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Waltzing Blossom Literacy

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Waltzing Blossom Literacy is a reading resource company based in Minnesota. Its products are created by Paula Plumer, a veteran reading teacher of 38 years. The resources are written to align with the Science of Reading research and to cover the Common Core State Standards. Whether you’re looking for complete units of study, lessons, worksheets, assessments, presentations, or games, Waltzing Blossom Literacy has the resources to make your job as a reading teacher easier.




Waltzing Blossom Literacy is a reading resource company based in Minnesota. Its products are created by Paula Plumer, a veteran reading teacher of 38 years. The resources are written to align with the Science of Reading research and to cover the Common Core State Standards. Whether you’re looking for complete units of study, lessons, worksheets, assessments, presentations, or games, Waltzing Blossom Literacy has the resources to make your job as a reading teacher easier.
Foundational Phonics Curriculum Bundle 3 | Consonant Blend Words

Foundational Phonics Curriculum Bundle 3 | Consonant Blend Words

5 Resources
Looking for a comprehensive and effective curriculum to teach your students to read words with consonant blends? Look no further than the Foundational Phonics Level 3 Curriculum Bundle! This Science of Reading research-aligned curriculum provides step-by-step instructions for 10 lessons, including phonological awareness activities, explicit phonics instruction, decoding and encoding practice, comprehension passages, and more. And not only is this bundle affordable, it’s also low prep, saving you precious time. What’s Included in this Bundle? ✅ Unit 3 with 10 Scripted Lessons ✅ 2 Noneditable PowerPoint Presentations with Engaging Graphics & Photos ✅ 20 Worksheets with Decoding, Spelling & Fluency Practice ✅ High Frequency Word Practice ✅ 1 Formative Assessment & 1 Summative Assessment ✅ 1 Printable Game ✅ Printable Flash Cards ✅ Phonological & Phonemic Awareness Activities This curriculum bundle is perfect for whole group instruction, small group lessons, one-on-one tutoring, remedial interventions, and even homeschool. What Educators Are Saying: “I have been using these materials since the first day of school and I can definitely feel and see the improvement in my first graders. Not only do they feel empowered as readers, but I also feel like I am doing a better job at teaching the foundations of reading. I cannot thank you enough for all the work you have done to help my first graders become solid, proud readers. Thank you!" Maria V. 1st grade teacher Developed in alignment with the Science of Reading best practices, this curriculum was created by an expert reading teacher and former district curriculum writer to cover the first grade Common Core State Standards for foundational skills with general education students. However, Foundational Phonics can also be used effectively as a remedial intervention with first through third grade learners. Foundational Phonics Level 3 Lesson Sequence: Consonant Blends 1: Consonant + L Blends Consonant Blends 2: Consonant + R Blends Words 1: very, find, one, some, there, from Consonant Blends 3: S + Consonant Blends Week 1 Checkup: Formative Assessment Consonant Blends 4: Ending Consonant Blends Consonant Blends 5: Ending Consonant Blends Words 2: like, her, my, they, be, so Consonant Blends 6: Consonant Blends Review Week 2 Checkup: Summative Assessment And the best part? You can try a free lesson by downloading the Free Phonics Lesson | Consonant L Blends! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to teaching phonics, the Foundational Phonics Level 3 Curriculum Bundle is your secret weapon. It provides all the tools and resources you need to confidently teach your students to read using the Science of Reading best practices. Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.1.2b Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends. CCSSRF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. CCSSRF.1.3g Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. CCSSCCRA.L.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. File Types: pdf - 76 pages pptx – 94 slides (2 PowerPoint presentations) Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Ending Consonant Blends | Phonics Slides 10

