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OCR AS level Physics: Electrical Circuits

OCR AS level Physics: Electrical Circuits

6 Resources
OCR AS level Physics presentations for module 4: Energy, Power, and Resistance. All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. This covers topics from Kirchhoff’s laws to potential dividers and sensing circuits.
OCR AS level Physics: Waves 2

OCR AS level Physics: Waves 2

6 Resources
OCR AS level Physics presentations for module 4: Waves 2 All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. This covers topics from Superposition of Waves to Harmonics with different boundary conditions.
GCSE OCR Chemistry C1 Particles

GCSE OCR Chemistry C1 Particles

6 Resources
All resources for P1 GCSE OCR Chemistry Gateway 9-1 Triple and combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Includes: Introducing Particles Chemical and Physical Changes Limitations of the Particle Model Atomic Structure Isotopes and Ions Developing the Atomic Model
GCSE OCR Physics: P7.2 Power and Efficiency

GCSE OCR Physics: P7.2 Power and Efficiency

6 Resources
All resources for P7.2 P7.2 Power and Efficiency GCSE OCR Physics Gateway 9-1. Triple and combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. All powerpoints include student activities and worked examples. Electrical Work Done Paying for Electricity Electrical Energy Transfers Electrical Heating Thermal Conductivity Efficiency and Sankey Diagrams
GCSE OCR Chemistry C4.1 Predicting and identifying reactions and products

GCSE OCR Chemistry C4.1 Predicting and identifying reactions and products

6 Resources
C4.1 Predicting and identifying reactions and products All resources for P4.1 GCSE OCR Chemistry Gateway 9-1 Triple and combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Includes: Group 1 - The Alkali Metals Group 7 - The Halogens Halogen Displacement Reactions Group 0 - The Noble Gases The Transition Metals Reactivity of Elements
GCSE OCR Physics P5.1 Wave Behaviour

GCSE OCR Physics P5.1 Wave Behaviour

6 Resources
Resources for P5.1 GCSE OCR Physics Gateway 9-1 Triple and Combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Each lesson includes student activities and full worked answers. Includes: Definition of a wave Mechanical waves Electromagnetic waves Transverse waves Longitudinal waves Amplitude Wavelength Frequency Time period Calculating frequency and equation Relationship between frequency and wavelength when speed is constant. Calculating time period from frequency with equations The speed equation Measuring distance and time Simple experiment for the speed of sound Improving experiments Echoes Speed of sound experiment with microphones and oscilloscope. Ray diagrams Absorption, reflection and transmission Sonar Ultrasound Rearranging equation Refraction Relationship between wave speed and wavelength Structure of the ear. Frequency range of human hearing. Explanation of the limited frequency range of humans. Explanation for hearing deteriorating with age.
GCSE OCR Physics: P2.3 Forces in action

GCSE OCR Physics: P2.3 Forces in action

6 Resources
All resources for P2.3 GCSE OCR Physics Gateway 9-1.Triple and comined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Includes: • Stretching springs • Stretching materials and storing energy • Gravitational Fields and Potential Energy • Turning Forces • Simple Machines • Hydraulics
OCR A level Physics: Stars

