalienable part of youth to be susceptible to bad ways.
Plucky youths go on nocturnal sprees giving baubles and booze. It’s
an anathema. It’s also a seasonal thing according to arrest records.
Pastors preach in stark prose to ameliorate the sad situation.
2 Vocabulary Story 926 The Problems of Youth
It’s an irremovable part of youth to be vulnerable to bad ways.
Spirited youths go on nightly jaunts giving trinkets and alcohol. It’s
also more prevalent during certain times of year according to arrest records.
It’s a hateful thing.
Pastors preach in clear unadorned speech to improve the sad situation.
1 Vocabulary Story 925 Silent Spring
After WW2, DD2 was proffered as a panacea against insects. The
public had reverence for science and adopted it with alacrity and
tractably used it.
Then data was gleaned and DD2 reviled as carcinogenic. Even restaurants
were affected. An elegy: The Silent Spring was written.
2 Vocabulary Story 925 Silent Spring
After WW2, DD2 was advertised as a cure-all against insects. The
public had respect for science and adopted it with haste and
obediently used it.
Then data was collected and DD2 criticized as cancer causing. Even restaurants
were involved. A sad book: The Silent Spring was written.
1 Vocabulary Story 1939 Car of the Future
The first NYC World’s Fair in 1939, had a car with tripartite wheels.
This preempted attention at the GM pavilion; unfaltering drawing
crowds. People would loiter around its track even in sultry
This ‘car of the future’ was disparaged as being afflicted
with intractable control issues. However; this was erroneous. One
must do obeisance to Buckminster Fuller for a car ahead of its time.
2 Vocabulary Story 924 1939 Car of the Future
The first NYC World’s Fair in 1939, had a car with three wheels.
This took over all the attention at the GM pavilion; aways drawing
crowds. People would hang around its track even in hot humid
This ‘car of the future’ was criticized as being troubled
with unsolvable control issues. However; this was wrong. One
must do homage to Buckminster Fuller for a car ahead of its time.
1 Vocabulary Story 923 Many Talents Aided WW2
Excerpts of the wartime dossiers of war department show people with
manifold aptitudes were received. It was an axiom that many skills
were salubrious for the services.
However; people were reproached for gratuitous loquacious speech:
Loose lips sink ships. People were loyal, rarely absconding with funds
meant for the war-effort.
2 Vocabulary Story 923 Many Talents Aided WW2
Passages of the wartime files of war department show people with
many talents were received. It was a principle that many skills
were good for the services.
However; people were shamed for uncalled for loose speech:
Loose lips sink ships. People were loyal, rarely running away with funds
meant for the war-effort.
1 Vocabulary Story 922 The Oscar Show
People used to be riveted to the Oscar show. You did not have to
coerce people. The pregnant pause before the big award was thrilling.
Now the show has become senile, dousing the interest of the audience.
Erratic moves have been made to remedy the situation but they only
exasperate the few remaining viewers. The show is obstreperous and
filled with bathos. It’s time for the Academy to publish a manifesto
stating what it’s about.
2 Vocabulary Story 922 The Oscar Show
People used to be glued to the Oscar show. You did not have to
force people. The suspenseful pause before the big award was thrilling.
Now the show has become old and weak, putting a cold blanket on the audience’s
interest. Odd moves have been made to fix the situation but they only
frustrate the few remaining viewers. The show is loud and
filled with phony emotionalism. It’s time for the Academy to publish a statement
clarifying what it’s about.