Ending Consonant Blends | Phonics Slides 10

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to teach your students about ending consonant blends? Our Ending Consonant Blends Phonics Slides PowerPoint presentation is the perfect solution! Designed for larger groups or virtual classrooms, this presentation is ideal for educators who don’t have access to a chalkboard or whiteboard. Featuring captivating artwork, beautiful fonts, and engaging photographs, these slides are guaranteed to keep your students focused and motivated. Plus, with the ability to add, delete, or rearrange slides, you can customize the presentation to meet the specific needs of your students. Don’t just take our word for it - educators across the country have seen incredible results in their classrooms since implementing our materials. “I’ve been using these materials since the first day of school, and I can definitely see the improvement in my first graders,” says Maria V. “Not only do they feel empowered as readers, but I also feel like I’m doing a better job of teaching the foundations of reading.” Download our Ending Consonant Blends Phonics Slides today and watch your students thrive! Foundational Phonics Level 3: Week 2 Lessons 6. Consonant Blends 4: Ending Consonant Blends 7. Consonant Blends 5: Ending Consonant Blends 8. Words 2: like, her, my, they, be, so 9. Consonant Blends 6: Consonant Blends Review 10. Week 2 Checkup: Summative Assessment Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.1.2b Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends. CCSSRF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. CCSSRF.1.3g Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. File Type: PowerPoint Presentation (pptx) – 44 slides Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Beginning Consonant Blends | Phonics Slides 9

Beginning Consonant Blends | Phonics Slides 9

Looking for an effective and easy way to teach your students beginning consonant blends? Look no further than our Beginning Consonant Blends Phonics Slides! Perfect for larger groups or virtual classrooms, this PowerPoint presentation is designed to help educators teach this important foundational skill without the need for a chalkboard or whiteboard. Featuring stunning artwork, captivating fonts, and engaging photographs, these slides are specially designed to keep your students focused and on task. And with the flexibility to add, delete, or rearrange slides, you can easily customize the presentation to suit the needs of your students. But don’t just take our word for it! Teachers across the country have been raving about the results they’ve seen in their classrooms. “Since using these materials, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my first graders’ reading abilities,” says Maria V. “Not only are they more confident as readers, but I also feel like I’m doing a better job of teaching the foundations of reading.” So if you’re looking for a simple and effective way to teach beginning consonant blends, download our Beginning Consonant Blends Phonics Slides today and watch your students thrive! Foundational Phonics Level 3: Week 1 Lessons Consonant Blends 1: Consonant + L Blends Consonant Blends 2: Consonant + R Blends Words 1: very, find, one, some, there, from Consonant Blends 3: S + Consonant Blends Week 1 Checkup: Formative Assessment Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.1.2b Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends. CCSSRF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. CCSSRF.1.3g Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. File Type: PowerPoint Presentation (pptx) – 50 slides Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Consonant Blend Words Phonics Unit 3

Consonant Blend Words Phonics Unit 3

Looking for an effective, affordable, and easy-to-implement reading curriculum that follows the Science of Reading research? Look no further than the Foundational Phonics Level 3 Unit for Consonant Blend Words! This systematic phonics curriculum is designed to help educators confidently teach their students how to read words with consonant blends, using scripted lesson plans that include phonemic awareness activities, explicit phonics instruction, decoding and encoding practice, and more. The Foundational Phonics Level 3 Unit can used with whole group instruction, small group lessons, one-on-one tutoring, remedial interventions, or even homeschooling. The unit includes 10 scripted lessons, 20 printable student sheets, 2 weekly assessments, visuals for direct instruction, consonant blends and high frequency word flash cards, 2 sets of game cards, and a certificate of achievement. Don’t just take our word for it - try a free lesson by downloading Free Phonics Lesson | Consonant L Blends and see the improvement in your students’ reading skills for yourself! Foundational Phonics Level 3 Unit Lesson Sequence: Consonant Blends 1: Consonant + L Blends Consonant Blends 2: Consonant + R Blends Words 1: very, find, one, some, there, from Consonant Blends 3: S + Consonant Blends Week 1 Checkup: Formative Assessment Consonant Blends 4: Ending Consonant Blends Consonant Blends 5: Ending Consonant Blends Words 2: like, her, my, they, be, so Consonant Blends 6: Consonant Blends Review Week 2 Checkup: Summative Assessment Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.1.2b Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends. CCSSRF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. CCSSRF.1.3g Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. CCSSCCRA.L.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. File Type: pdf - 77 pages Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Foundational Phonics Curriculum Bundle 2 | Digraph Words

