Various retrieval and recap quizzes, Eduqas A level Christianity. Suitable for other boards too:
Death and resurrection
Feminist views of God
Made with mini whiteboard plenaries in mind. Have worked well for me; enjoy!
Three separate lessons included. Nagel, Dennetts, Churchlands - all the mentioned scholars in AQA. Nothing too fancy here, but I have spent considerable hours on these and tried to follow the AQA spec really closely. Hopefully they will be of use to someone else too!
Two powerpoints here covering mind - body interaction and the conceivability argument for substance dualism. Similar in style to my other resources available in TES. Nothing too fancy, but I did try to stick really closely to the spec. ‘Handout’ refers to the Routledge handouts available here
Two powerpoints here, one on issues with dualism (covering the issue of other minds) and one general on the strengths and weaknesses of substance dualism. The first is purely for AQA Philosophy, but the second I also found useful teaching A Level RS (Edexcel) for Life after Death (dualism/materialism).
Four retrieval quizzes, three suitable for mini whiteboards and one on Word, on:
Language Games
Based on the Edexcel specification and the Religious Language anthology (university symposium between Flew, Hare and Mitchell) with an additional quiz on early and late Wittgenstein thrown in.
Worked well in my classes - enjoy!
Primarily year 2 Physics paper 1 content in a workbook form with clear notes and diagrams, and space for worked examples. Solutions are given in the accompanying teacher booklet. Over 50 pages in the student workbook - great value. Check out the other student workbooks for year 1 and paper 2 also on TES.
Year 1 student workbook covering paper 1 content with course notes and worked examples. Full solutions provided in the accompanying teacher booklet. 51 pages long. Perfect for Easter revision!