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AQA English Language Introduction (Paper 1 Section A focus) with supporting Workbook.

AQA English Language Introduction (Paper 1 Section A focus) with supporting Workbook.

A series of lessons and resources designed to introduce year 9 students to the wonders of the AQA English Language Exam. In these lessons, I deconstruct the Assessment Objectives in relation to each question on English Language Paper 1 Section A. I use the old Sunlight on the Grass story “Anil” as the source text (strictly speaking, this falls outside of what the exam could focus on, but I figure in using these stories as I have all this knowledge about them that isn’t being used!). 06/06/19: I’ve updated this to include a workbook that mirrors the activities in the powerpoint. Just fed up of dishing out lined paper and/or exercise books that’ll only get used for a few weeks.
KS3 Conflict Poetry complete unit of work (differentiated lessons for high, mid and low ability)

KS3 Conflict Poetry complete unit of work (differentiated lessons for high, mid and low ability)

A complete unit of work including source poems, videos and mp3 versions of poets reading their poems. Differentiated for higher, middle and lower ability classes (each lesson back ground has a slightly different colour for an easy visual guide), this is a unit of work I designed with my Head of Key Stage 3 hat on at my last school - an entire year group was successfully taught this unit. A real success.
AQA Conflict and Power Poetry Revision (mini-scheme of work)

AQA Conflict and Power Poetry Revision (mini-scheme of work)

5 Lessons and supporting resources that assist with the revision of this particular unit of the AQA English Literature Examination. I cover the following poems (my students identified these ones as the toughies): The Prelude Exposure Remains The Emigree Kamikaze Each poem has a revision style lesson (it assumes prior knowledge of the poem on the part of the student, but they also make good starting points if you are cracking through the poems at a fair old pace). Each poem also has a revision card attached - we use these as tools in their own right, and I will be creating one for each of the poems soon enough. The unit finishes on a GCSE style question where they have to compare Ozymandias to one of the poems they have studied. Hopefully you’ll find this useful.
Creative Writing: Experimental poetic forms

Creative Writing: Experimental poetic forms

I enjoy teaching this lesson in and around poetry units of work. Essentially, it demonstrates three different approaches to creating poetry, culminating in the students creating their own Shakespearean Sonnets (you'll struggle to get this done in a single lesson - I designed this for a double period). You'll need the following to complete this lesson: 2 different coloured paper types Glue Scissors The students to have prior knowledge of the Shakespearean Sonnet Form Enjoy.
D6 Dungeons and Dragons: Christmas Mission Pack - THE CASTLE OF TERROR!

D6 Dungeons and Dragons: Christmas Mission Pack - THE CASTLE OF TERROR!

PREMISE: You are going to enter the Castle of Terror to save Santa Clause. He has been kidnapped by the evil Necromancer, Alan. His devilish plan is to suck the Xmas spirit out of Santa, and use it to power his horde of undead. He has banded together with the Orcs and Goblins of the nearby Dark Forest. They will protect him whilst he finishes his experiments. You must hurry. The fate of Christmas rests with you… A mission pack that builds on the free D6 Dungeons and Dragons lesson I created. Print this off (delete the first slide though) for students, or set it up as a power point for the Dungeon Master. All the kids I tried it with loved it. Some of the quotes: "Voldemorts stolen my nose! Give me back my Magic Dagger!" "You are the worst re-animated corpse EVER!" "I use my Staff of Uncertainty to turn you into a Gibbon." A seriously creative lesson. Enjoy. PS - I've also added the initial lesson (Lesson 1) as a starting point for the kids - gets a bit complicated otherwise.
KS4: Creative Writing inspired by Saving Private Ryan

KS4: Creative Writing inspired by Saving Private Ryan

Material I generated for the old AQA style creative writing controlled assessments - it still resonates with the new AQA Paper 1 Section B style questions (inspired by images). You'll need a copy of the film and you'll need to alter the Learning Outcomes (they are all set against the old AQA English Language Coursework criteria).
Exploring Political Speeches (based around the old AQA English Language Spoken Language criteria)

Exploring Political Speeches (based around the old AQA English Language Spoken Language criteria)

