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My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.




My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Present, Preterit, Imperfect conjugation and questions practice

Present, Preterit, Imperfect conjugation and questions practice

Present, Preterit, Imperfect conjugation and questions practice Complete the verb table with the conjugations and answer the questions in a complete sentence using the appropriate tenses (Present, Preterit, Imperfect). Verbs included: -AR: Hablar, Comprar, Mirar -ER: Aprender, Correr, Leer -IR: Escribir, Salir, Vivir Irregular verbs: Ser, Ir, Dar, Ver, Hacer Example: Conjugate Hablar (Present), Comprar (Preterit), Mirar (Imperfect) for all 6 persons in the verb table. ¿Con quién hablas tú cada día? ¿Qué compró Marcos ayer? ¿Qué programa miraban Uds. de niños (as children)? (Program name can be in English) Answer key is included for the conjugations only. For the personal questions, student answers will vary. Pages 1-6 are the practice and pages 7-10 are the answer key. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review before a test or exam, quiz / test, entry / exit slip (broken into smaller sections), or as part of your sub plans.
Stem change verbs present tense mini practice

Stem change verbs present tense mini practice

Stem change verbs present tense mini practice Part 1: Write the correct letter of the conjugation. Then, conjugate the infinitive in the present tense, making stem changes as needed. Note: There is no stem change in the nosotros and vosotros conjugations. Verbs included (matching section) E-IE: Empezar, Entender, Mentir O-UE: Contar, Volver, Morir E-I: Pedir U-UE: Jugar Verbs included for conjugations (Students will write conjugations for all persons) E-IE: Pensar, Querer, Preferir O-UE: Almorzar, Poder, Dormir E-I: Repetir Example: E-IE stem change verbs Empezar: to start / to begin _____ 1. Yo _____ 4. Nosotros a. Empiezan d. Empiezas _____ 2. Tú _____ 5. Vosotros b. Empezáis e. Empezamos _____ 3. Él / Ella / Ud. _____ 6. Ellos / Ellas / Uds. c. Empieza f. Empiezo Conjugate Pensar for all 6 persons. Part 2: Write 8 original sentences with 8 of the aforementioned verbs using the guidelines provided. Answer key is included for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. Pages 1-4 are the practice and pages 5-8 are the answer key. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, entry / exit slip, or as part of your sub plans.
Regular preterit small practice: Conjugations and questions

Regular preterit small practice: Conjugations and questions

Regular preterit small practice: Conjugations and questions Conjugate each infinitive in the preterit. Then, answer the questions in a complete sentence. *For each infinitive type (-ar, -er, -ir), students will conjugate 6 different infinitives. All 6 persons included (one subject per infinitive). Then, students will answers 5 personal information questions. A structured template is provided for student responses. *A table with -ar, -er,-ir preterit endings is included for reference. Page 1: -AR verbs *Conjugate: comprar, trabjajar, ayudar, mirar, escuchar, bailar *Answer 5 personal questions with 5 of the aforementioned infinitives. Page 2: -ER verbs Conjugate: comer, aprender, vender, volver, correr *Answer 5 personal questions with 5 of the aforementioned infinitives. Page 3: -IR verbs Conjugate: vivir, escribir, salir, recibir, decidir, abrir *Answer 5 personal questions with 5 of the aforementioned infinitives. The English translation of each infinitive is provided next to every personal question. Answer key is included on pages 4-6 for conjugations only. Student answers will vary for the personal questions. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry or exit slip.
Spanish infinitive and verb conjugation basic practice

Spanish infinitive and verb conjugation basic practice

Spanish infinitive and verb conjugation basic practice This is a basic practice on what is an infinitive and a conjugated verb. It can be used in Spanish 1 (second half of the year) and in Spanish 2 (as a review) earlier in the year. PART 1: For each infinitive, write the stem, the appropriate verb ending, and the English translation. 3 infinitives total (1 -ar, 1 -er 1- er) and 10 subjects for each infinitive. A structured template is provided. A table with verb endings is also included. PART 2: Read each sentence and write the conjugated verb and the infinitive. (8 total) Yo puedo escribir un email. Conjugated verb: ___________________ / Infinitive: ______________________ Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, review, bell ringer, or study guide.
O-UE stem change verbs small practice