OCR A level Physics: Stars

7 Resources
OCR A level Physics: Chapter 19 Stars is apart of the Module 5: Newtonian world and Astrophysics. All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. 19.1 Objects in the Universe 19.2 Life Cycles of Stars 19.3 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram 19.4 Energy Levels in Atoms 19.5 Spectra 19.6 Analysing Starlight 19.7 Stellar Luminosity The size of astronomical objects: Universe, Galaxies, Solar systems, Stars, Planets, Planetary satellites, Comets, Artificial planetary satellites Comparing planets and comets The birth of stars Stars in equilibrium during the main sequence Calculating mass in kg from solar mass Life cycle of stars with a mass between 0.5 and 10 solar masses Life cycle of stars with a mass above 10 solar masses Pauli exclusion principle and electron degeneracy pressure Red giants and white dwarfs The Chandrasekhar limit Red supergiants to black holes and neutron stars Stellar nucleosynthesis Definition of luminosity Usual axis choice of a HR diagram. Identifying the positions of the main sequence, white dwarfs, red giants, and red supergiants. Description of how stellar evolution is shown in a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram Atoms have different electron arrangements Ground state energy Bound electron states being negative Converting between joules and electronvolts Calculating the change of energy between energy states Calculating a photon’s frequency and wavelength The electromagnetic spectrum and wavelengths Definition of spectroscopy Electrons and energy levels Continuous spectra Emission spectra from gases Absorption spectra from gases Electromagnetic interference Double slit experiment Path and phase difference Diffraction grating The grating equation Lines per millimeter to grating spacing Maximum order, n Maximum number of maxima The electromagnetic spectrum, frequency/wavelength, and temperature Black body radiation Wein’s displacements law Stefan’s law (Stefan-Boltzmann law)
GCSE OCR Physics: P2.2 Newton's Laws

GCSE OCR Physics: P2.2 Newton's Laws

7 Resources
All resources for P2.2 GCSE OCR Physics Gateway 9-1.Triple and comined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Includes: Forces and Interactions Free Body Diagrams Newton’s First Law Newton’s Second Law Everyday Forces Momentum Work Done and Power
OCR A level Physics: Gravitational Fields

OCR A level Physics: Gravitational Fields

7 Resources
OCR A level Physics: Gravitational Fields is apart of the Module 5: Newtonian world and Astrophysics. All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. 18.1 Gravitational Fields 18.2 Newton’s law of gravitation 18.3 Gravitational field strength for a point mass 18.4 Kepler’s laws 18.5 Satellites 18.6 Gravitational potential 18.7 Gravitational potential energy The terms: eccentricity, aphelion, perihelion, astronomical unit Kepler’s First Law Kepler’s Second Law Kepler’s Third Law Graphs of T^2 against r^3 to determine the gradient (constant of proportionality, k). Equating (4π)^2/𝐺𝑀 to the gradient (constant of proportionality, k) Key features of geostationary and low polar orbit satellites Conditions for stable orbits for satellites Applying Kepler’s laws to the orbits of satellites Radial and uniformed field Definition of gravitational potential energy Deriving escape velocity Force-Distance graphs for gravitational fields Center of mass and treating spherical objects as point masses Gravitational fields Definition of gravitational potential Applying the gravitational potential equation Graph of gravitational potential against distance (V against r) Combining gravitational potentials from more than one mass
OCR A level Chemistry: Chromatography and Spectroscopy

OCR A level Chemistry: Chromatography and Spectroscopy

6 Resources
OCR A level Chemistry: Chromatography and Spectroscopy is apart of the Module 6: Organic Chemistry and Analysis. All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. 29.1 Chromatography and Functional Group Analysis 29.2 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy 29.3 Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopyy 29.4 Proton NMR Spectroscopy 29.5 Interpreting Proton NMR Spectra 29.6 Combined Techniques Thin layer chromatography (TLC) Rf values Gas chromatography (GC) Gas chromatograms Retention time and peak integrations Calibration curves from retention time and relative peak area Differentiation of functional groups: alkene, primary and secondary alcohols, aldehydes, cabonyl compounds, carboxylic acids, and haloalkes. Nuclear Spin Resonance Tetramethylsilane (TMS) Chemical Shift ẟ Identifying different carbon environments The types of carbon environment The amount of chemical shift ẟ / ppm Identifying the number of different proton environments Identifying the types of proton environment and chemical shifts Integration traces (area of peaks) and relative number of protons The spin-spin splitting pattern (n + 1) Predicting proton NMR spectra for molecules Identifying the number of different proton environments Identifying the types of proton environment and chemical shifts Integration traces (area of peaks) and relative number of protons Percentage yield to determine empirical formula Mass spectra Infrared spectra Carbon-13 NMR spectra Proton NMR spectra
GCSE OCR Chemistry C3.1 Introducing Chemical Reactions

