Powerpoint which (i) explores what the key attributes of a uniform are (ii) provides images of interesting dress codes with on-screen language support to stimulate discussion about whether certain combinations of clothing constitute a uniform, and (iii) provides images of school uniforms from around the world with on-screen language support to provoke comments. Worked OK with my Year 10 Foundation class.
A german text containing a number of pieces of advice for greater on-line safety. Puils have to read the German and match up the advice with the suggestions listed in English below the source text.
A number of short excerpts from reviews of the the film. Students must identify the references to the themes in each review. This is followed by a Diamond Nine card sort in which students must discuss the themes and agree which are more important and which are less important.
Powerpoint containing a sequence of slides, each with a lead question and a number of supplementary questions. Designed to support speaking activities as a whole group and / or in pairs.
Text in which several characters from Dr WHO explain what they do in their free time. Text is followed by a reminder of Present Tense and comprehension questions in German.
This multiple-choice quiz contains 30 questions. However, each time you open it, it will randomly select 10 questions from the list of 30, and will shuffle the multiple-choice answers. It will almost never never be the same quiz twice. If you use it in a computer suite, each student in effect gets a different quiz. Will work on PC or IW. (PS Typos now fixed!)
Interactive multiple-choice revision exercise. The file will display a different selection of 35 words each time it is opened and will also shuffle the multi-choice answers each time it is opened. So, it can be used repeatedly without being quite the same each time you use it. If you have computer room available, each pupil can, in effect, be doing a different exercise.
Powepoint for practising jobs and careers. Pupils are shown a severely cropped image os someone at work, from which they have to identify the job. A click reveals the full image and another click reveals the German word. (This is an expanded version of something I uploaded previously.)
Phonics practice for learners of German. Open and play the Powerpoint. The first slide acts as a homepage for the remaining slides. Clicking on an image on the first slide will hyperlink to practice of a particular phoneme. Clicking on the Back symbol at the top right of each slide will return you to the first slide. The very last slide has a long number written as a word for pupils puzzle over.
Reading comprehension activity. I have jumbled up an account of the plot of Mr Bean's holiday. Students have to read the eight mini-texts and put them in the correct order. Helpful, but not absolutely essential, to have seen the film. I have provided a solution and the original text. As a follow-up students could put the text into the first person or into the past tense or both.
Presentation for departmental CPD. Summary of key points from OfSTED findings relating to MFL lessons observed between 2007 and 2010. OfSTED comments relate to lessons observed in French, German, Spanish ... etc!
Interactive multi-choice activity for practising the various grammar points. 30 questions are embedded but the activity will select 20 items at random to practise each time it is opened. It will also arrange the questions and the multi-choice answers in random order. With any luck it will never be the same twice.
PS In response to the comments below I have de-bugged the original file. This one should be error-free. I've changed the background colour of the exercise too.
A set of comprehension questions relating to Episode 1 of the Channel 4 German Series 'Extra'. Once answered the questions provide the language to complete a writing task.
Higher Level Text on homelessness in Frankfurt followed by
(i) reading comprehension questions in English
(ii) a text manipulation excercise
(iii) a focus on complex sentence construction
(iv) an extended role-play
Revision of useful phrases relating to asking the way and understanding directions. followed by a look at the formal versus the informal imperatives of four key verbs. This sets the students up for a playscript in which heart-throb Harry Styles has to ask the way to the station, having been given his marching orders by Taylor Swift. The script then becomes the basis for a writing task.