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The author is currently the Head of Mandarin at a secondary school in Essex, teaching year 7 to year 13.

The author is currently the Head of Mandarin at a secondary school in Essex, teaching year 7 to year 13.
A level Chinese LRS practice - 12 sets

A level Chinese LRS practice - 12 sets

I have created 12 sets of “listening, reading and speaking” exam practice for my students. 3 sets of each of the 4 themes. There is a free sample set for you to download to see if you like the resource: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-level-chinese-lrs-practice-sample-set-13048879 Notes for use: Listening: the questions are similar to that of A level exam paper. In the folder, you will find tracked audio files and the untracked one. Please note that in some of the audio files, I have used to a voice changer so the voice may occasionally sound a little strange. Reading: the text is much longer than the A level exam paper ones. I designed it that way because the text content itself serves as a modeled extended speaking answer. Speaking: I have adapted IB questions for these as I personally think IB themes are better! But the structures of answer should serve as a guidance for A level themed questions as well. Delete or adapt as you like!
A level Chinese P2- 27 essay practice Qs

A level Chinese P2- 27 essay practice Qs

In this document, I have compiled all the essay questions of 《一只叫凤的鸽子》and 《请投我一票》from 2018AS to 2024 past papers. I have also predicted 12 《一只叫凤的鸽子》essay questions and 15 《请投我一票》essay questions. Students and teachers can use them as practice.
A Very Special Pigeon -Analysis Workbook

A Very Special Pigeon -Analysis Workbook

In preparation for the paper 2 in the Pearson Edexcel A Level Chinese qualification, I have designed this book to guide students to 1. do close reading practice (vocab, grammar, literary detail) 2. analyse the story in depth, including: plot/character/theme/language analysis In one file, the story text has Pinyin; in another, there isn’t. The close-reading text used in this book is from The Leeds Centre for New Chinese Writing (2015). Thank you for the continuous support for Chinese teaching and learning. 曹文轩 (2014) . 一只叫凤的鸽子. Posted by the Leeds Centre for New Chinese Writing in 2015. Available at: https://library-guides.ucl.ac.uk/harvard/book-multiple-author (Accessed: 30 June 2022)
GCSE Chinese writing top-mark tips

GCSE Chinese writing top-mark tips

This resource contains top-mark tips summarised as A.C.T.I.O.N. Students can use this as a checklist, along with the marking criteria when practising essay writing. A = Adjectives (use a range of adjectives in the writing to showcase the range of vocabulary. Also, adjectives tend to imply opinions, which is another requirement of essay writing) C = Connectives and comparatives T = Time frames I = Intensifiers (adverbs that intensify the verbs and adjectives) O = Opinions and justifications N = Negatives
Y7-13 Mandarin journey with Edex A level

Y7-13 Mandarin journey with Edex A level

This resource contains an editable PPT file of the learning journey of Mandarin Chinese from Year 7 to Year 13 in England, UK. The Year 12-13 are for the Edexcel A level course. It marks the topic areas, subtopic content and assessment for these 7 year groups. Consulted the German example designed by “nbeardsley” (source: tes.com/teaching-resource/mfl-german-road-map-learning-journey-12352733)
Year 7-9 Mandarin Knowledge Organisers

Year 7-9 Mandarin Knowledge Organisers

This resource contains an editable Word file of 6 pages for each year group. Each page contains can-do statements for a half-term. Students can use them to review and reflect. The content follows the Mandarin Excellence Programme, mostly aligning with Jinbu 1, Jinbu 2 and Edexcel GCSE Chapter 1-3.
Please Vote Workbook Sample answers

Please Vote Workbook Sample answers

This resource is to be used alongside the “Please Vote for Me - Analysis Workbook” by Rebecca Lin, which could be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/please-vote-for-me-analysis-workbook-12728698 It includes all sample answers to all close watching scenes.
GCSE Chinese Speaking question word map

GCSE Chinese Speaking question word map

This resource can help GCSE Chinese learner to prepare for speaking. Teachers can use them in steps: Step 1 - teach students to identify question words Step 2 - students predict possible questions under different topics, e.g. music Step 3 - use the created mindmap per topic to practise answering these questions with extended response.
Pigeon workbook - some sample answers

Pigeon workbook - some sample answers

This resource is to be used alongside the “A Very Special Pigeon - Analysis Workbook” by Rebecca Lin, which could be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-very-special-pigeon-analysis-workbook-12713114 The sample answers include: Answers to all the pink “stop and check” boxes in the close-reading chapters 5 collaborative boardwork by my A level students (shared with students’ consent).
Memories of Peking - Analysis Workbook