O-UE stem change verbs small practice

O-UE stem change verbs small practice Guidelines: For each partially complete infinitive, write the correct stem change and endings. For the nosotros and vosotros conjugations, write the endings only. Then, expand on the sentence by adding 2-3 words. Conjugate the second infinitive for all 6 persons in the present tense. Example: Almorzar: to have lunch (Stem change is o-ue) Yo almu _____ z _____ con ____________________________________________ Tú almu _____ z _____ en _____________________________________________ Él almu _____ z _____ con su amigo ___________________________________ Uds. almu _____ z _____ a las dos _______________________________ Nosotros almorz__________ en casa _________________________________ Vosotros almorz __________ en el café _____________________________ Write the 6 conjugations of Contar (to count / to tell) Infinitives included: Almorzar, Contar, Poder, Volver, Dormir, Morir Partially conjguated infintives: Almorzar, Poder, Dormir Students will write the 6 conjugations of Contar, Volver, Morir Answer key is included on pages 3-4 for stem changes, verb endings, and verb conjugations. For sentences, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, entry or exit slip.
E-I / U-UE stem change verbs small practice

E-I / U-UE stem change verbs small practice

E-I / U-UE stem change verbs small practice (Present tense) Guidelines: For each partially complete infinitive, write the correct stem change and endings. For the nosotros and vosotros conjugations, write the endings only. Then, expand on the sentence by adding 2-3 words. Example: Pedir: to ask for, to order (Stem change is e-i) Yo p _____ d _____ una pizza _______________________________ Tú p_ ____ d _____ un libro _____________________________ Conjugate Repetir and Servir for all 6 persons. U-UE: Jugar Yo j_____ g _____ al béisbol ________________________________ *Students will also complete 4 mini conversations with Jugar Answer key is included on pages 3-4 for stem changes, verb endings, and verb conjugations. For sentences, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Realidades 3 Chapter 4A pre vocab questions

Realidades 3 Chapter 4A pre vocab questions

Chapter 4A pre vocab questions Answer in a complete sentence in the present tense. (12 questions total) Helpful words: Flexible: flexible / Darse la mano: to shake hands / Tener confianza en mí mismo(a): To have confidence in myself / en sí mismo(a): in himself, in herself / Respetuoso: respectful, Presentar: to introduce / El lugar: place / Textear: to text Example: ¿Quién es tu mejor amigo(a)? ¿Cómo es tu mejor amigo(a)? (Give 4 adjectives) ¿Cómo se divierten tú y tu mejor amigo(a) los fines de semana? Translate each sentence in Spanish using reciprocal reflexive verbs. (5 total) Example: I get along well with my friends. (llevarse) This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, entry or exit slip. Students can also do the questions orally in pairs or small groups.
Realidades 3 chapter 5B pre vocab questions

Realidades 3 chapter 5B pre vocab questions

Chapter 5B preliminary vocabulary questions Answer each question in a complete sentence using appropriate vocabulary, as needed. (10 total) ¿Cómo ayudas a los demás? ¿Con quién colaboras para ayudar a tu comunidad? Students can also practice these questions orally in pairs or small groups. It can also be used for classwork, homework, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Realidades 2 chapter 4A pre vocab questions

Realidades 2 chapter 4A pre vocab questions

Chapter 4A pre vocabulary questions Answer in a complete sentence in the present tense, using vocabulary from chapter 4A, as needed. No collaboration or on-line translators. (10 questions total) ¿Cúantas personas hay en tu familia? ¿Qué tipo de fiesta familiar te gusta y por qué? (answer both parts) Students can also practice these questions orally in pairs or small groups. It can also be used for classwork, homework, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Realidades 3 chapter 9A pre vocab questions

