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Former Head of History at a North London academy. Areas of focus: migration History; diversifying the curriculum at KS3

Former Head of History at a North London academy. Areas of focus: migration History; diversifying the curriculum at KS3
Black History month: Industrial revolution and slavery

Black History month: Industrial revolution and slavery

Lesson title: What fuelled the industrial revolution? L.O.s To describe how imperial trade impacted industry in Britain To explain why this was so profitable for Britain This lesson explores the links between the productivity of the industrial revolution and the exploitation of enslaved labour. The main activity involves map annotation using an original resource detailing the role of British companies such as Wills tobacco in the slave trade. This is the first lesson of a three-part mini enquiry entitled ‘Why did Colston fall?’ that links the legacy of empire and slavery to modern debates around statutes and memorialisation, including the Black Lives Matter campaign. The rest of the enquiry is available on my shop in a bundle, but it can work as a standalone lesson. It is a great inclusion if you are looking to update your teaching of the Industrial Revolution, make links between the study of empire and industry, improve links to contemporary issues - especially in time to mark Black History Month.
World war one/Remembrance Day: What was the East Africa campaign?

World war one/Remembrance Day: What was the East Africa campaign?

This lesson covers the experiences of colonial troops in the East Africa campaign. It was designed for a Year 9 course of study on the First World War, aimed at improving the diversity of curriculum provision on this topic. It draws from a range of sources taken from the Imperial War Museum website, and includes a clip from a David Olusoga documentary. L.o. to investigate experiences of the First World War in East Africa It requires some prior knowledge about the Western Front and alliance systems. Although designed for Year 9 it is easily adaptable for older or younger students, and could be an excellent inclusion for Black History Month. Links: imperialism, scramble for Africa, First World War, Warfare through time, Western front, colonialism, empire, militarism
Black History Month: How did Britain profit from slavery?

Black History Month: How did Britain profit from slavery?

Title: How did Britain profit from slavery? L.o.: To explain how the profits of slavery and imperial trade shaped Britain during the industrial period This lesson explores the ways in which the exploitation of enslaved labour in the colonies and America generate profit for people in Britain, impacting the economy, society, and built environment. This is the second lesson of a three-part mini enquiry entitled ‘Why did Colston fall?’ that links the legacy of empire and slavery to modern debates around statutes and memorialisation, including the Black Lives Matter campaign. The rest of the enquiry is available on my shop in a bundle, but this can be adapted into a standalone lesson. It is a great inclusion if you are looking to update your teaching of the Industrial Revolution, make links between the study of empire and industry, improve your curriculum links to contemporary issues - especially in time to mark Black History Month.
Black History month: Remembering Britain’s imperial past

Black History month: Remembering Britain’s imperial past

Lesson title: How should Britain’s imperial past be remembered? L.o:To investigate and reach my own conclusion the importance of statues to remembering our history This lesson asks students to apply knowledge about Britain’s role in imperialism and slavery to engage in the debate about statues and memorialisation of empire in modern Britain. The lesson, which lends itself well to discussion and debate, involves students watching news clips, answering comprehension questions, and interpreting quotes from contemporary historians and politicians to reach their own conclusion about the role of imperial-era statues in modern Britain, and how the imperial past should be remembered. This is the second lesson of a three-part mini enquiry entitled ‘Why did Colston fall?’ that links the legacy of empire and slavery to modern debates around statutes and memorialisation, including the Black Lives Matter campaign. The rest of the enquiry is available on my shop in a bundle, but this can be adapted into a standalone lesson. It is a great inclusion if you are looking to update your teaching of the Industrial Revolution, make links between the study of empire and industry, improve your curriculum links to contemporary issues - especially in time to mark Black History Month.
Causes of the 1917 Russian revolution

Causes of the 1917 Russian revolution

This lesson is titled: Why did Russia leave the ‘Great War’? It covers a range of short-term causes of the 1917 revolution, including Rasputin’s influence, failures of the Tsar, impact of the First World War. It builds on some prior knowledge of a) causes of WW1 b) context of Russia in the early 20th century c) events of 1905 Lesson objective: to investigate the causes of the February 1917 revolution
Domesday/Doomsday Book Normans KS3 Year 7

Domesday/Doomsday Book Normans KS3 Year 7

This lesson is titled: How did the Domesday book control England? L.O. Describe key features of the Domesday book Explain how the Domesday book helped William to control England It was created for a Year 7 group, could be adapted for Year 6. It includes a fully-resourced role play activity. Please pay attention to the instructions in the notes below the slides.
Russia before revolution / pre-revolutionary Russia

Russia before revolution / pre-revolutionary Russia

This lesson examines Russia and the Russian empire in 1900, ideal for situating KS3 in pre-revolutionary Russia prior for a causation enquiry into the revolutionary period. Lesson title: What was Russia like in 1900? Lo: To use a range of sources to explain what Russia was like at the turn of the 20th century There is also a homework activity where students find out about the rebellions of the 19th century, to more boradly contextualise the the 20th century revolutions. Includes: empire, tsar, church, hierarchy, peasants, industrialisation
Russian civil war for key stage 3

