LO: To utilise relative clauses in order to include relevant, precise details.
Achieve: I can identify relative clauses and their pronouns within a sentence.
Challenge: I can identify relative clauses and their pronouns within a sentence.
Aspire: I can explain the effectiveness of a relative clause’s location within a sentence.
Aimed at year 5 and 6, coverage of relative clauses to build on precise details when writing horror narratives. Relative pronouns. Relative clauses. The impact of these.
L.O.- To explore the relationship of angles around intersecting lines.
Achieve – I can identify the opposite angles of intersecting lines.
Challenge - I can calculate the value of adjacent angles with intersecting lines.
Aspire – I can apply the concepts of intersecting lines to those across parallel lines.
Maths lesson for key stage 2 pupils . Aimed at Year6/Year 5 (or possibly Year 4 depending on ability to be pitched at). Differentiated maths lesson covering the relationships between angles on intersecting lines. Deducing missing angles based on those relationships. Accelerated learning cycle. Opposite, adjacent and corresponding angles. Recap of total angles in a triangle or quadrilateral.
Collection of three LIRA lessons for building on reading comprehension skills based on the Guide Dog text for Year 5 and 6 in Key Stage 2 - KS2. Literal. Inference. Reader Response. Author Intent.
Guide Dog text from past SATs paper.
Additional spelling, punctuation and grammar questions linked to the text.
Two LIRA lessons for building on reading comprehension skills based on the California’s Unlikely Warriors Text for Year 5 and 6 in Key Stage 2 - KS2. Literal. Inference. Reader Response. Author Intent.
Lesson 2 - focus on answering 3 mark, evidence based questions.
Guide Dog text from past SATs paper.
Additional spelling, punctuation and grammar questions linked to the text.
Two LIRA lessons for building on reading comprehension skills based on the Humble Potato Text for Year 5 and 6 in Key Stage 2 - KS2. Literal. Inference. Reader Response. Author Intent.
The Humble Potato text from past y6 SATs paper.
Additional spelling, punctuation and grammar questions linked to the text.
Fronted Adverbials
Colons for a list.
L.O: To explore the methods for multiplying with fractions.
Achieve – I can multiply a proper fraction by a whole number.
Challenge - I can multiply mixed number fractions by a whole number.
Aspire – I can explain the process of ensuring my answers are in their most efficient form.
Two Maths/Numeracy lessons for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Multiplying fractions with a focus on the methods for handling proper fractions in lesson 1. Then lesson 2 switches the focus to being able to multiply mixed number fractions.
Titanic themed apostrophes lesson. Looking at their accurate use for contractions and omission.
LO: To understand the purpose of apostrophes and how to use them accurately in my writing.
Aspire: I can use apostrophes in my writing and justify why they are appropriate.
Challenge: I can accurately apply apostrophes to my writing and understand their purpose.
Achieve: I can identify where apostrophes should go in a word .
Fully differentiated and resourced lesson for exploring how the environment an animal lives in will lead to adaptations and evolution. Looking at how Darwin built on his Theory of Evolution and the concept for Survival of the Fittest.
Set up the classroom with 4 corners set up as a different island from the Galapagos. Children then investigate how conditions on that island could lead to the beak of a finch being different. Multi-stage lesson progression. Link provided to a useful video for a connection task. Activation builds on class discussions around how animals would be more suited to survive than others. Activity is an open investigation. Demo applies covered knowledge and skills.
LO: To know adapting to an environment over a period of time may lead to evolution.
Achieve – I can investigate and draw finch beaks from the Galapagos islands.
Challenge – I can recognise that the beak shapes are varied on different islands depending on the type of food available.
Aspire – I can explain using the keywords how the beak shapes have evolved over thousands of years.
Numeracy lessons for Upper Key Stage 2 - Mathematics Y5 & Y6 (some concept can be adapted to other year groups)
Ratio and Proportion - Unequal Sharing.
A pack of 4 lessons, building on the concept of ratio and proportion. How to represent ratios and apply these skills to proportion and unequal sharing. This then builds in to skills that can be applied to converting between imperial and metric. Relies on the modeling of teacher, to apply a well considered process using a ratio grid.
Lesson 1 - L.O.- To understand the concept of ratio.
Lesson 2 - L.O.- To apply ratio confidently in worded problems.
Achieve – I can create a ratio to represent a simple relationship between items.
Challenge – I ensure ratios are in their correct and simplest form.
Aspire – I can apply ratios to problems of unequal sharing.
Lesson 3 - L.O.- To apply a considered method to proportion problems.
Achieve – I can find the relationship between the two situations.
Challenge – I can identify how the relationship needs to be implemented.
Aspire – I can accurately adapt the problem according to the relationship.
Lesson 4 - L.O.- To be able to convert between common metric and imperial units.
Achieve - I can identify the common metric and imperial units and what they measure.
Challenge - I can apply given relationships between metric and imperial units to convert them.
Aspire - I can explain my own understanding of the relationships between common metric and imperial units.
A mental arithmetic challenge system. Pupils are assigned as red level at the start of the year and given a number. Such as Red = 12 on week 1. They then apply all the arithmetic challenge tasks (20 questions) to the number 12.
x 2 so 12 x 2 = 24
find 1/2 find 1/2 of 12 = 6
x 0.5 12 x 0.5 = 6
find 1% 1% of 12 = 0.12
And so on.
Give new numbers of a similar difficulty to the colours each week.
If they score better than a red score (which would be 12/20 or better) for three tests in a row, they are moved to the next colour level… yellow.
Then children who are on red do another easyish number, like 14. Yellow would be a trickier number, such as 27. Pupils work their way up the colour levels.And have to score better than their colour score, three times again to progress.
