Bible Pathway Adventures creates affordable Bible resources to help parents teach their children more about the Bible. We have 25 years teaching experience in the Body of Messiah. For free printable activities, Bible stories, and lesson plans, please visit
Bible Pathway Adventures creates affordable Bible resources to help parents teach their children more about the Bible. We have 25 years teaching experience in the Body of Messiah. For free printable activities, Bible stories, and lesson plans, please visit
Have fun teaching your students about the Bible with this printable Bible Heroes Quiz Book. Contains a mix of 30 Bible Quizzes from the Old and New Testaments, plus detailed scripture references for further Bible reading, and a handy answer key for teachers. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ Catalog.
The perfect resource to keep on hand for Homeschoolers, Sunday and Sabbath school teachers, and parents. Very little prep needed. Just print the quizzes and go!
** 30 Bible quizzes:
1. Noah
2. Abraham
3. Job
4. Isaac
5. Jacob
6. Joseph
7. Moses
8. Aaron
9. Caleb
10. Joshua
11. Gideon
12. Samson
13. Samuel
14. King Saul
15. King David
16. Nathan the Prophet
17. Solomon
18. Benaiah
19. Josiah and the Torah
20. Elijah
21. Amos
22. Daniel
23. Mordecai
24. Nehemiah
25. John the Baptist
26. Joseph of Nazareth
27. Yeshua
28. Stephen
29. Paul
30. Peter
** Plus detailed Answer Key for parents and teachers.
Thanks for buying this Bible Heroes Quiz Activity Book and supporting Bible Pathway Adventures. Every Book purchased helps us continue our work providing free discipleship resources and teachings to families and congregations around the world.
For more inspiring educational resources visit: Bible Pathway Adventures
Sie suchen nach einer unterhaltsamen und einfachen Möglichkeit, Ihren Kindern das hebräische Alphabet beizubringen? Unser Aktivitätsbuch zum Hebräischen Alphabet ist das perfekte Werkzeug, um Ihren Kindern die Grundlagen der hebräischen Sprache beizubringen und ihnen gleichzeitig einen Einblick in den Alltag des hebräischen Volkes zu verschaffen.
Wir haben Malaktivitäten und kurze Erklärungen hinzugefügt, um Kindern zu zeigen, wie jeder einzlene Buchstabe von den Hebräern verstanden wurde. Außerdem gibt es viele Möglichkeiten für sie, das Gelernte aufzuschreiben. Ein Verständnis des Hebräischen wird Kindern dabei helfen, ein erhöhtes biblisches Verständnis und eine tiefere Liebe zu den Menschen der Bibel zu erlangen. Das perfekte Jüngerschaftswerkzeug, das Ihnen dabei hilft, Ihren Kindern den biblischen Glauben beizubringen.
Das hebräische Alphabet Übungsbuch enthält:
Eine hebräische Alphabet-Tabelle zur einfachen Orientierung
Zwei praktische Malblätter für jeden Buchstaben des hebräischen Alphabets mit Piktogramm, Paläo und modernen Hebräisch: Alef, Bet, Gimel, Daleth, He, Waw, Zajin, Chet, Tet, Jod, Kaph, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samech, Ayin, Pe, Tzade, Qoph, Resch, Schin und Taw.
Für wen ist es bestimmt?
K-3, Hauslehrer, Erzieher und Leiter von Kinderministerien.