Russian civil war for key stage 3

This lesson, entitled ‘Why did the Reds fight the Whites?’ It covers the causes of the war, and examines the relative strengths of the belligerents with a fully resourced top trumps activity, and covers the outcomes of the conflict. L.O.: To explain the outcome of the Russian Civil War
Why did the Normans build castles? (Year 7)

Why did the Normans build castles? (Year 7)

Useful as part of an enquiry into the Norman conquest and consolidation of power in the years following 1066. This lesson explores the key differences between Anglo Saxon and Norman castles, introduces a number of key words, has an interactive group activity followed by a write-up and ‘motte or not’ plenary. All fully resourced. Lesson objectives: To describe how Normans changed English settlements To explain the reasons for these changes To evaluate the strength and weaknesses of Norman settlements
Causes of Russian revolution of 1905 / Bloody Sunday

Causes of Russian revolution of 1905 / Bloody Sunday

This lesson, entitled: Why did the Russian people rebel in 1905? covers the reasons for unpopularity of the Tsarist government by 1905, including the Russo-Japanese war, economic problems, inequalities, failures of the Tsar. Lesson objectives: To describe the events of 1905 To evaluate reasons why the people opposed Tsarist rule
Activism and Policing in Notting Hill for Migration GCSE (historic environment)

Activism and Policing in Notting Hill for Migration GCSE (historic environment)

This lesson, entitled: How did Black activists challenge problems of racism in Notting Hill? covers problems of policing in Notting Hill 1948-1970, and grassroots activism, including: West London Free School Black Panthers Claudia Jones, carnival, and the West Indian gazette Pardner schemes L.o.s To explain the problems in policing in Notting Hill To evaluate the ways in which Black activists challenged racial tension In Notting Hill It was designed for the Edexcel migration historic environment
Russian revolution: October 1917

Russian revolution: October 1917

This lesson is entitled ‘How did the Bolsheviks seize power?’ L.o. To describe the October revolution and explain why the Bolsheviks were successful It includes a video task, fully resourced timeline activity and recap plenary
How did early modern migrants shape English culture?

How did early modern migrants shape English culture?

This lesson covers the impact of migrants upon the culture of Early Modern England: art, language, fashion, literature, history, etc. Designed for the Edexcel GCSE migration paper, but adaptable for other exam boards/suitable for HPA Year 9. Cross-curriculum links include with art: Renaissance art techniques and styles. Features a fully resourced student-led gallery walk activity. L.O.: Explain the cultural changes introduced in early modern England by the immigrant groups
Why did migrants come to Britain in the 20th century?

Why did migrants come to Britain in the 20th century?

This lesson build on the previous lesson contextualising the key changes of the 20th century and investigates why migrants came to Britain in the 20th century. This lesson features an activity covering content plus a 12 mark exam question. L.o.: explain why migration to the UK increased in the 20th century
Edexcel GCSE migration introductory lesson

Edexcel GCSE migration introductory lesson

Lesson title: Why does migration matter to historians? Lesson objectives: To define types of migration and describe some of its causes and consequences To explain the causes and consequences of migration to evaluate why migration matters This lesson is intended to begin the teaching of the Edexcel Migrants in Britain course. It introduces students to the following… Broad chronological overview of the course content through case studies Vocabulary and worked examples of factors for explaining and evaluating change Links between course content and contemporary issues surrounding migration in the UK FULL SCHEME OF WORK FOR THIS PAPER ON MY SHOP
What was ‘dear old Liverpool town’ like for 19th century migrants?

What was ‘dear old Liverpool town’ like for 19th century migrants?

This lesson examines the experiences of migrants to Liverpool in the 19th century. Links: migration, industrial revolution, empire, urbanisation, slums L.O.: To explain the pull factors drawing migrants to Liverpool To describe the experiences of migrants in 19th century Liverpool, and explain how factors shaped their experiences Please note this lesson references the Pearson Migrants in Britain textbook
Why did people migrate to Britain in the industrial period?

Why did people migrate to Britain in the industrial period?

This lesson introduces the key changes in Britain 1700-1900 in regards to empire, industrialisation, government, and transport to contextualise study of migration to Britain 1700-1900. L.O.s: to explain how Britain changed 1700-1900 To identify factors that caused this change Suitable for the GCSE thematic study - designed for edexcel but appropriate for other exam boards / HPA Year 9.
How welcome were Irish migrants in Britain?

How welcome were Irish migrants in Britain?

L.o.s: Describe the driving forces behind Irish migration after 1845 Examine the experience of Irish migrants after 1850 This lesson, designed for the Edexcel migration thematic study (but applicable for use with other boards) focuses on the experiences of Irish migrants, and uses contemporary cartoons to examine anti-Irish prejudice. Links: Empire, Migration, Industrial Revolution, Potato Famine Please note this lesson refers to the Pearson Migration textbook on one occasion*
What was life like for Jewish migrants in the late 19th century?

What was life like for Jewish migrants in the late 19th century?

Designed for the Edexcel migration paper, this lesson focuses on the experiences of and reasons for migration and the Jewish community of London’s East End in the late 19th century. Suitable for Edexcel and other exam boards. Links include: industrial revolution, Jack the Ripper, crime and policing L.o. To explain why Jews migrated from Europe in the 19th century To evaluate their experiences in Britain Please note this lesson requires the Pearson Migrants in Britain textbook