Memories of Peking - Analysis Workbook

In preparation for the paper 2 in the Pearson Edexcel A Level Chinese qualification, I have designed this book to guide students and teachers to analyse the two designated chapters of “Memories of Peking” 《城南旧事》- 《惠安馆》、《爸爸的花儿落了》 - in depth, including: significant plots and quotes/character/theme/language analysis. There are essay practise questions as well. Note that this resource does not contain the novel itself, only important extracts from the novel. If you would like to see a sample first, you can find sample pages from throughout the booklet here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-13086552
Please Vote For Me - Analysis Workbook

Please Vote For Me - Analysis Workbook

In preparation for the paper 2 in the Pearson Edexcel A Level Chinese qualification, I have designed this book to guide students to study the social and cultural background of this film do close watching scene analysis analyse the film in depth, including: character/theme/film technique analysis Acknowledgement: The video and images used in this booklet are from the DVD - “Please Vote for Me”. (2008). Many aspects of the film analysis in this booklet are inspired by Pearson (2017) and Lee and Zhang (2018). References Lee, E. and Zhang, X. (2018). Chinese for Advanced Subsidiary Level. Hayes: Cypress Books, pp. 170. Pearson (2017). ‘Teaching PowerPoint “Please Vote For Me”’ [PowerPoint Presentation]. 9CN0: Edexcel A Level Chinese. Available at: https://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/A Level/Chinese/2017/teaching-and-learning-materials/Please-Vote-for-Me.pptx. (Accessed: 27 July 2022) “Please Vote for Me”. (2008). [DVD]. Directed by Weijun Chen. China: Steps International.
KS3 British Museum China booklet&answer

KS3 British Museum China booklet&answer

This booklet contains activities that guide KS3 Mandarin Chinese learners in the China sections in the British Museum London as well as the answers to the activities Specifically: 4 tasks for Room 1 - Enlightenment 10 tasks for Room 33 - China and South Asia 3 tasks for Room 33b - Chinese jade 5 tasks for Room 67 - Korea & Room 95 - Chinese ceramics If you are interested in just the booklet but not the answers, go to my Tes shop and find a resource titled “KS3 British Museum China booklet”
The Big Boss Chinese drama project TV-14

The Big Boss Chinese drama project TV-14

This resource contains a booklet of task sheets for a Chinese teen TV drama - The Big Boss 班长大人. It gives you an editable PPT version and a PDF version. The show has 2 seasons and 36 episodes in total; therefore, the booklet has 36 pages, with one episode per page. Each page has 2-5 tasks for the students to watch the episode with. Some are open-ended questions. There is a free sample here for you to see if you would enjoy this resource or if your students would find it interesting: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sample-big-boss-chinese-drama-project-13048891 Unfortunately I did not create an answer file. But I would suggest teachers nominate 1 student a week to mark the classwork to ease the teacher’s workload whilst holding students accountable. Although, I would also say marking is not a must or a necesity with this project; as I think encouraging students to learn Chinese culture and language through a TV series is more important. Context of the TV show: *The Big Boss 班长大人 is a teen school drama produced by Tencent. It features a high school life. It was on Netflix along with another similar drama “Accidentally in Love” and the rating for both were 12A. Now neither are on the platform anymore but Tencent published 班长大人 on YouTube for people to access for free. IMDb labelled “Accidentally in Love” to be TV-14 so 班长大人should also be a TV-14 now.
20-subject cross-curricula with Chinese

20-subject cross-curricula with Chinese

I have designed a series of 20-subject cross-curricular materials with the Mandarin Chinese subject. We used them in the months leading up to the Chinese New Year and yielded good results. Each material is just a simple 5-10 minute video with a 3R discussion (Retell, relate, reflect). You can see a free sample between music and Chinese. Please see my resource titled “Free sample: Music-Chinese cross-subject”.
Free sample: Music-Chinese cross-subject

Free sample: Music-Chinese cross-subject

I have designed a series of 20-subject cross-curricular materials with the Mandarin Chinese subject. We used them in the months leading up to the Chinese New Year and yielded good results. Each material is just a simple 5-10 minute video with a 3R discussion (Retell, relate, reflect). Here is a free sample of music-Chinese material. If you are interested, please see my resource titled “20-subject cross-curricular with Chinese”.
AQA GCSE Theme 2 Listening exam Qs

AQA GCSE Theme 2 Listening exam Qs

I have compiled the AQA past paper questions from 2011 to 2021 by themes. In the PPT files, you will find the exam questions, audio for each, transcript and mark scheme. Apologies if there were mistakes in the transcripts as the Pinyin I used was auto-generated. (Please note that the current specification is from 2019). This resource includes the four topics under Theme 2: Theme 2 Topic 1 - 2.1: Home, town, region Theme 2 Topic 2 - 2.2: Social issues Theme 2 Topic 3 - 2.3: Global issues Theme 2 Topic 4 - 2.4: Travel and tourism There are questions with overlapping themes; in that case, I chose the main theme. Due to copyright issues, I cannot charge this resource. But I did spend a lot of time compiling it, please do credit my labour work and use it sensibly, particularly be careful regarding mocks.