Foundational Phonics Curriculum Bundle 2 | Digraph Words

7 Resources
Looking for a comprehensive and effective curriculum to teach your students to read words with consonant digraphs? Look no further than the Foundational Phonics Level 2 Curriculum Bundle! This Science of Reading research-aligned curriculum provides step-by-step instructions for 20 lessons, including phonological awareness activities, explicit phonics instruction, decoding and encoding practice, comprehension passages, and more. And not only is this bundle affordable, it’s also low prep, saving you precious time. What’s Included in this Bundle? ✅ Unit 2 with 20 Scripted Lessons ✅ 4 Noneditable PowerPoint Presentations with Engaging Graphics & Photos ✅ 40 Worksheets with Decoding, Spelling & Fluency Practice ✅ High Frequency Word Practice ✅ 3 Formative Assessments & 1 Summative Assessment ✅ 1 Printable Game ✅ Printable Flash Cards ✅ Phonological & Phonemic Awareness Activities This curriculum bundle is perfect for whole group instruction, small group lessons, one-on-one tutoring, remedial interventions, and even homeschool. What Educators Are Saying: “I have been using these materials since the first day of school and I can definitely feel and see the improvement in my first graders. Not only do they feel empowered as readers, but I also feel like I am doing a better job at teaching the foundations of reading. I cannot thank you enough for all the work you have done to help my first graders become solid, proud readers. Thank you!” Maria V. 1st grade teacher Developed in alignment with the Science of Reading best practices, this curriculum was created by an expert reading teacher and former district curriculum writer to cover the first grade Common Core State Standards for foundational skills with general education students. However, Foundational Phonics can also be used effectively as a remedial intervention with first through third grade learners. Foundational Phonics Level 2 Lesson Sequence: Seeing Double: Floss Spelling Pattern Digraphs 1: Ch Digraphs 2: -ch Trigraphs 1: -tch Week 1 Checkup: Formative Assessment Digraphs 3: Sh Digraphs 4: -sh Words 1: where, to, put, of, said, have C+K: -ck Spelling Pattern Week 2 Checkup: Formative Assessment Digraphs 5: Th Digraphs 6: -th Words 2: why, too, for, go, he, she Trigraphs 2: -dge Spelling Pattern Week 3 Checkup: Formative Assessment Digraphs 7: Wh Commas & Quotes: Reading Dialogue Digraphs Review 1: “Go Fish” Game Digraphs Review 2: Writing Dialogue Tags Week 4 Checkup: Summative Assessment Don’t just take our word for it, try a free lesson by downloading the Free Floss Spelling Pattern Phonics Lesson! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to teaching phonics, the Foundational Phonics Level 2 Curriculum Bundle is your secret weapon. It provides all the tools and resources you need to confidently teach your students to read using the Science of Reading best practices. File Types: pdf - 125 pages pptx - 187 slides (4 PowerPoint presentations) Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Digraph Words | Phonics Assessments 2

Digraph Words | Phonics Assessments 2

Looking for a quick and effective way to assess your students’ progress with digraph and trigraph sounds and words? Look no further than our comprehensive Progress Monitoring Assessments 2 pack! With four different assessments covering a range of important phonics skills, this pack is perfect for educators who need to assess their students’ mastery of digraph and trigraph sounds. And while these assessments are taken from our Foundational Phonics Level 2 Unit, they can be used independently of the program for added flexibility. Assessment 1 covers the Ch Digraph, Floss and -tch Spelling Patterns; Assessment 2 covers the Sh Digraph, -ck Spelling Pattern; Assessment 3 covers the Th Digraph, -dge Spelling Pattern; and Assessment 4 covers Skills from the Previous Assessments, Wh Digraph, and 12 High Frequency Words. And with glowing feedback from educators, you can trust that our resources are truly valuable for students. But that’s not all - we also offer a range of related products that may interest you, including our Foundational Phonics: Progress Monitoring Assessments 3 for Consonant Blends, Progress Monitoring Assessments 1 for CVC Words, and even a Foundational Phonics Placement Assessment. Plus, take advantage of our 20 on 20 Sale and save 20% on every product in our store on the 20th of every month! We’re committed to keeping our products affordable and accessible for educators like you. Invest in your students’ phonics education with our Digraphs and Trigraphs Progress Monitoring Pack today! Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.1.3a Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs. CCSSRF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. CCSSRF.1.3g Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. File Type: PDF File - 9 pages Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks for stopping by! Paula Plumer
Consonant Digraphs Go Fish Game with 24 Cards