Realidades 3 chapter 9A pre vocab questions

Chapter 9A pre vocab questions Answer in a complete sentence in the present tense using vocabulary from chapter 9A, as needed. No collaboration or on-line translators. (10 total) ¿Por qué es importante reciclar? ¿Cómo ayudas tú el medioambiente? (write 2 sentences) Students can also practice these questions orally in pairs or small groups. It can also be used for classwork, homework, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Gustar verbs yes no questions practice

Gustar verbs yes no questions practice

Gustar verbs yes no questions practice *This practice is for Spanish 1 and Spanish 2. All questions are with te gusta(n). Part 1: Gustar with nouns (8 total) Answer each question with a yes (sí) or no (no) as indicated using a complete sentence. Write your answers in the template provided. Note: The conjugation of gustar must match the item (noun) being liked or disliked. *A structured template is provided for student responses Example: ¿Te gusta el libro? (Sí) Template: Prepositonal phrase + Indirect object pronoun + Conjugation of gustar + Rest ¿Te gusta el carro azul? (No) Template: No + Prepositonal phrase + No + Indirect object pronoun + Conjugation of gustar + Rest Part 2: Gustar with infinitives (-ar, -er, -ir) Answer each question with a yes (sí) or no (no) as indicated using a complete sentence. Write your answers in the template provided. ¿Te gusta conversar en español? (Sí) Template: Prepositonal phrase + Indirect object pronoun + Conjugation of gustar + Infinitive (+ Rest) Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Doler sentence order practice (Present tense)

Doler sentence order practice (Present tense)

Doler sentence order practice (Present tense) Write each sentence in the correct order in the template provided. (10 total) Example: la cabeza / A mí / duele / me Template: Prepositional phrase + Indirect object pronoun + Conjugation of doler + Body part Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Tener que infinitive small practice

Tener que infinitive small practice

Tener que infinitive small practice In the first sentence, write the correct conjugation of tener. In the second sentence, complete with the conjugation of tener, que, and the correct infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir) using the word bank. The infinitive should logically match what the person has to do with the item in the first sentence. (10 sentences total) A structured template is provided for the sentence with tener que infinitive. All conjugations of tener are used. Example: Word bank: llevar los libros / mirar un programa Yo _____________ la televisión. Template: Subject + Conjugation of tener + Que + Infinitive Yo ______________ que ______________________________________________ Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used in Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 classes. It can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Ir a infinitive small practice

Ir a infinitive small practice

Ir a infinitive small practice In the first sentence, write the correct conjugation of ir. In the second sentence, complete with the conjugation of ir, a, and the correct infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir) using the word bank. The infinitive should logically match what the person is going to do at the place mentioned in the first sentence. (10 sentences total) *A structured template is provided for the sentence with IR + a + infinitive. All conjugations of ir are used. Example: Word bank: tomar un tren / aprender con mis profesores Yo ___________ a la escuela. Template: Subject + Conjugation of Ir + A + Infinitive Yo ___________ a __________________________________ Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used in Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 classes. It can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Go verbs small practice

Go verbs small practice

Go verbs small practice Complete each sentence with the correct conjugation of the yo form using the word bank provided. Then, write the correct letter of the conjugation for all other subjects. Verbs included: hacer, poner, salir, traer, venir, tener, oir, caer, decir (9 total) Word bank: oigo / digo / hago / tengo / traigo /salgo / vengo / caigo / pongo Example: *All verbs will be the same format . Hacer: to do / to make Yo __________ la tarea. ____ 1. Tú a. hacemos ____ 2. Él / Ella / Ud. b. hacéis ____ 3. Nosotros c. hacen ____ 4. Vosotros d. hace ____ 5. Ellos / Ellas / Uds. e. haces Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry or exit slip.
Las materiales escolares: Personal questions on school supplies