Dive deep into the heart of the Feast of Tabernacles like never before! Our Feast of Tabernacles Activity Book is specially designed to engage, enlighten, and educate kids ages 6-12 about the significance and beauty of Sukkot. With a broad range of activities, from coloring to quizzes to language lessons, there’s never a dull moment. This Activity Book seamlessly merges learning with fun, ensuring a deep appreciation of Sukkot. Celebrate, learn, and grow your students understanding of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Highlights include…
*** Introduction: Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot):** start with the basics, understanding the origins, history, and significance of this incredible Feast
*** Coloring pages:** channel your child’s inner artist with pages like ‘My Sukkah’ and ‘Happy Sukkot!’ where they can bring the Feast of Sukkot to life
*** Educational worksheets:** delve into topics such as the ‘12 tribes of Israel’, ‘The number seven’, ‘Pilgrimage feasts’, and the intriguing ‘Solomon dedicates the temple’ worksheet to deepen your child’s knowledge
*** Bible quizzes and activities:** Test their knowledge with our ‘Sukkot Bible auiz’ and ‘Who said it?’ activity. Plus, enjoy a word scramble, and word search puzzles tailored around Sukkot themes
*** Let’s learn Hebrew:** Add a linguistic twist to your Sukkot celebrations. Familiarize kids with Hebrew terms related to this Feast
*** Interactive activities:** from mapping Solomon’s temple to documenting your feelings in the ‘My Sukkot diary’, this Activity Book offers a hands-on approach to understanding the Feast of Tabernacles
Have fun teaching your students more about the Bible. These printable 200 Bible Quizzes & Word Search Puzzle Activity Books contain a mix of illustrated Word Search Puzzles and Quizzes from the Old and New Testaments, plus detailed scripture references for further Bible reading and answer keys at the back of the book for teachers.
Very little teacher prep needed. Just print the activities and go!
**100 Bible Quizzes Activity Book
54 Old Testament quizzes, including The Creation, Ten Plagues, The Golden Calf, Balaam’s Donkey, Rahab and the Spies, Samson, Kings of the Bible, Esther, Daniel, and much more.
46 New Testament quizzes, including An angel visits Mary, The Twelve Disciples, Sermon on the Mount, Fruit of the Spirit, Parables, the Resurrection, Peter the Healer, the Passover, Tabernacles, Armor of God, and much more.
Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up
Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations
Answer key for parents and teachers
**100 Bible Word Search Puzzles Activity Book
What you’ll get…
47 Old Testament puzzles in pdf format (8.5” x 11”), including Noah’s Ark, The Burning Bush, Red Sea Crossing, Ten Commandments, Battle of Jericho, King Saul, David & Goliath, Daniel and the Lions, Solomon, Esther, and more!
53 New Testament puzzles in pdf format (8.5” x 11”), including An Angel visits Mary, Birth of the Messiah, Wedding Feast at Cana, Parable of the Sower, The Last Supper, Road to Damascus, Paul’s Shipwreck, and more!
A wide range of words to increase Bible vocabulary
Coloring elements provide visual prompts to reinforce learning
Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up
Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations
Answer key for parents and teachers
Thanks for buying this Activity Book Bundle and supporting Bible Pathway Adventures. Every printable book purchased helps us continue our work providing free discipleship resources to families and missions around the world.
For more inspiring educational resources visit: Bible Pathway Adventures
Increase your Bible knowledge with our New Testament Quiz Book and Paul’s Journeys Activity Book. Packed with 130+ pages of maps, quizzes and activities about the people, places, and events of the New Testament. Visit Bethlehem with the Magi, escape to Egypt with Mary & Joseph, and travel the road to Damascus with Paul! The perfect Bible lesson resource to keep on hand for Sabbath and Sunday School teachers, and homeschooling.
What you’ll get…
New Testament Quiz Book…
65 New Testament quizzes in pdf format (8.5" x 11"), including An angel visits Mary, Birth of the Messiah, The twelve disciples, Parable of the good Samaritan, Feeding the 5000, Sermon on the Mount, Armor of God, Road to Damascus, The resurrection, Fruit of the Spirit, and many more!
Coloring elements provide visual prompts to reinforce learning
Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up
Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations
Answer key for educators
Paul’s Journeys Activity Book…
Paul the Apostle Letters to the Epistles chart
Hands-on map activities covering Asia Minor, the land of Israel, and the Roman Empire
35 Bible quizzes including Road to Damascus, Escape from Damascus, Paul & Barnabas on Cyprus, Paul in Corinth, Riot in Ephesus, Plot against Paul, Priscilla & Aquila, Shipwrecked, Romans, Ephesians, Philippians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Colossians, Titus, 1 & 2 Timothy, and many more.
35 fun worksheets, coloring pages and puzzles covering Paul’s journeys through Asia Minor and the thirteen books of the Bible written by Paul
Original Bible Pathway Adventures’ illustrations
Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up
Answer key for parents and teachers
For more inspiring educational resources visit: Bible Pathway Adventures