Consonant Digraphs Go Fish Game with 24 Cards

Looking for an exciting and engaging way to reinforce your students’ phonics skills? Look no further than our printable “Go Fish” game designed specifically for digraph and trigraph sounds! With 24 different cards, this game is perfect for young learners who are looking to practice and master their decoding abilities. Simply run two copies of each page and follow the included directions to play. Created to be used with the Foundational Phonics Level 2 Unit, this game is an excellent tool for educators looking to supplement their phonics curriculum with a fun and interactive activity. And with enthusiastic feedback from educators, you can trust that our games are both effective and enjoyable for students. Invest in your students’ phonics education with our Digraphs and Trigraphs “Go Fish” Game today! Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.1.3a Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs. CCSSRF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. File Type: PDF File - 9 pages Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks for stopping by! Paula Plumer
Wh and Dialogue Punctuation | Phonics Slides 8

Wh and Dialogue Punctuation | Phonics Slides 8

Looking for an engaging and effective way to teach your students about the Wh digraph sound and dialogue punctuation? Look no further than PowerPoint 8 in the Foundational Phonics curriculum! This presentation is designed to help you teach larger groups or instruct virtually, making it ideal for classrooms without a chalkboard or whiteboard. With clear and concise slides, you’ll be able to guide your students through the lessons in an organized and efficient manner. In this presentation, your students will learn all about the Wh digraph sound and how to identify the punctuation marks that are used in dialogue. The slides are not editable to ensure that the fonts, photographs, and artwork remain secure, but you can easily customize the presentation by adding, deleting, and rearranging slides as needed. And, best of all, this presentation follows the lesson sequence of the Foundational Phonics curriculum, making it a perfect fit for Level 2, Week 4. But don’t just take our word for it! Educators are raving about this product, with Maria V. saying, “I have been using these materials since the first day of school and I can definitely feel and see the improvement in my first graders. Not only do they feel empowered as readers, but I also feel like I am doing a better job at teaching the foundations of reading.” Give your students the tools they need to become confident and successful readers with PowerPoint 8. Foundational Phonics Level 2: Week 4 Lessons Digraphs 7: Wh Commas & Quotes: Reading Dialogue Digraphs Review 1: “Go Fish” Game Directions Digraphs Review 2: Writing Dialogue Tags Week 4 Checkup: Summative Assessment Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.1.3a Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs. CCSSRF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. File Type: PowerPoint Presentation (pptx) – 37 slides Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Th and dge | Phonics Slides 7

Th and dge | Phonics Slides 7

Looking to improve your students’ reading skills? Check out our Th Digraph Sound and dge Spelling Pattern Phonics Slides | PowerPoint 7. This comprehensive PowerPoint presentation follows the lesson sequence of the Foundational Phonics curriculum and is designed to teach your students the Th digraph sound and the -dge spelling pattern. Perfect for larger groups or virtual teaching, this presentation is especially helpful for those teachers in classrooms without a chalkboard or whiteboard. The slides are not editable, but you can add, delete, and rearrange them to customize the presentation to your students’ needs. Don’t just take our word for it, hear what other educators are saying: “I have been using these materials since the first day of school and I can definitely feel and see the improvement in my first graders. Not only do they feel empowered as readers, but I also feel like I am doing a better job at teaching the foundations of reading.” - Maria V. Improve your students’ reading skills today with our Th Digraph Sound and dge Spelling Pattern Phonics Slides | PowerPoint 7. Foundational Phonics Level 2: Week 3 Lessons Digraphs 5: Th Digraphs 6: -th Words 2: why, too, for, go, he, she Trigraphs 2: -dge Spelling Pattern Week 3 Checkup: Formative Assessment Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.1.3a Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs. CCSSRF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. File Type: PowerPoint Presentation (pptx) – 43 slides Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Sh and ck | Phonics Slides 6

Sh and ck | Phonics Slides 6

Looking for a comprehensive way to teach your students the Sh digraph sound and -ck spelling pattern? Look no further than our Sh Digraph Sound and ck Spelling Pattern Phonics Slides, designed for use in large group or virtual instruction. With non-editable slides featuring clear fonts, photographs, and artwork, you can easily customize the presentation to meet your specific needs. This product follows the lesson sequence of the Foundational Phonics curriculum, and includes Week 2 lessons, covering Sh digraphs, -ck spelling patterns, and six high frequency words. Educators who have used our Foundational Phonics materials have seen significant improvements in their students’ reading abilities, and we’re confident that you’ll see the same results in your classroom. Foundational Phonics Level 2: Week 2 Lessons Digraphs 3: Sh Digraphs 4: -sh Words 1: where, to, put, of, said, have C+K: -ck Spelling Pattern Week 2 Checkup: Formative Assessment Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.1.3a Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs. CCSSRF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words File Type: PowerPoint Presentation (pptx) – 50 slides Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Ch, tch and Floss | Phonics Slides 5