GCSE OCR Chemistry C3.1 Introducing Chemical Reactions

7 Resources
Resources for C3.1 GCSE OCR Chemistry Gateway 9-1 Triple and Combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Includes: Formulae of elements and molecules Formulae of ionic compounds Conservation of mass Chemical Equations Half equations and ionic equations The mole Mole calculations
OCR AS level Physics: Motion

OCR AS level Physics: Motion

8 Resources
OCR AS level Physics: Forces and Motion is a part of the Module 3: Forces and Motion. All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. These are fully updated PowerPoints will all exercises with full worked solutions.
GCSE OCR Chemistry C2.1 Purity and Separating Mixtures

GCSE OCR Chemistry C2.1 Purity and Separating Mixtures

8 Resources
All resources for P2.1 GCSE OCR Chemistry Gateway 9-1 Triple and combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Includes: Relative Formula Mass Empirical Formula Pure and Impure Substances Filtration and Crystallisation Simple Distillation Paper Chromatography Gas and Think Layer Chromatography Purification and Checking Purity
GCSE OCR Physics: P7.1 Energy and Forces

GCSE OCR Physics: P7.1 Energy and Forces

8 Resources
All resources for P7.1 Work Done GCSE OCR Physics Gateway 9-1. Triple and combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Energy Stores and Energy Transfers Work Done and Kinetic Energy Work Done, Kinetic Energy and Thermal Energy Work Done and Spring Energy Gravitational Energy Kinetic Energy Kinetic and Gravitational Energy Gravitational and Spring Energy Gravitational Force and Energy
GCSE OCR Physics: P6 Radiation

GCSE OCR Physics: P6 Radiation

8 Resources
All resources for GCSE OCR Physics Gateway 9-1 P6 Radiation. Triple and combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. Atoms and Isotopes Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Radiation Nuclear Equations Half-life Radiation and the body Nuclear Fusion Nuclear Fission Radiation in and out of atoms
OCR AS level Physics: Forces in Action

OCR AS level Physics: Forces in Action

9 Resources
OCR AS level Physics presentations for module 3: Forces in Action. All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. This covers topics from weight as a force to Archimedes’ principle.
OCR AS level Physics: Waves 1

OCR AS level Physics: Waves 1

9 Resources
OCR AS level Physics presentations for module 4: Waves 1 All presentations come with worked examples, solutions and homeworks. This covers topics from wave properties to Snell’s law and total internal reflection.
GCSE OCR Physics P4 Magnetism

GCSE OCR Physics P4 Magnetism

9 Resources
All resources for P4 Magnetism and Magnetic Fields for GCSE OCR Physics Gateway 9-1.Triple and combined (Higher and Foundation) is covered in this material. • Magnets and Magnetic Fields • Currents and Fields • Right Hand Cork-screw Rule • Fleming’s Left Hand Rule • Currents and Forces • Motors • Electromagnetic Induction • Generators • Transformers • Speakers and Microphones
GCSE OCR Physics 9-1 Paper 2 Revision Booklets

GCSE OCR Physics 9-1 Paper 2 Revision Booklets

OCR GCSE Physics Paper 2 for higher tier (triple and combined) are covered with individual revision booklets. Each booklet has: Link to specification number Denotes if it is higher or combined material Equations to recall and apply for that section Equations to apply for that section Key Points Exam questions Mark Schemes for each question Triple Booklets: P5.1 Wave Beahviour and Wave Velocity P5.2 Electromagnetic Waves P5.3 Wave Interactions P6.1 Radioactive Emissions P6.2 Uses and Hazards - Fusion and Fission P7 Energy P8.1 Physics on the move P8.2 Powering Earth P8.3 Beyond Earth Combined Booklets: P4.1 Wave Beahviour and Wave Velocity P4.2 Electromagnetic Waves P4.3 Radioactice Emissions P6 Energy P6.2 Physics on the move P6.3 Powering Eaerth