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French, German and Spanish resources
Stimmt 5.4 Ein Wiener Schnitzel, bitte!

Stimmt 5.4 Ein Wiener Schnitzel, bitte!

Worksheet for page 103 exercise 6 of Stimmt Higher GCSE German: Ein Wiener Schnitzel, bitte!? Includes a variety of vocabulary analysis exercises and exercises to test comprehension. A whole lesson with focus on skills for GCSE
Stimmt 5.2 Wo übernachten wir?

Stimmt 5.2 Wo übernachten wir?

A worksheet based on page 99 exercise 4 Traum- oder Alptraumurlaub? Includes analysis of the text, vocabulary building exercises and translation practice linked to GCSE skills.
French Photo Mat

French Photo Mat

A photo mat preparing students for the GCSE and being able to describe a photo. Includes sections on: - What is there in the photo - What are the people doing - Adjectives - Higher level phrases
GCSE Spanish Viva Unit 2 Module 3 Edexcel (Está Prohibido)

GCSE Spanish Viva Unit 2 Module 3 Edexcel (Está Prohibido)

PowerPoint and activities to accompany Module 2 Unit 3 of GCSE Viva Edexcel. Includes: - Dominoes matching school rules exercise - Speaking exercises on school rules - Gap-fill with English transcription of listening exercise - Problems at school reading - Optional (and very challenging) Pen, paper, dice translation
French Year 7 Grammar Assessment

French Year 7 Grammar Assessment

A differentiated grammar and translation assessment for first term of Year 7 French. Assessment testing knowledge of articles, être, avoir and basic adjective agreement, with a series of translation and grammar exercises. Differentiated three ways into top/middle/bottom
KS3 German Grammar Drills

KS3 German Grammar Drills

A series of grammar drills with answers for self correction, ideal for cover work or DIRT type activities. Grammar covered includes: - gern vs. mag - verb agreements - word order - capitalisation of nouns - connectives
Here we speak

Here we speak

MFL Display encouraging speaking in the target language for French, German and Spanish.
Year 7 French personality adjectives

Year 7 French personality adjectives

To use with Unit 1 Chapter 3 of Studio 1. Comment je me vois. Builds on basic vocabulary to include more words. Includes: - Activity with vocabulary describing personality around the room and students fill in the gap. - Drills to practise the personality adjectives with adjective agreement.
Stimmt 1 In der Stadt

Stimmt 1 In der Stadt

A selection of resources to compliment Stimmt 1 Unit 5 Module 1 'In der Stadt'. Includes - Vocabulary handout - Series of connect 4 speaking activities - Photos of cities useful for a describing the photo activity - Gap fill listening of page 99 exercise 8
Viva Module 1 Unit 4 ¿Cómo era?

Viva Module 1 Unit 4 ¿Cómo era?

Series of activities based on Module 1 Unit 4 ¿Cómo era? of Viva Higher GCSE book Includes PPT with grammar explanations, key activities and answers for AfL opportunities Series of listening activities based on exercises in the book Opportunities to develop GCSE skills with photo description activities
KS3 German Perfect Tense

KS3 German Perfect Tense

Series of grammar exercises based on Gianfranco Conti's exercises for the perfect tense in German. includes - Find someone who activity - Two differentiated text searches - Two ping-pong translation - A listening activity focused on word order
KS3 German Future tense

KS3 German Future tense

A few resources to aid with the teaching of the future tense with werden: - Worksheet with grammar drills - Worksheet for students to fill in whilst listening to an explanation of the future tense - Listening grid where students listen to sentences and categorise the elements to aid with the understanding of word order
KS3 French L'importance de l'eau

KS3 French L'importance de l'eau

A lesson on the importance of water. Includes an activity based on a video about the journey of a water droplet and a translation activity based on important water facts
German Countries (Länder) KS3

German Countries (Länder) KS3

A couple of lessons which I used to bridge from unit 5 in Stimmt 1 to unit 1 of Stimmt 2. Focuses on countries and revision of the structures man kann, es gibt and the future tense. Lasts about two lessons and includes: - PPT with presentation of vocab, flag quiz, tic tac toe game and starter activties. - Table for students to copy up countries vocabulary - Trapdoor on practising key phrases, using countries and introduction to weil clauses - Pen paper dice translation recapping key structures
KS3 German Future tense 2

KS3 German Future tense 2

Some more exercises to aid with the teaching of the future tense with werden. Includes: - Translation homework into English - Pen, paper, dice translation (two versions) - Running translation sentences