Ch, tch and Floss | Phonics Slides 5

Introducing the perfect tool to teach your students the Ch digraph sound and the Floss and -tch spelling patterns: our Ch Digraph Sound Floss and tch Spelling Patterns Phonics Slides! This PowerPoint presentation is designed for teachers who are instructing larger groups or teaching virtually, especially for those who don’t have a chalkboard or whiteboard in their classrooms. The presentation includes 5 lessons following the Foundational Phonics curriculum, which will help your students learn the material in no time. The slides in this presentation are not editable to secure the fonts, photographs, and artwork; however, you can add, delete, and rearrange the slides to customize the presentation to meet your needs. This presentation is perfect for direct instruction of phonics skills. Plus, you can use it in combination with other products from our Foundational Phonics line. Don’t take our word for it. Teachers love our products! Here’s what one of them had to say: “I have been using these materials since the first day of school, and I can definitely feel and see the improvement in my first graders. Not only do they feel empowered as readers, but I also feel like I am doing a better job at teaching the foundations of reading.” - Maria V. Download your Ch Digraph Sound Floss and tch Spelling Patterns Phonics Slides today and make your teaching easier and more effective! Foundational Phonics Level 2: Week 1 Lessons Seeing Double: The Floss Spelling Pattern Digraphs 1: Ch Sound Digraphs 2: -ch Sound Trigraphs 1: -tch Sound and Spelling Pattern Week 1 Checkup: Formative Assessment Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.1.3a Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs. CCSSRF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words File Type: PowerPoint Presentation (pptx) – 57 slides Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Consonant Digraph Words Phonics Unit 2

Consonant Digraph Words Phonics Unit 2

Introducing the Foundational Phonics Level 2 Unit for Digraph & Trigraph Words! If you’re looking for a systematic phonics curriculum that follows Science of Reading best practices, then this product is perfect for you. With 20 scripted lessons, 40 printable student sheets, and 4 weekly assessments, you’ll be able to confidently teach your students digraph and trigraph sounds. This curriculum includes phonemic awareness activities, explicit phonics instruction, decoding and encoding practice, and much more. This curriculum can be used in a variety of settings, including whole group instruction, small group lessons, one-on-one tutoring, remedial interventions, and even homeschooling. You’ll have everything you need to teach your students the foundations of reading. What’s also included in the Foundational Phonics Level 2 Unit? Visuals for direct instruction, digraph, trigraph & high frequency word flash cards, and 4 sets of game cards. Plus, your students will receive a certificate of achievement to celebrate their progress. Don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what one educator had to say: “I have been using these materials since the first day of school and I can definitely feel and see the improvement in my first graders. Not only do they feel empowered as readers, but I also feel like I am doing a better job at teaching the foundations of reading.” - Maria V. Ready to try a lesson? Download the Free Floss Spelling Pattern Phonics Lesson and see the benefits of the Foundational Phonics Level 2 Unit for yourself! Foundational Phonics Level 2 Unit Lesson Sequence: Seeing Double: Floss Spelling Pattern Digraphs 1: Ch Digraphs 2: -ch Trigraphs 1: -tch Week 1 Checkup: Formative Assessment Digraphs 3: Sh Digraphs 4: -sh Words 1: where, to, put, of, said, have C+K: -ck Spelling Pattern Week 2 Checkup: Formative Assessment Digraphs 5: Th Digraphs 6: -th Words 2: why, too, for, go, he, she Trigraphs 2: -dge Spelling Pattern Week 3 Checkup: Formative Assessment Digraphs 7: Wh Commas & Quotes: Reading Dialogue Digraphs Review 1: “Go Fish” Game Digraphs Review 2: Writing Dialogue Tags Week 4 Checkup: Summative Assessment File Type: pdf - 126 pages Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks for stopping by! Paula Plumer
Printable Phonics Spelling Rules Posters

