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Skiermeetsboarder's Shop

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I am currently a Head of Modern Languages in a large secondary school in the North East Of England. I also work with the local University with PGCE MFL students, an area of my work I thoroughly enjoy. I am passionate about teaching and learning, and have a particular interest in the teaching of grammar and of literary texts to develop reading, writing and listening skills. I am currently working on developing a range of resources to support the study of Le Petit Nicolas and the series of books.




I am currently a Head of Modern Languages in a large secondary school in the North East Of England. I also work with the local University with PGCE MFL students, an area of my work I thoroughly enjoy. I am passionate about teaching and learning, and have a particular interest in the teaching of grammar and of literary texts to develop reading, writing and listening skills. I am currently working on developing a range of resources to support the study of Le Petit Nicolas and the series of books.
The pluperfect workout in French in 4 easy steps

The pluperfect workout in French in 4 easy steps

Simple resource to support students in understanding how to build this tense. The document can be easily adapted to the level of the students using this resource. I have left some clues for the conjugations of to have and to be spellings, but they can just be removed for further challenge.
The golden list for A*

The golden list for A*

designed to support KS4 students, can be used as a checklist to check work is up to standards and target grades. I have used it as a learning homework too.
Grammar starters for French

Grammar starters for French

Here you will find examples of some of my favourite starters that I use with all the year groups I teach. Once down loaded, you may just adapt these to your topics. They have proved effective and also once you have the idea and the template, you get minimum preparation for maximised learning and consolidation. Feedback appreciated as always. Thank you
Gap fill and error correcting : verbs in the present and reflexive verbs French grammar practice.

Gap fill and error correcting : verbs in the present and reflexive verbs French grammar practice.

This activity is designed to help students to develop their expertise in using the verbs to have and to be in French with correct forms, and to memorise and practise using correct pronouns for difficult reflexive verbs. the red is to support students to find the errors and the green indicates the subject so students can be encouraged to use these as a clue for both the verb formation and the gap fill for the work on reflexive verbs. There should be a fine balance between challenge and support for all abilities in this activity but feedback and comments are more than welcome.
Planet Facebook Reading and Grammar comprehension

Planet Facebook Reading and Grammar comprehension

Based on the module Planet Facebook in Studio 3. I have created a slightly longer text on use of social networking sites. This helps learning and understanding of regular verbs and gives opportunities to learn and identify structures for use of own vocabulary when writing and speaking about this topic.
Running translation and translation : au festival de Glastonbury

Running translation and translation : au festival de Glastonbury

This text is used as support for a running translation. The text can be studied in details either before or after the running translation. Sheet 2 has a series of sentences from the text. They are meant to be cut out and laminated and given to students who work in groups ( 4 works well ). They find the sentence, must bring it to the teacher, with all spellings and grammar correct. Any errors, the slip gets returned for students to think again, if correct, the students receive the next slip etc.. The first team to have translated the full set wins. Extension : ask students to extend on the phrases they translated. Good for spellings, grammar and memory
GCSE and HAP activities on a disastrous day at school

GCSE and HAP activities on a disastrous day at school

This will be suitable for High ability students at KS3 and KS4 to develop higher level complex structures, reading skills, speaking skills and memory. This suits the topic of school and education and I have attached a list of suggested activities, all of them I have used myself and have led to some rather creative writing and spoken passages from my year 10.
My plans for the future - French GCSE

My plans for the future - French GCSE

This resource fits in any module, covering the topic of jobs and plans for the future for KS4 French, but could also be used for students in higher ability groups in Year 9. It contains a Power point and a full lesson plan, as well as resources for differentiation which can be tweaked and amended as necessary. The lesson was observed and judged ' outstanding' so I hope it is useful to colleagues.
Charlie hebdo-developing reading techniques

Charlie hebdo-developing reading techniques

A presentation to help students develop their reading skills and vocabulary on this sensitive issue. Can lead to interesting debates and be used cross-curricular. The text is from lepetitcitoyen.fr website which I strongly recommend.
Titeuf on a ski trip

Titeuf on a ski trip

Just a bit of culture, watch the clips, use for dictation, translation of texts and to develop listening skills. I have put some vocabulary of the various steps of the lesson to help and also a simple writing frame on the last slide to support writing
Les smartphones

Les smartphones

The text is directly taken from the brilliant website les petits citoyens and I made a power point activity with suggested activities to exploit this text from this authentic French online magazine. The last two slides can support in generating a debate on the advantages and disadvantages of Smartphones. U
In my year 10 class-dans ma classe de y10

In my year 10 class-dans ma classe de y10

I did this to help my class revise different verbs, tenses ( imperfect and present ), adjectives and the DOP. The examples of names can be tweaked, you may also wish to create a new template so you can work with the verbs, verb endings and also adjectives. The last slide introduces the subjunctive mode with il faut que and regular verbs. I have now also added two sheets to work with verbs, with support on sheet 2 ( differentiated verb gap fill )
Authentic French song La maison ou j'ai grandi

Authentic French song La maison ou j'ai grandi

This is such a beautiful and powerful song by Françoise Hardy, covering so many areas of study. From grammar to expressions of feelings of joy and nostalgia, there is so much to exploit and I will add more resources, but my 6th form love it. A beautiful melody at a steady pace. I hope it is useful and that this song is enjoyed by colleagues around the globe.
Fou de  musique Studio 3 Rouge

Fou de musique Studio 3 Rouge

To consolidate Fou de musique and Fête de la musique from Studio 3. Revision of perfect tense and complex sentences and word order issues in French. Lots of practice on verbs , past tense in particular, practice on complex structures using ’ after having + past participles ’ and also a strong focus on French word order when talking about types of music, types of concerts etc… The text can be exploited in may ways, I have written myself, used a class and paired reading, translations etc…
Dictation translation and tense manipulation

Dictation translation and tense manipulation

There are many ways to use this and I have explained on the worksheet. Students could dictate the text to each other to focus on spellings, then could mime and memorise ( talk for learning ) , translate and change the time frame of the text. Any feedback appreciated.
The Direct Object pronoun consolidation

The Direct Object pronoun consolidation

I have amended this power point I used last year with top set year 9 and KS4 classes and added more practice, consolidation of using the DOP and also tried to show how this works in higher level sentences and work. I will use mini whiteboards also to challenge and mix DOP with other tenses. The second presentation contains more support and details about how to use DOP with perfect and even negatives for top grades.
Le petit Nicolas book and grammar study

Le petit Nicolas book and grammar study

I am aware this may be challenging for KS3, however, used appropriately some parts of the book can be approached by top sets at this key stage. I recommend work on adjectives and look at family, school etc.. also for all key stages, you may want to focus on tenses, but better if you watch the movie as well , really great production and students can relate to this and the diary of a wimpy kid.