The excel sheet, can quickly calculate the correct answers to allow for peer marking by selecting the answer column then using the plus symbol in the bottom corner and dragging it back through all the levels.
Pupils keep a question level analysis tracker to identify any patterns of incorrect answers.
Update the records sheet on the excel document in order to track what colour level pupils are on, and their scores as well as looking at progression of the class average.
Question types:
place value manipulation
square and cube
The test encourages spotting patterns and equivalent fraction, decimal and percentages to be able to use answers to previous questions or adapt them to make other solutions quicker.
2 follow on lessons for building on skills that allow to find landmark percentages through place value manipulation division. Then building in to combing these percentages for various totals.
L.O.-To find percentages of an amount using landmark percentages.
Achieve: I can know what to divide by to find 1% or 10% of an amount.
Challenge: I can use place value manipulation to find 1% and 10% of an amount.
Aspire: I can explain the efficiency of a method to find 1% and 10% of an amount.
L.O.-To find percentages of an amount using landmark percentages.
Achieve: I can accurately find values of 1% and 10%.
Challenge: I can combine landmark percentages to find other values.
Aspire: I can explain the efficiency of different landmark percentage combinations to achieve a value.
Week 1 Malamander. Collection of 4 LIRA lessons for building on reading comprehension skills based on the Thomas Taylor text Malamander Year 5 and 6 in Key Stage 2 - KS2. Literal. Inference. Reader Response. Author Intent.
Additionally covering impressions and predictions, exploring motives of characters, evaluating characters, summarising and ordering events.
Collection of six LIRA lessons for building on reading comprehension skills based on the Frank Cottrell-Boyce text Cosmic - It’s one giant leap for boy-kind. Year 5 and 6 in Key Stage 2 - KS2. Literal. Inference. Reader Response. Author Intent.
Additionally covering impressions and predictions, exploring words in context, evaluating characters and moods, summarising events.
Week 2 Malamander. Lessons 5 to 8. Collection of 4 LIRA lessons for building on reading comprehension skills based on the Thomas Taylor text Malamander Year 5 and 6 in Key Stage 2 - KS2. Literal. Inference. Reader Response. Author Intent.
Additionally covering impressions and predictions, exploring motives of characters, evaluating characters, summarising and ordering events.
A group of 4 science lessons, based on developing the working scientifically skills for lower key stage 2.
To ask relevant questions and use different types of scientific enquiries to answer them. To set up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests. To make systematic and careful observations and where appropriate take accurate measurements using standard units, using a range of equipment, including thermometers and data loggers To report findings from scientific enquiries including oral and written explanations, displays or presentations of results and conclusions To use straight forward scientific evidence to answer questions or support their findings
6 Reading Comprehension Lessons for Wonder. Collection of 6 LIRA lessons for building on reading comprehension skills based on the R.J.Palacio text Wonder. Year 5 and 6 in Key Stage 2 - KS2. Literal. Inference. Reader Response. Author Intent.
Additionally covering impressions and predictions, exploring motives of characters, evaluating characters, summarising. Focuses on quick retrieval.
4 x Arithmetic Tests, Tracking and Question Level Analysis, Notebook skills warmup.
Past year 6 KS2 arithmetic SATs test adapted into a consistent word document and alternative versions with the same style questions. Use this to then create a new test each week, following the same patterns of questions.
Tracker can be printed off for pupils to stick in back of maths book and track their own errors.
Also excel tracker of whole class results to identify progression.
Notebook for warmup with class on any required skills or skills forcus for that week.
A collection of three numeracy lessons on angles for year 5 or year 6 depending on how it is to be aimed.
Differentiated tasks in each lesson, build at first on measuring angles with a protractor, to then identifying acute, obtuse and reflex.
This then builds on knowledge of right-angles, straight lines and full turns, to deduce missing angles.
Activities to build on inner angles of triangle and quadrilaterals, then deducing missing angles.
Final lesson looks at angle on intersecting lines and intersecting lines across parallel lines and deducing missing angles on these lines.
All lessons follow an accelerated learning cycles, with connection tasks, activation, main activities, demos and consolidation opportunities.
9 lessons for The Night Bus Hero. Collection of 9 LIRA lessons for building on reading comprehension skills based on the Onjali Q. Raúf text The Night Bus Hero. For Year 5 and 6 in Key Stage 2 - KS2. Literal. Inference. Reader Response. Author Intent. Easily adaptable to other year groups.
Additionally covering impressions and predictions, exploring motives of characters, evaluating characters, summarising and ordering events. Text enjoyment. Onjali Q.Rauf
Design and technology lessons for upper key stage pupils in year 5 and year 6. (could be adapted to others.) These resources are aimed at the Hook for your pupils to enter a new topic to create a wooden automaton toy as a Christmas present. Leading in to two design phase lessons - conducting market research based on the briefing of the customer, followed by looking at creating detailed design drawings. There is also everything for a display board.
Resistant Materials - Christmas Automaton Mechanical Systems Toy. Making use of woodwork and cams.
L.O. - To conduct market research and outline a design specification.
Achieve - I can identify the requirements from a generic design brief.
Challenge - I can conduct market research to ensure a product will meet the requirements of the intended user.
Aspire - I can explain how my design will be guided by design specifications and user requirements.
LO: To reflect on my designs and develop them bearing in mind the way they will be used.
Achieve: I can add appropriate design features, using my understanding of familiar products.
Challenge: I can create accurate and concise designs using familiar products and prior knowledge.
Aspire: I can analyse and comment on my design ideas, methods and approaches used in my own work.