Printable Phonics Spelling Rules Posters

Are you looking for engaging classroom resources to help teach phonics to beginning readers? These printable Phonics Rules Posters are just what you need! Featuring five common spelling patterns for young readers - Floss, -ck, -tch, -dge, and -es - these signs can be used as anchor charts, mini-posters, or printable definitions to incorporate into your students’ reading notebooks. These Phonics Rules Posters are perfect for helping young learners understand the building blocks of spelling and improve their reading and writing skills. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your classroom and help your students succeed. What Educators Are Saying: “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your resources. I believe they are so valuable. Our students are going to really benefit thanks to you!” – Casey K. Try a free lesson by downloading FREE PHONICS LESSON | FLOSS SPELLING PATTERN. Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA- Literacy.L.1.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. File Type: pdf - 7 pages Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Free Phonics Flash Cards 2 | Digraphs & Words

Free Phonics Flash Cards 2 | Digraphs & Words

Unlock the power of phonics and help your young learners become confident readers with Free Phonics Flash Cards 2 - Digraphs and Trigraphs! These flash cards are a fantastic tool for teaching phoneme/grapheme correspondences and building early high-frequency word recognition skills. Featuring digraph and trigraph cards, as well as early word and sight word cards from Level 2 of the Foundational Phonics curriculum, this set is an essential addition to any early reading classroom. These flash cards are perfect for use with first grade students and align with the Common Core Standards and Science of Reading research recommendations. And the best part? These Free Phonics Flash Cards 2 are completely free to download! So whether you’re an experienced educator looking to enhance your classroom resources or a parent seeking to support your child’s reading development at home, these flash cards are an invaluable tool. Don’t just take our word for it - teachers are raving about the effectiveness of these flash cards in their classrooms. One satisfied teacher said, “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your resources. I believe they are so valuable. Our students are going to really benefit thanks to you!” So what are you waiting for? Download your Free Phonics Flash Cards 2 today and start building the foundational reading skills that will set your students on the path to reading success! These cards were taken from the Foundational Phonics curriculum which is written to cover the learning targets from the Common Core State Standards for kindergarten through second grades, including those in phonological awareness, sound and letter correspondences, encoding, decoding, concepts of print, fluency, and comprehension. The curriculum also aligns with the current recommendations supported by the Science of Reading research. Try a free lesson by downloading FREE PHONICS LESSON | FLOSS SPELLING PATTERN. Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.K.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.K.3c Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). File Type: pdf - 6 pages Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Free Phonics Lesson | Floss Spelling Pattern

Free Phonics Lesson | Floss Spelling Pattern

Unlock the power of phonics and help your young learners become confident readers with this Free Phonics Lesson - Floss Spelling Pattern! This lesson is designed to introduce students to the Floss spelling pattern, which occurs when the consonants f, l, s, and z are doubled after short vowels. Aligned with the Science of Reading research, this step-by-step lesson contains activities for letter/sound correspondence, phoneme segmenting, decoding words, and spelling practice. Whether you’re a classroom teacher, a homeschooling parent, or a tutor, this lesson is perfect for use with whole groups, small groups, or one-on-one instruction. This free download includes a scripted lesson plan, two printable worksheets, and three printable visuals to display. The lesson also incorporates Free Phonics Flash Cards 1, which can be downloaded from the Waltzing Blossom Literacy store. Don’t just take our word for it - teachers are raving about the effectiveness of Foundational Phonics in their classrooms. One satisfied teacher said, “I have been using these materials since the first day of school and I can definitely feel and see the improvement in my first graders. Not only do they feel empowered as readers, but I also feel like I am doing a better job at teaching the foundations of reading.” This lesson was taken from the Foundational Phonics Level 2 Unit, which was written to cover the Common Core State Standards, including those in phonemic awareness, sound and letter correspondence, encoding, decoding, concepts of print, fluency, and comprehension. So what are you waiting for? Download your Free Phonics Lesson - Floss Spelling Pattern today and start building the foundational reading skills that will set your students on the path to reading success! CCSS Covered in this Lesson: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.2.D Segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of individual sounds. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3.B Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.1.2.E Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions. File Type: pdf - 10 pages Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. **Questions or Comments: ** Email me at pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks for stopping by! Paula Plumer
Free Sentence Mechanics Reminder Poster

