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Languages Made Fun

Useful worksheets and activities in French and Spanish that will make learning a foreign language more enjoyable and simpler for learners. These fun and meaningful worksheets are designed to help students grasp vocabulary and grammatical concepts easily so that they will ultimately develop a more positive attitude towards learning French or Spanish.




Useful worksheets and activities in French and Spanish that will make learning a foreign language more enjoyable and simpler for learners. These fun and meaningful worksheets are designed to help students grasp vocabulary and grammatical concepts easily so that they will ultimately develop a more positive attitude towards learning French or Spanish.
French Clothing - Listening Comprehension Activities

French Clothing - Listening Comprehension Activities

These listening comprehension activities are a great way to assess your students’ understanding of French clothing. In this document, you will find the following: Listen and circle the correct clothing picture Listen and answer the questions in English. There is also a French version if you want your students to respond in French. Teacher copy is provided for both activities.
Les Vêtements - French Clothing Activities

Les Vêtements - French Clothing Activities

You will find a variety of activities here that will help your students to learn French clothing items. This document contains the following: Vocabulary Unscramble Fill in the blanks Word search True or False Translate sentences Clothing and Seasons Read and complete the chart Colour the pictures according to the instructions Describe what people are wearing
Le Jour du Souvenir - French Remembrance Day Activities

Le Jour du Souvenir - French Remembrance Day Activities

3 Resources
In this bundle, you will find various activities to help your students practice vocabulary related to Remembrance Day. Match up 2 Unscramble activities Complete the sentences 2 Word Searches Être and Avoir Conjugation of ER verbs Write a message 4 Posters to colour 2 Listening Comprehension activities Multiple Choice Crossword
French Clothing Vocabulary

French Clothing Vocabulary

This PowerPoint is a fantastic way to introduce French clothing vocabulary to your students. There are two oral activities that can be done as a class to help reinforce the vocabulary.
Le Verbe "Porter" - Passé Composé

Le Verbe "Porter" - Passé Composé

Here are 2 activities to practice forming the passé composé of the verb “porter”. Complete the sentences with the correct conjugation Translate the sentences into French
French Clothing Worksheets

French Clothing Worksheets

In this document you will find two activities. Match up: Choose the correct word from the word bank and write it under the corresponding picture. Circle the word: Choose the correct French word
Present tense of the verb "porter"

Present tense of the verb "porter"

This document contains 4 different activities to practice the conjugation of the verb “porter” in the present tense. Insert the correct form of the verb in the sentences Respond to the questions using the verb in complete sentences Describe what you wear for each season Translate sentences into French using the verb
25 English Word Search Puzzles

25 English Word Search Puzzles

Here are 25 ENGLISH Word Search Puzzles can be used a fillers or for students who complete their assignments early and are looking for an engaging task. These puzzles are an excellent way to build students’ vocabulary and also challenges them. The topics include: Adjectives Autumn Beach Birthdays Body Parts Camping Clothing Countries Desserts Family Farm Animals Feelings and Emotions Flowers Food House Ocean Animals Places School Shapes Spring Summer Transportation Vacation Vegetables Winter
Le Jour du Souvenir - French Vocabulary

Le Jour du Souvenir - French Vocabulary

Introduce your students to useful vocabulary related to Remembrance Day using this document. This can be projected as a whole class activity or you can print out each image and stick them up in class so that students can refer to them.
Les Vêtements - Various French Clothing Activites

Les Vêtements - Various French Clothing Activites

5 Resources
Use this bundle to teach your students about clothing in French. There is a wide variety of engaging materials that will surely help them to correctly utilize the vocabulary and grammar related to this topic when speaking or writing.
Les Passetemps - French Hobbies & Activities

Les Passetemps - French Hobbies & Activities

Introduce your students to hobbies using these simple French worksheets. In this document, you will find the following. Match up the pictures with the corresponding French vocabulary word or expression Weather and Hobbies Expressing preferences Create grammatically correct sentences Boggle Word Search Unscramble the letters
Growth Mindset - Learning a New Language

Growth Mindset - Learning a New Language

Learning a new language can be quite challenging for students and most of them already have a negative mindset towards it before you even begin teaching them. I have found that motivating students from the onset is the key. In this Growth Mindset resource, you will find 10 slides that you can use in your classroom to help students develop a more positive attitude and to know that they can be successful.
25 Mots Cachés - Fun French Word Search Puzzles

25 Mots Cachés - Fun French Word Search Puzzles

Here are 25 word search puzzles on a variety of topics that will surely keep your students engaged. These can be used as fillers or for early finishers. These puzzles are also a great way to build vocabulary. Each puzzle has a unique design to match the topic. The topics are L’école L’été La Maison La Nourriture La Planète Terre Le Corps Humain Le Printemps Les Moyens de Transport Les Adjectifs Les Animaux Les Couleurs Les Endroits Les Formes Les Fruits Les Jours et Les Mois Les Matières Les Nationalités Les Professions Les Saisons et Le Temps Les Salutations Les Sports Les Verbes “ER” Les Vêtements L’Halloween L’hiver
Los Pasatiempos - Spanish Hobbies Worksheets

Los Pasatiempos - Spanish Hobbies Worksheets

Introduce your students to hobbies using these simple Spanish worksheets. In this document, you will find the following. Match up the pictures with the corresponding Spanish vocabulary word or expression Weather and Hobbies Expressing preferences Create grammatically correct sentences Boggle Word Search Unscramble the letters
La Ropa - Spanish Clothing Activities

La Ropa - Spanish Clothing Activities

In this document you will find 6 different Spanish clothing activities to help reinforce vocabulary that students are learning in class . Unscramble the letters Sentences with the verb “llevar” Rearrange the words to make grammatically correct sentences Word Search Reading Comprehension Writing practice: Describe what people are wearing
La Ropa - Spanish Clothing Vocabulary

La Ropa - Spanish Clothing Vocabulary

This PowerPoint is a fantastic way to introduce Spanish clothing vocabulary to your students. There are two oral activities that can be done as a class to help reinforce the vocabulary.