Las materiales escolares: Personal questions on school supplies

Las materiales escolares: Personal questions on school supplies Answer each question in a complete sentence in the present tense using the appropriate item from the word bank. (13 questions total) Word bank: la carpeta / las crayolas / la barra de pegamento / el lápiz / el cuaderno / el bolígrafo / la goma de borrar / la regla / el sacapuntas / la mochila / el resaltador / la carpeta de argollas / la grapadora / la calculadora Example: ¿En qué tomas tú apuntes? (Tomar apuntes: to take notes) ¿Con qué escribes tú? (Give 2 items) *Questions are page 1 are intended for oral practice. *Answer key is included on page 2. *On pages 3-4, the same questions are included with lines for student responses, if teachers want to assign them for classwork, homework, or add them to a test / quiz. This practice can be used with chapter 1A of Realidades 2.
Reflexive verbs personal questions structured practice

Reflexive verbs personal questions structured practice

Reflexive verbs personal questions structured practice Answer each question in a complete sentence using appropriate words from the word bank provided. You can also use words not listed in the word bank, as long as they make sense. Be sure to stem change the verb, if needed. Write your answers in the template provided. (9 questions total, all in the tú conjugation) Verbs included: Despertarse, Lavarse, Cepillarse, Secarse, Ponerse, Vestirse, Afeitarse, Mirarse, Desayunarse Word bank: En la cocina / el reloj despertador / en el espejo / el jabón / el agua / una camiseta / los jeans / los pantalones / un abrigo / un suéter / una camisa / un secador / la navaja / la crema de afeitar / una toalla / un cepillo de dientes / la pasta dentífrica / los guantes / una gorra ¿Con qué te despiertas tú por la mañana? (Despertarse>o-ue: to wake up) Template: Subject + Reflexive pronoun + Conjugated verb + Rest Answer key is included on pages 3-4. However, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, or quiz.
Go verbs super-fast practice

Go verbs super-fast practice

Go verbs super-fast practice (Present tense) PART 1: Answer each question in a complete sentence using the clues given in parenthesis. Use the table below for the conjugations. Write your answer in the template provided. (9 total) Verbs included: Hacer, Poner, Salir, Caer, Traer, Decir, Venir, Tener, Oir A table with the English translation and the yo conjugation of the aforementioned verbs is included for reference. Example: ¿Qué haces tú después de la escuela (mi tarea)? Template: Subject + Conjugated verb + Rest PART 2: Write the correct conjugations of each infinitive in the present tense. Make stem and spelling changes, where needed. *Students will conjugate 5 infinitives : Hacer, Salir, Tener, Decir, Oir for the following conjugations: Tú , Él / Ella / Ud, Nosotros, Vosotros, Ellos / Ellas / Uds. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry or exit slip.
Present tense questions: -AR, -ER, -IR verbs super-fast practice

Present tense questions: -AR, -ER, -IR verbs super-fast practice

Present tense questions: -AR, -ER, -IR regular verbs super-fast practice PART 1 (-AR VERBS): Answer each question in a complete sentence using the clues given in parenthesis. Write your answer in the template provided. PART 2 (-ER VERBS), PART 3 (-IR VERBS) There are 8 questions for each verb type (24 total). All questions are information questions. Every question has a different subject. A structured template is provided for student responses. *A table with infinitives, their English translation, and -ar, -er, -ir verb endings is included for reference. Example (-ar verb) ¿Con quién hablas tú? (con mis amigos) Template: Subject (Yo) + Conjugated verb + Rest Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, entry or exit slip (broken into smaller sections).
Present tense: -AR, -ER, -IR small practice

Present tense: -AR, -ER, -IR small practice

Present tense: -AR, -ER, -IR small practice Part 1: For each infinitive, write the correct conjugations using the word bank provided. (3 infinitives: hablar, comer, vivir) *A template is provided for student responses Example: Hablar: to speak Singular Word bank: habla / hablas / hablo Subject: Yo /Tú / Él , Ella , Ud. Plural Word bank: hablan / habláis / hablamos Subject: Nosotros / Vosotros / Ellos, Ellas, Uds. Part 2: Complete each set of sentences using the correct conjugations of hablar, comer, and vivir. (7 sets total with 3 sentences each for a total of 21 sentences). Yo _____________ con mi amigo en la clase. Yo ______________ una pizza. Yo ______________ en Nueva York. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, entry or exit slip.