Free Sentence Mechanics Reminder Poster

Introducing the Free Sentence Mechanics Reminder Poster - the perfect tool for helping young writers master the basics of sentence construction! Designed as an anchor chart, mini-poster, or printable diagram, this sign is an essential addition to any early writing classroom. Featuring proofreading reminders for capital letters, spaces between words, correct spelling, and ending punctuation, the Free Sentence Mechanics Reminder Poster is an ideal resource for teachers looking to help their students improve their writing skills. Whether you’re introducing your class to sentence structure for the first time, or you’re looking to reinforce important concepts throughout the school year, this poster is the perfect visual aid. And don’t just take our word for it - educators across the country are raving about the effectiveness of this tool in their classrooms. One satisfied teacher said, “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your resources. I believe they are so valuable. Our students are going to really benefit thanks to you!” So why wait? Download your Free Sentence Mechanics Reminder Poster today and start helping your students become better writers! Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA- Literacy.L.1.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. File Type: pdf - 3 pages Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
CVC Words | Phonics Assessments 1

CVC Words | Phonics Assessments 1

Looking for a quick and easy way to monitor your students’ progress while teaching CVC words and short vowel sounds? Look no further than these four assessments! Designed to be used independently of any program, these assessments cover a range of skills, from consonant and vowel sounds to high frequency words. With feedback like “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your resources. Our students are going to really benefit thanks to you!” from a satisfied educator, you can trust that these assessments are effective and valuable tools for your classroom. And with related products like Foundational Phonics: Progress Monitoring Assessments 2 – Digraphs and Trigraphs and The Foundational Phonics: Progress Monitoring Assessments 3 – Consonant Blends, you can continue to support your students’ learning and growth. Shop now and see the difference these assessments can make in your classroom. Here are the skills each assessment covers: Assessment 1 – Consonant Sounds: f, m, n, s, t, b, g, h, j, k, p; Vowel Sound: Short a Assessment 2 – Skills from the previous assessment; Consonant Sounds: c, d, l, r; Vowel Sounds: Short I & Short o Assessment 3 – Skills from the previous assessments; Consonant Sounds: v, w, x, y, z, q; Vowel Sounds: Short u Assessment 4 - Skills from the previous assessments; Vowel Sounds: Short e; High Frequency Words (Optional): the, a, I, boy, girl, little, was, are, you, who, what, do Try a free lesson by downloading Free Phonics Lesson | Short a. Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.K.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.K.3b Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. CCSSRF.K.3c Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). File Type: pdf - 9 pages Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Free CVC Words Board Game with 48 Cards

Free CVC Words Board Game with 48 Cards

Looking for a fun and educational way to reinforce decodable words, sight words, and other foundational phonics skills with your early readers? Look no further than this free printable board game! With its 48 CVC word cards, this board game is perfect for young learners who are just beginning to explore the world of reading. The game board itself is easy to set up and play, with simple rules that will have your students engaged and having fun in no time. But don’t let the simplicity of the game fool you - this board game is a powerful tool for improving reading skills and reinforcing key concepts. Teachers have already praised the effectiveness of this game in their classrooms, with one reviewer saying, “I love all the games you have created. The kids love playing them and it’s so helpful.” And with related products like the Foundational Phonics Level 1 Unit, and other literacy games like “Go Fish” Digraphs and Trigraphs and “I Have, Who Has?” Consonant Blends, you’ll have everything you need to support your students’ literacy development. So why wait? Download this free CVC Words Board Game today and start seeing the results in your students’ reading skills! And don’t forget to check out our 20 on 20 sale, where you can save 20% on every product in our store on the 20th of every month. This game taken from the Foundational Phonics curriculum which is written to cover the learning targets from the Common Core State Standards for kindergarten through second grades, including those in phonological awareness, sound and letter correspondences, encoding, decoding, concepts of print, fluency, and comprehension. The curriculum also aligns with the current recommendations supported by the Science of Reading research. Try a free lesson by downloading Free Phonics Lesson | Short a. Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.K.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. File Type: pdf - 10 pages Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Free Phonics Flash Cards 1 | Alphabet & Words