I had SO much fun with this unit of work! It helped that the TA in my class went on to become a local MP for Labour (still is as far as I can tell...). Essentially, this series of 5 lessons - which, by the way, totally went over the 5 lessons I gave myself to teach this - explores a number of different political speeches. Included in the pack are a number of transcripts - Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, Alex Ferguson's farewell speech, Bush's post-911 address to the nation and the transcripts of Clegg, Cameron and Brown from the First Televised General Election Debates (heavy stuff). I was a little tentative at teaching this to a bottom set year 9 class, but they totally got on board with the debates (they tore shreds out of Brown...) and engaged well with the controlled assessment task at the end. I know that the controlled assessments are now null and void (a shame really), but the exploration of speeches might be useful to someone out there in the teaching ether...
KS4: Room 202 Speaking and Listening Presentations, Debates and Discussions

KS4: Room 202 Speaking and Listening Presentations, Debates and Discussions

3 Lessons taken from the old(er) version of the AQA English Language specification (the one where S&L counted towards the grades). I know it counts for nothing now, but it still needs to be done. These three lessons prepare a class to give a presentation OR take part in a discussion about a selected item they would save from the imaginatively named Room 202. Enjoy.
Transitional Lesson: KS2 to KS3

Transitional Lesson: KS2 to KS3

One of my old schools did a great job of communicating with their feeder Primary Schools. We would be invited in to teach the incoming Year 7s. We took this a stage further by collaboratively teaching lessons with people from other departments. This lesson is designed to be taught to Year 6 students and combines Art and English. It's quite easy to change this to meet the needs of your own school's transitional needs. You'll need to download some Manga style pictures and also, somewhat unsurprisingly, you'll need Art resources too.
KS3: Introduction to Pre-1914 texts

KS3: Introduction to Pre-1914 texts

A useful little unit that we put together to fill a 2/3 week gap. It has the students explore pre-1914 material - poetry and prose - and ends with a controlled assessment in the vein of the old AQA English style questions for the Literature paper. Might fill some other gaps out there in shorter half terms.
Debate Boxing

Debate Boxing

This is quite possibly, the coolest thing I've ever tried out. The premise is as follows: a debate between two students (or teams) where four referees observe. The referees score what they see and a winner is announced at the end. Now add in entrance music a la pro-wrestlers (think the Rocky Theme, We Will Rock You etc.) and run it on an open evening and I promise you this - you will have EVERY parent in at some point to see what is going on. I've run this at SIX parents evenings now and the same thing happens every time - all of the kids rock up to watch. I set it last time round where the Deputy Head took on the winner of the students (a year 9 girl). They packed the place out to see who won . The debate topic "Batman vs Superman" (serious stuff this). Needless to say, she wiped the floor with him (in a totally professional way). You'll need to be the promoter/commentator/ring side referee - this can be exhilarating and exhausting! Try it.
AQA English Literature Resource Bundle

AQA English Literature Resource Bundle

5 Resources
A collection of schemes that will aid in the revision and teaching of the AQA English Literature examination. PS - I intend to upload a Romeo and Juliet scheme of work too (as soon as I have finished making it).
Exploring Emotions

Exploring Emotions

A unit of work I put together whilst working inside a secondary school's behavioural unit. The idea was that these lessons would develop the students ability to apply a vocabulary to emotions that they may struggle to recognise, feel, express or talk about in themselves and others. By helping them with this vocabulary, the theory was that they would be better able to reintegrate into the school environment and stay there. It had mixed results, some students showed improvements, others less so. Either way, someone out there will hopefully find this useful. The materials cover the following topics: Feeling Afraid Feeling Angry Feeling Ashamed Feeling Bored Feeling Happy Feeling Helpless Feeling Lonely Feeling Loved Feeling Sad Each "feeling" has an associated wordsearch and accompanying answer sheet. Most of these also have a whole lesson attached to them - there are some anomalies. You'll need a copy of the AQA Sunlight on the Grass anthology story "Compass and Torch" too. Some feedback would be useful folks. I've moved away from this type of work but would like to return to it - be nice to know if my ideas have worked elsewhere.
KS3: Shakespearean Sonnet exploration and creative writing

KS3: Shakespearean Sonnet exploration and creative writing

I had a lot of fun with this unit of work. The premise is simple: to explore the Shakespearean Sonnet form and to create your own Shakespearean Sonnet. There is a also a focus on spelling too. Included in this pack is a lesson I have also sold elsewhere - just saying!