Free Phonics Flash Cards 1 | Alphabet & Words

Introducing the Free Phonics Flash Cards 1 - a comprehensive set of alphabet sound cards designed to help children learn the fundamental building blocks of reading and writing. This set includes letter/sound cards, early word cards, and sight word cards from the Level 1 Unit of the Foundational Phonics curriculum. It’s perfect for educators looking to teach phoneme/grapheme correspondences and beginning high frequency words to their students. But don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what one of our satisfied educators had to say: “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your resources. I believe they are so valuable. Our students are going to really benefit thanks to you!” - Casey K. The Foundational Phonics curriculum was originally developed to cover learning targets from the Common Core Standards with general education first grade students. It focuses on phonemic awareness, sound and letter correspondences, encoding, decoding, concepts of print, fluency, and comprehension. And, it aligns with the current recommendations supported by the Science of Reading research. These flash cards can be used in a variety of settings, including whole group instruction, small group lessons, one-on-one tutoring, remedial interventions, and even as part of a homeschool curriculum. Ready to see for yourself how effective these flash cards can be? Try a free lesson by downloading the** Free Phonics Lesson | Short A**. Start your child on the path to reading and writing success with Free Phonics Flash Cards 1. Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.K.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CCSSRF.K.3b Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. CCSSRF.K.3c Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). File Type: pdf - 9 pages Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer
Foundational Phonics Curriculum Bundle 1 | CVC Words

Foundational Phonics Curriculum Bundle 1 | CVC Words

9 Resources
Looking for a comprehensive and effective curriculum to teach your students to read CVC words? Look no further than the Foundational Phonics Level 1 Curriculum Bundle! This Science of Reading research-aligned curriculum provides step-by-step instructions for 20 lessons, including phonological awareness activities, explicit phonics instruction, decoding and encoding practice, comprehension passages, and more. And not only is this bundle affordable, it’s also low prep, saving you precious time. What’s Included in this Bundle? ✅Unit 1 with 20 Scripted Lessons ✅ 4 Noneditable PowerPoint Presentations with Engaging Graphics & Photos ✅ 40 Worksheets with Decoding, Spelling & Fluency Practice ✅ High Frequency Word Practice ✅ 3 Formative Assessments & 1 Summative Assessment ✅ 1 Printable Game ✅ Printable Flash Cards ✅ Phonological & Phonemic Awareness Activities This curriculum bundle is perfect for whole group instruction, small group lessons, one-on-one tutoring, remedial interventions, and even homeschool. What Educators Are Saying: “I have been using these materials since the first day of school and I can definitely feel and see the improvement in my first graders. Not only do they feel empowered as readers, but I also feel like I am doing a better job at teaching the foundations of reading. I cannot thank you enough for all the work you have done to help my first graders become solid, proud readers. Thank you!” Maria V. 1st grade teacher Developed in alignment with the Science of Reading best practices, this curriculum was created by an expert reading teacher and former district curriculum writer to cover kindergarten and first grade Common Core State Standards for foundational skills with general education students. However, Foundational Phonics can also be used effectively as a remedial intervention with first through third grade learners. Foundational Phonics Level 1 Lesson Sequence: Words Around Us – Letters Represent Sounds Consonants 1 – f, m, n, s, t Vowels 1 – Short a Consonants 2 – b, g, h, j, k, p Week 1 Checkup – Formative Assessment Vowels 2 – Short i Words 1 - the, a, I, boy, girl, little Consonants 3 - c, d, l, r Vowels 3 – Short o Week 2 Checkup – Formative Assessment Consonants 4 - v, w, x, y, z Vowels 4 - Short u & qu Words 2 - was, are, you, who, what, do End Punctuation - Punctuation Marks Week 3 Checkup – Formative assessment Vowels 5 – Short e CVC Review 1 - Words + s CVC Review 2 – Board Game Complete Sentences - Fill in the Blank Week 4 Checkup – Summative Assessment Try a free lesson from Unit 1 by downloading FREE PHONICS LESSON | SHORT A from my shop! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to teaching phonics, the Foundational Phonics Level 1 Curriculum Bundle is your secret weapon. It provides all the tools and resources you need to confidently teach your students to read using the Science of Reading best practices. Common Core State Standards: CCSSRF.K.1 Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. CCSSRF.K.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). CCSSRF.K.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. File Types: pdf - 123 pages pptx – 154 slides (4 PowerPoint presentations) Terms of Use: All products are for single buyer use only. Please direct your friends and colleagues back to my store to download or purchase their own copies. Questions? Email me at: pplumer@waltzingblossomliteracy.com Thanks so much, Paula Plumer